946 resultados para social ecological models


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This research concerns the conceptual and empirical relationship between environmental justice and social-ecological resilience as it relates to climate change vulnerability and adaptation. Two primary questions guided this work. First, what is the level of resilience and adaptive capacity for social-ecological systems that are characterized by environmental injustice in the face of climate change? And second, what is the role of an environmental justice approach in developing adaptation policies that will promote social-ecological resilience? These questions were investigated in three African American communities that are particularly vulnerable to flooding from sea-level rise on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, I found that in all three communities, religious faith and the church, rootedness in the landscape, and race relations were highly salient to community experience. The degree to which these common aspects of the communities have imparted adaptive capacity has changed over time. Importantly, a given social-ecological factor does not have the same effect on vulnerability in all communities; however, in all communities political isolation decreases adaptive capacity and increases vulnerability. This political isolation is at least partly due to procedural injustice, which occurs for a number of interrelated reasons. This research further revealed that while all stakeholders (policymakers, environmentalists, and African American community members) generally agree that justice needs to be increased on the Eastern Shore, stakeholder groups disagree about what a justice approach to adaptation would look like. When brought together at a workshop, however, these stakeholders were able to identify numerous challenges and opportunities for increasing justice. Resilience was assessed by the presence of four resilience factors: living with uncertainty, nurturing diversity, combining different types of knowledge, and creating opportunities for self-organization. Overall, these communities seem to have low resilience; however, there is potential for resilience to increase. Finally, I argue that the use of resilience theory for environmental justice communities is limited by the great breadth and depth of knowledge required to evaluate the state of the social-ecological system, the complexities of simultaneously promoting resilience at both the regional and local scale, and the lack of attention to issues of justice.


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While there is evidence that spouses can impact the self-management of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus, less is known about the influence of the wider social network. This qualitative study explored the perceived impact of the family as well as friends and work colleagues on type 2 diabetes mellitus self-management. A total of 25 adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus participated in semi-structured interviews regarding their social experiences of living with diabetes. Deductive thematic analysis was applied to the data. Pre-existing themes of health-related social control and social support were identified in the wider social network, with additional themes of non-involvement and unintentional undermining also emerging.


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Objective: This study examined associations between the family environment and children's television (TV) viewing and likelihood of being low-active.
Research Methods and Procedures: In 2001, children were recruited from 19 primary schools in Melbourne, Australia. Parents completed a questionnaire about their child's TV viewing and the family environment. Children also completed a questionnaire and wore an accelerometer for 8 days. Movement counts were used to identify low-active children (lowest quartile). Data were analyzed in May 2004.
Results: The sample consisted of 878 children (mean age = 11.5 0.6 yrs). Multiple logistic regression revealed that socioeconomic status [adjusted odds ratios (AOR) = 0.4 boys], frequency families watched TV together (AOR = 2.0 boys), mothers' (AOR = 1.8 boys; AOR = 2.5 girls) and fathers' (AOR = 2.6 boys; AOR = 2.8 girls) TV viewing, and rules prohibiting TV during mealtimes (AOR = 0.6 boys; AOR = 0.6 girls) related to children watching TV 2 h/d. Variables associated with low-level physical activity included self-reported enjoyment of Internet use (AOR = 1.7 boys) and preference for watching TV (AOR = 2.3 girls), perception that mother uses computer a lot (AOR = 1.9 boys) and likes using the computer (AOR = 0.6 girls), fathers' reported computer/electronic games use (AOR = 1.7 girls), frequency families used computer together (AOR = 0.4 girls), rules that TV viewing must be supervised (AOR = 1.9 boys; AOR = 0.6 girls), and having pay TV (AOR = 0.6 boys) and electronic games at home (AOR = 2.6 boys).
Discussion: These findings suggest that the relationships between the family environment and TV viewing and low-level activity are complex and that these behaviors are distinct.


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Background Over the past decade, studies and public health interventions that target the physical environment as an avenue for promoting physical activity have increased in number. While it appears that a supportive physical environment has a role to play in promoting physical activity, social-ecological models emphasise the importance of considering other multiple levels of influence on behaviour, including individual (e.g. self-efficacy, intentions, enjoyment) and social (e.g. social support, access to childcare) factors (psychosocial factors). However, not everyone has these physical activity-promoting psychosocial characteristics; it remains unclear what contribution the environment makes to physical activity among these groups. This study aimed to examine the association between the perceived physical environment and self-reported leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) among women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged areas demonstrating different psychosocial characteristics.

