970 resultados para smooth muscle layer


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L'hyperplasie intimale est la cause majeure de sténoses de pontages veineux. Différents médicaments tels que les statines permettent de prévenir les sténoses mais leur administration systémique n'a que peu d'effet. Nous avons développé une matrice d'hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique qui permet d'avoir un relargage contrôlé d'atorvastatine sur un site désiré. L'enjeu de ce projet de recherche est de démontrer que l'atorvastatine relarguée par l'hydrogel a un effet similaire sur les cellules musculaires lisses de veines saphènes humaines comparé à l'atorvastatine directement diluée dans le milieu de culture. La recherche a été conduite conjointement par le laboratoire de médecine expérimentale du département de chirurgie thoracique et vasculaire du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et de l'Ecole de sciences pharmaceutiques des Universités de Lausanne et de Genève. On a incorporé de l'atorvastatine calcium (Chemos GmbH, Regenstauf Allemagne) dans des gels d'acide hyaluronique (Fortelis extra) à des concentrations déterminées afin de pouvoir analyser le relargage de l'Atovastatine dans le milieu de culture cellulaire par rapport aux concentrations d'atorvastatine directement ajoutées dans le milieu. Des cellules musculaires lisses primaires ont été cultivées à partir d'expiants de veines saphènes humaines. Elles ont été identifiées grâce à l'immunohistochimie par des anticorps contre la desmine et l'alpha-smooth muscle actine. La prolifération et la viabilité de ces cellules ont été analysées à l'aide du test MTT, leur transmigration avec le test de la chambre de Boyden et leur migration avec le principe de cicatrisation de plaies (wound healing assey). L'expression de gènes connus pour participer au développement de l'hyperplasie intimale, tels que la gap junction protein Connexin43 (Cx43), l'inhibiteur du plasminogène PAI-1, Thème oxygénase HO-1, la métalloproteinase-9 et l'inhibiteur de l'activateur du plasminogène tissulaire tPA, a été déterminée par niveau de mRNA exprimé en PCR. Leur expression en protéines a été analysée en utilisant la méthode par Western blots ainsi que l'immunohistochimie. Les expériences ont été effectuées à triple reprise en duplicats en parallèles avec de l'atorvastatine calcium directement ajoutée dans le milieu de culture et avec l'atorvastatine relarguée par l'hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique. Conclusions L'atorvastatine est relarguée par l'hydrogel de façon contrôlée. L'hydrogel contenant l'atorvastatine diminue la viabilité et la transmigration des cellules musculaires lisses de veines saphènes humaines de façon similaire à l'atorvastatine directement introduite dans le milieu de culture. L'hydrogel contenant l'atorvastatine module de façon sélective l'expression de marqueurs de la différentiation cellulaire de cellules musculaires lisses de veines saphènes humaines avec un retard de 24 heures comparé avec les effets de l'atorvastatine directement ajoutée au milieu de culture, sans néanmoins changer la distribution intra-cellulaire des protéines Cx43, HO-1 et PAI-1. Perspectives Il s'agit d'un projet d'importance clinique majeure permettant de réaliser des améliorations du traitement des artériopathies occlusives, ainsi que de relevance pharmacologique permettant de réaliser des dépôts de molécules avec un relargage stable et contrôlé à un site spécifique.


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Les pontages veineux restent actuellement un traitement de choix dans les pathologies vasculaires occlusives. Cependant, plusieurs problèmes sont liés à ce type de revascularisation. Premièrement, l'hyperplasie intimale (HI) qui cause une resténose dans 20 à 50% des pontages, conduisant à un échec de la revascularisation. Ce processus est dû à la prolifération et à la migration des cellules musculaires lisses vasculaires vers l'intima, ainsi qu'à une sécrétion de protéines de la matrice extracellulaire conduisant à un épaississement de l'intima, principalement au niveau des anastomoses. Deuxièmement, bien qu'il existe des substances connues pour inhiber l'HI, leur administration systémique répétée est associée à une augmentation de leurs effets secondaires. Aucun dispositif ne permet actuellement la libération d'une telle substance localement au site d'une anastomose vasculaire. Nous avons donc développé un hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique compatible avec une application locale au niveau des anastomoses vasculaires et pouvant être chargé en atorvastatine (ATV) (inhibiteur de la 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA réductase), substance connue pour inhiber l'HI, dans le but de diminuer le fléau de la resténose. Nous avons tout d'abord testé l'effet de ce gel chargé en ATV sur la prolifération, la migration et la transmigration de cellules musculaires lisses primaires en culture provenant de veines saphènes humaines. Ensuite, nous avons étudié son effet sur différents gènes impliqués dans l'HI. Ceci a permis de montrer que l'ATV diminue la prolifération, la migration et la transmigration des cellules musculaires lisses humaines de façon similaire qu'elle soit ajoutée directement au milieu de culture ou qu'elle soit libérée par l'hydrogel chargé. De même, l'ATV régule de manière simultanée mais différentielle les gènes, en interférant avec le développement de l'HI. Nos expériences montrent que l'HI peut être diminuée in vitro grâce à cet hydrogel d'acide hyaluronique chargé en ATV. Ceci ouvre la porte au développement de futur dispositif permettant de relâcher des substances antisténotiques de façon continue, sur une durée prolongée, et in vivo.


