259 resultados para rope skipping
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Mothers are often alienated from their children when child abuse is suspected or confirmed, whether she is the primary abuser of the child or not. An abusive or violent partner often initiates the process of maternal alienation from children as a control mechanism. When the co-occurrence of maternal and child abuse is not recognised, nurses and health professionals risk further alienating a mother from her children, which can have detrimental effects in both the short and long term. Evidence shows that when mothers are supported and have the necessary resources there is a reduction in the violence and abuse she and her children experience; this occurs even in situations where the mother is the primary abuser of her children. The family-centred care philosophy, which is widely accepted as the best approach to nursing care for children and their families, creates tension for nurses caring for children who are the victims of abuse as this care generally occurs away from the context of the family. This fragmented approach to caring for abused children can inadvertently undermine the mother-child relationship and further contribute to maternal alienation. This paper discusses the complexity of family violence for nurses negotiating the 'tight rope' between the prime concern for the safety of children and further contributing to maternal alienation, within a New Zealand context. The premise that restoration of the mother-child relationship is paramount for the long-term wellbeing of both the children and the mother provides the basis for discussing implications for nursing practice.
The road to electric rope shovel automation is marked with technological innovations that include an increase in operational information available to mining operations. The CRCMining Shovel Operator Information System not only collects machine operational data but also provides the operator with knowledge-of-performance and influences his/her performance to achieve higher productivity with reduced machine duty. The operator’s behaviour is one of the most important aspects of the man-machine interaction to be considered before semi- or fully-automated shovel systems can be realised. This paper presents the results of the rope shovel studies conducted by CRCMining between 2002 and 2004, provides information on current research to improve shovel performance and briefly discusses the implications of human-system interactions on future designs of autonomous machines.
Breakfast skipping is a health concern that has well-known negative consequences physically and psychologically. It is therefore important to understand why children skip breakfast. The purpose of this study was to establish whether the experience of bullying and cyberbullying impacts upon breakfast skipping and to further evaluate whether the inability for youths to cope with bullying victimization affects their mental health (depression), and in turn predicts breakfast skipping. Data were obtained from the Eastern Ontario 2011 Youth Risk Behaviour Survey, a cross-sectional regional school-based survey of middle and high school students (11-20 years old) across the five counties of Eastern Ontario, Canada (N = 3035). Self-reported data about children's experiences of bullying victimization, breakfast eating habits, socio-economical status, depression, and other risk behaviours were analysed. Approximately half of the participants (50.4%) reported not eating breakfast on a regular basis: 26.3% and 24.1% reported often (usually eat breakfast three times or more per week) and frequent (usually eat breakfast twice a week or less) breakfast skipping behaviour, respectively. Victims of both cyberbullying and school bullying presented greater likelihood of often (adjusted relative risk ratio (RR) = 1.55; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.17-2.06) and frequent (RR = 1.97; 95% CI = 1.28-3.03) breakfast skipping. Mediation analysis further showed that depression fully mediated the relationship between school bullying victimization and frequent breakfast skipping. Moreover, depression partially mediated the associations between both cyberbullying and school bullying with frequent breakfast skipping. These findings highlight the potential interrelationships between cyberbullying, school bullying and depression in predicting unhealthy breakfast skipping behaviour in children. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd.
