899 resultados para social housing


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Specialist anti-social behaviour units are common within social housing providers, with many established in response to the policies of the New Labour governments of 1997–2010. These units now find themselves operating in a different political and financial environment. Following the English riots of 2011, the Coalition government, whilst imposing budgetary cuts across the public sector, called on social housing providers to intensify their role in tackling disorder. This article explores the habitus or working cultures within anti-social behaviour units post-New Labour. It does so through empirical research conducted in the aftermath of the English riots. The research finds that practitioners view their work as a core function of social housing provision. They have developed an understanding of human behaviour, which crosses the criminal and social policy fields with a wide skillset to match. A number of factors including national policy, community expectations, and multi-partnership engagement influence their dynamic working culture.


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This article examines the use of acceptable behavioural contracts as a tool for engendering the voluntary acceptance of responsibility in children and young people perceived to be engaging in anti-social behaviour and low-level criminality. Based on the results of a qualitative empirical analysis with local government and social housing anti-social behaviour teams, the article explores the attitudes of practitioners to the use of this unregulated but commonly utilised intervention. Practitioners' views are contrasted with the ideals of voluntary responsibilisation upon which the contracts are supposedly based. It is argued that there is a spectrum of differing approaches among practitioners, with some using the contracts more to encourage the voluntary acceptance of responsibility, whilst others use them more coercively to hold individuals responsible for their behaviour. The implications of these differing approaches are examined.


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La política pública de vivienda de interés social, en Bogotá, D.C., y su relación con los lineamientos de la responsabilidad social de la empresa privada durante el período 2002 - 2007, es el punto focal de ésta investigación. Primero, a partir de un recuento sobre la situación de la PPVIS se determina su estado. Segundo, se establecen los lineamientos principales de la RSE privada, desde la teoría. Tercero, se presentan las posibles relaciones entre la PPVIS y la RSE. Finalmente, a través de las conclusiones y recomendación se articulan algunos puntos que podrían servir de forma eficiente para el mejoramiento de ésta política pública.


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Este estudio propone establecer cuáles son los posibles factores que determinan la producción privada de Vivienda de Interés Social (VIS) en Colombia, para con ello entender qué es lo que obstaculiza la consecución de más y mejores soluciones habitacionales.


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La exclusión social en París ha alcanzado niveles alarmantes generando un malestar social importante en los franceses, llegando incluso a transformarse en protestas callejeras como en el caso de los disturbios de 2005. Existe una segregación espacial tácita, vinculada directamente con el origen socio-cultural, el nivel económico e incluso con la orientación sexual de sus habitantes. Este reportaje apunta a resaltar esta grave situación y las iniciativas tomadas por el gobierno de Nicolás Sarkozy y los desafíos que le esperan al nuevo mandatario galo François Hollande. A lo largo de esta investigación periodística se evidencian el origen de las ampliaciones urbanas en la capital francesa, los retos sociales que persisten en el París actual y la multiplicidad de actores sociales que están involucrados. Lejos de haber un consenso, los diferentes actores implicados difieren en las medidas a adoptar para paliar esta segregación. Estas medidas van desde potenciar el transporte público hasta la construcción de viviendas de interés social.


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Los esfuerzos de la presente investigación se concentran en el cumplimiento del objetivo principal, el cual consiste en analizar el arrendamiento como un programa que puede ser incorporado en la política de vivienda en Colombia, para dar respuesta de forma transitoria y/o temporal de alojamiento a los hogares con ingresos iguales o inferiores a dos salarios mínimos, ya que actualmente la política sectorial no incorpora esta forma tenencia de la vivienda para ofertar soluciones habitacionales. El arrendamiento tiene rasgos interesantes e importantes de destacar, tales como que él mismo constituye una forma de tenencia de vivienda eminentemente urbana. Además, es un mercado al que acuden todos los estratos socioeconómicos, por lo cual no es un mercado segregado. Igualmente, al relacionar ésta tenencia con el territorio y por ende con la economía espacial, se puede decir que no existe segregación socio-espacial muy pronunciada frente a la distribución urbana de la tenencia de la vivienda en arrendamiento. En este sentido, la tenencia de la vivienda en forma de arrendamiento se presenta en todo el territorio urbano de Cali, Medellín y Bogotá.