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BACKGROUND: We have developed a nonviral gene therapy method based on the electrotransfer of plasmid in the ciliary muscle. These easily accessible smooth muscle cells could be turned into a biofactory for any therapeutic proteins to be secreted in a sustained manner in the ocular media. METHODS: Electrical conditions, design of electrodes, plasmid formulation, method and number of injections were optimized in vivo in the rat by localizing β-galactosidase expression and quantifying reporter (luciferase) and therapeutic (anti-tumor necrosis factor) proteins secretion in the ocular media. Anatomical measurements were performed via human magnetic resonance imaging to design a human eye-sized prototype that was tested in the rabbit. RESULTS: In the rat, transscleral injection of 30 µg of plasmid diluted in half saline (77 mM NaCl) followed by application of eight square-wave electrical pulses (15 V, 10 ms, 5.3 Hz) using two platinum/iridium electrodes, an internal wire and an external sheet, delivered plasmid efficiently to the ciliary muscle fibers. Gene transfer resulted in a long-lasting (at least 5 months) and plasmid dose-/injection number- dependent secretion of different molecular weight proteins mainly in the vitreous, without any systemic exposure. Because ciliary muscle anatomical measurements remained constant among ages in adult humans, an integrated device comprising needle-electrodes was designed and manufactured. Its usefulness was validated in the rabbit. CONCLUSIONS: Plasmid electrotransfer to the ciliary muscle with a suitable medical device represents a promising local and sustained protein delivery system for treating posterior segment diseases, avoiding repeated intraocular injections.


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PURPOSE: Abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) expand because of aortic wall destruction. Enrichment in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells (VSMCs) stabilizes expanding AAAs in rats. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) can differentiate into VSMCs. We have tested the hypothesis that bone marrow-derived MSCs (BM-MSCs) stabilizes AAAs in a rat model. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Rat Fischer 344 BM-MSCs were isolated by plastic adhesion and seeded endovascularly in experimental AAAs using xenograft obtained from guinea pig. Culture medium without cells was used as control group. The main criteria was the variation of the aortic diameter at one week and four weeks. We evaluated the impact of cells seeding on inflammatory response by immunohistochemistry combined with RT-PCR on MMP9 and TIMP1 at one week. We evaluated the healing process by immunohistochemistry at 4 weeks. RESULTS: The endovascular seeding of BM-MSCs decreased AAA diameter expansion more powerfully than VSMCs or culture medium infusion (6.5% ± 9.7, 25.5% ± 17.2 and 53.4% ± 14.4; p = .007, respectively). This result was sustained at 4 weeks. BM-MSCs decreased expression of MMP-9 and infiltration by macrophages (4.7 ± 2.3 vs. 14.6 ± 6.4 mm(2) respectively; p = .015), increased Tissue Inhibitor Metallo Proteinase-1 (TIMP-1), compared to culture medium infusion. BM-MSCs induced formation of a neo-aortic tissue rich in SM-alpha active positive cells (22.2 ± 2.7 vs. 115.6 ± 30.4 cells/surface units, p = .007) surrounded by a dense collagen and elastin network covered by luminal endothelial cells. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown in this rat model of AAA that BM-MSCs exert a specialized function in arterial regeneration that transcends that of mature mesenchymal cells. Our observation identifies a population of cells easy to isolate and to expand for therapeutic interventions based on catheter-driven cell therapy.


