966 resultados para simulation models


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This paper presents real-time simulation models of electrical machines on FPGA platform. Implementation of the real-time numerical integration methods with digital logic elements is discussed. Several numerical integrations are presented. A real-time simulation of DC machine is carried out on this FPGA platform and important transient results are presented. These results are compared to simulation results obtained through a commercial off-line simulation software


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Vernacular dwellings are well-suited climate-responsive designs that adopt local materials and skills to support comfortable indoor environments in response to local climatic conditions. These naturally-ventilated passive dwellings have enabled civilizations to sustain even in extreme climatic conditions. The design and physiological resilience of the inhabitants have coevolved to be attuned to local climatic and environmental conditions. Such adaptations have perplexed modern theories in human thermal-comfort that have evolved in the era of electricity and air-conditioned buildings. Vernacular local building elements like rubble walls and mud roofs are given way to burnt brick walls and reinforced cement concrete tin roofs. Over 60% of Indian population is rural, and implications of such transitions on thermal comfort and energy in buildings are crucial to understand. Types of energy use associated with a buildings life cycle include its embodied energy, operational and maintenance energy, demolition and disposal energy. Embodied Energy (EE) represents total energy consumption for construction of building, i.e., embodied energy of building materials, material transportation energy and building construction energy. Embodied energy of building materials forms major contribution to embodied energy in buildings. Operational energy (OE) in buildings mainly contributed by space conditioning and lighting requirements, depends on the climatic conditions of the region and comfort requirements of the building occupants. Less energy intensive natural materials are used for traditional buildings and the EE of traditional buildings is low. Transition in use of materials causes significant impact on embodied energy of vernacular dwellings. Use of manufactured, energy intensive materials like brick, cement, steel, glass etc. contributes to high embodied energy in these dwellings. This paper studies the increase in EE of the dwelling attributed to change in wall materials. Climatic location significantly influences operational energy in dwellings. Buildings located in regions experiencing extreme climatic conditions would require more operational energy to satisfy the heating and cooling energy demands throughout the year. Traditional buildings adopt passive techniques or non-mechanical methods for space conditioning to overcome the vagaries of extreme climatic variations and hence less operational energy. This study assesses operational energy in traditional dwelling with regard to change in wall material and climatic location. OE in the dwellings has been assessed for hot-dry, warm humid and moderate climatic zones. Choice of thermal comfort models is yet another factor which greatly influences operational energy assessment in buildings. The paper adopts two popular thermal-comfort models, viz., ASHRAE comfort standards and TSI by Sharma and Ali to investigate thermal comfort aspects and impact of these comfort models on OE assessment in traditional dwellings. A naturally ventilated vernacular dwelling in Sugganahalli, a village close to Bangalore (India), set in warm - humid climate is considered for present investigations on impact of transition in building materials, change in climatic location and choice of thermal comfort models on energy in buildings. The study includes a rigorous real time monitoring of the thermal performance of the dwelling. Dynamic simulation models validated by measured data have also been adopted to determine the impact of the transition from vernacular to modern material-configurations. Results of the study and appraisal for appropriate thermal comfort standards for computing operational energy has been presented and discussed in this paper. (c) 2014 K.I. Praseeda. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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The Load-Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is an intermediate-term earthquake prediction approach that has shown considerable promise. It involves calculating the ratio of a specified energy release measure during loading and unloading where loading and unloading periods are determined from the earth tide induced perturbations in the Coulomb Failure Stress on optimally oriented faults. In the lead-up to large earthquakes, high LURR values are frequently observed a few months or years prior to the event. These signals may have a similar origin to the observed accelerating seismic moment release (AMR) prior to many large earthquakes or may be due to critical sensitivity of the crust when a large earthquake is imminent. As a first step towards studying the underlying physical mechanism for the LURR observations, numerical studies are conducted using the particle based lattice solid model (LSM) to determine whether LURR observations can be reproduced. The model is initialized as a heterogeneous 2-D block made up of random-sized particles bonded by elastic-brittle links. The system is subjected to uniaxial compression from rigid driving plates on the upper and lower edges of the model. Experiments are conducted using both strain and stress control to load the plates. A sinusoidal stress perturbation is added to the gradual compressional loading to simulate loading and unloading cycles and LURR is calculated. The results reproduce signals similar to those observed in earthquake prediction practice with a high LURR value followed by a sudden drop prior to macroscopic failure of the sample. The results suggest that LURR provides a good predictor for catastrophic failure in elastic-brittle systems and motivate further research to study the underlying physical mechanisms and statistical properties of high LURR values. The results provide encouragement for earthquake prediction research and the use of advanced simulation models to probe the physics of earthquakes.


