992 resultados para self-assembled monolayers (SAMs)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We report an efficient alternative to obtain recessed microelectrodes device on gold electrode surface, in which mixed self-assembled monolayer of long and short carbon alkanethiol chains was used for this purpose. Development of the modified electrodes included the chemical adsorption of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid and 2-mercaptoethanol solution, as well as their mixtures, on gold surface, resulting in the final mixed self-assembled monolayer configuration. For comparison, the electrochemical performance of self-assembled monolayer of 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid. 3-mercaptopropionic acid, 4-mercapto-1-butanol and 6-mercapto-1-hexanol modified electrodes was also investigated. It was verified that, in the mixed self-assembled monolayer, the 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid acts as a barrier for electron transfer while the short alkanethiol chair is deposited in an island-like shape through which electrons can be freely transferred to ions in solution, allowing electrochemical reactions to occur. The performance of the modified electrodes toward microelectrode behavior was investigated via cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements using [Fe(CN)(6)](3-/4-) redox couple as a probe. In this case, sigmoidal voltammetric responses were obtained, very similar to those observed for microelectrodes. Such behavior reinforces the proposition of electron transfer through the short alkanethiol chain layer and surface blockage by the long chain one. Electrochemical impedance results allowed calculated the mean radius value of each microelectrode disks of 3.8 mu m with about 22 mu m interval between them. The microelectrode environment provided by the mixed self-assembled monolayer can be conveniently used to provide an efficient catalytic conversion in biosensing applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Deutsch:In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten neue Methoden zur Synthese anorganischer Materialien mit neuartiger Architektur im Mikrometer und Nanometer Maßstab beschrieben werden. Die zentrale Rolle der Formgebung basiert dabei auf der templatinduzierten Abscheidung der anorganischen Materialien auf selbstorganisierten Monoschichten. Als Substrate eignen sich goldbedampfte Glasträger und Goldkolloide, die eine Mittelstellung in der Welt der Atome bzw. Moleküle und der makroskopischen Welt der ausgedehnten Festkörper einnehmen. Auf diesen Substraten lassen sich Thiole zu einer monomolekularen Schicht adsorbieren und damit die Oberflächeneigenschaften des Substrates ändern. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt bei dieser Arbeit stellt die Synthese speziell auf die Bedürfnisse der jeweiligen Anwendung ausgerichteten Thiole dar.Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurden goldbedampfte Glasoberflächen als Template verwendet. Die Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat wurde in Abhängigkeit der Schichtdicke der adsorbierten Monolage untersucht. Aragonit, eine der drei Hauptphasen des Calciumcarbonat Systems, wurde auf polyaromatischen Amid - Oberflächen mit Schichtdicken von 5 - 400 nm Dicke unter milden Bedingung abgeschieden. Die einstellbaren Parameter waren dabei die Kettenlänge des Polymers, der w-Substituent, die Bindung an die Goldoberfläche über Verwendung verschiedener Aminothiole und die Kristallisationstemperatur. Die Schichtdickeneinstellung der Polymerfilme erfolgte hierbei über einen automatisierten Synthesezyklus.Titanoxid Filme konnten auf Oberflächen strukturiert werden. Dabei kam ein speziell synthetisiertes Thiol zum Einsatz, das die Funktionalität einer Styroleinheit an der Oberflächen Grenze als auch eine Möglichkeit zur späteren Entfernung von der Oberfläche in sich vereinte. Die PDMS Stempeltechnik erzeugte dabei Mikrostrukturen auf der Goldoberfläche im Bereich von 5 bis 10 µm, die ihrerseits über die Polymerisation und Abscheidung des Polymers in den Titanoxid Film überführt werden konnten. Drei dimensionale Strukturen wurden über Goldkolloid Template erhalten. Tetraethylenglykol konnte mit einer Thiolgruppe im Austausch zu einer Hydroxylgruppe monofunktionalisiert werden. Das erhaltene Molekül wurde auf kolloidalem Gold selbstorganisiert; es entstand dabei ein wasserlösliches Goldkolloid. Die Darstellung erfolgte dabei in einer Einphasenreaktion. Die so erhaltenen Goldkolloide wurden als Krstallisationstemplate für die drei dimensionale Abscheidung von Calciumcarbonat verwendet. Es zeigte sich, dass Glykol die Kristallisation bzw. den Habitus des krsitalls bei niedrigem pH Wert modifiziert. Bei erhöhtem pH Wert (pH = 12) jedoch agieren die Glykol belegten Goldkolloide als Template und führen zu sphärisch Aggregaten. Werden Goldkolloide langkettigen Dithiolen ausgesetzt, so führt dies zu einer Aggregation und Ausfällung der Kolloide aufgrund der Vernetzung mehrer Goldkolloide mit den Thiolgruppen der Alkyldithiole. Zur Vermeidung konnte in dieser Arbeit ein halbseitig geschütztes Dithiol synthetisiert werden, mit dessen Hilfe die Aggregation unterbunden werden konnte. Das nachfolgende Entschützten der Thiolfunktion führte zu Goldkolloiden, deren Oberfläche Thiol funktionalisiert werden konnte. Die thiolaktiven Goldkolloide fungierten als template für die Abscheidung von Bleisulfid aus organisch/wässriger Lösung. Die Funktionsweise der Schutzgruppe und die Entschützung konnte mittels Plasmonenresonanz Spektroskopie verdeutlicht werden. Titanoxid / Gold / Polystyrol Komposite in Röhrenform konnten synthetisiert werden. Dazu wurde ein menschliches Haar als biologisches Templat für die Formgebung gewählt.. Durch Bedampfung des Haares mit Gold, Assemblierung eines Stryrolmonomers, welches zusätzlich eine Thiolfunktionalität trug, Polymerisation auf der Oberfläche, Abscheidung des Titanoxid Films und anschließendem Auflösen des biologischen Templates konnte eine Röhrenstruktur im Mikrometer Bereich dargestellt werden. Goldkolloide fungierten in dieser Arbeit nicht nur als Kristallisationstemplate und Formgeber, auch sie selbst wurden dahingehend modifiziert, dass sie drahtförmige Agglormerate im Nanometerbereich ausbilden. Dazu wurden Template aus Siliziumdioxid benutzt. Zum einen konnten Nanoröhren aus amorphen SiO2 in einer Sol Gel Methode dargestellt werden, zum anderen bediente sich diese Arbeit biologischer Siliziumoxid Hohlnadeln aus marinen Schwämmen isoliert. Goldkolloide wurden in die Hohlstrukturen eingebettet und die Struktur durch Ausbildung von Kolloid - Thiol Netzwerken mittels Dithiol Zugabe gefestigt. Die Gold-Nanodrähte im Bereich von 100 bis 500 nm wurden durch Auflösen des SiO2 - Templates freigelegt.


