975 resultados para screw pump


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Despite large changes in salt intake, the mammalian kidney is able to maintain the extracellular sodium concentration and osmolarity within very narrow margins, thereby controlling blood volume and blood pressure. In the aldosterone-sensitive distal nephron (ASDN), aldosterone tightly controls the activities of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and Na,K-ATPase, the two limiting factors in establishing transepithelial sodium transport. It has been proposed that the ENaC/degenerin gene family is restricted to Metazoans, whereas the α- and β-subunits of Na,K-ATPase have homologous genes in prokaryotes. This raises the question of the emergence of osmolarity control. By exploring recent genomic data of diverse organisms, we found that: 1) ENaC/degenerin exists in all of the Metazoans screened, including nonbilaterians and, by extension, was already present in ancestors of Metazoa; 2) ENaC/degenerin is also present in Naegleria gruberi, an eukaryotic microbe, consistent with either a vertical inheritance from the last common ancestor of Eukaryotes or a lateral transfer between Naegleria and Metazoan ancestors; and 3) The Na,K-ATPase β-subunit is restricted to Holozoa, the taxon that includes animals and their closest single-cell relatives. Since the β-subunit of Na,K-ATPase plays a key role in targeting the α-subunit to the plasma membrane and has an additional function in the formation of cell junctions, we propose that the emergence of Na,K-ATPase, together with ENaC/degenerin, is linked to the development of multicellularity in the Metazoan kingdom. The establishment of multicellularity and the associated extracellular compartment ("internal milieu") precedes the emergence of other key elements of the aldosterone signaling pathway.


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Introduction: Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) are one of the most prescribed medications in the world with proven efficacy. However, several studies showed that their use often doesn't respect indications, leading to over-consumption, thus exposing patients to drug interactions and adverse events (for example pneumonias). Interruption of PPIs can induce a rebound phenomenon. This generates costs for health systems.Methods: This is a prospective interventional study performed in two hospitals: La Chaux-de-Fonds (CDF, cases) and Neucha^tel (NE, control) during two six-month periods, comparing use of PPIs before and after intervention. We elaborated recommendations (PPI doses and treatment duration) based on recent medical literature that we summarized on A6 cards and gave out to all prescribing doctors in the hospital of CDF and held a 30-minute information session for the departments of surgery, medicine and anesthesiology in March 2010. Doctors were asked to apply our recommendations as often as possible, leaving space for their own assessment. No information was given to the doctors of the control hospital. The number of PPI tablets that the pharmacy sent to each careunit in both hospitals was counted and adjusted to the number of patientdays from April to September 2009 (before intervention) and April to September 2010 (after intervention). The number of other antacids that were used in both hospitals was counted during the same periods. General practitioners (GP) in the region around CDF received an explanation letter to avoid re-introduction, after discharge from the hospital, of PPI treatment stopped during the stay. The number of gastro-duodenal ulcers and upper digestive hemorrhages was counted from April to December 2009 and the same period in 2010 in both hospitals.Results: In 2010, in the hospital of CDF, the use of PPIs per 100 patient-days decreased by 36% in the surgical and medical departments compared to 2009. In the control hospital the use of PPIs per 100 patient-days increased by 10% in the surgical department and decreased by 5% in the medical department during the same periods. The decrease from 2009 to 2010 of PPI utilization in CDF comparing to NE is statistically significant: p<0.0001. Use of other antacids didn't change, ulcers or digestive hemorrhages decreased slightly from 2009 to 2010 in both hospitals. Conclusions: The study showed that with a very low-cost intervention, it is possible to decrease considerably the use of PPIs in a hospital, without taking any risk for gastro-intestinal complications.


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Spontaneous mutants resistant to fluoroquinolones were obtained by exposing Serratia marcescens NIMA (wild-type strain) to increasing concentrations of ciprofloxacin both in liquid and on solid media. Frequencies of mutation ranged from 10-7 to 10-9. Active expulsion of antibiotic was explored as a possible mechanism of resistance in mutants as well as changes in topoisomerase target genes. The role of extrusion mechanisms in determining the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria was also examined. Mutants resistant to high concentrations of fluoroquinolones had a single mutation in their gyrA QRDR sequences, whereas the moderate resistance in the rest of mutants was due to extrusion of the drug


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Spontaneous mutants resistant to fluoroquinolones were obtained by exposing Serratia marcescens NIMA (wild-type strain) to increasing concentrations of ciprofloxacin both in liquid and on solid media. Frequencies of mutation ranged from 10-7 to 10-9. Active expulsion of antibiotic was explored as a possible mechanism of resistance in mutants as well as changes in topoisomerase target genes. The role of extrusion mechanisms in determining the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria was also examined. Mutants resistant to high concentrations of fluoroquinolones had a single mutation in their gyrA QRDR sequences, whereas the moderate resistance in the rest of mutants was due to extrusion of the drug


