990 resultados para social constructionism


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O discurso biomédico com foco no diagnóstico frequentemente tem sido utilizado como recurso exclusivo para informar a assistência aos familiares de pessoas diagnosticadas com anorexia nervosa e bulimia nervosa. Este estudo buscou compreender como essas famílias constroem justificativas para participação em um grupo de apoio no contexto de tratamento dos transtornos alimentares. Uma sessão desse grupo, que abordava a temática de nosso interesse, foi analisada com apoio do discurso construcionista social. A análise empreendida destacou os sentidos coproduzidos sobre a ausência de alguns familiares no grupo, a diminuição de frequência de participação dos pais, a função desse grupo no tratamento, a periodicidade ideal de participação da família e a possibilidade de familiares e coordenadores do grupo coconstruírem o espaço conversacional.


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A debate about Caster Semenya's female sex began shortly after the South African runner won gold in the women’s 800m final at the 2009 Athletic World Championships held in Berlin. Her victory was disputed through questions about her right to compete as a ‘woman’, with the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) announcing she would be required to undergo a gender verification test before her victory could be confirmed. Using the theoretical frame of social constructionism (Berger & Luckmann), poststructuralism (Foucault), gender- and postcolonial theories (Butler; Hall; Spivak) and the methodology of critical discourse analysis (Jaeger), the paper explores the way the possible intersexuality of Caster Semenya was contextualised in mainstream Swiss German-language print media. The analyses will firstly look at the way in which Caster Semenya was constructed as a ʻfallen hero’ and stigmatised as a double-dealer and unacceptable deviant body. The rumours amongst athletes and commentators became news in the media, which focused on descriptions of her habitus, her muscular body and her deep voice. Through theoretical discussion the paper argues that the media response to Caster Semenya exemplifies Butler’s claim that the discursive framework of gender constructs and naturalises sex. A key question is therefore whether the designation of deviant bodies to a ʻfield of deformation’ (Butler) works to pluralise the field of gender, or rather, as Butler suggests, it tends that those bodies might call into questions. The final part of the paper discusses how gender, ethnicity and sexuality combine to constitute the black female sporting body as a spectacle of otherness. It is evident that this otherness is made manifest through the function of those bodies as a site of transgression, as the boundary between male and female, and often as the boundary between culture and nature (Hall). Using the example of the controversy surrounding Caster Semenya, this paper aims to demonstrate how the post/colonial white female body is reproduced by western norms of gender, sexuality, beauty and sporting behaviour, in the sense of a feminine sporting genderperformance. The media controversy will be also read through the lens of the globalisation of certain ideas of normative bodies, sex, ethnicity and gender and the challenge of changing stereotypes through transgression. Keywords: gender- and postcolonial theories, discourse analysis, print media, Caster Semen-ya, deviant body, ethnicity, intersexuality


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A debate about Caster Semenya's female sex began shortly after the South African runner won gold in the women’s 800m final at the 2009 Athletic World Championships held in Berlin. Her victory was disputed through questions about her right to compete as a ‘woman’, with the International Association of Athletics Federation (IAAF) announcing she would be required to undergo a gender verification test before her victory could be confirmed. Using the theoretical frame of social constructionism (Berger & Luckmann), poststructuralism (Foucault), gender- and postcolonial theories (Butler; Hall; Spivak) and the methodology of critical discourse analysis (Jaeger), the paper explores the way the possible intersexuality of Caster Semenya was contextualised in mainstream Swiss German-language print media. The analyses will firstly look at the way in which Caster Semenya was constructed as a ʻfallen hero’ and stigmatised as a double-dealer and unacceptable deviant body. The rumours amongst athletes and commentators became news in the media, which focused on descriptions of her habitus, her muscular body and her deep voice. Through theoretical discussion the paper argues that the media response to Caster Semenya exemplifies Butler’s claim that the discursive framework of gender constructs and naturalises sex. A key question is therefore whether the designation of deviant bodies to a ʻfield of deformation’ (Butler) works to pluralise the field of gender, or rather, as Butler suggests, it tends that those bodies might call into questions. The final part of the paper discusses how gender, ethnicity and sexuality combine to constitute the black female sporting body as a spectacle of otherness. It is evident that this otherness is made manifest through the function of those bodies as a site of transgression, as the boundary between male and female, and often as the boundary between culture and nature (Hall). Using the example of the controversy surrounding Caster Semenya, this paper aims to demonstrate how the post/colonial white female body is reproduced by western norms of gender, sexuality, beauty and sporting behaviour, in the sense of a feminine sporting genderperformance. The media controversy will be also read through the lens of the globalisation of certain ideas of normative bodies, sex, ethnicity and gender and the challenge of changing stereotypes through transgression. Keywords: gender- and postcolonial theories, discourse analysis, print media, Caster Semen-ya, deviant body, ethnicity, intersexuality


