982 resultados para reflection coefficient


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This thesis presents a new Artificial Neural Network (ANN) able to predict at once the main parameters representative of the wave-structure interaction processes, i.e. the wave overtopping discharge, the wave transmission coefficient and the wave reflection coefficient. The new ANN has been specifically developed in order to provide managers and scientists with a tool that can be efficiently used for design purposes. The development of this ANN started with the preparation of a new extended and homogeneous database that collects all the available tests reporting at least one of the three parameters, for a total amount of 16’165 data. The variety of structure types and wave attack conditions in the database includes smooth, rock and armour unit slopes, berm breakwaters, vertical walls, low crested structures, oblique wave attacks. Some of the existing ANNs were compared and improved, leading to the selection of a final ANN, whose architecture was optimized through an in-depth sensitivity analysis to the training parameters of the ANN. Each of the selected 15 input parameters represents a physical aspect of the wave-structure interaction process, describing the wave attack (wave steepness and obliquity, breaking and shoaling factors), the structure geometry (submergence, straight or non-straight slope, with or without berm or toe, presence or not of a crown wall), or the structure type (smooth or covered by an armour layer, with permeable or impermeable core). The advanced ANN here proposed provides accurate predictions for all the three parameters, and demonstrates to overcome the limits imposed by the traditional formulae and approach adopted so far by some of the existing ANNs. The possibility to adopt just one model to obtain a handy and accurate evaluation of the overall performance of a coastal or harbor structure represents the most important and exportable result of the work.


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The vitamin D(3) and nicotine (VDN) model is one of isolated systolic hypertension (ISH) in which arterial calcification raises arterial stiffness and vascular impedance. The effects of VDN treatment on arterial and cardiac hemodynamics have been investigated; however, a complete analysis of ventricular-arterial interaction is lacking. Wistar rats were treated with VDN (VDN group, n = 9), and a control group (n = 10) was included without the VDN. At week 8, invasive indexes of cardiac function were obtained using a conductance catheter. Simultaneously, aortic pressure and flow were measured to derive vascular impedance and characterize ventricular-vascular interaction. VDN caused significant increases in systolic (138 +/- 6 vs. 116 +/- 13 mmHg, P < 0.01) and pulse (42 +/- 10 vs. 26 +/- 4 mmHg, P < 0.01) pressures with respect to control. Total arterial compliance decreased (0.12 +/- 0.08 vs. 0.21 +/- 0.04 ml/mmHg in control, P < 0.05), and pulse wave velocity increased significantly (8.8 +/- 2.5 vs. 5.1 +/- 2.0 m/s in control, P < 0.05). The arterial elastance and end-systolic elastance rose significantly in the VDN group (P < 0.05). Wave reflection was augmented in the VDN group, as reflected by the increase in the wave reflection coefficient (0.63 +/- 0.06 vs. 0.52 +/- 0.05 in control, P < 0.05) and the amplitude of the reflected pressure wave (13.3 +/- 3.1 vs. 8.4 +/- 1.0 mmHg in control, P < 0.05). We studied ventricular-arterial coupling in a VDN-induced rat model of reduced arterial compliance. The VDN treatment led to development of ISH and provoked alterations in cardiac function, arterial impedance, arterial function, and ventricular-arterial interaction, which in many aspects are similar to effects of an aged and stiffened arterial tree.


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A planar-spiral antenna to be used in an ultrawideband (UWB) radar system for heart activity monitoring is presented. The antenna, named “twin,” is constituted by two spiral dipoles in a compact structure. The reflection coefficient at the feed point of the dipoles is lower than −8 dB over the 3–12 GHz band, while the two-dipoles coupling is about −20 dB. The radiated beam is perpendicular to the plane of the spiral, so the antenna is wearable and it may be an optimal radiator for a medical UWB radar for heart rate detection. The designed antenna has been also used to check some hypotheses about the UWB radar heart activity detection mechanism. The radiation impedance variation, caused by the thorax vibrations associated with heart activity, seems to be the most likely explanation of the UWB radar operation.