Methods In 2007–8, 3765 women (18–45 years) randomly selected from low socioeconomic areas in Victoria, Australia, self-reported LTPA, and individual, social and physical environmental factors hypothesised within a social-ecological framework to influence LTPA. Psychosocial and environment scores were created. Associations between environment scores and categories of LTPA (overall and stratified by thirds of perceived environment scores) were examined using generalised ordered logistic regression.

Results Women with medium and high perceived environment scores had 20-38% and 44-70% greater odds respectively of achieving higher levels of LTPA than women with low environment scores. When stratified by thirds of psychosocial factor scores, these associations were largely attenuated and mostly became non-significant. However, women with the lowest psychosocial scores but medium or high environment scores had 76% and 58% higher odds respectively of achieving ≥120 minutes/week (vs. <120 minutes/week) LTPA.

Conclusions Acknowledging the cross-sectional study design, the findings suggest that a physical environment perceived to be supportive of physical activity might help women with less favourable psychosocial characteristics achieve moderate amounts of LTPA (i.e. ≥120 minutes/week). This study provides further support for research and public health interventions to target perceptions of the physical environment as a key component of strategies to promote physical activity.


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Adequate vegetable and fruit consumption is necessary for preventing nutrition-related diseases. Socio-economically disadvantaged adolescents tend to consume relatively few vegetables and fruits. However, despite nutritional challenges associated with socio-economic disadvantage, a minority of adolescents manage to eat vegetables and fruit in quantities that are more in line with dietary recommendations. This investigation aimed to identify predictors of more frequent intakes of fruits and vegetables among adolescents over a 2-year follow-up period. Data were drawn from 521 socio-economically disadvantaged (maternal education ≤Year 10 of secondary school) Australian adolescents aged 12–15 years. Participants were recruited from 37 secondary schools and were asked to complete online surveys in 2004/2005 (baseline) and 2006/2007 (follow-up). Surveys comprised a 38-item FFQ and questions based on Social Ecological models examining intrapersonal, social and environmental influences on diet. At baseline and follow-up, respectively, 29% and 24% of adolescents frequently consumed vegetables (≥2 times/day); 33% and 36% frequently consumed fruit (≥1 time/day). In multivariable logistic regressions, baseline consumption strongly predicted consumption at follow-up. Frequently being served vegetables at dinner predicted frequent vegetable consumption. Female sex, rarely purchasing food or drink from school vending machines, and usually being expected to eat all foods served predicted frequent fruit consumption. Findings suggest nutrition promotion initiatives aimed at improving eating behaviours among this at-risk population and should focus on younger adolescents, particularly boys; improving adolescent eating behaviours at school; and encouraging families to increase home availability of healthy foods and to implement meal time rules.


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Issue addressed Social-ecological models of health behaviour acknowledge environmental influences, but research examining how the environment shapes physical activity in rural settings is limited. This study aimed to explore the environmental factors that act as barriers or facilitators to physical activity participation among rural adults. Methods Forty-nine adults from three regions of rural Tasmania, Australia, participated in semi-structured interviews that explored features of the environment that supported or hindered physical activity. Interviews were digitally recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed thematically. Results Four key themes emerged: functionality, diversity, spaces and places for all and realistic expectations. 'Functionality' included connectivity with other destinations, distance, safety, continuity, supporting infrastructure and surfacing. While there was limited 'diversity' of structured activities and recreational facilities, the importance of easy and convenient access to a natural environment that accommodated physical activity was highlighted. 'Spaces and places for all' highlighted the importance of shared-use areas, particularly those that were family-and dog-friendly. Despite desires for more physical activity opportunities, many participants had 'realistic expectations' of what was feasible in rural settings. Conclusions Functionality, diversity, spaces and places for all and realistic expectations were identified as considerations important for physical activity among rural adults. Further research using quantitative approaches in larger samples is needed to confirm these findings. So what? Urban-centric views of environmental influences on physical activity are unlikely to be entirely appropriate for rural areas. Evidence-based recommendations are provided for creating new or modifying existing infrastructure to support active living in rural settings.


