309 resultados para senecio madagascariensis
Flora de un área de la Sierra La Barrosa (Balcarce) y fenología de especies con potencial ornamental
Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron inventariar la flora vascular en un área de la Sierra La Barrosa (Sistema de Tandilia, Buenos Aires), determinar la utilidad actual o potencial de las especies e iniciar un estudio fenológico preliminar in situ de 10 especies nativas de interés ornamental. El relevamiento florístico se realizó en un sector de la cima y laderas y se elaboró una base de datos con registros taxonómicos, origen, ciclo, forma biológica y utilidad de las especies. Se identificaron 204 especies, pertenecientes a 51 familias y 135 géneros; de ellas 70,6% son nativas no endémicas; 9,31% endémicas y 20,1% exóticas. El 76% de las especies son perennes y predominan las hemicriptófitas (41,2%). El 65% de las especies inventariadas tiene interés agronómico por su utilidad potencial como medicinal (21,5%), ornamental (25%), forrajera (13,7%), o por ser malezas o tóxicas (13,2 %). Por su potencial ornamental (hábito, atributos del follaje, flores e inflorescencias), se efectuó un estudio fenológico en Achyrocline satureioides, Eupatorium subhastatum, E. tanacetifolium, Hysterionica pinifolia, Senecio pulcher, Sommerfeltia spinulosa, Lathyrus pubescens, Mimosa rocae, Pavonia cymbalaria y Gomphrena perennis, que indicó diferencias en la época y duración de la floración.
Este trabajo proporciona una clave ilustrada para 21 especies de Frankliniella registradas para la Argentina, incluyendo tres citas nuevas: Frankliniella graminis Cavalleri & Mound, colectado sobre Sorghum halepense; Frankliniella otites Berzosa & Maroto, sobre flores de Senecio spp. y Verbena seriphioides; y Frankliniella williamsi Hood sobre hojas de Zea maiz “maíz". También son proporcionados nuevos hospedadores para Frankliniella gracilis. Se incluyen notas sobre cada especie. Frankliniella cognata Hood es excluida de la fauna de tisanópteros de la Argentina.
Globalization has resulted in unprecedented movements of people, goods, and alien species across the planet. Although the impacts of biological invasions are widely appreciated, a bias exists in research effort to post-dispersal processes because of the difficulties of measuring propagule pressure. The Antarctic provides an ideal model system in which to investigate propagule movements because of the region's isolation and small number of entry routes. Here we investigated the logistics operations of the South African National Antarctic Programme (SANAP) and quantified the initial dispersal of alien species into the region. we found that over 1400 seeds from 99 taxa are transported into the Antarctic each field season in association with SANAP passenger luggage and cargo. The first ever assessment of propagule drop-off indicated that 30-50% of these propagules will enter the recipient environment. Many of the taxa include cosmopolitan weeds and known aliens in the Antarctic, indicating that logistics operations form part of a globally self-perpetuating cycle moving alien species between areas of human disturbance. in addition, propagules of some taxa native to the Antarctic region were also found, suggesting that human movements may be facilitating intra-regional homogenization. Several relatively simple changes in biosecurity policy that could significantly reduce the threat of introduction of nonnative species are suggested.
Como participantes de una expedición organizada por la Escuela de Montaña de la UNC, los autores recorrieron la Quebrada del arroyo Nield, en la ruta a la cumbre del cerro Sonseado, desde 2100 y 3100 m s. m. y el Alto del Valle del Atuel, entre 2100 y 2200 m s. m. llevando a su cargo la realización de estudios florísticos. Aparte de las colecciones botánicas reunidas una lista de las cuales se da al final del trabajo, documentan los efectos de la nieve sobre la vegetación de la zona, llegando a la conclusión de que, contrariamente a lo que podría suponerse en los años de precipitaciones nivales extraordinarias en esa zona de Los Andes mendocinos, la receptividad de los campos de montaña se desmejora. Estiman que la presencia de estructuras circulares en las gramíneas podrían ser utilizadas como indicadores del nivel hipsométrico en que se inician los efectos destructores de la nieve y consideran que Adesmia obovata y Senecio Gilliesii se pueden emplear como plantas quionófobas útiles para determinar un piso de vegetación en la zona del Alto Valle del Atuel. Describen lo que designan como "vegetación planchada" que consideran como un aspecto de valor fisiográfico para las quebradas de Los Andes mendocinos entre los 2000 y 3000 m s. m., ilustrando el trabajo con fotografías.