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Este documento busca dar respuestas a los interrogantes que surgen una década después de definida la Ley 388 de Ordenamiento Territorial y el desarrollo de los programas de vivienda de interés social a nivel de las entidades territoriales. En Colombia, el proceso de descentralización ha sido visible en sectores como educación y salud, sin embargo, la vivienda no ha tenido un desempeño continuo que permita dar cuenta de la descentralización en vivienda. Esto teniendo en cuenta que aspectos como el mercado, el suelo y la voluntad política son decisivos para profundizar en este aspecto.


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Intervir hoje, na habitação social, para alguns municípios, nomeadamente nas Áreas Metropolitanas de Lisboa e Porto, é fazê-lo no âmbito do Programa Especial de Realojamento, PER.Não nos iremos deter na problemática específica deste tema ainda que o mesmo não deixe de estar represente no que adiante vamos abordar. Percorreremos, portanto, um outro caminho, abrindo janelas sobre os domínios da economia, sociologia e morfologia urbana, disciplinas convergentes, entre outras, na produção do espaço e da forma, isto é, do urbanismo.No relativo à morfologia urbana, no âmbito da habitação social, há todo um historial dos últimos vinte a vinte e cinco anos que importa ter presente, nomeadamente no quese refere às consequências sociais e económicas dos pesados programas de intervenção urbana então realizados


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This paper explores the provision of homes for less wealthy households in rural England. By allowing 'exceptions' to UK planning law to provide low-income housing for local residents, the national government seeks to secure dwellings for the less wealthy and so sustain socially mixed rural villages. This paper explores how the production of homes through the exception policy is not conducive to the construction of many new houses. The particular emphasis in the paper is on how responsible agents are discouraged from being more active in erecting new village homes for low-income households. Empirically, the paper draws on documents, interviews and a social survey in the counties of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Norfolk to investigate the process of delivering rural exception homes. It is concluded that, despite Government assertions that a socially mixed countryside is desirable, the decision-making criteria that dominate the worldviews of agents in social housing provision work against this outcome. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Government policies have backed intermediate housing market mechanisms like shared equity, intermediate rented and shared ownership (SO) as potential routes for some households, who are otherwise squeezed between the social housing and the private market. The rhetoric deployed around such housing has regularly contained claims about its social progressiveness and role in facilitating socio-economic mobility, centring on a claim that SO schemes can encourage people to move from rented accommodation through a shared equity phase and into full owner-occupation. SO has been justified on the grounds of it being transitional state, rather than a permanent tenure. However SO buyers may be laden with economic cost-benefit structures that do not stack up evenly and as a consequence there may be little realistic prospect of ever reaching a preferred outcome. Such behaviours have received little empirical attention as yet despite, the SO model arguably offers a sub-optimal solution towards homeownership, or in terms of wider quality of life. Given the paucity of rigorous empirical work on this issue, this paper delineates the evidence so far and sets out a research agenda. Our analysis is based on a large dataset of new shared owners, observing an information base that spans the past decade. We then set out an agenda to further examine the behaviours of the SO occupants and to examine the implications for future public policy based on existing literature and our outline findings. This paper is particularly opportune at a time of economic uncertainty and an overriding ‘austerity’ drive in public funding in the UK, through which SO schemes have enjoyed support uninterruptedly thus far.


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This paper summarises an initial report carried out by the Housing Business Research Group, of the University of Reading into Design and Build procurement and a number of research projects undertaken by the national federation of Housing Associations (NFHA), into their members' development programmes. The paper collates existing statistics from these sources and examines the way in which Design and Build procurement can be adapted for the provision of social housing. The paper comments on these changes and questions how risk averting the adopted strategies are in relation to long term housing business management issues arising from the quality of the product produced by the new system.