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El propósito de este estudio fue la construcción y validación de un instrumento de medición de barreras a la práctica de la actividad física y deportiva por parte de las personas adultas desde la teoría ecológico social y analizar la presencia de las diferentes barreras así como las innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación a las barreras relacionadas con el empleo, el cuidado de hijos e hijas y las tareas del hogar, identificando las posibles diferencias existentes en función del género y del tipo de demanda en la población adulta de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se ha realizado un estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo y transversal en una muestra representativa de la población residente en la Comunidad de Madrid entre 30 y 64 años. El tipo de muestreo fue probabilístico, de tipo polietápico según tamaño demográfico de municipio y género, con un margen de error del ± 5,27% y un intervalo de confianza del 95,5%. El tamaño de la muestra final fue de 360 personas (50,3% mujeres, 49,7% hombres), quienes completaron un cuestionario estructurado mediante entrevista personal cara a cara en su domicilio entre octubre y diciembre de 2011, que incluía una escala de barreras específica, así como sub-cuestionarios de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación vinculados a los tres ítems relacionados con el empleo, cuidado de hijos e hijas y hogar de la escala de barreras. La escala de barreras fue completada por las personas practicantes de actividad física y deportiva que deseaban realizar otra actividad, es decir, por la Demanda Establecida, así como por las personas no practicantes pero deseosas de hacerlo o Demanda Latente, y las personas no practicantes no interesadas en practicar o Demanda Ausente (n=246). Las personas que alcanzaron elevadas puntuaciones en los tres ítems de la escala de barreras vinculados al empleo, cuidado de hijos e hijas y hogar, completaron sub-cuestionarios específicos de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación vinculados a estas barreras. Para el estudio métrico de los ítems y la dimesionalidad de la escala de barreras se llevaron a cabo análisis descriptivos de los ítems, análisis correlacionales y análisis factoriales exploratorios (AFE). Como resultado se obtuvo una escala de barreras constituida por 13 ítems que explicaron el 59,1% de la variabilidad total de los datos, agrupados en cuatro dimensiones denominadas: Barreras Interpersonales (2 ítems), Barreras Individuales (4 ítems), Barreras Comunidad-Institucionales (4 ítems) y Barreras Obligaciones-Tiempo (3 ítems). Los datos de la escala de barreras y los sub-cuestionarios de innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación fueron analizados con el SPSS v. 18. Para la comparación de variables cuantitativas y ordinales se utilizaron ANOVAS de dos factores (género por tipo de demanda), el tamaño del efecto para esta prueba se cuantificó mediante eta cuadrado. Los resultados se expresaron como porcentajes para las variables nominales y como medias y desviaciones típicas para las variables ordinales y cuantitativas. El nivel de riesgo se fijó en 0,05. El instrumento presentó una fiabilidad aceptable (α=0,58) en consonancia con el modelo ecológico social presentando dimensiones que explicaron los niveles de influencia de las diferentes esferas. Los resultados obtenidos permitieron avalar tanto la adecuación de las propiedades psicométricas de los ítems, así como la validez y fiabilidad de la escala de barreras para la práctica de actividad física y deportiva. Los distintos análisis realizados han aportado evidencia de la validez de una estructura de cuatro dimensiones acorde a los planteamientos teóricos previos de los modelos ecológicos sociales. En la dimensión barreras Individuales se identificaron diferencias según el tipo de demanda (F2,237=40,28; p<0,001; η2=0,25) y el género (F1,237=8,72; p<0,01; η2=0,84). En la dimensión barreras Interpersonales se identificaron diferencias de género (F1,239 =14,9; p<0,01; η2=0,06) pero no entre demandas (F2,239=2,35; p>0,05; 1-β=0,47). En la dimensión Barreras Obligaciones-Tiempo se identificaron diferencias en función del tipo de demanda (F2,239=3,88; p<0,05; η2=0,03) sin presentar diferencias entre hombres y mujeres (F1,239=1,06; p>0,05; 1-β=0,18). Por último, en la dimensión Comunidad Institucionales, se identificaron diferencias en función del tipo de demanda (F2,240=5,69; p<0,01; η2=0,045) y no hubo diferencias en función del género (F1,240=0,65; p>0,05; 1-β=0,13). Las innovaciones y alternativas de conciliación relacionadas con el empleo más valoradas fueron la de flexibilidad en los horarios de trabajo y adecuación de horarios; las más valoradas relacionadas con la barrera cuidado de hijos fueron que en la instalación deportiva se ofertaran actividades físicas conjuntas, en las en las que pudiesen participar madres e hijos y que la instalación deportiva ofreciera, en el mismo horario, actividades para ellos y sus hijos, y, por último, las más valoradas en relación con las tareas del hogar, una mayor implicación de la pareja seguida por una mayor implicación de los hijos. ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to build and validate an instrument to measure the barriers of adult people to the practice of sport and physical activities from the perspective of the social-ecological theory, analyse the presence of the different barriers, as well as the innovations and alternatives regarding conciliation with work and the care of children and home as barriers, identifying the possible differences that exist based on gender and the type of demand of the adult population within the Community of Madrid. For this, a quantitative, descriptive and transversal study was carried out on a representative sample of the resident population of the Community of Madrid, ages ranging from 30 to 64 years old. Given that is an infinite or very large population, and working with an interval of confidence of the 95,5%, and assuming in the population variance, the worst case of p equal to q, the margin of sampling error was ± 5,27. The sample consisted of 360 people (50,3% women, 49,7% men), who completed a questionnaire during face-to-face personal interviews between October and December 2011. The questionnaire included a scale of specific barriers, as well as sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives linked to the three items regarding work, the care of children and home of the barriers scale. The barriers scale was completed by people who practice physical and sport activities and wanted to do other activities, i.e. by the Established Demand; by people who do not practice these activities but would like to do so, i.e. Latent Demand; and by people who do not practice these activities and have no desire to do so, i.e. Absent Demand (n=246). The people who peaked on the three items of the barriers scale regarding work, the care of children and home, then completed specific sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives for conciliation related to these barriers. The metric study of the items and the dimensionality of the barriers scale was carried out through descriptive analyses of the items, as well as correlation analyses and exploratory factor analyses (EFA). This resulted in a barriers scale composed of 13 items that explained 59,1% of the total variability of the data, grouped in four dimensions as follows: Interpersonal Barriers (2 items), Individual Barriers (4 items), Community-Institutional Barriers (4 items) and Obligations-Time Barriers (3 items). The data obtained from the barriers scale and sub-questionnaires on the innovations and alternatives for conciliation were analyzed using software SPSS v. 18. Two-way ANOVA (gender by type of demand) was used for the comparison of quantitative and ordinal variables, and the effect size for this test was quantified with eta squared. The results were expressed as percentages for nominal variables, and as means and standard deviations for quantitative and ordinal variables. The level of risk was set at 0,05. The instrument showed an acceptable reliability (α=0,58) in line with the social-ecological model, providing dimensions that explained the influence levels of the different spheres. The results obtained establish both the adaptation of the psychometric properties of the items, and the validity and reliability of the barriers scale for the practice of physical and sport activities. The different analyses have supported the validity of a four-dimensional structure consistent with the previous theoretical approaches on the social-ecological models, while showing adequate statistical indices. The differences identified in the Individual Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,237=40,28; p<0,001; η2=0,25) and gender (F1,237=8,72; p<0,01; η2=0,84). The differences identified in the Interpersonal Barriers dimension were based on gender (F1,239 =14,9; p<0,01; η2=0,06) but not on demand (F2,239=2,35; p>0,05; 1-β=0,47). The differences identified for the Obligations-Time Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,239=3,88; p<0,05; η2=0,03) and did not show differences between men and women (F1,239=1,06; p>0,05; 1-β=0,18). Finally, the differences identified for the Community-Institutional Barriers dimension were based on the type of demand (F2,240=5,69; p<0,01; η2=0,045) and provided no differences based on gender (F1,240=0,65; p>,05; 1-β=0,13). The most valued innovations and alternatives for conciliation regarding work were the adaptation and flexibility of working hours and timetables; the most valued related to the care of children were the offer of joint activities for adults and children in sport centres, as well as separate activities within the same timetable; and, finally, the most valued regarding the home was a higher degree of participation and involvement on the part of the spouse or partner, followed by a higher degree of participation and involvement on the part of the children.


