81 resultados para sawmill
In Brazil, the wood from pine-plantation thinnings is difficult to sell. However, these wood thinnings could be used to produce charcoal. The physical and chemical properties of charcoal produced from logs or first and fourth thinnings of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and Pinus oocarpa were determined. Similar properties were also determined for sawmill slabs cut from first and fourth thinnings. Properties were compared to charcoal made from pine materials and 7-yr-old Eucalyptus grandis. Results show that Pinus spp had better chemical properties than did E. grandis. In contrast, charcoal obtained from E. grandis had higher values of apparent density and lower values of bulk density than did Pinus spp. © 1992.
Residues generated from wood processing and transformation result in a considerable waste of raw material, which adds no value to such noble good. The purpose of this study was to determine the yield of sawn timber from Itaúba (Mezilaurus itauba) and Tauarí (Couratari guianensis) species. To this end, the volumetry and yield percentage of three logs from each species were classified and calculated. The Tauarí species resulted in yields for logs 1, 2 and 3, of 49.70% to 50.28% 39.20%, respectively; while for the Itaúba species, the yields for logs 1, 2 and 3 were of 51.03%; 50.29%; and 47.60%, respectively. It was not possible to verify whether the classification of log quality have influenced the yield.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Analisa o efeito de três tratamentos físicos empregados em resíduos de serraria no comportamento à compressão de compósitos cimentomadeira.Foi utilizado resíduo de composição variada (dicotiledôneas) coletado em serrarias da Zona Metropolitana de Belém, e estudou-se o efeito dos seguintes tratamentos: secagem em estufa, banho térmico e a mineralização com sulfato de alumínio. O aporte inicial da pesquisa foi o levantamento do referencial teórico como suporte para o programa experimental. Em seguida, os materiais constituintes do compósito foram caracterizados segundo as Normas Brasileiras vigentes, e depois de homogeneizados, foram conduzidos ensaios no estado fresco. Os ensaios no estado endurecido foram realizados de forma tal que a característica mecânica observada para a avaliação do efeito dos referidos tratamentos foi a resistência à compressão. Os resultados de tensão na compressão indicaram que os resíduos utilizados são inibitórios à hidratação do cimento, bem como influenciam negativamente a resistência à compressão; tais efeitos estão relacionados com a absorção de água pelos resíduos de madeira, e posterior liberação na matriz. Os resíduos tratados com secagem em estufa proporcionaram as menores resistências à compressão observadas para os compósitos confeccionados; o tratamento de banho térmico e o tratamento de mineralização apresentaram melhor desempenho que o primeiro, contudo, mostraram-se estatisticamente equivalentes a partir de 3 dias de idade, fazendo com que a instância decisória em utilizar um ou outro recaia sobre variáveis distintas do desempenho à compressão.
Classificação de tábuas de madeira usando processamento de imagens digitais e aprendizado de máquina
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Transport is one the essential services for the development of most economic activities. In the forestry sector, the main transport used to carry wood from the forest to local consumption is road. The transport increases the producing costs of wood and may be responsible of a high percentage in the final price of the wood sold in the industry. To reduce the company’s costs and increase the efficiency of forest production those transport activities must be analyzed and improved. In that context, an economic analysis is the main objective of this work, evaluating three different types of log transport from a sawmill in São Paulo´s Southwest region. For this, a data collection was done to compound the costs and the incomes of timber transport, and that way, to do the economic analyses of each transport. The monitoring activities were done in the second 2013 half-year and the research achieved economic viability results utilizing tools and methods of Economic Engineering
This study aimed to analyze the increase of yield provided by a software optimization cutting in a pine sawmill, located at southwest region of São Paulo, city of Itapeva. First were measured 10 logs that were processed by conventional sawing system by measuring the volume of products in the process output. Then using a cutting optimization software, that generated cuts diagrams, 10 logs, from 25 to 26 cm diametrical class, were processed by sawing system optimized. For the conventional sawing, the value found to yield was 41.80%, whereas for the unfolding optimized showed the value of 61.79%, resulting in a difference of 19.99%. This study shows that there is room for significant improvement of performance in sawmills sawing with the use of optimization software as the employee at work
It is clear today the ever-accelerating search for new fuels that will eventually replace those that will survive in our society, which are fossil fuels. For this reason, a fuel used since the dawn of humanity and much studied since then, considered the generator of clean, renewable energy, can earn more and more space in the power generation sector, which is biomass. We performed two experiments with two different types of biomass, one from the Amazon rainforest and other pine and eucalyptus as waste from the sawmill UNESP Itapeva. In the first experiment, conducted at the Laboratory of Combustion and Propulsion INPE Cachoeira Paulista were conducted three tests in a chimney with a fan creating forced ventilation, where the biomass was burned and deposited on a support beneath the hood. In the second experiment was conducted to analyze the emission of particulate matter using biomass (waste) from the sawmill on the campus of UNESP experimental Itapeva the burning of it in a burner for heating water for a wood oven. In these experiments we used a particle called DATARAM4 sampler that is capable of sampling both outdoors and inside of pipelines, which is the focus of this work. With this equipment it was possible to measure the concentration of particulate matter in all the firings as above, and compare them to levels acceptable in the current law, always trying to analyze the so-called fine particles, which are those with diameters less than 2.5 μm. Using data obtained from the equipment was also possible to evaluate the diametral distribution of particulate matter in question, and verify which phases of the flares in the concentration and the diameters of the particles are the most critical. In this work we concluded that in all firings conducted concentrations of particulate matter were higher than that allowed by the law, and the diameters were found that are more harmful to human health
In the industries of wood processing (sawmills), where timber is sawn in equipment such as band saws, circular saws, trowel, thicknessers, among others, that mechanically transform this resource and use of electric motors, which are not unusually poorly scaled working or overloaded, often a factor that is not found in these industries and has fundamental importance in the production process is energy efficiency that is achieved by both technological innovation and through all the practices and policies that aim to lower energy consumption, lowering energy costs and increasing the amount of energy offered no change in generation. For both during the design of an electrical installation, both overall and in various sectors of the installation, investigations are necessary, considerations and uses of variables and factors that put into practice the theme of energy efficiency. Therefore, in this paper, these factors were calculated and analyzed for a wood processing industry (sawmill) in the municipality of Taquarivaí - SP, namely: active power, power factor, demand factor and load factor. Where they were small in relation to the literature, these events that occur when devices are connected at the same time and due to the conditions of processing the wood, where the engines have large variations in electricity consumption during the unfolding of the same, due to efforts with the load and idle moments between each machining operation in the equipment
El costo del transporte de los productos forestales reviste gran importancia en la rentabilidad de la actividad, incidiendo directamente en el precio percibido por el productor. Ante esta situación sería de utilidad, para el productor y para el transportista, conocer cuál sería el recorrido óptimo desde el lugar de partida (ej. lote del productor) hasta el lugar de destino (ej. acopiador). En consecuencia, se propone comprobar la factibilidad de utilizar el entorno de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) en la determinación, de manera rápida y con exactitud, del camino óptimo entre un lote forestal y el aserradero.