983 resultados para seed treatment


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The purpose of treating seeds chemically is to eradicate their pathogens and/or protect them against soil pathogens, mainly by germination time. However, there is little research on vegetables investigating the effect of this treatment on seed quality. Therefore, this study evaluates the effects of Carboxin + Thiram doses on germination and vigor of three lots of broccoli seeds, as well as on the incidence of fungi in treated seed. The 15 treatments were evaluated in a factorial system (3x5), with the first factor consisting of three lots of 'Avenger' broccoli seeds (lots 82744, 82745 and 82749), and the second factor consisting of five doses (0, 0.04, 0.06, 0.10 and 0.12% of a.i.) of Carboxin + Thiram fungicide (commercial name Vitavax-Thiran). The germination and seed vigor were evaluated, in addition to the presence of pathogens in seeds after treatment (blotter test). All lots showed high levels of germination and vigor. The lot 82749, however, showed higher value in plug test in substrate emergence (99%) than lot 82745 (95%). Regarding the treatment with Carboxin + Thiram, no changes in germination average (98%) and vigor were noticed (average for the first germination count, length, and dry weight of seedling, plug test at 10 days after sowing of 97%, 4.9 cm, 4.0 mg and 96%, respectively), showing that this fungicide, in the evaluated doses, does not affect the quality of broccoli seeds. As to seeds health, the pathogens Alternaria spp. and Fusarium spp. were detected, in addition to saprophytic species such as Penicillium, Aspergillus, Trichoderma, and Rhizopus. The higher incidence of Fusarium spp. was noticed in lot 82744, and the lowest in lot 82749. As to Penicillium spp., lot 82479 was the most contaminated. Regarding other fungi, the general incidence was very low and there was no difference between lots and doses used.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This work aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of fluxofenim used for seed treatment as safener in wheat, Ônix cultivar, treated with the herbicide S-metolachlor applied in pre-emergence. The study was divided in two steps. The first step consisted of an evaluation of fluxofenim’s safener potential for the reduction of visual symptoms of S-metolachlor injury in the field, and the treatments were S-metolachlor at 1,440 and 2,880 mL i.a. ha-1 and fluxofenim at 0, and 40 mL per 100 kg of seeds, and a control without herbicide. The second step was to evaluate glutathione S-transferase activity (GST). Herbicide phytotoxity was measured by way of visual symptoms at 3, 7, 15, and 30 days after emergence (DAE), dry matter from roots and leaves at 10 DAE. For the determination of GST activity, the canopy of plants was collected at 10 DAE and 15 days after treatment application. The wheat presented low tolerance to S-metolachlor at both rates, and fluxofenim increased S-metolachlor selectivity to wheat but not sufficiently, reducing plant population to a nonacceptable level. Gluthationa S-transferase activity for wheat increased when seeds treated with fluxofenim were submitted to S-metolachlor at 1,440 mL a.i. ha-1.


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Altas produtividades de soja requerem grandes quantidades de nitrogênio, que podem ser obtidas principalmente, a partir da fixação simbiótica. No entanto, há possibilidade da eficiência desse processo biológico ser prejudicada pela deficiência de micronutrientes, especialmente de cobalto e molibdênio. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se com o presente trabalho avaliar a eficiência agronômica e a forma de aplicação de adubação mineral com cobalto e molibdênio na cultura da soja. Para tanto, a cultivar CD-206 foi submetida a diferentes tratamentos que consistiram da combinação entre aplicação de Co e Mo via tratamento de sementes e adubação foliar. As características agronômicas avaliadas foram o número de nódulos, massa seca da parte aérea, massa seca de raiz, número de vagens, número de grãos, massa de mil grãos e produção de grãos. A aplicação de molibdênio e cobalto via sementes e/ ou adubação foliar no estádio V4 (terceira folha trifoliolada completamente desenvolvida, quarto nó) promoveram incrementos significativos no rendimento da cultura. Respostas positivas ao cobalto e molibdênio também foram observadas no número de nódulos, vagens e grãos, com aumentos de até 240 kg ha-1 no rendimento da cultura. Os parâmetros agronômicos avaliados foram afetados positivamente pela aplicação de Co e Mo, principalmente quanto aplicado tanto via semente como foliar (TS + V4), inclusive para a produtividade de grãos. A forma de aplicação não foi significativamente distinta, ou seja, tanto a aplicação via semente como via foliar foram eficientes no fornecimento destes nutrientes para a cultura da soja.


