981 resultados para rectal cancer


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Glucosinolates (GLSs) are found in Brassica vegetables. Examples of these sources include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and various root vegetables (e.g. radish and turnip). A number of epidemiological studies have identified an inverse association between consumption of these vegetables and the risk of colon and rectal cancer. Animal studies have shown changes in enzyme activities and DNA damage resulting from consumption of Brassica vegetables or isothiocyanates, the breakdown products (BDP) of GLSs in the body. Mechanistic studies have begun to identify the ways in which the compounds may exert their protective action but the relevance of these studies to protective effects in the human alimentary tract is as yet unproven. In vitro studies with a number of specific isothiocyanates have suggested mechanisms that might be the basis of their chemoprotective effects. The concentration and composition of the GLSs in different plants, but also within a plant (e.g. in the seeds, roots or leaves), can vary greatly and also changes during plant development. Furthermore, the effects of various factors in the supply chain of Brassica vegetables including breeding, cultivation, storage and processing on intake and bioavailability of GLSs are extensively discussed in this paper.


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Introduction: Cancer-related mortality rates are higher in rural areas compared with urban regions. Whether there are corresponding geographical variations in radiotherapy utilisation rates (RURs) is the subject of this study. Methods: RURs for the regional centre of Geelong and rural areas of the Barwon South Western Region were calculated using a population-based database (2009). Results: Lower RURs were observed for rural patients compared with the Geelong region for prostate cancer (15.7% vs 25.8%, P = 0.02), rectal cancer (32.8% vs 44.7%, P = 0.11), lymphoma (9.4% vs 26.2%, P = 0.05), and all cancers overall (25.6% vs 28.9%, P = 0.06). This lower rate was significant in men (rural, 19.9%; Geelong, 28.3%; P = 0.00) but not in women (rural, 33.6%; Geelong, 29.7%; P = 0.88). Time from diagnosis to radiotherapy was not significantly different for patients from the two regions. Tumour staging within the rural and Geelong regions was not significantly different for the major tumour streams of rectal, prostate and lung cancer (P = 0.61, P = 0.79, P = 0.43, respectively). A higher proportion of tumours were unstaged or unstageable in the rural region for lung (44% vs 18%, P < 0.01) and prostate (73% vs 57%, P < 0.01) cancer. Conclusion: Lower RURs were observed in our rural region. Differences found within tumour streams and in men suggest a complexity of relationships that will require further study.


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BACKGROUND: The aim of this study is to determine whether multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings alter the length of time to treatment (LOTT) for patients with colorectal cancer. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective audit of all patients with colorectal cancer from the Geelong Hospital (TGH) mandatory colorectal database from 1 January 2006 to 3 February 2011. To be included, patients had to have had elective surgical intervention for primary colorectal adenocarcinoma. A comparison of historical controls was conducted between patients discussed in MDT meetings and those managed prior to the introduction of MDT meetings (3 October 2006) to determine the LOTT in days from definitive diagnosis (colonoscopy) to definitive management (surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy). RESULTS: In total, the median LOTT for the historical control and MDT era patient populations were 19.5 and 20 days, respectively. Within the MDT era, we noticed significantly longer times to treatment for patients with rectal cancer who were seen in an MDT meeting prior to definitive management than patients who did not have an intervening MDT meeting (P < 0.001). With a difference of 7.5 days, the clinical significance of these findings remains contentious. However, it is worthwhile recognizing this trend in patients who are exhibiting symptoms due to near obstruction or significant bleeding. The LOTT for colon cancer patients remained unchanged. CONCLUSION: The introduction of MDT meetings to TGH has prolonged the LOTT for patients with rectal cancer. These findings pave the way for further revision of the efficiency of MDT meeting at TGH.