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Na construção de políticas sociais atribuiu-se um papel central à família na proteção social e no cuidado com os seus membros. Na saúde, a família assume essa centralidade na Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF), sendo compreendida como objeto da atenção em saúde. Essa centralidade se deu a partir de uma pretensão de mudança no modelo assistencial que visasse a integralidade do cuidado e um olhar para as condições de vida como fundamentais no processo saúde-doença. Tais transformações nos sentidos e práticas de saúde têm sido desafiadoras. A partir da perspectiva Construcionista Social, que orienta esse estudo, compreendemos que os sentidos são construídos nas interações entre as pessoas e que esses configuram práticas sociais. Diante deste quadro de desafios na ESF e a partir da perspectiva adotada, temos como objetivo compreender os sentidos produzidos por profissionais de equipes de saúde sobre famílias em contextos de reuniões de discussão de família/caso na ESF, buscando analisar como esses configuram a produção de práticas de cuidado e também como se dá a dinâmica de construção desses sentidos a partir das negociações entre os participantes. A constituição do corpus foi feita a partir da observação e registros em áudio de 16 reuniões de duas equipes de saúde da família, contando com 26 participantes, dentre eles profissionais e estagiários de diferentes especialidades. A análise foi feita a partir da perspectiva das práticas discursivas, com os seguintes passos: 1) transcrição do material; 2) leitura intensiva e organização do material; 3) construção de sentidos sobre a família, e análise dos repertórios interpretativos, discursos usados, e implicações para ação; e 4) narrativa ilustrativa da dinâmica dos sentidos. Os sentidos construídos na análise foram: a) Família como pessoas que moram juntas: os repertórios usados descreviam os modos de ser família a partir do ambiente em que ela vive, entendendo a família como informante e cuidadora dos seus membros; b) Família como responsável pelo cuidado: repertórios de família como aquela que dá suporte aos seus membros e é responsável por eles; e, por vezes, está sobrecarregada com esses cuidados; c) Família como problema: repertórios que configuravam a família como aquela que é responsável pelo problema de saúde dos seus membros, como aquela que funciona como um estressor para eles ou como aquela que está em situação de risco; e d) Família como rede de relações, sentido que foi usado, mais comumente, em conversas sobre casos complexos, com discussões voltadas para configurações, estruturas e dinâmicas familiares. A partir da análise do processo de discussão da equipe em torno de um \"caso\", foi possível ilustrar o dinamismo desses sentidos nas conversas e como esses são negociados a todo momento. A análise nos permite considerar que há esforços dos profissionais em voltar a atenção do cuidado para a família, porém ainda são comuns práticas centradas no indivíduo e pouco pautadas no contexto e nas condições de vida das famílias. Compreendemos que dar visibilidade a esses diferentes sentidos e seu uso permite reflexões sobre como cada forma de descrever as famílias possibilita a construção de práticas distintas, o que pode contribuir para uma maior reflexão dos profissionais de saúde sobre sua prática cotidiana (Apoio Capes e Fapesp- 2014/08618-6).


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Esta pesquisa está inserida em um contexto de crescente participação feminina no mercado de trabalho, especialmente com relação à ascensão da mulher a cargos estratégicos, além de um processo acelerado de envelhecimento populacional, constituindo uma das mais significativas transformações dos últimos anos. A participação feminina em cargos executivos e o processo de envelhecimento são tópicos pouco abordados na literatura acadêmica, tanto isolados quanto inter-relacionados, o que justifica a originalidade deste trabalho. Essas transformações coincidem ainda com o fato de que é a primeira vez que mulheres envelhecem em cargos executivos. Portanto, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo explorar como as mulheres executivas experimentam o processo de envelhecimento. A discussão se mostra relevante na medida em que esta mulher está inserida em um contexto organizacional de dominação masculina, predominantemente jovem, onde se espera que a mulher não ocupe cargos estratégicos. A pesquisa tem como base a perspectiva teórica do construcionismo social de Berger e Luckman (1999) e a abordagem metodológica qualitativa fundamentada nos dados (grounded theory), com base na perspectiva interacionista simbólica de Charmaz (2009). Os dados foram obtidos de 58 entrevistas com mulheres de 40 anos ou mais de idade que ocupam ou ocuparam posição executiva em organizações no Brasil. A pesquisa conclui que, por serem consideradas profissionais mais velhas antes do que os homens e devido aos estigmas associados à idade, as mulheres tendem a omitir o envelhecimento e buscar formas de não o aparentar no ambiente de trabalho. A teoria substantiva apresenta que o envelhecimento é compreendido a partir das noções de morte física, social e executiva e que o renascimento simbólico é uma forma de lidar com as concepções de mortes que persistem no imaginário das mulheres executivas. A teoria é provisória e contingente e reflete a interpretação de uma pesquisadora em particular. Espera-se que ela amplie o campo de estudos da Administração e estimule pesquisadores na continuidade da investigação acerca do envelhecimento de mulheres executivas.