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A obtenção de uma lavoura com população adequada de plantas depende da utilização de diferentes práticas agronômicas, estando o sucesso condicionado ao uso de sementes de boa qualidade. No entanto, a semeadura dificilmente é realizada em condições ideais o que resulta em problemas na emergência das plantas. Grande é a procura por alternativas que melhorem a germinação e o desenvolvimento inicial dos cultivos resultando em uniformidade de emergência, garantindo o estande e culminando em produção. O tratamento de sementes com agroquímicos fitossanitários é uma solução parcial no combate de agentes fitopatológicos e pragas, mas poucas são as soluções adotadas para melhorar o desenvolvimento vegetal inicial, que pode levar a desuniformidade e falhas no estande gerando prejuízos econômicos. Os extratos de algas já demonstraram em diversos estudos sua eficiência no desenvolvimento vegetal quando aplicados em plantas. Porém poucos são os estudos voltados para os efeitos dos extratos de algas na germinação e emergência. Assim, o intuito deste trabalho foi testar o extrato comercial de Ascophyllum nodosum, e diferentes fracionamentos do mesmo, no tratamento de sementes de soja e milho. Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes doses no desenvolvimento das plântulas e as doses de melhor resposta foram utilizadas no tratamento de sementes de soja a fim de associar as respostas obtidas à expressão gênica de 9 genes relacionados ao processo germinativo em 24 e 48h de embebição. Sementes de soja tratadas com o extrato comercial resultaram em plântulas menos desenvolvidas o que pode estar relacionado ao alto teor de sais contidos no produto. O tratamento com as demais frações favoreceu o desenvolvimento das plântulas, principalmente o desenvolvimento radicular. Sementes de milho tratadas não apresentaram desenvolvimento tão satisfatório quanto as sementes de soja tratadas. A análise da expressão gênica relativa demonstrou que o tratamento com frações do extrato comercial é capaz de regular algumas vias do metabolismo hormonal, como a isopentenil transferase e a GA20 oxidase 2, e do catabolismo de reservas, como a acil-CoA oxidase. Em condições ótimas, o tratamento de sementes de soja com frações do extrato comercial de A. nodosum favoreceu o desenvolvimento inicial das plântulas de soja, no entanto não ocasionou grandes alterações no desenvolvimento de milho. Este estudo demonstrou a possibilidade de utilização de frações do extrato de A. nodosum no favorecimento do desenvolvimento inicial de plântulas de soja. Maiores estudos são necessários quanto às respostas em campo e na atenuação de estresses para viabilizar seu uso como um bioestimulante em sementes.


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Molybdenum is one of the essential micronutrients for soybeans, acting directly on nitrogen metabolism as enzyme cofactor of nitrogenase. Usually, this nutrient is supplied to the plants through seed treatment or foliar application. The aim of this study was to evaluate the molybdenum effects by foliar in the physiological potential of soybean seeds and verify its interference in the enzyme activities involved in nitrogen metabolism. Soybean seeds of BMX Turbo cultivar were used, produced in Erechim, RS, harvest 2013, from plants treated with the following Mo concentrations: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1, supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) and stored during 0 and 6 months in uncontrolled conditions. The first experiment was conducted in Seedtes Seed Analysis Laboratory in Pato Branco, PR. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 x 2 with four replications each. The physiological potential of the seeds was evaluated by the germination test, seedling growth, accelerated aging and emergence on the soil. The second experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, where the seeds derived from treatments with different concentrations of Mo: 0; 25; 50 and 75 g ha-1 supplied through two commercial products (Biomol and Molybdate) were grown in vases. The used design was completely randomized in a factorial analysis 4 x 2 with four replications. Evaluations were performed when the plants reached the R1 phenological stage concerning the nodulation, dry matter of root and shoot of the plants and the determination of the activity of the enzymes glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthetase and the content of total soluble proteins. The data were submitted to variance analysis and when significant they were assessed by Tukey’s test for comparison of products and seed storage and with regression study to the concentrations at 5% probability. Analyses were performed using SISVAR statistical software. The soybean seed storage under uncontrolled conditions affected the seed vigour produced with Mo, regardless of the commercial product used during production. The application of Mo through foliar positively influences the production of soya beans which presented increasing responses in the germination and vigour with the application of Mo above 25 g ha-1 . The enrichment of Mo through foliar did not affect the nodulation of plants of the next generation, however, the use of Mo above 25 g ha-1 provided an increase in the activity of enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism as well as on the total protein content.