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Identification of a sediment/basement contact using seismic reflection recordings has proven to be extremely difficult in wide areas of the North Pacific Ocean owing to the presence of massive, highly reflective chert layers within the sediment column. Leg 136 of the Ocean Drilling Program recovered coherent pieces of chert of sufficient size for the first comprehensive laboratory measurements of the seismic properties of this material. Compressional-wave velocities of six samples at 40-MPa confining pressure averaged 5.33 km/s, whereas shear-wave velocities at the same pressure averaged 3.48 km/s. Velocities were independent of porosity, which ranged from 5% to 13%, suggesting that pores within the samples were mostly high aspect ratio vugs as opposed to low aspect ratio cracks. Back-scattered electron images made with a scanning electron microscope confirmed this observation. Acoustic impedances were calculated for the chert samples and from shipboard measurements of the red clay sediment overlying the chert layers. An extremely large compressional-wave reflection coefficient (0.73) characterized the interface between the two lithologies. A synthetic seismogram was calculated using chert and typical pelagic carbonate properties to illustrate the influence of chert layers on a marine seismic-reflection section. Compressional-wave to shear-wave velocity ratios of the chert samples (Vp/Vs =1.53) are close to that of single-crystal quartz in spite of variable porosity. Shear-wave reflection coefficients are estimated to be approximately 0.94. A compressional-wave reflection coefficient for a basement/sediment (carbonate) interface is estimated to be approximately 0.50, significantly less than that of sediment/chert.


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Se ha construido una instalación experimental de bajo coste para realizar ensayos a escala de la onda de compresión que se generan en el interior de un túnel al introducirse en él un tren a alta velocidad, con el fin de estudiar posibles configuraciones para reducir la presión de la onda reflejada en la salida. El coeficiente de reflexión de varias terminaciones ha sido medido y la influencia de la porosidad en la salida ha sido evaluada utilizando el método de la pulsoreflectometría acústica A low-cost experimental facility has been built to perform scale measurements of the pressure waves generated by a high speed train entering inside a tunnel, in order to study possible configurations to reduce the pressure reflected back at the tunnel exit. The reflection coefficient of some tunnel terminations has been measured and the influence of the porosity at the exit has been evaluated by using the Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry method (APR).


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In this paper, a new linear method for optimizing compact low noise oscillators for RF/MW applications will be presented. The first part of this paper makes an overview of Leeson's model. It is pointed out, and it is demonstrates that the phase noise is always the same inside the oscillator loop. It is presented a general phase noise optimization method for reference plane oscillators. The new method uses Transpose Return Relations (RRT) as true loop gain functions for obtaining the optimum values of the elements of the oscillator, whatever scheme it has. With this method, oscillator topologies that have been designed and optimized using negative resistance, negative conductance or reflection coefficient methods, until now, can be studied like a loop gain method. Subsequently, the main disadvantage of Leeson's model is overcome, and now it is not only valid for loop gain methods, but it is valid for any oscillator topology. The last section of this paper lists the steps to be performed to use this method for proper phase noise optimization during the linear design process and before the final non-linear optimization. The power of the proposed RRT method is shown with its use for optimizing a common oscillator, which is later simulated using Harmonic Balance (HB) and manufactured. Then, the comparison of the linear, HB and measurements of the phase noise are compared.