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Global demands on fossil fuels require the investigation of renewable and viable alternative energy supplies. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has concluded that current consumption of fossil fuels is untenable as atmospheric emissions of gases, in particular carbon dioxide (CO2), is having a significant and worsening effect on global climate change (IPCC 1992).

25% of UK CO2 emissions are generated in the housing sector (UKCCP 2000). As major providers of UK social housing, Registered Social Landlords (RSLs), indirectly make a significant contribution to UK CO2 emissions. In delivering UK Government policies, RSLs are required to meet national social and economic targets, as well as environmental targets. Clearly, social, environmental and economic issues combine in the arena of energy efficiency and social housing.

Potentially, the use of photovoltaics (PV) in social housing could assist the UK government in meeting targets in terms of affordable housing, providing "free" electricity to low income tenants, and with minimal environmental impact in urban areas. However, uptake of PV amongst RSLs in the UK has been minimal to date. This paper explores the factors that act as barriers to energy efficiency in this market.


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This paper is an ethnographic account of how 'wicked' (i.e. entrenched and enduring) problems with the 'building, filling and billing' of public housing have shaped and influenced the work of public housing workers in Victoria, Australia. With a few exceptions, the front line work of housing staff is represented in the literature as smaller, constituent parts of some larger policy process, organisational event or procedural reform. In order to understand how housing work has been constructed over time, this paper attempts to consolidate these fragmented narratives (contained in old documents, training manuals, news articles and reports) into an historical account of 'what it was like' to work in the public/social housing sector. In this paper, I will construct this 'historical account' with the stories I gathered over twelve months of field work in three different public housing offices. In their stories, public housing workers tell me how subtle and incremental has been the change to their work, how increasingly complex are the needs of tenants and how dfficult their work has become. Their stories illustrate the complexity of undersdanding and addressing these 'wicked' housing problems when tenants change, staff change and
the public housing sector has a history of frequent 'restructuring'. This contextualisation of 'old and new stories' will allow the reader to understand how the organisational reality of present day housing work has been socially constructed ('sedimented') by generation, of workers, managers and tenants.


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Latin-american countries passed from predominantely rural to predominantely urban within few decades. The level of urbanisation in Brazil progressed from 36% in 1950, 50% in 1970, and scalating to 85% in 2005. This rapid transformation resulted in many social problems, as cities were not able to provide appropriate housing and infrastructure for the growing population. As a response, the Brazilian Ministry for Cities, in 2005, created the National System for Social Housing, with the goal to establish guidelines in the Federal level, and build capacity and fund social housing projects in the State and Local levels. This paper presents a research developed in Gramado city, Brazil, as part of the Local Social Housing Plan process, with the goal to produce innovative tools to help social housing planning and management. It proposes and test a methodology to locate and characterise/rank housing defficiencies across the city combining GIS and fractal geometry analysis. Fractal measurements, such as fractal dimension and lacunarity, are able to differentiate urban morphology, and integrated to infrastructure and socio-economical spatial indicators, they can be used to estimate housing problems and help to target, classify and schedule actions to improve housing in cities and regions. Gramado city was divided in a grid with 1,000 cells. For each cell, the following indicators were measured: average income of households, % of roads length which are paved (as a proxy for availability of infrastructures as water and sewage), fractal dimension and lacunarity of the dwellings spatial distribution. A statistical model combining those measurements was produced using a sample of 10% of the cells divided in five housing standards (from high income/low density dwellings to slum's dwellings). The estimation of the location and level of social housing deficiencies in the whole region using the model, compared to the real situation, achived high correlations. Simple and based on easily accessible and inexpensive data, the method also helped to overcome limitations of lack of information and fragmented knowledge of the area related to housing conditions by local professionals.