939 resultados para replacement of corn


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Parent, L. E., Natale, W. and Ziadi, N. 2009. Compositional nutrient diagnosis of corn using the Mahalanobis distance as nutrient imbalance index. Can. J. Soil Sci. 89: 383-390. Compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) provides a plant nutrient imbalance index (CND - r(2)) with assumed chi(2) distribution. The Mahalanobis distance D(2), which detects outliers in compositional data sets, also has a chi(2) distribution. The objective of this paper was to compare D(2) and CND - r(2) nutrient imbalance indexes in corn (Zea mays L.). We measured grain yield as well as N, P, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn concentrations in the ear leaf at silk stage for 210 calibration sites in the St. Lawrence Lowlands [2300-2700 corn thermal units (CTU)] as well as 30 phosphorus (2300-2700 CTU; 10 sites) and 10 nitrogen (1900-2100 CTU; one site) replicated fertilizer treatments for validation. We derived CND norms as mean, standard deviation, and the inverse covariance matrix of centred log ratios (clr) for high yielding specimens (>= 9.0 Mg grain ha(-1) at 150 g H(2)O kg(-1) moisture content) in the 2300-2700 CTU zone. Using chi(2) = 17 (P < 0.05) with nine degrees of freedom (i.e., nine nutrients) as a rejection criterion for outliers and a yield threshold of 8.6 Mg ha(-1) after Cate-Nelson partitioning between low- and high-yielders in the P validation data set, D(2) misclassified two specimens compared with nine for CND -r(2). The D(2) classification was not significantly different from a chi(2) classification (P > 0.05), but the CND - r(2) classification differed significantly from chi(2) or D(2) (P < 0.001). A threshold value for nutrient imbalance could thus be derived probabilistically for conducting D(2) diagnosis, while the CND - r(2) nutrient imbalance threshold must be calibrated using fertilizer trials. In the proposed CND - D(2) procedure, D(2) is first computed to classify the specimen as possible outlier. Thereafter, nutrient indices are ranked in their order of limitation. The D(2) norms appeared less effective in the 1900-2100 CTU zone.


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The characteristics of fermentation and aerobic stability were evaluated in corn silage inoculated with different doses of Lactobacillus buchneri. The whole corn plant (300 g/kg DM) was ensiled in quadruplicate laboratory silos (7L). L. buchneri 40788 was applied at 5×10(4), 1×10(5), 5×10(5) and 1×10(6) cfu/g of fresh forage. Silages with no additive were used as controls. After 130 d of ensiling, the silages were subjected to an aerobic stability evaluation for 12 days, in which chemical and microbiological parameters as well as the temperature of the silage were measured to determine the aerobic deterioration. The addition of L. buchneri resulted in increased acetic acid concentrations. The number of yeast colonies was low in all treated silages. The pH, lactic and propionic acid concentrations did not differ between silages. Under aerobic conditions, all the treated silages showed a low number of yeasts and a great aerobic stability. Therefore, L. buchneri is effective against yeasts and improves the aerobic stability of corn silage in laboratory silos. However, doses equal or superior to 1×10(5) cfu/g of fresh forage were more efficient in the control of aerobic spoilage.


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The objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of different particle sizes, expressed as Geometric Mean Diameter (GMD) of corn (0.336mm, 0.585mm, 0.856mm and 1.12mm) of mash and pelleted broiler chicken diets on the weight of the gizzard, duodenum and jejunum+ileum; on the pH of the gizzard and small intestine and on the characteristics of the duodenal mucous layer (number and height of villi and crypt depth) in 42-day-old broilers. The physical form and the particle size of the diet had no significant effect on gizzard and intestine pH (p > 0.05). A greater gizzard weight was seen in the birds receiving pelleted diet and particle size of 0.336mm (p < 0.008). However, for the particle sizes of 0.856 and 1.12 mm, a greater weight was found in birds that received mash diet (p < 0.039 and p < 0.006, respectively). Also, gizzard weight was greater with increasing corn GMD independent of the physical form of the diet. In the mash diet, the increase in particle size promoted a quadratic response in the weight of duodenum and jejunum + ileum. The pelleted diet promoted a greater number of villi per transverse duodenum cut (p < 0.007) and greater crypt depth (p < 0.05). As the particle size increased, there was a linear increase of villus height and crypt depth in the duodenum, irrespective of the physical form of the diet.


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Objetivou-se neste estudo avaliar as características agronômicas, a composição químico-bromatológica e a digestibilidade de 11 cultivares de milho (Zea mays) colhido em duas alturas de corte. As cultivares D 766, D 657, D 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, CO 9621 e BR 205 foram avaliadas quando colhidas 5 cm acima do solo (baixa) e 5 cm abaixo da inserção da primeira espiga (alta). O experimento foi delineado como blocos casualizados, com três repetições, arranjados em esquema fatorial 11 x 2. Os cultivares apresentaram produções semelhantes de matéria seca de forragem e de grãos. As porcentagens das frações colmo, folha, palha, sabugo e grão diferiram entre os cultivares, assim como os teores de matéria seca da planta inteira no momento da colheita. Considerando a planta inteira, apenas os teores de energia bruta, nitrogênio da fração fibra em detergente neutro e a digestibilidade in vitro da fibra em detergente neutro e detergente ácido não diferiram entre os cultivares. O aumento da altura de corte melhorou a qualidade da forragem, devido à redução das frações colmo e folha e dos teores dos constituintes da parede celular.


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Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a dinâmica ruminal de novilhos leiteiros recebendo dietas contendo grão de milho inteiro, milho moído na forma de quirera ou milho inteiro tratado com ureia. Para isso, foram mantidos em regime de confinamento seis animais fistulados no rúmen alimentados com dietas com teores semelhantes de energia e proteína. A dieta foi formulada com relação volumoso:concentrado de 40:60 na matéria seca e continha silagem de sorgo como volumoso. O delineamento utilizado foi na forma de um quadrado latino 3 × 3, com três animais e três períodos, e foi repetido duas ou quatro vezes conforme o parâmetro estudado, totalizando seis ou 12 repetições por dieta. O tratamento do grão de milho não influenciou o pH do líquido ruminal nem a degradabilidade ruminal da matéria seca, fibra em detergente ácido e celulose. Todas as dietas propiciaram concentração de N-amoniacal adequada para o crescimento microbiano ruminal; todavia, nos animais alimentados com grão de milho inteiro tratado com ureia, essa concentração foi significativamente menor. A atividade bacteriana é menor em animais alimentados com dietas contendo milho moído e não difere entre os animais alimentados com grão de milho inteiro ou grão de milho inteiro tratado com ureia.