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Esta Tesis Doctoral presenta las investigaciones y los trabajos desarrollados durante los años 2008 a 2012 para el análisis y diseño de un patrón primario de ruido térmico de banda ancha en tecnología coaxial. Para ubicar esta Tesis en su campo científico es necesario tomar conciencia de que la realización de mediciones fiables y trazables forma parte del sostenimiento del bienestar de una sociedad moderna y juega un papel crítico en apoyo de la competitividad económica, la fabricación y el comercio, así como de la calidad de vida. En el mundo moderno actual, una infraestructura de medición bien desarrollada genera confianza en muchas facetas de nuestra vida diaria, porque nos permite el desarrollo y fabricación de productos fiables, innovadores y de alta calidad; porque sustenta la competitividad de las industrias y su producción sostenible; además de contribuir a la eliminación de barreras técnicas y de dar soporte a un comercio justo, garantizar la seguridad y eficacia de la asistencia sanitaria, y por supuesto, dar respuesta a los grandes retos de la sociedad moderna en temas tan complicados como la energía y el medio ambiente. Con todo esto en mente se ha desarrollado un patrón primario de ruido térmico con el fin de aportar al sistema metrológico español un nuevo patrón primario de referencia capaz de ser usado para desarrollar mediciones fiables y trazables en el campo de la medida y calibración de dispositivos de ruido electromagnético de radiofrecuencia y microondas. Este patrón se ha planteado para que cumpla en el rango de 10 MHz a 26,5 GHz con las siguientes especificaciones: Salida nominal de temperatura de ruido aproximada de ~ 83 K. Incertidumbre de temperatura de ruido menor que ± 1 K en todo su rango de frecuencias. Coeficiente de reflexión en todo su ancho de banda de 0,01 a 26,5 GHz lo más bajo posible. Se ha divido esta Tesis Doctoral en tres partes claramente diferenciadas. La primera de ellas, que comprende los capítulos 1, 2, 3, 4 y 5, presenta todo el proceso de simulaciones y ajustes de los parámetros principales del dispositivo con el fin de dejar definidos los que resultan críticos en su construcción. A continuación viene una segunda parte compuesta por el capítulo 6 en donde se desarrollan los cálculos necesarios para obtener la temperatura de ruido a la salida del dispositivo. La tercera y última parte, capítulo 7, se dedica a la estimación de la incertidumbre de la temperatura de ruido del nuevo patrón primario de ruido obtenida en el capítulo anterior. Más concretamente tenemos que en el capítulo 1 se hace una exhaustiva introducción del entorno científico en donde se desarrolla este trabajo de investigación. Además se detallan los objetivos que se persiguen y se presenta la metodología utilizada para conseguirlos. El capítulo 2 describe la caracterización y selección del material dieléctrico para el anillo del interior de la línea de transmisión del patrón que ponga en contacto térmico los dos conductores del coaxial para igualar las temperaturas entre ambos y mantener la impedancia característica de todo el patrón primario de ruido. Además se estudian las propiedades dieléctricas del nitrógeno líquido para evaluar su influencia en la impedancia final de la línea de transmisión. En el capítulo 3 se analiza el comportamiento de dos cargas y una línea de aire comerciales trabajando en condiciones criogénicas. Se pretende con este estudio obtener la variación que se produce en el coeficiente de reflexión al pasar de temperatura ambiente a criogénica y comprobar si estos dispositivos resultan dañados por trabajar a temperaturas criogénicas; además se estudia si se modifica su comportamiento tras sucesivos ciclos de enfriamiento – calentamiento, obteniendo una cota de la variación para poder así seleccionar la carga que proporcione un menor coeficiente de reflexión y una menor variabilidad. En el capítulo 4 se parte del análisis de la estructura del anillo de material dieléctrico utilizada en la nota técnica NBS 1074 del NIST con el fin de obtener sus parámetros de dispersión que nos servirán para calcular el efecto que produce sobre el coeficiente de reflexión de la estructura coaxial completa. Además se realiza un estudio posterior con el fin de mejorar el diseño de la nota técnica NBS 1074 del NIST, donde se analiza el anillo de material dieléctrico, para posteriormente realizar modificaciones en la geometría de la zona donde se encuentra éste con el fin de reducir la reflexión que produce. Concretamente se estudia el ajuste del radio del conductor interior en la zona del anillo para que presente la misma impedancia característica que la línea. Y para finalizar se obtiene analíticamente la relación entre el radio del conductor interior y el radio de la transición de anillo térmico para garantizar en todo punto de esa transición la misma impedancia característica, manteniendo además criterios de robustez del dispositivo y de fabricación realistas. En el capítulo 5 se analiza el comportamiento térmico del patrón de ruido y su influencia en la conductividad de los materiales metálicos. Se plantean las posibilidades de que el nitrógeno líquido sea exterior a la línea o que éste penetre en su interior. En ambos casos, dada la simetría rotacional del problema, se ha simulado térmicamente una sección de la línea coaxial, es decir, se ha resuelto un problema bidimensional, aunque los resultados son aplicables a la estructura real tridimensional. Para la simulación térmica se ha empleado la herramienta PDE Toolbox de Matlab®. En el capítulo 6 se calcula la temperatura de ruido a la salida del dispositivo. Se parte del estudio de la aportación a la temperatura de ruido final de cada sección que compone el patrón. Además se estudia la influencia de las variaciones de determinados parámetros de los elementos que conforman el patrón de ruido sobre las características fundamentales de éste, esto es, el coeficiente de reflexión a lo largo de todo el dispositivo. Una vez descrito el patrón de ruido electromagnético se procede, en el capítulo 7, a describir los pasos seguidos para estimar la incertidumbre de la temperatura de ruido electromagnético a su salida. Para ello se utilizan dos métodos, el clásico de la guía para la estimación de la incertidumbre [GUM95] y el método de simulación de Monte Carlo. En el capítulo 8 se describen las conclusiones y lo logros conseguidos. Durante el desarrollo de esta Tesis Doctoral se ha obtenido un dispositivo novedoso susceptible de ser patentado, que ha sido registrado en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (O.E.P.M.) en