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Complex surveillance problems are common in biosecurity, such as prioritizing detection among multiple invasive species, specifying risk over a heterogeneous landscape, combining multiple sources of surveillance data, designing for specified power to detect, resource management, and collateral effects on the environment. Moreover, when designing for multiple target species, inherent biological differences among species result in different ecological models underpinning the individual surveillance systems for each. Species are likely to have different habitat requirements, different introduction mechanisms and locations, require different methods of detection, have different levels of detectability, and vary in rates of movement and spread. Often there is a further challenge of a lack of knowledge, literature, or data, for any number of the above problems. Even so, governments and industry need to proceed with surveillance programs which aim to detect incursions in order to meet environmental, social and political requirements. We present an approach taken to meet these challenges in one comprehensive and statistically powerful surveillance design for non-indigenous terrestrial vertebrates on Barrow Island, a high conservation nature reserve off the Western Australian coast. Here, the possibility of incursions is increased due to construction and expanding industry on the island. The design, which includes mammals, amphibians and reptiles, provides a complete surveillance program for most potential terrestrial vertebrate invaders. Individual surveillance systems were developed for various potential invaders, and then integrated into an overall surveillance system which meets the above challenges using a statistical model and expert elicitation. We discuss the ecological basis for the design, the flexibility of the surveillance scheme, how it meets the above challenges, design limitations, and how it can be updated as data are collected as a basis for adaptive management.