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Sequential conversion of estradiol (E) to 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and 2-/4-methoxyestradiols (MEs) by CYP450s and catechol-O-methyltransferase, respectively, contributes to the inhibitory effects of E on smooth muscle cells (SMCs) via estrogen receptor-independent mechanisms. Because medroxyprogesterone (MPA) is a substrate for CYP450s, we hypothesized that MPA may abrogate the inhibitory effects of E by competing for CYP450s and inhibiting the formation of 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and MEs. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the effects of E on SMC number, DNA and collagen synthesis, and migration in the presence and absence of MPA. The inhibitory effects of E on cell number, DNA synthesis, collagen synthesis, and SMC migration were significantly abrogated by MPA. For example, E (0.1micromol/L) reduced cell number to 51+/-3.6% of control, and this inhibitory effect was attenuated to 87.5+/-2.9% by MPA (10 nmol/L). Treatment with MPA alone did not alter any SMC parameters, and the abrogatory effects of MPA were not blocked by RU486 (progesterone-receptor antagonist), nor did treatment of SMCs with MPA influence the expression of estrogen receptor-alpha or estrogen receptor-beta. In SMCs and microsomal preparations, MPA inhibited the sequential conversion of E to 2-2/4-hydroxyestradiol and 2-ME. Moreover, as compared with microsomes treated with E alone, 2-ME formation was inhibited when SMCs were incubated with microsomal extracts incubated with E plus MPA. Our findings suggest that the inhibitory actions of MPA on the metabolism of E to 2/4-hydroxyestradiols and MEs may negate the cardiovascular protective actions of estradiol in postmenopausal women receiving estradiol therapy combined with administration of MPA.


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Vascular calcification is a hallmark of advanced atherosclerosis. Here we show that deletion of the nuclear receptor PPARγ in vascular smooth muscle cells of low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr)-deficient mice fed an atherogenic diet high in cholesterol, accelerates vascular calcification with chondrogenic metaplasia within the lesions. Vascular calcification in the absence of PPARγ requires expression of the transmembrane receptor LDLr-related protein-1 in vascular smooth muscle cells. LDLr-related protein-1 promotes a previously unknown Wnt5a-dependent prochondrogenic pathway. We show that PPARγ protects against vascular calcification by inducing the expression of secreted frizzled-related protein-2, which functions as a Wnt5a antagonist. Targeting this signalling pathway may have clinical implications in the context of common complications of atherosclerosis, including coronary artery calcification and valvular sclerosis.


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Intimal hyperplasia (IH) is the major cause of stenosis of vein grafts. Drugs such as statins prevent stenosis, but their systemic administration has limited effects. We developed a hyaluronic acid hydrogel matrix, which ensures a controlled release of atorvastatin (ATV) at the site of injury. The release kinetics demonstrated that 100% of ATV was released over 10 hours, independent of the loading concentration of the hydrogel. We investigated the effects of such a delivery on primary vascular smooth muscle cells isolated from human veins. ATV decreased the proliferation, migration, and passage of human smooth muscle cells (HSMCs) across a matrix barrier in a similar dose-dependent (5-10 µM) and time-dependent manner (24-72 hours), whether the drug was directly added to the culture medium or released from the hydrogel. Expression analysis of genes known to be involved in the development of IH demonstrated that the transcripts of both the gap junction protein connexin43 (Cx43) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) were decreased after a 24-48-hour exposure to the hydrogel loaded with ATV, whereas the transcripts of the heme oxygenase (HO-1) and the inhibitor of tissue plasminogen activator were increased. At the protein level, Cx43, PAI-1, and metalloproteinase-9 expression were decreased, whereas HO-1 was upregulated in the presence of ATV. The data demonstrate that ATV released from a hydrogel has effects on HSMCs similar to the drug being freely dissolved in the environment.