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This research seeks to generate and foster new descriptions and understandings of processes underlying the internationalisation experienced by small- and medium-sized, knowledge-intensive enterprises. The longitudinal study centres on the growth and internationalisation of a cluster of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the most southern state of Australia, of which a number were 'bom global.' It draws on both retrospective data such as corporate archives, as well as observations and interviews as events unfolded over a period of eighteen months to garner insights into processes underlying the SMEs' internationalisation. The approach to inquiry is influenced by an epistemology of social constructionism, interpretive narrative, sensemaking and dramaturgical theoretical perspectives, and elements of cultural anthropology. Exploratory in the early stages, a funnel approach characteristic of ethnographic enquiry was used whereby the study became progressively focused over time. The extended period of fieldwork led to observations and interpretations that cast the retrospective data in new light, and the use of the construct 'legitimacy' as a lens through which to view activities and events infusing the firms' internationalisation. A generic narrative scheme that offers a temporal ordering of actions, context and meaning attributions in relation to legitimation behaviours and internationalisation processes is developed. This narrative scheme is then used to garner a deeper understanding of three activities that were central to the firms' internationalisation over time: the choice of geographic export markets, strategic participation in international standard-setting committees, and portfolio entrepreneurship. In addition, the study offers a rich story of the growth and internationalisation of the cluster of knowledge-intensive SMEs. The tale of growth and internationalisation pursued by the cluster of knowledgeintensive SMEs spans the period from 1975 to mid 1997, and may prove a useful resource for the theorising of others.


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Sociological Review Monograph Series: Biosocial Matters: Rethinking Sociology-Biology Relations in the Twenty-First Century


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Studies of disclosure among older people living with HIV (PLWH) are uninformed by critical social-gerontological approaches that can help us to appreciate how older PLWH see and treat age as relevant to disclosure of their HIV status. These approaches include an ethnomethodologically-informed social constructionism that explores how ‘the’ life course (a cultural framework depicting individuals’ movement through predictable developmental stages from birth to death) is used as an interpretive resource for determining self and others’ characteristics, capacities, and social circumstances: a process Rosenfeld and Gallagher (2002) termed ‘lifecoursing’. Applying this approach to our analysis of 74 life-history interviews and three focus groups with older (aged 50+) people living with HIV in the United Kingdom, we uncover the central role that lifecoursing plays in participants’ decision-making surrounding disclosure of their HIV to their children and/or older parents. Analysis of participants’ accounts uncovered four criteria for disclosure: the relevance of their HIV to the other, the other’s knowledge about HIV, the likelihood of the disclosure causing the other emotional distress, and the other’s ability to keep the disclosed confidential. To determine if these criteria were met in relation to specific children and/or elders, participants engaged in lifecoursing, evaluating the other’s knowledge of HIV, and capacity to appropriately manage the disclosure, by reference to their age. The use of assumptions about age and life-course location in decision-making regarding disclosure of HIV reflects a more nuanced engagement with age in the disclosure decision-making process than has been captured by previous research into HIV disclosure, including on the part of people aging with HIV.