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In this paper, a new thermal model based on the Fourier series solution of heat conduction equation has been introduced in detail. 1-D and 2-D Fourier series thermal models have been programmed in MATLAB/Simulink. Compared with the traditional finite-difference thermal model and equivalent RC thermal network, the new thermal model can provide high simulation speed with high accuracy, which has been proved to be more favorable in dynamic thermal characterization on power semiconductor switches. The complete electrothermal simulation models of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) and power diodes under inductive load switching condition have been successfully implemented in MATLAB/Simulink. The experimental results on IGBT and power diodes with clamped inductive load switching tests have verified the new electrothermal simulation model. The advantage of Fourier series thermal model over widely used equivalent RC thermal network in dynamic thermal characterization has also been validated by the measured junction temperature.© 2010 IEEE.


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This paper describes work carried out in the FIRE EXIT research project. FIRE EXIT aims to develop an Evacuation Simulator, capable of addressing issues of mustering, ship motions, fire and abandonment. In achieving these aims, FIRE EXIT took as its starting point the state-of-the-art in ship evacuation simulation (the maritimeEXODUS software), fire simulation (the SMARTFIRE software) and large-scale experimental facilities (the SHEBA facility). It then significantly enhanced these capabilities. A number of new technologies have been developed in achieving these objectives. The innovations include directly linking CFD fire simulation with evacuation and abandonment software and automatic data transfer from concept design software allowing rapid generation of ship simulation models. Software usability was augmented by a module for interpretation of evacuation software output. Enhancements to a ship evacuation testing rig have resulted in a unique facility, capable of providing passenger movement data for realistic evacuation scenarios and large scale tests have provided meaningful data for the evacuation simulation.


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Previous papers have noted the difficulty in obtaining neural models which are stable under simulation when trained using prediction-error-based methods. Here the differences between series-parallel and parallel identification structures for training neural models are investigated. The effect of the error surface shape on training convergence and simulation performance is analysed using a standard algorithm operating in both training modes. A combined series-parallel/parallel training scheme is proposed, aiming to provide a more effective means of obtaining accurate neural simulation models. Simulation examples show the combined scheme is advantageous in circumstances where the solution space is known or suspected to be complex. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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There is a requirement for better integration between design and analysis tools, which is difficult due to their different objectives, separate data representations and workflows. Currently, substantial effort is required to produce a suitable analysis model from design geometry. Robust links are required between these different representations to enable analysis attributes to be transferred between different design and analysis packages for models at various levels of fidelity.

This paper describes a novel approach for integrating design and analysis models by identifying and managing the relationships between the different representations. Three key technologies, Cellular Modeling, Virtual Topology and Equivalencing, have been employed to achieve effective simulation model management. These technologies and their implementation are discussed in detail. Prototype automated tools are introduced demonstrating how multiple simulation models can be linked and maintained to facilitate seamless integration throughout the design cycle.