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BACKGROUND: Remodeling of quiescent vessels with increases in permeability, vasodilatation, and edema are hallmarks of inflammatory disorders. Factors involved in this type of remodeling represent potential therapeutic targets. OBJECTIVES: We investigated whether the nuclear hormone receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) β/δ, a regulator of metabolism, fibrosis, and skin homeostasis, is involved in regulation of this type of remodeling. METHODS: Wild-type and various Pparb/d mutant mice were used to monitor dermal acute vascular hyperpermeability (AVH) and passive systemic anaphylaxis-induced hypothermia and edema. PPARβ/δ-dependent kinase activation and remodeling of endothelial cell-cell junctions were addressed by using human endothelial cells. RESULTS: AVH and dilatation of dermal microvessels stimulated by vascular endothelial growth factor A, histamine, and thrombin are severely compromised in PPARβ/δ-deficient mice. Selective deletion of the Pparb/d-encoding gene in endothelial cells in vivo similarly limits dermal AVH and vasodilatation, providing evidence that endothelial PPARβ/δ is the major player in regulating acute dermal microvessel remodeling. Furthermore, endothelial PPARβ/δ regulatory functions are not restricted to the skin vasculature because its deletion in the endothelium, but not in smooth muscle cells, also leads to reduced systemic anaphylaxis, the most severe form of allergic reaction, in which an acute vascular response plays a key role. PPARβ/δ-dependent AVH activation likely involves the activation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt pathways and leads to downstream destabilization of endothelial cell-cell junctions. CONCLUSION: These results unveil not only a novel function of PPARβ/δ as a direct regulator of acute vessel permeability and dilatation but also provide evidence that antagonizing PPARβ/δ represents an important strategy to consider for moderating diseases with altered endothelial integrity, such as acute inflammatory and allergic disorders.


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AIMS: Mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) expression is dysregulated in vascular proliferative disorders and its overexpression attenuates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and neointimal lesion development after balloon angioplasty. We sought to gain insight into the mechanisms that control Mfn2 expression in VSMCs. METHODS AND RESULTS: We cloned and characterized 2 kb of the 5'-flanking region of the human Mfn2 gene. Its TATA-less promoter contains a CpG island. In keeping with this, 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends revealed six transcriptional start sites (TSSs), of which TSS2 and TSS5 were the most frequently used. The strong CpG island was found to be non-methylated under conditions characterized by large differences in Mfn2 gene expression. The proximal Mfn2 promoter contains six putative Sp1 motifs. Sp1 binds to the Mfn2 promoter and its overexpression activates the Mfn2 promoter in VSMCs. Chemical inhibition of Sp1 reduced Mfn2 expression, and Sp1 silencing reduced transcriptional activity of the Mfn2 promoter. In keeping with this view, Sp1 and Mfn2 mRNA levels were down-regulated in the aorta early after an atherogenic diet in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice or in VSMCs cultured in the presence of low serum. CONCLUSION: Sp1 is a key factor in maintaining basal Mfn2 transcription in VSMCs. Given the anti-proliferative actions of Mfn2, Sp1-induced Mfn2 transcription may represent a mechanism for prevention of VSMC proliferation and neointimal lesion and development.


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AIMS: Mitofusin-2 (Mfn2) expression is dysregulated in vascular proliferative disorders and its overexpression attenuates the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) and neointimal lesion development after balloon angioplasty. We sought to gain insight into the mechanisms that control Mfn2 expression in VSMCs. METHODS AND RESULTS: We cloned and characterized 2 kb of the 5'-flanking region of the human Mfn2 gene. Its TATA-less promoter contains a CpG island. In keeping with this, 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends revealed six transcriptional start sites (TSSs), of which TSS2 and TSS5 were the most frequently used. The strong CpG island was found to be non-methylated under conditions characterized by large differences in Mfn2 gene expression. The proximal Mfn2 promoter contains six putative Sp1 motifs. Sp1 binds to the Mfn2 promoter and its overexpression activates the Mfn2 promoter in VSMCs. Chemical inhibition of Sp1 reduced Mfn2 expression, and Sp1 silencing reduced transcriptional activity of the Mfn2 promoter. In keeping with this view, Sp1 and Mfn2 mRNA levels were down-regulated in the aorta early after an atherogenic diet in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice or in VSMCs cultured in the presence of low serum. CONCLUSION: Sp1 is a key factor in maintaining basal Mfn2 transcription in VSMCs. Given the anti-proliferative actions of Mfn2, Sp1-induced Mfn2 transcription may represent a mechanism for prevention of VSMC proliferation and neointimal lesion and development.