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Objectives To describe the intervention protocol for the first multilevel ecological intervention for physical activity in retirement communities that addresses individual, interpersonal and community influences on behavior change. Design A cluster randomized controlled trial design was employed with two study arms: a physical activity intervention and an attention control successful aging condition. Setting Sixteen continuing care retirement communities in San Diego County. Participants Three hundred twenty older adults, aged 65 years and older, are being recruited to participate in the trial. In addition, peer leaders are being recruited to lead some study activities, especially to sustain the intervention after study activities ceased. Intervention Participants in the physical activity trial receive individual, interpersonal and community intervention components. The individual level components include pedometers, goal setting and individual phone counseling. The interpersonal level components include group education sessions and peer-led activities. The community level components include resource audits and enumeration, tailored walking maps, and community improvement projects. The successful aging group receives individual and group attention about successful aging topics. Measurements The main outcome is light to moderate physical activity, measured objectively by accelerometry. Other objective outcomes included physical functioning, blood pressure, physical fitness, and cognitive functioning. Self report measures include depressive symptoms and health related quality of life. Results The intervention is being delivered successfully in the communities and compliance rates are high. Conclusion Ecological Models call for interventions that address multiple levels of the model. Previous studies have not included components at each level and retirement communities provide a model environment to demonstrate how to implement such an intervention.


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This work project is based on the MIES (Map of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Portugal) database and it aims to understand the characteristics of social business models in the context of the portuguese market, by determining whether they follow the proposed characteristics by John Elkington and Pamela Hartigan, and then adding to their matrix. Furthermore, it tries to determine success patterns by comparing a group of successful social ventures with a group of less successful ones, with the objective of increasing the knowledge of social entrepreneurship as it applies to Portugal and provide a framework for future study.


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Women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods are at heightened risk for physical inactivity, but little is known about the correlates of physical activity among this group. Using a social-ecological framework, this study aimed to determine the individual, social and neighbourhood environmental correlates of physical activity amongst women living in such neighbourhoods. During 2007–2008 women (n = 4108) aged 18–45 years randomly selected from urban and rural neighbourhoods of low socioeconomic status in Victoria, Australia completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (long). They reported on individual (self-efficacy, enjoyment, intentions, outcome expectancies, skills), social (childcare, social support from family and friends/colleagues, dog ownership) and neighbourhood environmental (neighbourhood cohesion, aesthetics, personal safety, ‘walking environment’) factors. Multinomial logistic regression was used to examine the odds of increasing categories of leisure time physical activity (LTPA) and transport-related physical activity (TRPA) for each individual, social and environmental factor. In partially adjusted analyses, all individual, social and environmental variables were positively associated with LTPA, while all individual factors, family and friend support and the walking environment were positively associated with TRPA. In fully adjusted multivariable models, all individual and social factors remained significantly associated with LTPA, while self-efficacy, enjoyment, intentions, social support, and neighbourhood ‘walking environment’ variables remained significantly associated with TRPA. In conclusion, individual and social factors were most important for LTPA, while individual, social and neighbourhood environmental factors were all associated with TRPA. Acknowledging the cross-sectional design, the findings highlight the importance of different levels of potential influence on physical activity in different domains, which should be considered when developing strategies to promote physical activity amongst women living in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighbourhoods.