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O câncer colorretal é um tumor maligno freqüente no mundo ocidental. É o terceiro em freqüência e o segundo em mortalidade nos países desenvolvidos. No Brasil está entre as seis neoplasias malignas mais encontradas e a quinta em mortalidade. Dos tumores colorretais, aproximadamente 40% estão localizados no reto. A sobrevida, em cinco anos, dos pacientes operados por câncer do reto varia entre 40% e 50%, estando os principais fatores prognósticos, utilizados na prática clínica corrente, baseados em critérios de avaliação clínico-patológicos. A avaliação das alterações morfométricas e densimétricas nas neoplasias malignas tem, recentemente, sido estudadas e avaliadas através da análise de imagem digital e demonstrado possibilidades de utilização diagnóstica e prognóstica. A assinatura digital é um histograma representativo de conjuntos de características de textura da cromatina do núcleo celular obtida através da imagem computadorizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi a caracterização dos núcleos celulares neoplásicos no adenocarcinoma primário de reto pelo método da assinatura digital e verificar o valor prognóstico das alterações nucleares da textura da cromatina nuclear para esta doença. Foram avaliados, pelo método de análise de imagem digital, 51 casos de pacientes operados no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA) entre 1988 e 1996 e submetidos à ressecção eletiva do adenocarcinoma primário de reto, com seguimento de cinco anos pós-operatório, ou até o óbito antes deste período determinado pela doença, e 22 casos de biópsias normais de reto obtidas de pacientes submetidos a procedimentos endoscópicos, para controle do método da assinatura digital. A partir dos blocos de parafina dos espécimes estocados no Serviço de Patologia do HCPA, foram realizadas lâminas coradas com hematoxilina e eosina das quais foram selecionados 3.635 núcleos dos adenocarcinomas de reto e 2.366 núcleos dos controles da assinatura digital, totalizando 6.001 núcleos estudados por análise de imagem digital. De cada um destes núcleos foram verificadas 93 características, sendo identificadas 11 características cariométricas com maior poder de discriminação entre as células normais e neoplásicas. Desta forma, através da verificação da textura da cromatina nuclear, foram obtidos os histogramas representativos de cada núcleo ou conjunto de núcleos dos grupos ou subgrupos estudados, também no estadiamento modificado de Dukes, dando origem às assinaturas digitais correspondentes. Foram verificadas as assinaturas nucleares, assinaturas de padrão histológico ou de lesões e a distribuição da Densidade Óptica Total. Houve diferença significativa das características entre o grupo normal e o grupo com câncer, com maior significância para três delas, a Área, a Densidade Óptica Total e a Granularidade nuclear. Os valores das assinaturas médias nucleares foram: no grupo normal 0,0009 e nos estadiamentos; 0,9681 no A, 4,6185 no B, 2,3957 no C e 2,1025 no D e diferiram com significância estatística (P=0,001). A maior diferença do normal ocorreu no subgrupo B de Dukes-Turnbull. As assinaturas nucleares e de padrão histológico mostraram-se distintas no grupo normal e adenocarcinoma, assim como a distribuição da Densidade Óptica Total a qual mostra um afastamento progressivo da normalidade no grupo com câncer. Foi possível a caracterização do adenocarcinoma de reto, que apresentou assinaturas digitais específicas. Em relação ao prognóstico, a Densidade Óptica Total representou a variável que obteve o melhor desempenho, além do estadiamento, como preditor do desfecho.


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Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Postoperative pelvic abscesses in patients submitted to colorectal surgery are challenging. The surgical approach may be too risky, and image-guided drainage often is difficult due to the complex anatomy of the pelvis. This article describes novel access for drainage of a pelvic collection using a minimally invasive natural orifice approach. A 37 year-old man presented with sepsis due to a pelvic abscess during the second postoperative week after a Hartmann procedure due to perforated rectal cancer. Percutaneous drainage was determined by computed tomography to be unsuccessful, and another operation was considered to be hazardous. Because the pelvic fluid was very close to the rectal stump, transrectal drainage was planned. The rectal stump was opened using transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) instruments. The endoscope was advanced through the TEM working channel and the rectal stump opening, accessing the abdominal cavity and pelvic collection. The pelvic collection was endoscopically drained and the local cavity washed with saline through the scope channel. A Foley catheter was placed in the rectal stump. The patient's recovery after the procedure was successful, without the need for further intervention. Transrectal endoscopic drainage may be an option for selected cases of pelvic fluid collection in patients submitted to Hartmann's procedure. The technique allows not only fluid drainage but also visualization of the local cavity, cleavage of multiloculated abscesses, and saline irrigation if necessary. The use of TEM instrumentation allows safe access to the peritoneal cavity.


