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Experimental results for the activity of water in aqueous solutions of 10 single polyelectrolytes (two polysodium acrylates, two polysodium methacrylates, three polyammonium acrylates, two polysodium ethylene sulfonates, and one polysodium styrene sulfonate) at (298.2 and 323.2) K are reported. The isopiestic method was employed in these experiments with aqueous solutions of sodium chloride as references. The polyelectrolytes were characterized by three averaged molecular masses determined by gel permeation chromatography. Furthermore, the density and the refractive index increments of the aqueous polyelectrolyte solutions are reported. Although a similar pattern for the activity of water was observed for all systems (i.e., the osmotic coefficient increases with rising polyelectrolyte concentration), the experimental results show that this property depends on the monomer type as well as on the size of the polymer chain. The temperature (varied from (298.2 to 323.2) K) has only a small influence on the activity of water.
A rigorous derivation of non-linear equations governing the dynamics of an axially loaded beam is given with a clear focus to develop robust low-dimensional models. Two important loading scenarios were considered, where a structure is subjected to a uniformly distributed axial and a thrust force. These loads are to mimic the main forces acting on an offshore riser, for which an analytical methodology has been developed and applied. In particular, non-linear normal modes (NNMs) and non-linear multi-modes (NMMs) have been constructed by using the method of multiple scales. This is to effectively analyse the transversal vibration responses by monitoring the modal responses and mode interactions. The developed analytical models have been crosschecked against the results from FEM simulation. The FEM model having 26 elements and 77 degrees-of-freedom gave similar results as the low-dimensional (one degree-of-freedom) non-linear oscillator, which was developed by constructing a so-called invariant manifold. The comparisons of the dynamical responses were made in terms of time histories, phase portraits and mode shapes. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A method based on a specific power-law relationship between the hydraulic head and the Boltzmann variable was recently presented. We generalized this relationship to a range of powers and extended the solution to include the saturated zone. As a result, the new solution satisfies the Bruce and Klute equation exactly.
The sustainability of fast-growing tropical Eucalyptus plantations is of concern in a context of rising fertilizer costs, since large amounts of nutrients are removed with biomass every 6-7 years from highly weathered soils. A better understanding of the dynamics of tree requirements is required to match fertilization regimes to the availability of each nutrient in the soil. The nutrition of Eucalyptus plantations has been intensively investigated and many studies have focused on specific fluxes in the biogeochemical cycles of nutrients. However, studies dealing with complete cycles are scarce for the Tropics. The objective of this paper was to compare these cycles for Eucalyptus plantations in Congo and Brazil, with contrasting climates, soil properties, and management practices. The main features were similar in the two situations. Most nutrient fluxes were driven by crown establishment the two first years after planting and total biomass production thereafter. These forests were characterized by huge nutrient requirements: 155, 10, 52, 55 and 23 kg ha(-1) of N, P, K, Ca and Mg the first year after planting at the Brazilian study site, respectively. High growth rates the first months after planting were essential to take advantage of the large amounts of nutrients released into the soil solutions by organic matter mineralization after harvesting. This study highlighted the predominant role of biological and biochemical cycles over the geochemical cycle of nutrients in tropical Eucalyptus plantations and indicated the prime importance of carefully managing organic matter in these soils. Limited nutrient losses through deep drainage after clear-cutting in the sandy soils of the two study sites showed the remarkable efficiency of Eucalyptus trees in keeping limited nutrient pools within the ecosystem, even after major disturbances. Nutrient input-output budgets suggested that Eucalyptus plantations take advantage of soil fertility inherited from previous land uses and that long-term sustainability will require an increase in the inputs of certain nutrients. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Many therapeutic agents are commercialized under their racemic form. The enantiomers can show differences in the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic profile. The use of a pure enantiomer in pharmaceutical formulations may result in a better therapeutic index and fewer adverse effects. Atropine, an alkaloid of Atropa belladonna, is a racemic mixture of l-hyoscyamine and d-hyoscyamine. It is widely used to dilate the pupil. To quantify these enantiomers in ophthalmic solutions, an HPLC method was developed and validated using a Chiral AGP (R) column at 20 degrees C. The mobile phase consisted of a buffered phosphate solution (containing 10 mM 1-octanesulfonic acid sodium salt and 7.5 mM triethylamine, adjusted to pH 7.0 with orthophosphoric acid) and acetonitrile (99 + 1, v/v). The flow rate was 0.6 mL/min, with UV detection at 205 nm. In the concentration range of 14.0-26.0 mu g/mL, the method was found to be linear (r > 0.9999), accurate (with recovery of 100.1-100.5%), and precise (RSD system: <= 0.6%; RSD intraday: <= 1.1%; RSD interday: <= 0.9%). The method was specific, and the standard and sample solutions were stable for up to 72 h. The factorial design assures robustness with a variation of +/-10% in the mobile phase components and 2 degrees C of column temperature. The complete validation, including stress testing and factorial design, was studied and is presented in this research.