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Induction of resistance is defined as the activation of a state of resistance against diseases which is induced systemically in plants by the use of biotic or abiotic agents without any modification of the plant genome, occurring non-specific way, by activating genes coding for various plant defense responses. Chitosan is a polymer derived from the deacetylation of chitin, which is found in large quantities in crustacean shell, and studied with the potential to control plant pathogens, both by its direct fungistatic action, as the ability to induce protection of plants, indicating the presence of molecules of elicitoras characteristics. Three experiments with objective of evaluating the potential of chitosan in the seedling resistance induction were developed, beet (Beta vulgaris) seeds, cucumber (Cucumis sativus) seeds and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) seeds, and the control of Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia solani K¨uhn e Pythium sp. in vitro conditions. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications. Beet seeds, tomato and cucumber were submerged in chitosan solution for 20 minutes, in concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2% in the control and distilled water. Seeds were sown in trays containing Plantmax Florestalr substrate sterilized and inoculated with Fusarium sp., Rhizoctonia solani K¨unh and Pythium sp., respectively for the three cultures. The experiment was conducted for 14 days in growth chamber with controlled temperature (25 C 2 C), light (12 hour photoperiod) and humidity (70% 10%). The evaluations were seed emergency, seedling damping-off, seedling length, fresh weight and activity of the enzymes phenylalanine amˆonia-liase (PAL), chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase. It was also rated the mycelial growth of Fusarium sp., Pythium sp. and R. solani on P.D.A. (Potato-Dextrose and Agar) culture medium containing chitosan at the same concentrations evaluated in seeds. For beet growing, seed treatment with chitosan presented higher emergence and the length of the seedlings, and reduced the percentage of tipping. Treatment with chitosan activated the systemic acquired resistance with expression of chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase enzymes. For the tomato crop in chitosan concentration of 0.25% favored the emergency of seedlings, reduced the incidence of tipping and activated the PAL enzymes, chitinase and b-1,3-glucanase. In cucumber on the concentration of up 0.5% favored seedlings emergence and reduces the incidence of tipping. Chitosan activated the PAL enzymes and b-1,3-glucanase. Chitosan also presented fungistatic action on the initial growth of Pythium sp. and R. solani in vitro conditions, however, such action did not prevail until the end of the experiment. To Fusarium sp. the concentration of chitosan resulted in the reduction of mycelial growth in vitro.