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The idea was to obtain nanowires in a chemical laboratory under convenient and simple conditions by employing templates. Thus it was possible to produce nanochains by interlinking of gold colloids synthesized by the two-phase-method of M. Brust with by making use of vanadiumoxide nanotubes as template. The length of the resulting nanowires is varying between 1100 nm and 200 nm with a diameter of about 16 nm. Due to a flexible linker the obtained nanowires are not completely rigid. These unique structural features could make them interesting objects for structuring and assembling in the nanoscale range. Another way to produce gold nanowires was realized by a two-step surface metallization procedure, using type I collagen fibres as a template. Gold colloids were used to label the collagen fibres by direct electrostatic interaction, followed by growth steps to enhance the size of the adsorbed colloidal gold crystals, resulting in a complete metallization of the template surface. The length of the resulting gold nanowires reaches several micrometers, with a diameter ~ 100 to 120 nm. To gain a deeper insight into the process of biomineralization the cooperative effect of self-assembled monolayers as substrate and a soluble counterpart on the nucleation and crystal growth of calcium phosphate was studied by diffusion techniques with a pH switch as initiator. As soluble component Perlucin and Nacrein were used. Both are proteins originally extracted from marine organisms, the first one from the Abalone shell and the second one from oyster pearls. Both are supposed to facilitate the calcium carbonate formation in vivo. Studies with Perlucin revealed that this protein shows a clear cooperative effect at a very low concentration with a hydrophobic surface promoting the calcium phosphate precipitation resulting in a sponge like structure of hydroxyapatite. The Perlucin molecule is very flexible and is unfolded by adsorbing to the hydrophobic surface and uncovers its active side. Hydrophilic surfaces did not have a deeper impact. Studies with Nacrein as additive have shown that the protein stabilizes octacalcium phosphate at room temperature on carboxylic self-assembled monolayer and at 34 °C on all other employed surfaces by interaction with the mineral. On the hydroxyl-, alkyl-, and amin-terminated self-assembled monolayers at room temperature the octacalcium phosphate get transformed to hydroxyapatite. Main analytical techniques which are used in this work are transmission electron microscopy, high resolution scanning electron microscopy, surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, Raman micro-spectroscopy and quartz crystal microbalance.