Madrid, de conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 20 de la Ley 11/1986, de 20 de Marzo, de Patentes, con el título Patrón Primario de Ruido Térmico de Banda Ancha (Referencia P-101061) con fecha 7 de febrero de 2011. ABSTRACT This Ph. D. work describes a number of investigations that were performed along the years 2008 to 2011, as a preparation for the study and design of a coaxial cryogenic reference noise standard. Reliable and traceable measurement underpins the welfare of a modern society and plays a critical role in supporting economic competitiveness, manufacturing and trade as well as quality of life. In our modern world, a well developed measurement infrastructure gives confidence in many aspects of our daily life, for example by enabling the development and manufacturing of reliable, high quality and innovative products; by supporting industry to be competitive and sustainable in its production; by removing technical barriers to trade and supporting fair trade; by ensuring safety and effectiveness of healthcare; by giving response to the major challenges in key sectors such energy and environment, etc. With all this in mind we have developed a primary standard thermal noise with the aim of providing the Spanish metrology system with a new primary standard for noise reference. This standard will allow development of reliable and traceable measurements in the field of calibration and measurement of electromagnetic noise RF and microwave devices. This standard has been designed to work in the frequency range from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz, meeting the following specifications: 1. Noise temperature output is to be nominally ~ 83 K. 2. Noise temperature uncertainty less than ± 1 K in the frequency range from 0.01 to 26.5 GHz. 3. Broadband performance requires as low a reflection coefficient as possible from 0.01 to 26.5 GHz. The present Ph. D. work is divided into three clearly differentiated parts. The first one, which comprises Chapters 1 to 5, presents the whole process of simulation and adjustment of the main parameters of the device in order to define those of them which are critical for the manufacturing of the device. Next, the second part consists of Chapter 6 where the necessary computations to obtain the output noise temperature of the device are carried out. The third and last part, Chapter 7, is devoted to the estimation of the uncertainty related to the noise temperature of the noise primary standard as obtained in the preceding chapter. More specifically, Chapter 1 provides a thorough introduction to the scientific and technological environment where this research takes place. It also details the objectives to be achieved and presents the methodology used to achieve them. Chapter 2 describes the characterization and selection of the bead dielectric material inside the transmission line, intended to connect the two coaxial conductors equalizing the temperature between the two of them and thus keeping the characteristic impedance constant for the whole standard. In addition the dielectric properties of liquid nitrogen are analyzed in order to assess their influence on the impedance of the transmission line. Chapter 3 analyzes the behavior of two different loads and of a commercial airline when subjected to cryogenic working conditions. This study is intended to obtain the variation in the reflection coefficient when the temperature changes from room to cryogenic temperature, and to check whether these devices can be damaged as a result of working at cryogenic temperatures. Also we try to see whether the load changes its behavior after successive cycles of cooling / heating, in order to obtain a bound for the allowed variation of the reflection coefficient of the load. Chapter 4 analyzes the ring structure of the dielectric material used in the NBS technical note 1074 of NIST, in order to obtain its scattering parameters that will be used for computation of its effect upon the reflection coefficient of the whole coaxial structure. Subsequently, we perform a further investigation with the aim of improving the design of NBS technical note 1074 of NIST, and modifications are introduced in the geometry of the transition area in order to reduce the reflection it produces. We first analyze the ring, specifically the influence of the radius of inner conductor of the bead, and then make changes in its geometry so that it presents the same characteristic impedance as that of the line. Finally we analytically obtain the relationship between the inner conductor radius and the radius of the transition from ring, in order to ensure the heat flow through the transition thus keeping the same reflection coefficient, and at the same time meeting the robustness requirements and the feasibility of manufacturing. Chapter 5 analyzes the thermal behavior of the noise standard and its influence on the conductivity of metallic materials. Both possibilities are raised that the liquid nitrogen is kept outside the line or that it penetrates inside. In both cases, given the rotational symmetry of the structure, we have simulated a section of coaxial line, i.e. the equivalent two-dimensional problem has been resolved, although the results are applicable to the actual three-dimensional structure. For thermal simulation Matlab™ PDE Toolbox has been used. In Chapter 6 we compute the output noise temperature of the device. The starting point is the analysis of the contribution to the overall noise temperature of each section making up the standard. Moreover the influence of the variations in the parameters of all elements of the standard is analyzed, specifically the variation of the reflection coefficient along the entire device. Once the electromagnetic noise standard has been described and analyzed, in Chapter 7 we describe the steps followed to estimate the uncertainty of the output electromagnetic noise temperature. This is done using two methods, the classic analytical approach following the Guide to the Estimation of Uncertainty [GUM95] and numerical simulations made with the Monte Carlo method. Chapter 8 discusses the conclusions and achievements. During the development of this thesis, a novel device was obtained which was potentially patentable, and which was finally registered through the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO) in Madrid, in accordance with the provisions of Article 20 of Law 11/1986 about Patents, dated March 20th, 1986. It was registered under the denomination Broadband Thermal Noise Primary Standard (Reference P-101061) dated February 7th, 2011.