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Samples of ten penises of Mediterranean buffaloes and ten penises of Red Sindhi cattle were used. The thickness of the tunica albuginea (TA), distribution of smooth muscle cells (SMC) and volume density (Vv) of elastic system fibers in TA, corpus cavernosum (CC) and corpus spongiosum (CS) were evaluated. The Vv of elastic system fibers in buffalo and bovine penis was respectively 4.07% ±0.88% and 3.36% ±1.21% in TA; 17.32% ±2.21% and 13.14% ±1.27% (CC), 26.58% ±4.31% and 31.36% ±3.67% (CS). The CC of buffalo presented higher Vv of elastic fibers than bovine, while in the CS the Vv of elastic fibers in buffaloes was smaller than in cattle. The TA thickness showed a significant difference among the species studied. The arrangement of SMC in the bovine penises and in the water buffalo suggests that this pattern is common to animals that have fibroelastic penises.


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We investigated the effects of piperitenone oxide (PO), a major constituent of the essential oil of Mentha x villosa, on the guinea pig ileum. PO (30 to 740 µg/ml) relaxed basal tonus without significantly altering the resting membrane potential. In addition, PO relaxed preparations precontracted with either 60 mM K+ or 5 mM tetraethylammonium in a concentration-dependent manner. At concentrations from 0.1 to 10 µg/ml PO potentiated acetylcholine-induced contractions, while higher concentrations (>30 µg/ml) blocked this response. These higher PO concentrations also inhibited contractions induced by 60 mM K+. PO also blocked the components of acetylcholine contraction which are not sensitive to nifedipine or to solutions with nominal zero Ca2+ and EGTA. These results show that PO is a relaxant of intestinal smooth muscle and suggest that this activity may be mediated at least in part by an intracellular effect


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The presence of inhibitory nonadrenergic noncholinergic (NANC) intrinsic innervation of the circular muscle of the gastrointestinal sphincters of the South American (SA) opossum was investigated in vitro. Isolated circular muscle strips from the esophagogastric and ileocolonic junctions but not from the gastroduodenal (pylorus) region developed spontaneous tension. Tetrodotoxin (TTX, 1 µM) augmented the spontaneous tension only in the ileocolonic junction strips. Electrical field stimulation of esophagogastric and ileocolonic junction strips caused frequency-dependent responses consisting of a relaxation at lower frequencies (<1 Hz) and a biphasic response or contraction at higher frequencies. In the strips from the pyloric region electrical field stimulation abolished the spontaneous activity at lower frequencies and induced contractions at higher frequencies. The responses elicited by electrical field stimulation in the three sphincters were abolished by TTX (1 µM). Electrical field-induced contractions were reduced while relaxations were enhanced by atropine (1 µM). In the presence of atropine (1 µM) and guanethidine (3 µM), electrical field stimulation, nicotine and ATP induced frequency- or concentration-dependent relaxations of the three sphincters that were abolished by TTX (1 µM). Isoproterenol and sodium nitroprusside caused concentration-dependent relaxations which were TTX-resistant. These findings indicate that the sphincteric circular muscle of the SA opossum gastrointestinal tract is relaxed by the activation of intrinsic NANC nerves and therefore can be used as a model for the study of the mechanisms involved in these responses


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We have investigated the effects of L-arginine, D-arginine and L-lysine on airway smooth muscle responsiveness to spasmogens in vitro. Both L-arginine and D-arginine (100 mM) significantly reduced the contractile potency and maximal contractile response to histamine but not to methacholine or potassium chloride in guinea-pig epithelium-denuded isolated trachea. Similarly, the contractile response to histamine was significantly reduced by L-arginine (100 mM) in rabbit epithelium-denuded isolated bronchus. The amino acid L-lysine (100 mM) failed to significantly alter the contractile potency of histamine in guinea-pig isolated trachea (P>0.05). In guinea-pig isolated trachea precontracted with histamine, both L-arginine and D-arginine produced a concentration-dependent relaxation which was not significantly altered by epithelium removal or by the presence of the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, NG-nitro L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME; 50 µM). Thus, at very high concentrations, arginine exhibit a non-competitive antagonism of histamine-induced contraction of isolated airway preparations that was independent of the generation of nitric oxide and was not dependent on charge. These observations confirm previous studies of cutaneous permeability responses and of contractile responses of guinea-pig isolated ileal smooth muscle. Taken together, the data suggest that high concentrations of arginine can exert an anti-histamine effect.