Choline citrate (CC) and acetylmethionine (AM) are lipotropic drugs used in several pharmaceutical formulations. The objective of this research was to develop and validate a high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for simultaneous determination of CC and AM in injectable solutions, aiming its application in routine analysis for quality control of these pharmaceutical formulations. The method was validated using a Shim-Pack (R) C18 (250 x 4.6 mm, 5 mu m) column. The mobile phase was constituted of 25 mM potassium phosphate buffer solution, pH 5.7, adjusted with 10 % orthophosphoric acid, acetonitrile and methanol (88:10:2, v/v/v). The flow rate was 1.1 mL.min(-1) and the UV detection was made at 210 nm. The analyses were made at room temperature (25 +/- 1 degrees C). The method is precise, selective, accurate and robust, and was successfully applied for simultaneous quantitative determination of CC and AM in injectables.
beta-Lactam antimicrobials are known to have a low concentration/therapeutic response. However, extending the period in which beta-lactam are free in the plasma does directly influence therapeutic outcomes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of Pluronic (R) F68 on the antimicrobial activity of ceftazidime when admixed with aminophylline in parenteral solutions by the evaluation of its minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) within 24 h. Ceftazidime, aminophylline, and Pluronics (R) F68 were evaluated using the MIC method against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with these compounds individually and associated in the same parenteral solutions. When Pluronics (R) F68 was admixtured with ceftazidime alone or with ceftazidime and aminophylline, it was possible to observe lower MIC values not only at 24 h but also at 0 h for both microorganisms. This indicates that Pluronics (R) F68 may be able to enhance ceftazidime antimicrobial activity in the presence or absence of aminophylline. This fact suggests that Pluronics (R) F68 can be applied to allow the administration of ceftazidime under continuous infusion in parenteral solutions, beneficiating hospital pharmacotherapy. It may also be possible to reduce ceftazidime doses in formulations achieving the same therapeutic results. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 100:715-720, 2011
We investigate the effect of the coefficient of the critical nonlinearity for the Neumann problem on the existence of least energy solutions. As a by-product we establish a Sobolev inequality with interior norm.
We give conditions on f involving pairs of lower and upper solutions which lead to the existence of at least three solutions of the two point boundary value problem y" + f(x, y, y') = 0, x epsilon [0, 1], y(0) = 0 = y(1). In the special case f(x, y, y') = f(y) greater than or equal to 0 we give growth conditions on f and apply our general result to show the existence of three positive solutions. We give an example showing this latter result is sharp. Our results extend those of Avery and of Lakshmikantham et al.
We are concerned with determining values of, for which there exist nodal solutions of the boundary value problems u" + ra(t) f(u) = 0, 0 < t < 1, u(O) = u(1) = 0. The proof of our main result is based upon bifurcation techniques.
In this paper we extend the guiding function approach to show that there are periodic or bounded solutions for first order systems of ordinary differential equations of the form x1 =f(t,x), a.e. epsilon[a,b], where f satisfies the Caratheodory conditions. Our results generalize recent ones of Mawhin and Ward.
Simple techniques are presented for rearrangement of an infinite series in a systematic way such that the convergence of the resulting expression is accelerated. These procedures also allow calculation of required boundary derivatives. Several examples of conduction and diffusion-reaction problems illustrate the methods.
Transient response of a CSTR containing porous catalyst pellets is analyzed theoretically using a matched asymptotic expansion technique. This singular perturbation technique leads directly to the conditions under which the minima of reservoir concentration occur. The existence of the minima may be used to estimate some inherent parameters of the catalyst pellet.
Using a novel finite integral transform technique, the problem of diffusion and chemical reaction in a porous catalyst with general activity profile is investigated theoretically. Analytical expressions for the effectiveness factor are obtained for pth order and Michaelis-Menten kinetics. Perturbation methods are employed to provide useful asymptotic solutions for large or small values of Thiele modulus and Biot number.
Flexible transport services (FTS) have been of increasing interest in developed countries as a bridge between the use of personal car travel and fixed route transit services. This paper reports on findings from a recent study in Queensland Australia, which identified lessons from an international review and implications for Australia. Potential strategic directions, including a vision, mission, key result areas, strategies, and identified means of measuring performance are described. Evaluation criteria for assessing flexible transport proposals were developed, and approaches to identifying and assessing needs and demands outlined. The use of emerging technologies is also a key element of successful flexible transport services.