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Molecular Dynamics Simulations (MDS) are constantly being used to make important contributions to our fundamental understanding of material behaviour, at the atomic scale, for a variety of thermodynamic processes. This chapter shows that molecular dynamics simulation is a robust numerical analysis tool in addressing a range of complex nanofinishing (machining) problems that are otherwise difficult or impossible to understand using other methods. For example the mechanism of nanometric cutting of silicon carbide is influenced by a number of variables such as machine tool performance, machining conditions, material properties, and cutting tool performance (material microstructure and physical geometry of the contact) and all these variables cannot be monitored online through experimental examination. However, these could suitably be studied using an advanced simulation based approach such as MDS. This chapter details how MD simulation can be used as a research and commercial tool to understand key issues of ultra precision manufacturing research problems and a specific case was addressed by studying diamond machining of silicon carbide. While this is appreciable, there are a lot of challenges and opportunities in this fertile area. For example, the world of MD simulations is dependent on present day computers and the accuracy and reliability of potential energy functions [109]. This presents a limitation: Real-world scale simulation models are yet to be developed. The simulated length and timescales are far shorter than the experimental ones which couples further with the fact that contact loading simulations are typically done in the speed range of a few hundreds of m/sec against the experimental speed of typically about 1 m/sec [17]. Consequently, MD simulations suffer from the spurious effects of high cutting speeds and the accuracy of the simulation results has yet to be fully explored. The development of user-friendly software could help facilitate molecular dynamics as an integral part of computer-aided design and manufacturing to tackle a range of machining problems from all perspectives, including materials science (phase of the material formed due to the sub-surface deformation layer), electronics and optics (properties of the finished machined surface due to the metallurgical transformation in comparison to the bulk material), and mechanical engineering (extent of residual stresses in the machined component) [110]. Overall, this chapter provided key information concerning diamond machining of SiC which is classed as hard, brittle material. From the analysis presented in the earlier sections, MD simulation has helped in understanding the effects of crystal anisotropy in nanometric cutting of 3C-SiC by revealing the atomic-level deformation mechanisms for different crystal orientations and cutting directions. In addition to this, the MD simulation revealed that the material removal mechanism on the (111) surface of 3C-SiC (akin to diamond) is dominated by cleavage. These understandings led to the development of a new approach named the “surface defect machining” method which has the potential to be more effective to implement than ductile mode micro laser assisted machining or conventional nanometric cutting.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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The design and development of simulation models and tools for Demand Response (DR) programs are becoming more and more important for adequately taking the maximum advantages of DR programs use. Moreover, a more active consumers’ participation in DR programs can help improving the system reliability and decrease or defer the required investments. DemSi, a DR simulator, designed and implemented by the authors of this paper, allows studying DR actions and schemes in distribution networks. It undertakes the technical validation of the solution using realistic network simulation based on PSCAD. DemSi considers the players involved in DR actions, and the results can be analyzed from each specific player point of view.


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Uma linha de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na área da robótica, que tem recebido atenção crescente nos últimos anos, é o desenvolvimento de robôs biologicamente inspirados. A ideia é adquirir conhecimento de seres biológicos, cuja evolução ocorreu ao longo de milhões de anos, e aproveitar o conhecimento assim adquirido para implementar a locomoção pelos mesmos métodos (ou pelo menos usar a inspiração biológica) nas máquinas que se constroem. Acredita-se que desta forma é possível desenvolver máquinas com capacidades semelhantes às dos seres biológicos em termos de capacidade e eficiência energética de locomoção. Uma forma de compreender melhor o funcionamento destes sistemas, sem a necessidade de desenvolver protótipos dispendiosos e com longos tempos de desenvolvimento é usar modelos de simulação. Com base nestas ideias, o objectivo deste trabalho passa por efectuar um estudo da biomecânica da santola (Maja brachydactyla), uma espécie de caranguejo comestível pertencente à família Majidae de artrópodes decápodes, usando a biblioteca de ferramentas SimMechanics da aplicação Matlab / Simulink. Esta tese descreve a anatomia e locomoção da santola, a sua modelação biomecânica e a simulação do seu movimento no ambiente Matlab / SimMechanics e SolidWorks.


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Recent and future changes in power systems, mainly in the smart grid operation context, are related to a high complexity of power networks operation. This leads to more complex communications and to higher network elements monitoring and control levels, both from network’s and consumers’ standpoint. The present work focuses on a real scenario of the LASIE laboratory, located at the Polytechnic of Porto. Laboratory systems are managed by the SCADA House Intelligent Management (SHIM), already developed by the authors based on a SCADA system. The SHIM capacities have been recently improved by including real-time simulation from Opal RT. This makes possible the integration of Matlab®/Simulink® real-time simulation models. The main goal of the present paper is to compare the advantages of the resulting improved system, while managing the energy consumption of a domestic consumer.