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During the last century, great improvements have been made in rectal cancer management regarding preoperative staging, pathologic assessment, surgical technique, and multimodal therapies. Surgically, there was a move from a strategy characterized by simple perineal excision to complex procedures performed by means of a laparoscopic approach, and more recently with the aid of robotic systems. Perhaps the most important advance is that rectal cancer is no longer a fatal disease as it was at the beginning of the 20th century. This achievement is definitely due in part to Ernest Mile's contribution regarding lymphatic spread of tumor cells, which helped clarify the natural history of the disease and the proper treatment alternatives. He advocated a combined approach with the rationale to clear "the zone of upward spread." The aim of the present paper is to present a brief review concerning the evolution of rectal cancer surgery, focusing attention on Miles' abdominoperineal excision of the rectum (APR) and its controversies and refinements over time. Although APR has currently been restricted to a small proportion of patients with low rectal cancer, recent propositions to excise the rectum performing a wider perineal and a proper pelvic floor resection have renewed interest on this procedure, confirming that Ernest Miles' original ideas still influence rectal cancer management after more than 100 years.


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Numerose ricerche indicano i modelli di cure integrate come la migliore soluzione per costruire un sistema più efficace ed efficiente nella risposta ai bisogni del paziente con tumore, spesso, però, l’integrazione è considerata da una prospettiva principalmente clinica, come l’adozione di linee guida nei percorsi della diagnosi e del trattamento assistenziale o la promozione di gruppi di lavoro per specifiche patologie, trascurando la prospettiva del paziente e la valutazione della sua esperienza nei servizi. Il presente lavoro si propone di esaminare la relazione tra l’integrazione delle cure oncologiche e l’esperienza del paziente; com'è rappresentato il suo coinvolgimento e quali siano i campi di partecipazione nel percorso oncologico, infine se sia possibile misurare l’esperienza vissuta. L’indagine è stata svolta sia attraverso la revisione e l’analisi della letteratura sia attraverso un caso di studio, condotto all'interno della Rete Oncologica di Area Vasta Romagna, tramite la somministrazione di un questionario a 310 pazienti con neoplasia al colon retto o alla mammella. Dai risultati, emerge un quadro generale positivo della relazione tra l’organizzazione a rete dei servizi oncologici e l’esperienza del paziente. In particolare, è stato possibile evidenziare quattro principali nodi organizzativi che introducono la prospettiva del paziente: “individual care provider”,“team care provider”,“mixed approach”,“continuity and quality of care”. Inoltre, è stato possibile delineare un campo semantico coerente del concetto di coinvolgimento del paziente in oncologia e individuare quattro campi di applicazione, lungo tutte le fasi del percorso: “prevenzione”, “trattamento”,“cura”,“ricerca”. Infine, è stato possibile identificare nel concetto di continuità di cura il modo in cui i singoli pazienti sperimentano l’integrazione o il coordinamento delle cure e analizzare differenti aspetti del vissuto della persona e dell’organizzazione.