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The effect of anions on the redox behavior and structure of 11-ferrocenyl-1-undecanethiol (FcC11) monolayers (SAM) on Au(1 1 1) single crystal and Au(1 1 1-25 nm) thin film electrodes was investigated in 0.1 M solutions of HPF6, HClO4, HBF4, HNO3, and H2SO4 by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and in situ surface-enhanced infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (SEIRAS). We demonstrate that the FcC11 redox peaks shift toward positive potentials and broaden with increasing hydrophilicity of the anions. In situ surface-enhanced IR-spectroscopy (SEIRAS) provided direct access for the incorporation of anions into the oxidized adlayer. The coadsorption of anions is accompanied by the penetration of water molecules. The latter effect is particularly pronounced in aqueous HNO3 and H2SO4 electrolytes. The adlayer permeability increases with increasing hydrophilicity of the anions. We also found that even the neutral (reduced) FcC11 SAM is permeable for water molecules. Based on the property of interfacial water to reorient upon charge inversion, we propose a spectroscopic approach for estimating the potential of zero total charge of the FcC11-modified Au(1 1 1) electrodes in aqueous electrolytes.


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A variety of naturally occurring biomaterials owe their unusual structural and mechanical properties to layers of β-sheet proteins laminated between layers of inorganic mineral. To explore the possibility of fabricating novel two-dimensional protein layers, we studied the self-assembly properties of de novo proteins from a designed combinatorial library. Each protein in the library has a distinct 63 amino acid sequence, yet they all share an identical binary pattern of polar and nonpolar residues, which was designed to favor the formation of six-stranded amphiphilic β-sheets. Characterization of proteins isolated from the library demonstrates that (i) they self assemble into monolayers at an air/water interface; (ii) the monolayers are dominated by β-sheet secondary structure, as shown by both circular dichroism and infrared spectroscopies; and (iii) the measured areas (500- 600 Å2) of individual protein molecules in the monolayers match those expected for proteins folded into amphiphilic β-sheets. The finding that similar structures are formed by distinctly different protein sequences suggests that assembly into β-sheet monolayers can be encoded by binary patterning of polar and nonpolar amino acids. Moreover, because the designed binary pattern is compatible with a wide variety of different sequences, it may be possible to fabricate β-sheet monolayers by using combinations of side chains that are explicitly designed to favor particular applications of novel biomaterials.


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We report the results of a study into the quality of functionalized surfaces for nanolithographic imaging. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coverage, subsequent post-etch pattern definition and minimum feature size all depend on the quality of the Au substrate used in atomic nanolithographic experiments. We find sputtered Au substrates yield much smoother surfaces and a higher density of {111} oriented grains than evaporated Au surfaces. A detailed study of the self-assembly mechanism using molecular resolution AFM and STM has shown that the monolayer is composed of domains with sizes typically of 5-25 nm, and multiple molecular domains can exist within one Au grain. Exposure of the SAM to an optically-cooled atomic Cs beam traversing a two-dimensional array of submicron material masks ans also standing wave optical masks allowed determination of the minimum average Cs dose (2 Cs atoms per SAM molecule) and the realization of < 50 nm structures. The SAM monolayer contains many non-uniformities such as pin-holes, domain boundaries and monoatomic depressions which are present in the Au surface prior to SAM adsorption. These imperfections limit the use of alkanethiols as a resist in atomic nanolithography experiments. These studies have allowed us to realize an Atom Pencil suitable for deposition of precision quantities of material at the microand nanoscale to an active surface.


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Cs atom beams, transversely collimated and cooled, passing through material masks in the form of arrays of reactive-ion-etched hollow Si pyramidal tips and optical masks formed by intense standing light waves, write submicron features on self-assembled monolayers (SAMs). Features with widths as narrow as 43 ± 6 nm and spatial resolution limited only by the grain boundaries of the substrate have been realized in SAMs of alkanethiols. The material masks write two-dimensional arrays of submicron holes; the optical masks result in parallel lines spaced by half the optical wavelength. Both types of feature are written to the substrate by exposure of the masked SAM to the Cs flux and a subsequent wet chemical etch. For the arrays of pyramidal tips, acting as passive shadow masks, the resolution and size of the resultant feature depends on the distance of the mask array from the SAM, an effect caused by the residual divergence of the Cs atom beam. The standing wave optical mask acts as an array of microlenses focusing the atom flux onto the substrate. Atom 'pencils' writing on SAMs have the potential to create arbitrary submicron figures in massively parallel arrays. The smallest features and highest resolutions were realized with SAMs grown on smooth, sputtered gold substrates.