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The crops are affected by pests and diseases that decrease productivity. Among them are the damping off of seedlings that can occur in pre and post-emergence. In bean crops, cucumber and beet these diseases occur, being caused by various pathogens, especialy fitopathogenic fungi. Several measures are used for the controle of such diseases, among them, is the chemical seed treatment fungicides. However, society has become increasingly concerned about the quality and food and environmental contamination, generation a growting search for sensitive products to humans and the environment. The use of essential oils to control plant pathogens is an example of alternative tested by science in the search for less aggressive technologies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the use of essential oil Aloysia citriodora, in control of pathogens causing damping off in beans, cucumber and beet. This thesis was divided in four chapters, the introductory first, and the other addressing the control of Pythium sp. in beans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on cucumber, and Fusarium sp. on beet. The methodology consisted of four experiments in each pathosystem, with all the work done at the Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus Dois Vizinhos. In the first experiment evaluated the fungistatic and fungicidal effect of the essential oil of A. citriodora on PDA in vitro in mycelial growth of pathogens studied. In the second experiment evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in BD medium on microscope slides, on the germination of sporangia Pythium sp. and conidia Fusarium sp., and in Petri dishes with PDA medium, the sclerotia germination speed index of S. sclerotiorum. In the third experiment, we evaluated in germination test in paper roll (PR), the phytotoxic effect or not the use of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in dry bean seed, cucumber and beet. The variables used to assess this experiment were the germination percentage, mediun green mass per plant and average length of seedlings. In the fourth experiment we assessed the effect of treating bean seeds, cucumber and beet with essential oil contents of A. citriodora, seeds in their subsequent substrates contamined with pathogens studied, Pythium sp., S. sclerotiorum and Fusarium sp. In this experiment we used the following variables: percentage of emergence, percentage of post-emergence damping off, green average mass per plant, average length per plant and biochemical analyzes. The biochemistry of plant tissues evaluated were as follows: protein content, enzymatic activities of peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-liase (PAL), chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases. The in vitro results show that the essential oil has fungistatic and fungicidal effect on mycelial growth, on sporangia germination, conidia and sclerotia of the pathogens studied in this work, wich may be related to its major components, citral and limonene. The oil also exhibits low phytotoxicity to seeds of the species studied, only in beans decreases germination in most studied dosage (0,25%), cucumber also in the higher dosage (0,25%) reduce the length of seedlings, and beet there were no negative effects to the seedlings. In the test in substrate contaminated with the pathogens, the use of essential oil: increased germination and decreased post emergence damping off of beans seedlings; at a concentration of 0,0625% decreases post emergence damping off in cucumber. In biochemical analyzes found an increase in the enzymatic activity of peroxidases and β-1,3-glucanases on beans, and glucanases on cucumber, and increased enzyme activity of peroxidases on beet, showing action in resistance induction at damping off.


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The use of inputs containing phosphites have been presenting results in many studies, taking on importance to the control of diseases in some cultures and demonstrating the resistance induction in seedlings, with ability to activate defense mechanisms, conferring protection to plants against microorganisms. The soybean crop is recognized for its importance in providing grains and derivatives for human consumption, animal, production of biofuels, pharmaceuticals, among others. Positive results obtained through studies based on resistance inducers in some cultures arouse the interest for further study. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of potassium phosphites on the resistance induction and treatment of soybean seeds. Therefore were conducted four laboratory studies at the Federal Technological University of Paraná, Campus of Dois Vizinhos. In the first study it was evaluated the quality attributes of the seeds and the resistance induction as seed treatment. Then it was verified that phosphites have action upon the seedlings metabolism in due to seed treatment, having the phosphite Reforce® contributed to seed quality attributes and phosphites FitofosK® and Fitofos K Plus® induced the resistance increasing the activity of β-1,3-glucanase. In the second study it was evaluated the the resistance induction in soybean cotyledons, in which the phosphites demonstrated induction potential of phytoalexin gliceolin. In the third study It was evaluated the soybean seed health treated with potassium phosphites.. it was observed that the phosphites reduced the incidence of many fungi on seeds, especially of storage fungi like Aspergillus sp. and Fusarium semitectum. In the fourth study it was evaluated the in vitro effect of potassium phosphites on pathogenic fungi of the culture. And it was found direct action of phosphites on the mycelial growth of Fusarium semitectum, Pythium sp. and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Based on these results, we concluded that potassium phosphites have potential in seeds treatment, as resistance inducer and on in vitro control of phytopathogens.