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Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden Modellbildungsverfahren zur echtzeitfähigen Simulation wichtiger Schadstoffkomponenten im Abgasstrom von Verbrennungsmotoren vorgestellt. Es wird ein ganzheitlicher Entwicklungsablauf dargestellt, dessen einzelne Schritte, beginnend bei der Ver-suchsplanung über die Erstellung einer geeigneten Modellstruktur bis hin zur Modellvalidierung, detailliert beschrieben werden. Diese Methoden werden zur Nachbildung der dynamischen Emissi-onsverläufe relevanter Schadstoffe des Ottomotors angewendet. Die abgeleiteten Emissionsmodelle dienen zusammen mit einer Gesamtmotorsimulation zur Optimierung von Betriebstrategien in Hybridfahrzeugen. Im ersten Abschnitt der Arbeit wird eine systematische Vorgehensweise zur Planung und Erstellung von komplexen, dynamischen und echtzeitfähigen Modellstrukturen aufgezeigt. Es beginnt mit einer physikalisch motivierten Strukturierung, die eine geeignete Unterteilung eines Prozessmodells in einzelne überschaubare Elemente vorsieht. Diese Teilmodelle werden dann, jeweils ausgehend von einem möglichst einfachen nominalen Modellkern, schrittweise erweitert und ermöglichen zum Abschluss eine robuste Nachbildung auch komplexen, dynamischen Verhaltens bei hinreichender Genauigkeit. Da einige Teilmodelle als neuronale Netze realisiert werden, wurde eigens ein Verfah-ren zur sogenannten diskreten evidenten Interpolation (DEI) entwickelt, das beim Training einge-setzt, und bei minimaler Messdatenanzahl ein plausibles, also evidentes Verhalten experimenteller Modelle sicherstellen kann. Zum Abgleich der einzelnen Teilmodelle wurden statistische Versuchs-pläne erstellt, die sowohl mit klassischen DoE-Methoden als auch mittels einer iterativen Versuchs-planung (iDoE ) generiert wurden. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit werden, nach Ermittlung der wichtigsten Einflussparameter, die Model-strukturen zur Nachbildung dynamischer Emissionsverläufe ausgewählter Abgaskomponenten vor-gestellt, wie unverbrannte Kohlenwasserstoffe (HC), Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) sowie Kohlenmono-xid (CO). Die vorgestellten Simulationsmodelle bilden die Schadstoffkonzentrationen eines Ver-brennungsmotors im Kaltstart sowie in der anschließenden Warmlaufphase in Echtzeit nach. Im Vergleich zur obligatorischen Nachbildung des stationären Verhaltens wird hier auch das dynami-sche Verhalten des Verbrennungsmotors in transienten Betriebsphasen ausreichend korrekt darge-stellt. Eine konsequente Anwendung der im ersten Teil der Arbeit vorgestellten Methodik erlaubt, trotz einer Vielzahl von Prozesseinflussgrößen, auch hier eine hohe Simulationsqualität und Ro-bustheit. Die Modelle der Schadstoffemissionen, eingebettet in das dynamische Gesamtmodell eines Ver-brennungsmotors, werden zur Ableitung einer optimalen Betriebsstrategie im Hybridfahrzeug ein-gesetzt. Zur Lösung solcher Optimierungsaufgaben bieten sich modellbasierte Verfahren in beson-derer Weise an, wobei insbesondere unter Verwendung dynamischer als auch kaltstartfähiger Mo-delle und der damit verbundenen Realitätsnähe eine hohe Ausgabequalität erreicht werden kann.


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The activated sludge and anaerobic digestion processes have been modelled in widely accepted models. Nevertheless, these models still have limitations when describing operational problems of microbiological origin. The aim of this thesis is to develop a knowledge-based model to simulate risk of plant-wide operational problems of microbiological origin.For the risk model heuristic knowledge from experts and literature was implemented in a rule-based system. Using fuzzy logic, the system can infer a risk index for the main operational problems of microbiological origin (i.e. filamentous bulking, biological foaming, rising sludge and deflocculation). To show the results of the risk model, it was implemented in the Benchmark Simulation Models. This allowed to study the risk model's response in different scenarios and control strategies. The risk model has shown to be really useful providing a third criterion to evaluate control strategies apart from the economical and environmental criteria.


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This paper describes an assessment of the nitrogen and phosphorus dynamics of the River Kennet in the south east of England. The Kennet catchment (1200 km(2)) is a predominantly groundwater fed river impacted by agricultural and sewage sources of nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) pollution. The results from a suite of simulation models are integrated to assess the key spatial and temporal variations in the nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) chemistry, and the influence of changes in phosphorous inputs from a Sewage Treatment Works on the macrophyte and epiphyte growth patterns. The models used are the Export Co-efficient model, the Integrated Nitrogen in Catchments model, and a new model of in-stream phosphorus and macrophyte dynamics: the 'Kennet' model. The paper concludes with a discussion on the present state of knowledge regarding the water quality functioning, future research needs regarding environmental modelling and the use of models as management tools for large, nutrient impacted riverine systems. (C) 2003 IMACS. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.