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Il cancro colorettale (CRC) rimane la prima causa di morte nei paesi occidentali.Dal 15% al 25% dei pazienti affetti da CRC presenta metastasi epatiche sincrone (CRLM) al momento della diagnosi.La resezione epatica radicale rimane l’unica terapia potenzialmente curativa in presenza di CRLM con una sopravvivenza a 5 anni compresa tra il 17% ed il 35% ed a 10 anni tra il 16% e il 23% rispettivamente. La tempistica ottimale per la resezione chirurgica in caso di presentazione sincrona di CRC è controversa.Questo studio intende dimostrare che le resezioni epatiche ecoguidate radicali ma conservative simultanee ad una resezione colorettale rappresentano una tecnica sicura ed efficace nei pazienti con CRC avanzato. 48 pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad una resezione simultanea colorettale ed epatica. L’età media +SD (range) era di 64,2+9,7 (38-84).Un solo paziente è deceduto entro 30 giorni. La mortalità post operatoria è stata complessivamente del 2,1%. Nove pazienti (18,8%) hanno sviluppato una o più complicanza ,4 (8,3%) di grado III-IV sec. Clavien-Dindo e 5 (10,4%) di grado I-II. La durata complessiva dell’intervento chirurgico simultaneo è stata di 486,6+144,0 (153-804) minuti.Questo studio conferma che le resezioni colorettali ed epatiche simultanee possono essere eseguite senza un significativo aumento della morbilità e mortalità perioperatorie, anche in pazienti sottoposti ad una resezione anteriore ultrabassa ed in quelli in cui sia indicato il clampaggio intermittente dell’ilo epatico. L’IOUS è efficace nel ridurre l’estensione della resezione epatica in pazienti sia con CRLM anche multiple e bilobari .Poichè le complicanze maggiori sono frequenti dopo resezioni epatiche maggiori simultanee, riducendo l’estensione della resezione del parenchima epatico si può avere un impatto favorevole sul decorso post operatorio.Le resezioni epatiche ecoguidate radicali ma conservative simultanee ad una resezione colorettale sono una tecnica sicura ed efficace in pazienti con carcinoma colorettale avanzato e andrebbero considerate l’opzione primaria in casi selezionati


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Multimodal therapy concepts have been successfully implemented in the treatment of locally advanced gastrointestinal malignancies. The effects of neoadjuvant chemo- or radiochemotherapy such as scarry fibrosis or resorptive changes and inflammation can be determined by histopathological investigation of the subsequent resection specimen. Tumor regression grading (TRG) systems which aim to categorize the amount of regressive changes after cytotoxic treatment mostly refer onto the amount of therapy induced fibrosis in relation to residual tumor or the estimated percentage of residual tumor in relation to the previous tumor site. Commonly used TRGs for upper gastrointestinal carcinomas are the Mandard grading and the Becker grading system, e.g., and for rectal cancer the Dworak or the Rödel grading system, or other systems which follow similar definitions. Namely for gastro-esophageal carcinomas these TRGs provide important prognostic information since complete or subtotal tumor regression has shown to be associated with better patient's outcome. The prognostic value of TRG may even exceed those of currently used staging systems (e.g., TNM staging) for tumors treated by neoadjuvant therapy. There have been some limitations described regarding interobserver variability especially in borderline cases, which may be improved by standardization of work up of resection specimen and better training of histopathologic determination of regressive changes. It is highly recommended that TRG should be implemented in every histopathological report of neoadjuvant treated gastrointestinal carcinomas. The aim of this review is to disclose the relevance of histomorphological TRG to accomplish an optimal therapy for patients with gastrointestinal carcinomas.


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OBJECTIVES Because neural invasion (NI) is still inconsistently reported and not well characterized within gastrointestinal malignancies (GIMs), our aim was to determine the exact prevalence and severity of NI and to elucidate the true impact of NI on patient's prognosis. BACKGROUND The union internationale contre le cancer (UICC) recently added NI as a novel parameter in the current TNM classification. However, there are only a few existing studies with specific focus on NI, so that the distinct role of NI in GIMs is still uncertain. MATERIALS AND METHODS NI was characterized in approximately 16,000 hematoxylin and eosin tissue sections from 2050 patients with adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (AEG)-I-III, squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the esophagus, gastric cancer (GC), colon cancer (CC), rectal cancer (RC), cholangiocellular cancer (CCC), hepatocellular cancer (HCC), and pancreatic cancer (PC). NI prevalence and severity was determined and related to patient's prognosis and survival. RESULTS NI prevalence largely varied between HCC/6%, CC/28%, RC/34%, AEG-I/36% and AEG-II/36%, SCC/37%, GC/38%, CCC/58%, and AEG-III/65% to PC/100%. NI severity score was uppermost in PC (24.9±1.9) and lowest in AEG-I (0.8±0.3). Multivariable analyses including age, sex, TNM stage, and grading revealed that the prevalence of NI was significantly associated with diminished survival in AEG-II/III, GC, and RC. However, increasing NI severity impaired survival in AEG-II/III and PC only. CONCLUSIONS NI prevalence and NI severity strongly vary within GIMs. Determination of NI severity in GIMs is a more precise tool than solely recording the presence of NI and revealed dismal prognostic impact on patients with AEG-II/III and PC. Evidently, NI is not a concomitant side feature in GIMs and, therefore, deserves special attention for improved patient stratification and individualized therapy after surgery.