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This paper describes the accurate characterization of the reflection coefficients of a multilayered reflectarray element by means of artificial neural networks. The procedure has been tested with different RA elements related to actual specifications. Up to 9 parameters were considered and the complete reflection coefficient matrix was accurately obtained, including cross polar reflection coefficients. Results show a good agreement between simulations carried out by the Method of Moments and the ANN model outputs at RA element level, as well as with performances of the complete RA antenna designed.


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We consider the electron dynamics and transport properties of one-dimensional continuous models with random, short-range correlated impurities. We develop a generalized Poincare map formalism to cast the Schrodinger equation for any potential into a discrete set of equations, illustrating its application by means of a specific example. We then concentrate on the case of a Kronig-Penney model with dimer impurities. The previous technique allows us to show that this model presents infinitely many resonances (zeroes of the reflection coefficient at a single dimer) that give rise to a band of extended states, in contradiction with the general viewpoint that all one-dimensional models with random potentials support only localized states. We report on exact transfer-matrix numerical calculations of the transmission coefFicient, density of states, and localization length for various strengths of disorder. The most important conclusion so obtained is that this kind of system has a very large number of extended states. Multifractal analysis of very long systems clearly demonstrates the extended character of such states in the thermodynamic limit. In closing, we brieBy discuss the relevance of these results in several physical contexts.