In this study a radiocarbon-dated pollen record from Lake Billyakh (65°17'N, 126°47'E; 340 m a.s.l.) in the Verkhoyansk Mountains was used to reconstruct vegetation and climate change since about 15 kyr BP (1 kyr=1000 cal. yr). The pollen record and pollen-based biome reconstruction suggest that open cool steppe and grass and sedge tundra communities with Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Artemisia, Chenopodiaceae, Caryophyllaceae and Selaginella rupestris dominated the area from 15 to 13.5 kyr BP. On the other hand, the constant presence of Larix pollen in quantities comparable to today's values points to the constant presence of boreal deciduous conifer trees in the regional vegetation during the last glaciation. A major spread of shrub tundra communities, including birch (Betula sect. Nanae), alder (Duschekia fruticosa) and willow (Salix) species, is dated to 13.5-12.7 kyr BP, indicating a noticeable increase in precipitation toward the end of the last glaciation, particularly during the Allerød Interstadial. Between 12.7 and 11.4 kyr BP pollen percentages of herbaceous taxa rapidly increased, whereas shrub taxa percentages decreased, suggesting strengthening of the steppe communities associated with the relatively cold and dry Younger Dryas Stadial. However, the pollen data in hand indicate that Younger Dryas climate was less severe than the climate during the earlier interval from 15 to 13.5 kyr BP. The onset of the Holocene is marked in the pollen record by the highest values of shrub and lowest values of herbaceous taxa, suggesting a return of warmer and wetter conditions after 11.4 kyr BP. Percentages of tree taxa increase gradually and reach maximum values after 7 kyr BP, reflecting the spread of boreal cold deciduous and taiga forests in the region. An interval between 7 and 2 kyr BP is noticeable for the highest percentages of Scots spine (Pinus subgen. Diploxylon), spruce (Picea) and fir (Abies) pollen, indicating mid-Holocene spread of boreal forest communities in response to climate amelioration and degradation of the permafrost layer.
While engaged in geoecological field work on Victoria Island, 277 new plants could be recorded for the vicinities of Holman, Cambridge Bay, Wellington Bay, Mt. Pelly, Richardson Islands, Hadley Bay, and Minto lnlet; 8 of them were new for Victoria Island, 6 for the western Canadian arctic archipelago.
The stratigraphy and pollen analysis of the deposits show that this is a lake basin which during the Late-glacial period was partially filled by lake clays and muds. One of the main interests of the pollen diagrams lies in the division of zone i into three suh-zones showing a minor climatic oscillation which seems to be comparable with the Boiling oscillation of northern Europe. During Post-glacial time the greater part of the deposits has been muds but on one side a fen developed which in early zone VI was sufficiently dry to support birch and pine wood. Later in zone VI the water table must have risen slightly because the fen peats were gradually covered by a rather oxidized mud suggesting that the fen became replaced by a shallow swamp with a widely fluctuating water table. In the Atlantic period the basin was reflooded and the more central deposits were covered by a layer of mud. Later in the central region, swamp and eventually Sphagnum bog communities developed. The whole area is now covered by a sihy soil and forms a flat meadowland.
Reworked shallow-water foraminifers that settled on the upper slope of the central Great Barrier Reef at Site 821 (water depth, 212.6 m) were used as indicators of the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that have controlled the Pleistocene evolution of the adjacent platform. Throughout the 400-m-thick sequence drilled, the nature, composition, and distribution of the shallow-water foraminiferal assemblages studied indicate that (1) all the species recorded are at present living in diverse tropical, reef-related areas of the Indo-Pacific and Atlantic provinces; (2) the composition of the microfaunal taphocoenoses is almost identical between the different stratigraphic intervals studied and the modern Great Barrier Reef environments; (3) inner-neritic, tropical environments have continued to develop since the middle Pleistocene; (4) high- to moderate-energy platform edges occurred repeatedly throughout Pleistocene time. These factors may suggest that, since the beginning of the Pleistocene, several reef-like tracts have grown successively on the central area of the northeastern Australian shelf edge. These tracts probably had a sufficiently evolved morphological zonation to act as shelters for foraminiferal biocoenoses of high species diversity.
As age-diagnostic fossils are rare in the Middle to Upper Jurassic sedimentary succession of Gebel Maghara, North Sinai, Egypt, and in order to ensure maximal stratigraphic resolution, chronostratigraphic boundaries were determined based on quantitative biostratigraphy. A data matrix comprising 231 macrofaunal taxa in 93 samples from four sections has been processed with the Unitary Association (UA) Method. This led to construction of a sequence of 29 UAs (maximal sets of actually or virtually coexisting taxa), which have been grouped into 14 laterally reproducible association zones. The UA method allowed an in-depth analysis of the stratigraphically conflicting taxa, enabled the biostratigraphic subdivision of the studied interval, and also provided stratigraphic correlation among the measured sections and with the Tethyan ammonite zones.
In der Döberitzer Heide nördlich von Potsdam wurden vegetationsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Das Untersuchungsgebiet befindet sich im östlichen Teil der Nauener Platte, die bisher vegetationsgeschichtlich weitgehend unerforscht war. In sechs verschiedenen Mooren wurden acht Bohrungen niedergebracht. Die Bohrkerne wurden stratigraphisch und pollenanalytisch untersucht und für die Radiocarbondatierung beprobt. Die Pollendiagramme ermöglichen die Rekonstruktion der Vegetationsentwicklung der terrestrischen Standorte und der Moore in der Döberitzer Heide in den letzten 14.000 Jahren. Neben einer Revision der Gliederungsprinzipien der spätglazialen Vegetationsentwicklung Brandenburgs und einer vergleichenden Betrachtung der Moorentwicklung in der Döberitzer Heide wurde besonderes Augenmerk auf die Geschichte des Döberitzer Lindenwaldes gerichtet, der einen Sonderfall in der brandenburgischen Vegetation darstellt. Die Untersuchungen boten die Möglichkeit, die Ursachen seiner Entstehung zu klären, Aussagen zu den Perspektiven seiner Entwicklung zu treffen und mögliche Entwicklungspotentiale von Lindenwäldern im Land Brandenburg aufzuzeigen.