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We report the results of a study into the factors controlling the quality of nanolithographic imaging. Self-assembled monolayer (SAM) coverage, subsequent postetch pattern definition, and minimum feature size all depend on the quality of the Au substrate used in material mask atomic nanolithographic experiments. We find that sputtered Au substrates yield much smoother surfaces and a higher density of {111}-oriented grains than evaporated Au surfaces. Phase imaging with an atomic force microscope shows that the quality and percentage coverage of SAM adsorption are much greater for sputtered Au surfaces. Exposure of the self-assembled monolayer to an optically cooled atomic Cs beam traversing a two-dimensional array of submicron material masks mounted a few microns above the self-assembled monolayer surface allowed determination of the minimum average Cs dose (2 Cs atoms per self-assembled monolayer molecule) to write the monolayer. Suitable wet etching, with etch rates of 2.2 nm min-1, results in optimized pattern definition. Utilizing these optimizations, material mask features as small as 230 nm in diameter with a fractional depth gradient of 0.820 nm were realized.


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In this paper, the influence of chemically reduced graphene oxide sheets (CRGOs) on the electrochemical performance through methyl or carboxylic acid terminated self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) is reported. The gold electrode was initially modified with methyl or carboxylic acid terminated alkanethiols with various carbon chain lengths (n = 4, 6, 8 and 11) and subsequently immobilization of the CRGOs on a SAM surface was achieved via a hydrophobic and electrostatic interaction. By using the potassium ferricyanide as a redox probe, it was observed that CRGOs could effectively enhance the heterogeneous electron transfer (ET) of the SAM due to a tunneling effect. The assemblies based on thiol end groups with methyl head groups were observed to afford more hydrophobic interaction binding with CRGOs with a higher reduction time than the assemblies developed with thiol end groups and a -COOH group which were shown to bind more electrostatically with CRGOs, a lowering reduction time. The Nyquist plots developed show a gradual decrease of the charge transfer resistance (Rct) of [Fe(CN)6]3-/4- redox couple at the CRGOs-SAMs electrode with the controllable adsorption of different CRGO's onto the SAM. Depending on the chain length and terminal functional group the electron transfer rate kinetics were observed to differ considerably.


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The influence of the membrane active peptides, Tat44–57 (activator in HIV-1) and melittin (active content of bee venom), on self-assembled monolayers of 6-mercaptohexanoic acid (MHA) on gold electrodes has been studied with scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM). It was found that MHA, when deprotonated at physiological pH, significantly affected the relative rates of electron transfer between the [Fe(CN)6]4− solution based mediator and the underlying gold electrode, predominantly by the electrostatic interaction between the mediator and MHA. Upon the introduction of Tat44–57 ormelittin to the electrolyte, the relative rate of electron transfer through the MHA layer could be increased or decreased depending on the mediator used. However, in all cases it was found that these peptides have the ability to be incorporated into synthetic SAMs, which has implications for future electrochemical studies carried out using cell mimicking membranes immobilised on such layers.


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Self-assembled monolayers of 1-teradecanethiol on gold were characterized by means of FTIR-ATR measurements, XPS and contact angle measurements. Linear dichroism measurements using FTIR-ATR are used to estimate the orientation of the alkyl chains. An equation for calculating the orientation angles of the alkyls chains was deduced. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Limited. All rights reserved.


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Surface replacement reaction of thiol-derivatized, single-stranded oligonucleotide (HS-ssDNA) by mercaptohexanol (MCH) is investigated in order to reduce surface density of the HS-ssDNA adsorbed to Au(111) surface. Cyclic voltammograms (CVs) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) are employed to assess the composition and state of these mixed monolayers. It is found that each CV of mixed self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) only shows a single reductive desorption peak, which suggests that the resulted, mixed SAMs do not form discernable phase-separated domains. The peak potential gradually shifts to negative direction and the peak area increases step by step over the whole replacement process. By analyzing these peak areas, it is concluded that two MCH molecules will replace one HS-ssDNA molecule and relative coverage can also be estimated as a function of exposing time. The possible mechanism of the replacement reaction is also proposed. The DNA surface density exponentially reduces with the exposing time increasing, in other words, the replacement reaction is very fast in the first several hours and then gradually slows down. Moreover, the morphological change in the process is also followed by STM.