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We examine here the relative importance of different contributions to transport of light gases in single walled carbon nanotubes, using methane and hydrogen as examples. Transport coefficients at 298 K are determined using molecular dynamics simulation with atomistic models of the nanotube wall, from which the diffusive and viscous contributions are resolved using a recent approach that provides an explicit expression for the latter. We also exploit an exact theory for the transport of Lennard-Jones fluids at low density considering diffuse reflection at the tube wall, thereby permitting the estimation of Maxwell coefficients for the wall reflection. It is found that reflection from the carbon nanotube wall is nearly specular, as a result of which slip flow dominates, and the viscous contribution is small in comparison, even for a tube as large as 8.1 nm in diameter. The reflection coefficient for hydrogen is 3-6 times as large as that for methane in tubes of 1.36 nm diameter, indicating less specular reflection for hydrogen and greater sensitivity to atomic detail of the surface. This reconciles results showing that transport coefficients for hydrogen and methane, obtained in simulation, are comparable in tubes of this size. With increase in adsorbate density, the reflection coefficient increases, suggesting that adsorbate interactions near the wall serve to roughen the local potential energy landscape perceived by fluid molecules.


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The statistics of the reflection spectrum of a short-correlated disordered fiber Bragg grating are studied. The averaged spectrum appears to be flat inside the bandgap and has significantly suppressed sidelobes compared to the uniform grating of the same bandwidth. This is due to the Anderson localization of the modes of a disordered grating. This observation prompts a new algorithm for designing passband reflection gratings. Using the stochastic invariant imbedding approach it is possible to obtain the probability distribution function for the random reflection coefficient inside the bandgap and obtain both the variance of the averaged reflectivity as well as the distribution of the time delay of the grating.


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An electrostatic model is developed for osmotic flow across a layer consisting of identical circular cylinders with a fixed surface charge, aligned parallel to each other so as to form an ordered hexagonal arrangement. The expression of the osmotic reflection coefficient is derived for spherical solutes with a fixed surface charge suspended in an electrolyte, based on low-Reynolds-number hydrodynamics and a continuum, point-charge description of the electric double layers. The repulsive electrostatic interaction between the surface charges with the same sign on the solute and the cylinders is shown to increase the exclusion region of solute from the cylinder surface, which enhances the osmotic flow. Applying the present model to the study of osmotic flow across the endothelial surface glycocalyx of capillary walls has revealed that this electrostatic model could account well for the reflection coefficients measured for charged macromolecules, such as albumin, in the physiological range of charge density and ion concentration.


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An electrostatic model for osmotic flow through circular cylindrical pores is developed to describe the reflection coefficient for the membrane transport in the presence of surface charges on the pore wall and the solute. For a spherical solute placed at an arbitrary radial position in the pore, the electrical potential was computed by a spectral element method applied to the Poisson-Boltzmann equation together with the condition of electrical neutrality. The interaction energy between the surface charges was used to estimate the osmotic reflection coefficient. The proposed model predicts that even for a small Debye length compared to the pore radius, the repulsive electrostatic interaction between the surface charges could significantly increase the osmotic flow through the pore.


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A fluid mechanical and electrostatic model for the transport of solute molecules across the vascular endothelial surface glycocalyx layer (EGL) was developed to study the charge effect on the diffusive and convective transport of the solutes. The solute was assumed to be a spherical particle with a constant surface charge density, and the EGL was represented as an array of periodically arranged circular cylinders of like charge, with a constant surface charge density. By combining the fluid mechanical analyses for the flow around a solute suspended in an electrolyte solution and the electrostatic analyses for the free energy of the interaction between the solute and cylinders based on a mean field theory, we estimated the transport coefficients of the solute across the EGL. Both of diffusive and convective transports are reduced compared to those for an uncharged system, due to the stronger exclusion of the solute that results from the repulsive electrostatic interaction. The model prediction for the reflection coefficient for serum albumin agreed well with experimental observations if the charge density in the EGL is ranged from approximately -10 to -30 mEq/l.


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This paper investigates the use of photoconductive plasmas for controlling microwave circuits and antennas on semiconductor substrates. Initial experiments show that significant changes in the reflection coefficient characteristics can be obtained by varying the length of a photo-illuminated plasma region from 0 to 2mm. The resulting structure forms the basis for further experiments involving tuneable microwave devices. © 2013 European Microwave Association.