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Electrically driven Er3+ doped Si slot waveguides emitting at 1530 nm are demonstrated. Two different Er3+ doped active layers were fabricated in the slot region: a pure SiO2 and a Si-rich oxide. Pulsed polarization driving of the waveguides was used to characterize the time response of the electroluminescence (EL) and of the signal probe transmission in 1 mm long waveguides. Injected carrier absorption losses modulate the EL signal and, since the carrier lifetime is much smaller than that of Er3+ ions, a sharp EL peak was observed when the polarization was switched off. A time-resolved electrical pump & probe measurement in combination with lock-in amplifier techniques allowed to quantify the injected carrier absorption losses. We found an extinction ratio of 6 dB, passive propagation losses of about 4 dB/mm, and a spectral bandwidth > 25 nm at an effective d.c. power consumption of 120 μW. All these performances suggest the usage of these devices as electro-optical modulators.


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Tässä diplomityössä käsitellään pumppujen maailmanlaajuista varaosa-jakelua. Työn pääpaino on varaosien moniportaisen jakeluverkon toimitusketjun logistiikassa. Asiakaspalvelussa varaosien nopea saatavuus on ratkaisevassa asemassa, jotta asiakkaiden tehtaiden käynnissäpito voidaan turvata. Työn tavoitteena oli kehittää Ahlström Pumpuille uusi globaali toimintamalli varaosien jakeluun. Tämä uusi varaosien jakelumalli on kehitetty pääasiassa sopimusasiakkaille, jotka ovat halukkaita ulkoistamaan varaosatoimintonsa. Mallia sovelletaan käytäntöön varaosien jakelussa ensiksi Suomessa ja Ruotsissa. Myöhemmin on tarkoitus kopioida mallia myös muualle. Malli on pyritty rakentamaan siten, että siihen voidaan helposti liittää muita Ahlström Pumppujen tarjoamia palveluita. Työssä koottu materiaali perustuu pääasiassa haastatteluihin, palavereihin, erilaisiin sisäisiin raportteihin, kirjallisuuteen ja itsenäiseen selvitystyöhön. Työssä on myös tutustuttu kolmen eri yrityksen after-sales- ja varaosatoimintaan.


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This thesis analyses the calculation of FanSave and PumpSave energy saving tools calculation. With these programs energy consumption of variable speed drive control for fans and pumps can be compared to other control methods. With FanSave centrifugal and axial fans can be examined and PumpSave deals with centrifugal pumps. By means of these programs also suitable frequency converter can be chosen from the ABB collection. Programs need as initial values information about the appliances like amount of flow and efficiencies. Operation time is important factor when calculating the annual energy consumption and information about it are the length and profile. Basic theory related to fans and pumps is introduced without more precise instructions for dimensioning. FanSave and PumpSave contain various methods for flow control. These control methods are introduced in the thesis based on their operational principles and suitability. Also squirrel cage motor and frequency converter are introduced because of their close involvement to fans and pumps. Second part of the thesis contains comparison between results of FanSave’s and PumpSave’s calculation and performance curve based calculation. Also laboratory tests were made with centrifugal and axial fan and also with centrifugal pump. With the results from this thesis the calculation of these programs can be adjusted to be more accurate and also some new features can be added.


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Off-pump coronary bypass grafting may decrease the rate of stroke, due to minimal aortic manipulation. For venous grafts, clampless hemostasis when performing the proximal anastomosis can be achieved using the Heartstring device. We describe a technique using a single device to suture two veins to one aortotomy. This technique requires less space and could be advantageous in very short, small, and calcified aortas. In to our experience, this technique is rapid, simple, easy to reproduce, and cost-saving.


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Study design: A retrospective study of image guided cervical implant placement precision. Objective: To describe a simple and precise classification of cervical critical screw placement. Summary of Background Data: "Critical" screw placement is defined as implant insertion into a bone corridor which is surrounded circumferentially by neurovascular structures. While the use of image guidance has improved accuracy, there is currently no classification which provides sufficient precision to assess the navigation success of critical cervical screw placement. Methods: Based on postoperative clinical evaluation and CT imaging, the orthogonal view evaluation method (OVEM) is used to classify screw accuracy into grade I (no cortical breach), grade la (screw thread cortical breach), grade II (internal diameter cortical breach) and grade III (major cortical breach causing neural or vascular injury). Grades II and III are considered to be navigation failures, after accounting for bone corridor / screw mismatch (minimal diameter of targeted bone corridor being smaller than an outer screw diameter). Results: A total of 276 screws from 91 patients were classified into grade I (64.9%), grade la (18.1%), and grade II (17.0%). No grade III screw was observed. The overall rate of navigation failure was 13%. Multiple logistic regression indicated that navigational failure was significantly associated with the level of instrumentation and the navigation system used. Navigational failure was rare (1.6%) when the margin around the screw in the bone corridor was larger than 1.5 mm. Conclusions: OVEM evaluation appears to be a useful tool to assess the precision of critical screw placement in the cervical spine. The OVEM validity and reliability need to be addressed. Further correlation with clinical outcomes will be addressed in future studies.