The modeling technique of Mackay et al. is applied to simulate the coronal magnetic field of NOAA active region AR10977 over a seven day period (2007 December 2-10). The simulation is driven with a sequence of line-of-sight component magnetograms from SOHO/MDI and evolves the coronal magnetic field though a continuous series of non-linear force-free states. Upon comparison with Hinode/XRT observations, results show that the simulation reproduces many features of the active region's evolution. In particular, it describes the formation of a flux rope across the polarity inversion line during flux cancellation. The flux rope forms at the same location as an observed X-ray sigmoid. After five days of evolution, the free magnetic energy contained within the flux rope was found to be 3.9 × 1030 erg. This value is more than sufficient to account for the B1.4 GOES flare observed from the active region on 2007 December 7. At the time of the observed eruption, the flux rope was found to contain 20% of the active region flux. We conclude that the modeling technique proposed in Mackay et al.—which directly uses observed magnetograms to energize the coronal field—is a viable method to simulate the evolution of the coronal magnetic field.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
O cálcio é um nutriente essencial necessário em diversas funções biológicas. Estudos têm demonstrado a associação entre o baixo consumo de cálcio e doenças crônicas, entre elas osteoporose, câncer de colón, hipertensão arterial e obesidade. Entretanto, grande parte da população brasileira apresenta consumo de cálcio abaixo do recomendado. Este artigo objetiva revisar os fatores endógenos (idade e estado hormonal) e exógenos (fitatos, oxalatos, sódio, compostos bioativos e vitamina D) que influenciam a absorção do cálcio, bem como as principais metodologias utilizadas para avaliar a absorção e biodisponibilidade desse nutriente. Discorre-se sobre os possíveis fatores para o baixo consumo de cálcio: 1) Hábito alimentar - substituição de leite por bebidas com baixo teor de cálcio como o refrigerante, refeições realizadas fora de casa e a não realização de refeições como o café da manhã; 2) Alto custo dos alimentos fontes de cálcio. Além disso, este artigo discute as estratégias para otimizar o consumo do cálcio, que incluem: 1) Aumentar o conhecimento sobre a importância do consumo de cálcio para a saúde e as principais fontes alimentares desse nutriente; 2) Aumentar a disponibilidade de alimentos fortificados com cálcio; 3) Uso de suplementos em grupos específicos - quando e como administrar os sais de cálcio.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o consumo alimentar e o padrão de refeições de adolescentes, São Paulo, Brasil. MÉTODOS: Por meio do Recordatório de 24 horas, avaliou-se o consumo energético total, de macronutrientes, cálcio, ferro e vitamina A e a omissão de refeições ou sua substituição por lanche, de adolescentes de uma escola pública de Ilhabela. Comparou-se o consumo alimentar por grupo com a Pirâmide Alimentar do adolescente. Foi realizada análise descritiva, aplicou-se o teste Qui-quadrado (p < 0,005), além de análise qualitativa. RESULTADOS: o consumo energético total foi inferior ao estimado para 66 por cento dos adolescentes, o percentual de carboidratos foi abaixo do recomendado e o de lipídios e proteínas acima do recomendado. Houve omissão do café da manhã entre 21 por cento dos adolescentes e um terço deles substituiu almoço ou jantar por lanche. CONCLUSÃO: Os adolescentes apresentaram insuficiência calórica na dieta e baixo consumo de frutas, verduras e legumes; o padrão de refeições foi satisfatório, mas o café da manhã deve ser incentivado
Background: Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of clonal hematological disorders characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis with morphological evidence of marrow cell dysplasia resulting in peripheral blood cytopenia. Microarray technology has permitted a refined high-throughput mapping of the transcriptional activity in the human genome. Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) transcribed from intronic regions of genes are involved in a number of processes related to post-transcriptional control of gene expression, and in the regulation of exon-skipping and intron retention. Characterization of ncRNAs in progenitor cells and stromal cells of MDS patients could be strategic for understanding gene expression regulation in this disease. Methods: In this study, gene expression profiles of CD34(+) cells of 4 patients with MDS of refractory anemia with ringed sideroblasts (RARS) subgroup and stromal cells of 3 patients with MDS-RARS were compared with healthy individuals using 44 k combined intron-exon oligoarrays, which included probes for exons of protein-coding genes, and for non-coding RNAs transcribed from intronic regions in either the sense or antisense strands. Real-time RT-PCR was performed to confirm the expression levels of selected transcripts. Results: In CD34(+) cells of MDS-RARS patients, 216 genes were significantly differentially expressed (q-value <= 0.01) in comparison to healthy individuals, of which 65 (30%) were non-coding transcripts. In stromal cells of MDS-RARS, 12 genes were significantly differentially expressed (q-value <= 0.05) in comparison to healthy individuals, of which 3 (25%) were non-coding transcripts. Conclusions: These results demonstrated, for the first time, the differential ncRNA expression profile between MDS-RARS and healthy individuals, in CD34(+) cells and stromal cells, suggesting that ncRNAs may play an important role during the development of myelodysplastic syndromes.
This work addressed the production of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) by catalytic conversion of wastes from the bioethanol industry, in the form of either sugarcane bagasse or corn-derived distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Both bagasse and DDGS were pyrolysed at temperatures in the range of 600-1000 degrees C. The pyrolyzate gases were then used as CNM growth agents by chemical vapor deposition on stainless steel meshes, serving as both catalysts and substrates. CNM synthesis temperatures of 750-1000 degrees C were explored, and it was determined that their growth was most pronounced at 1000 degrees C. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of bagasse were in the form of long, straight, multi-wall nanotubes with smooth walls and axially uniform diameters. Typical lengths were circa 50 mu m and diameters were in the range of 20-80 nm. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of DDGS were in the form of long, entangled, rope-like structures with rugged walls, and axially non-uniform diameters. Typical diameters were in the range of 100-300 nm and their lengths were in the tens of microns. This process also produces a bio-syngas byproduct that is enriched in hydrogen. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.