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Safeners are an important tool used to ensure the safe using of herbicide. The objective of this paper was to investigate the protective effect of four 3-dichloroacetyl oxazolidine safeners (3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-1,3-oxazolidine [R-28725], racemate of 3-dichloroacetyl-2,2-dimethyl-4- ethyl-1,3-oxazolidine, and its two chiral stereoisomers) in reducing the injury caused by imazethapyr. Physiological and biochemical tests were conducted under laboratory condition, by using seed treatment with safeners and soil treatment with imazethapyr, respectively. The interaction of two safeners (R-28725 and R-stereoisomer) and imazethapyr reduced the injury of maize significantly, and also increased glutathione content, activity of glutathione S-transferases, and activity of acetolactate synthase in maize. When induced by R-stereoisomer, the GSH content in root and in shoot increased 100.7% and 73.6%, respectively. When induced by R-28725, the GST activity in vivo increased threefold and the GST activity in vitro more than doubled. The kinetic parameter Vmax of GST in the maize treated with R-28725 and R-stereoisomer increased by 102.2% and 81.9%, respectively, compared with the control. The results also showed that R-28725 and R-stereoisomer induced glutathione S-transferases affinity for the substrate of conjugation reaction significantly.


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RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do tratamento de sementes com inseticidas sobre o manejo de Dichelops melacanthus e a produtividade da soja e do milho, cultivados em sucessão. O estudo foi realizado em campo, nas safras 2012/2013 (I) e 2013/2014 (II). Avaliaram-se os inseticidas imidacloprido, tiametoxam, tiodicarbe, fipronil e abamectina. Determinaram-se: a densidade populacional do percevejo, a produtividade de soja e milho, e a intensidade da injúria em milho. A densidade do percevejo permaneceu abaixo de um inseto por metro quadrado, na maior parte do ciclo da soja. Os picos populacionais foram observados nas primeiras semanas, após a emergência do milho, e atingiram 2,2 (safra I) e 6,7 (safra II) percevejos por metro quadrado. Na cultura da soja, os inseticidas não reduziram a densidade populacional do percevejo. Na cultura do milho, o imidacloprido reduziu a densidade do percevejo em 23,2% (safra I) e 38,8% (safra II), e a injúria em 61,8% (safra I) e 26,4% (safra II). O tiametoxam reduziu a densidade dos insetos em 27,8% (safra II) e a injúria em 42,7% (safra I). O tratamento de sementes com inseticidas não proporciona aumento de produtividade à soja e ao milho, portanto, não se justifica sua utilização nas condições deste estudo. ABSTRACT: The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of seed treatment with insecticides on the management of Dichelops melacanthus on the yield of soybean and corn, grown in succession. The study was carried out in a field, in the 2012/2013 (I) and 2013/2014 (II) crop seasons. The evaluated insecticides were: imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, thiodicarb, fipronil, and abamectin. The following were determined: stink bug population density, soybean and corn yield, and corn injury. Population density remained below one stink bug per square meter, in most of the soybean cycle. Population peaks were observed in the first weeks, after corn emergence, and they reached 2.2 (crop season I) and 6.7 (crop season II) stink bugs per square meter. In the soybean crop, the insecticides did not reduce the stink bug population density. In the corn crop, imidacloprid reduced the stink bug density in 23.2% (crop season I) and 38.8% (crop season II), and injury in 61.8% (crop season I) and 26.4% (crop season II). Thiamethoxam reduced the insect population density in 27.8% (crop season II) and injury in 42.7% (crop season I). Seed treatment with insecticides does not provide increase for soybean and corn yields, therefore, their use is not justified in this study's conditions.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do tratamento químico com ureia (3 ou 5% na MS) e amônia anidra (3% na MS) no feno de resíduo pós-colheita de sementes de Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandu, contendo diferentes teores de umidade (15, 25 ou 30%). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos ao acaso com oito tratamentos e quatro repetições (camadas de fardos dentro das pilhas). O feno tratado com 3% de amônia anidra com 15% de umidade ocasionou redução de 84,3 para 79,1% nos teores de fibra em detergente neutro (FDN) e elevação de 37,3 para 55,5% na digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca (MS) em relação ao grupo controle. A variação na umidade não alterou de maneira significativa a ação da amônia, cujos valores médios foram 77,6% de FDN e 57,3% de digestibilidade in vitro da MS. O feno com 5% de ureia reduziu os teores de FDN de 84,3 para 79,6% em relação ao feno não-tratado, o que tornou necessário o aumento da umidade para 30% para maior efeito sobre a digestibilidade da MS, que aumentou 12 unidades percentuais.