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Consensus diagnostic recommendations to distinguish GORD from eosinophilic oesophagitis (EoE) by response to a trial of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) unexpectedly uncovered an entity called 'PPI-responsive oesophageal eosinophilia' (PPI-REE). PPI-REE refers to patients with clinical and histological features of EoE that remit with PPI treatment. Recent and evolving evidence, mostly from adults, shows that patients with PPI-REE and patients with EoE at baseline are clinically, endoscopically and histologically indistinguishable and have a significant overlap in terms of features of Th2 immune-mediated inflammation and gene expression. Furthermore, PPI therapy restores oesophageal mucosal integrity, reduces Th2 inflammation and reverses the abnormal gene expression signature in patients with PPI-REE, similar to the effects of topical steroids in patients with EoE. Additionally, recent series have reported that patients with EoE responsive to diet/topical steroids may also achieve remission on PPI therapy. This mounting evidence supports the concept that PPI-REE represents a continuum of the same immunological mechanisms that underlie EoE. Accordingly, it seems counterintuitive to differentiate PPI-REE from EoE based on a differential response to PPI therapy when their phenotypic, molecular, mechanistic and therapeutic features cannot be reliably distinguished. For patients with symptoms and histological features of EoE, it is reasonable to consider PPI therapy not as a diagnostic test, but as a therapeutic agent. Due to its safety profile, ease of administration and high response rates (up to 50%), PPI can be considered a first-line treatment before diet and topical steroids. The reasons why some patients with EoE respond to PPI, while others do not, remain to be elucidated.


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Apart from its role as a flow generator for ventilation the diaphragm has a circulatory role. The cyclical abdominal pressure variations from its contractions cause swings in venous return from the splanchnic venous circulation. During exercise the action of the abdominal muscles may enhance this circulatory function of the diaphragm. Eleven healthy subjects (25 ± 7 year, 70 ± 11 kg, 1.78 ± 0.1 m, 3 F) performed plantar flexion exercise at ~4 METs. Changes in body volume (ΔVb) and trunk volume (ΔVtr) were measured simultaneously by double body plethysmography. Volume of blood shifts between trunk and extremities (Vbs) was determined non-invasively as ΔVtr-ΔVb. Three types of breathing were studied: spontaneous (SE), rib cage (RCE, voluntary emphasized inspiratory rib cage breathing), and abdominal (ABE, voluntary active abdominal expiration breathing). During SE and RCE blood was displaced from the extremities into the trunk (on average 0.16 ± 0.33 L and 0.48 ± 0.55 L, p < 0.05 SE vs. RCE), while during ABE it was displaced from the trunk to the extremities (0.22 ± 0.20 L p < 0.001, p < 0.05 RCE and SE vs. ABE respectively). At baseline, Vbs swings (maximum to minimum amplitude) were bimodal and averaged 0.13 ± 0.08 L. During exercise, Vbs swings consistently increased (0.42 ± 0.34 L, 0.40 ± 0.26 L, 0.46 ± 0.21 L, for SE, RCE and ABE respectively, all p < 0.01 vs. baseline). It follows that during leg exercise significant bi-directional blood shifting occurs between the trunk and the extremities. The dynamics and partitioning of these blood shifts strongly depend on the relative predominance of the action of the diaphragm, the rib cage and the abdominal muscles. Depending on the partitioning between respiratory muscles for the act of breathing, the distribution of blood between trunk and extremities can vary by up to 1 L. We conclude that during exercise the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm might play a role of an "auxiliary heart."


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In the current economy situation companies try to reduce their expenses. One of the solutions is to improve the energy efficiency of the processes. It is known that the energy consumption of pumping applications range from 20 up to 50% of the energy usage in the certain industrial plants operations. Some studies have shown that 30% to 50% of energy consumed by pump systems could be saved by changing the pump or the flow control method. The aim of this thesis is to create a mobile measurement system that can calculate a working point position of a pump drive. This information can be used to determine the efficiency of the pump drive operation and to develop a solution to bring pump’s efficiency to a maximum possible value. This can allow a great reduction in the pump drive’s life cycle cost. In the first part of the thesis, a brief introduction in the details of pump drive operation is given. Methods that can be used in the project are presented. Later, the review of available platforms for the project implementation is given. In the second part of the thesis, components of the project are presented. Detailed description for each created component is given. Finally, results of laboratory tests are presented. Acquired results are compared and analyzed. In addition, the operation of created system is analyzed and suggestions for the future development are given.