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PURPOSE: Many rectal cancer patients undergo abdominoperineal excision worldwide every year. Various procedures to restore perineal (pseudo-) continence, referred to as total anorectal reconstruction, have been proposed. The best technique, however, has not yet been defined. In this study, the different reconstruction techniques with regard to morbidity, functional outcome and quality of life were analysed. Technical and timing issues (i.e. whether the definitive procedure should be performed synchronously or be delayed), oncological safety, economical aspects as well as possible future improvements are further discussed. METHODS: A MEDLINE and EMBASE search was conducted to identify the pertinent multilingual literature between 1989 and 2013. All publications meeting the defined inclusion/exclusion criteria were eligible for analysis. RESULTS: Dynamic graciloplasty, artificial bowel sphincter, circular smooth muscle cuff or gluteoplasty result in median resting and squeezing neo-anal pressures that equate to the measurements found in incontinent patients. However, quality of life was generally stated to be good by patients who had undergone the procedures, despite imperfect continence, faecal evacuation problems and a considerable associated morbidity. Many patients developed an alternative perception for the urge to defecate that decisively improved functional outcome. Theoretical calculations suggested cost-effectiveness of total anorectal reconstruction compared well to life with a permanent colostomy. CONCLUSIONS: Many patients would be highly motivated to have their abdominal replaced by a functional perineal colostomy. Given the considerable morbidity and questionable functional outcome of current reconstruction technique improvements are required. Tissue engineering might be an option to design an anatomically and physiologically matured, and customised continence organ.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Purpose: FcγR polymorphisms have been reported to enhance the immune-mediated effects of cetuximab in metastatic colorectal cancer. There are no data on the relationship between these polymorphisms and cetuximab in the early-stage setting. We performed a pharmacogenomic analysis of EXPERT-C, a randomized phase II trial of neoadjuvant CAPOX followed by chemoradiotherapy, surgery, and adjuvant CAPOX ± cetuximab in high-risk, locally advanced rectal cancer.

Experimental Design: FcγRIIa-H131R and FcγRIIIa-V158F polymorphisms were analyzed on DNA from peripheral blood samples. Kaplan–Meier method and Cox regression analysis were used to calculate survival estimates and compare treatment arms.

Results: Genotyping was successfully performed in 105 of 164 (64%) patients (CAPOX = 54, CAPOX-C = 51). No deviation from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium or association of these polymorphisms with tumor RAS status was observed. FcγRIIa-131R (HR, 0.38; P = 0.058) and FcγRIIIa-158F alleles (HR, 0.21; P = 0.007) predicted improved progression-free survival (PFS) in patients treated with cetuximab. In the CAPOX-C arm, carriers of both 131R and 158F alleles had a statistically significant improvement in PFS (5 years: 78.4%; HR, 0.22; P = 0.002) and overall survival (OS; 5 years: 86.4%; HR, 0.24; P = 0.018) when compared with patients homozygous for 131H and/or 158V (5-year PFS: 35.7%; 5-year OS: 57.1%). An interaction between cetuximab benefit and 131R and 158F alleles was found for PFS (P = 0.017) and remained significant after adjusting for prognostic variables (P = 0.003).

Conclusion: This is the first study investigating FcγRIIa and FcγRIIIa polymorphisms in patients with early-stage colorectal cancer treated with cetuximab. We showed an increased clinical benefit from cetuximab in the presence of 131R and 158F alleles.