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Este trabalho pretende conhecer as representações sociais de Psiquiatras, Internos de Psiquiatria, Pedopsiquiatras e Psicólogos Clínicos sobre a doença mental em quatro dimensões: (1) conceptual – conceitos de saúde e doença mental, (2) explicativa – causalidade da doença mental (3) interventiva – modelos de intervenção e objetivos da prática clínica, e (4) contextual – influência do contexto na prática clínica. É um estudo qualitativo de carácter exploratório, pontuado epistemologicamente pelo construcionismo social e teoricamente pelo quadro das representações sociais. Participaram 30 profissionais (13 Psicólogos, 10 Psiquiatras, 5 Internos de Psiquiatria e 2 Pedopsiquiatras) aos quais foi aplicada uma entrevista semi-estruturada que foi analisada quanto ao seu conteúdo (através do software NVivo 10). Da análise dos resultados salienta-se que as representações dos profissionais quanto à conceptualização da doença mental são heterogéneas. A saúde mental é equacionada como flexibilidade, adaptação, funcionalidade e bem-estar biopsicossocial do indivíduo. A causalidade atribuída à doença mental assenta no modelo interacionista biopsicossocial. Quanto à intervenção, os participantes utilizam estratégias e modelos de intervenção ecléticos, salientando-se como objetivos a promoção do bem-estar e diminuição do sofrimento, a promoção do funcionamento e autonomia e a “cura”. O contexto institucional surge como comprometedor da liberdade de atuação na prática pública e como facilitador da liberdade de atuação do clínico na prática privada. Conclui-se que a análise individual (disposicional) do comportamento patológico é privilegiada em detrimento da análise contextual (situacional). Implicações do presente estudo para o quadro teórico das representações sociais da doença mental são consideradas. / The present aims to acknowledge the social representations about mental disease of Psychiatrists, Psychiatrist Interns, Child Psychiatrists and Clinical Psychologists. Four dimensions were considered: (1) conceptual - concepts about health and mental disease; (2) descriptive – mental disease causes; (3) intervention – models for clinical intervention and clinical procedures; and (4) context – influence of the context in clinical procedures. A qualitative and exploratory study was developed based, epistemologically, on social constructionism and social representations. Through the course of the research 30 semi-structured interviews were conducted (13 psychologists, 10 psychiatrists, 5 Internal Psychiatry and 2 child psychiatrists) to which it was applied a semi-structured interview. A content analysis of the interviews was performed by NVivo 10. Results showed that the social representations of mental disease are heterogeneous. Mental health is conceptualized according to the flexibility, adaptation, functionality and the biopsychosocial well-being of the individual. The causality of mental disease is explained by the interactionist biopsychosocial model. Professionals mainly adopt eclectic intervention models and strategies in clinical practice. Participants refer that their goals are to promote the well-being, diminish the suffering and promote the functioning, the autonomy and “cure”. The public institutional framework compromises the flexibility in the clinical procedures. Private practices increases the procedural possibilities of the professionals. Concludes that the individual analysis (dispositional) of the pathological behavior is privileged in detriment of the contextual analysis (situational). Implications of this study to the theoretical framework of social representations of mental illness are considered.


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Interpersonal relationships are important for young people’s social, emotional and mental wellbeing. Educational Psychologists in their work with children, young people and families play a role in promoting the social, emotional and mental wellbeing of young people. A review of previous literature suggested that young people’s voice is missing from much of the research about relationships. This research is positioned within an ontological perspective of social constructionism. It aimed to explore ways in which a group of Year 8 students used their language to talk about relationships; what meaning they drew from them, who they have relationships with and what is important about them. 13 Year 8 students participated in the study and their views were explored using semi-structured interviews. Data gathered was then scrutinised using a discourse analysis technique. Three broad discourses were drawn upon by participants: ‘Social Contract’, ‘Interpersonal Aspects’ and ‘Relationship Diversity’. Within each of these there were smaller sub-discourses and interpretive repertoires drawn upon by participants to convey action and function within their talk. Participants considered relationships as very important, though they rejected the notion of a single construct of relationships, choosing instead to draw upon relationships with different people as different types of relationship. Friendship was the primary type of relationship which young people spoke about, however, they often constructed their discourse to undermine the importance of these friendships. The research findings were incorporated within the wider literature and relevant links have been drawn between the study and psychological theories. Implications for the work of Educational Psychologists were also discussed, in terms of utilising relationships for interventions and supporting those working with young people to consider young people’s views and meaning making about relationships.


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Initiatives aimed at promoting young people's well-being potentially conflict with more traditional modes of adult/youth relationship privileging adult authority. For example, teaching practice has shifted from teacher to student-centred, a move that can be attributed at least in part to the acknowledged importance of empathetic teacher-student relationship to the well-being of students. This discussion considers an area of sociocultural practice with the potential to inform understandings of youth and their relationships with adults: How youth have been discursively represented in a sample of popular music spanning the five decades from the 1960s to the 2000s. The analysis, in the first instance, demonstrates how popular culture supports and maintains discernible social relationships, sustaining what is identified here as a normative control-contest binary. A direct challenge to commonplace notions of authority and well-being follows, offering opportunities to theorise a different kind of psychosocial action.


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Joint Action: Essays in honour of John Shotter brings together a cross-disciplinary group of fifteen respected international scholars to explain the relevance of John Shotter’s work to emerging concerns in twenty-first century social science.Shotter’s work extends over forty years and continues to challenge conventional scientific thinking across a range of topics. The disciplines and practices that Shotter’s work has informed are well established throughout the English-speaking world. This is the first publication to examine the importance of his influence in contemporary social sciences and it includes authoritative discussions on topics such as social constructionism, democratic practice, organisational change, the affective turn and human relations. The geographical diversity and disciplinary breadth of scholarly contributions imbues the book with international scope and reach.Joint Action presents a contemporary reflection on Shotter’s work that demonstrates its influence across a range of substantive topics and practical endeavours and within disciplines including management studies and philosophy as well as psychology. As such, it will appeal to researchers and postgraduate students of social sciences and related disciplines, as well as to those who have heard of Shotter’s work and want to know more about its utility and value in relation to their own research or practice.