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Social behavior of Guiana dolphins, Sotalia guianensis, at Pipa Beach, RN, Brazil: dynamics, sequence, breathing synchrony, and responses to dolphin watching. Social animals form groups that can range from temporary to permanent. Depending on the nature of the social relationships developed between individuals, groups present a particular social organization and the effect of these interactions shapes the activity patterns of these animals. This study investigates: (i) fission-fusion dynamics of Guiana dolphins, through the analysis of three dimensions of the social system (variation in spatial cohesion, variation in size and composition of groups), (ii) sequence, routine and behavioral stability, (iii) breathing intervals in synchronized groups and (iv) behavioral responses of the animals to dolphin watching. Systematic observations of Guiana dolphins were made from a platform located in cliffs about 25 m above sea level that surround Madeiro Bay, Pipa Beach. Sampling occurred from December 2007 to February 2009 between 0600 h and 1600 h, and the groups of Guiana dolphins were investigated according to their size (alone and group) and composition (adults, adults and juveniles, and adults and calves). According to the analysis of fission-fusion dynamics, Guiana dolphin groups frequently changed their composition, modifying their patterns of spatial grouping and cohesion every 20 minutes on average. More than 50% of the individuals maintained a distance of up to 2 m from other group members and new individuals were attracted to the group, especially during feeding, leaving it for foraging. Large groups were more unstable than small, while groups containing only adults were more stable than groups of adults and juveniles. According to the Z-score analysis to investigate the sequence and behavioral routine, lone individuals were more ! .7! ! involved in foraging and feeding, while resting was more common in groups. Foraging and feeding were more common in homogeneous groups (individuals of the same age class), while heterogeneous groups (different age classes) were often involved in socialization, displaying a broader behavioral repertoire. Foraging and resting behavior presented higher stability (continuous duration in minutes) than the other behaviors. The analysis of breathing intervals in synchronized groups showed significant differences depending on type of behavior, composition and area preference. During resting, breathing intervals were of longer duration, and groups with calves showed shorter breathing intervals than groups without calves. Lone individuals also preferred areas called corral , often used for the entrapment of fishes. The Markov chain analysis revealed behavioral changes in the presence of boats, according to the type of group composition. Groups composed of adults presented decreased resting and increased in traveling during the presence of boats. Groups of adults and juveniles showed a massive reduction of socialization, while the behavior transition probability traveling-traveling was higher in groups of adults and calves. In the presence of the boats, stability of resting was reduced by one third of its original duration and traveling more than doubled. The behavioral patterns analyzed are discussed in light of socio-ecological models concerning costs and benefits of proximity between individuals and behavioral optimization. Furthermore, significant changes in behavioral patterns indicate that Guiana dolphins, at Pipa Beach, have suffered the effects of tourism as a result of violation of rules of conduct established for the study area


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the historical institutional context of Spain in the past 40 years and to analyze the influence of institutional factors in the current model of social enterprise existing in the country. Design/methodology/approach – This study draws on the theory of historical institutionalism, national-level empirical data and Kerlin conceptual framework (2013) that informs models of social enterprise. Findings – This paper describe some traits of Spain’s social enterprise that can be explained by the evolution of its institutional context in the past 40 years. It helps to validate, from a historical institutionalistic perspective, aspects of the Kerlin framework for social enterprise models. It also begins to show that the analysis of regional differences in the context should be taken into consideration when examining a country’s social enterprise space. Research limitations/implications – This discussion paper encourages academics to analyze regional differences in the emergence of social enterprise within a country. The main limitation of the paper is the lack of an “official” definition of social enterprise in Spain. Originality/value – This paper applies a valuable framework to a country with a unique political and economic history in the past 40 years. It contributes to enrich the research on the emergence and development of social enterprises in a variety of contexts and advances understanding of how regional differences inside a country influence the development of social enterprises.


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Decisions affecting the management of natural resources in agricultural landscapes are influenced by both social and ecological factors. Models that integrate these factors are likely to better predict the outcomes of natural resource management decisions compared to those that do not take these factors into account. We demonstrate how Bayesian Networks can be used to integrate ecological and social data and expert opinion to model the cost-effectiveness of revegetation activities for restoring biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. We demonstrate our approach with a case-study in grassy woodlands of south-eastern Australia. In our case-study, cost-effectiveness is defined as the improvement in native reptile and beetle species richness achieved per dollar spent on a restoration action. Socio-ecological models predict that weed control, the planting of trees and shrubs, the addition of litter and timber, and the addition of rocks are likely to be the most cost-effective actions for improving reptile and beetle species richness. The cost-effectiveness of restoration actions is lower in remnant and revegetated areas than in cleared areas because of the higher marginal benefits arising from acting in degraded habitats. This result is contingent on having favourable landowner attitudes. Under the best-case landowner demographic scenarios the greatest biodiversity benefits are seen when cleared areas are restored. We find that current restoration investment practices may not be increasing faunal species richness in agricultural landscapes in the most cost-effective way, and that new restoration actions may be necessary. Integrated socio-ecological models support transparent and cost-effective conservation investment decisions. Application of these models highlights the importance of collecting both social and ecological data when attempting to understand and manage socio-ecological systems.