991 resultados para recrystallization (metallurgy)


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The hot workability of an Al-Mg-Si alloy has been studied by conducting constant strain-rate compression tests. The temperature range and strain-rate regime selected for the present study were 300-550 degrees C and 0.001-1 s(-1), respectively. On the basis of true stress data, the strain-rate sensitivity values were calculated and used for establishing processing maps following the dynamic materials model. These maps delineate characteristic domains of different dissipative mechanisms. Two domains of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) have been identified which are associated with the peak efficiency of power dissipation (34%) and complete reconstitution of as-cast microstructure. As a result, optimum hot ductility is achieved in the DRX domains. The strain rates at which DRX domains occur are determined by the second-phase particles such as Mg2Si precipitates and intermetallic compounds. The alloy also exhibits microstructural instability in the form of localized plastic deformation in the temperature range 300-350 degrees C and at strain rate 1 s(-1).


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Copper with four widely differing grain sizes was subjected to high-strain-rate plastic deformation in a special experimental arrangement in which high shear strains of approximately 2 to 7 were generated. The adiabatic plastic deformation produced temperature rises in excess of 300 K, creating conditions favorable for dynamic recrystallization, with an attendant change in the mechanical response. Preshocking of the specimens to an amplitude of 50 GPa generated a high dislocation density; twinning was highly dependent on grain size, being profuse for the 117- and 315-mu m grain-size specimens and virtually absent for the 9.5-mu m grain-size specimens. This has a profound effect on the subsequent mechanical response of the specimens, with the smaller grain-size material undergoing considerably more hardening than the larger grain-size material. A rationale is proposed which leads to a prediction of the shock threshold stress for twinning as a function of grain size. The strain required for localization of plastic deformation was dependent on the combined grain size/shock-induced microstructure, with the large grain-size specimens localizing more readily. The experimental results obtained are rationalized in terms of dynamic recrystallization, and a constitutive equation is applied to the experimental results; it correctly predicts the earlier onset of localization for the large grain-size specimens. It is suggested that the grain-size dependence of shock response can significantly affect the performance of shaped charges.


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Deformation processing and microstructural development of an alpha(2)/O aluminide alloy Ti-25Al-15Nb (at.%) was studied in the temperature range of 950 to 1200 degrees C and strain rate range of 10(-3) to 100 s(-1). Regions of processing and instability were identified using dynamic materials model. Dynamic recrystallization (DRX) of alpha(2)/O phase and p phase were seen to occur in the region of 950 to 1050 degrees C/0.001 to 0.05 s(-1) and 1125 to 1175 degrees C/0.001 to 0.1 s(-1), respectively. Unstable flow was seen to occur in the region of 1050 to 1190 degrees C/10 to 100 s(-1). Thermal activation analysis showed that DRX of alpha(2)/O and beta was controlled by cross-slip.


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In this article, the effect of initial microstructure on the texture evolution in 2014 Al alloy during equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) through route A has been reported. Three heat treatment conditions were chosen to generate the initial microstructures, namely (i) the recrystallization anneal (as-received), (ii) solution treatment at 768 K for 1 h, and (iii) solution treatment (768 K for 1 h) plus aging at 468 K for 5 h. Texture analyses were performed using orientation distribution function (ODF) method. The texture strength after ECAP processing was different for the three samples in the order, solutionised > solutionised plus aged condition > as-received. The prominent texture components were A (E) /(A) over bar (E) and B(E)/(B) over bar (E) in addition to several weaker components for the three materials. The strong texture evolution in solutionised condition has been attributed to higher strain hardening of the matrix due to higher amount of solute. In case of the as-received as well as solutionised plus aged alloy, the weaker texture could be due to the strain scattering from extensive precipitate fragmentation and dissolution during ECAP.


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Processing maps have been developed for hot deformation of Mg-2Zn-1Mn alloy in as-cast condition and after homogenization with a view to evaluate the influence of homogenization. Hot compression data in the temperature range 300-500degreesC and strain rate range 0.001-100 s(-1) were used for generating the processing map. In the map for the as-cast alloy the domain of dynamic recrystallization occurring, at 450degreesC and 0.1 s(-1) has merged with another domain occurring at 500degreesC and 0.001 s(-1) representing grain boundary cracking. The latter domain is eliminated by homogenization and the dynamic recrystallization domain expanded with a higher peak efficiency occurring at 500 degreesC and 0.05 s(-1). The flow localization occurring at strain rates higher than 5 s(-1) is unaffected by homogenization.


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Commercially Pure Magnesium initially hot rolled and having a basal texture was deformed by Equal Channel Angular Extrusion (ECAE). ECAE was carried out upto 8 passes in a 90° die following routes A and Bc through a processing sequence involving two temperatures, namely 523 and 473 K. Texture and microstructure formed were studied using electron back scatter diffraction (EBSD) technique. In addition to significant reduction in grain size, strong <0002> fiber texture inclined at an angle ~ 45o from the extrusion axis formed in the material. Texture was also analyzed by orientation distribution function (ODF) and compared vis-à-vis shear texture. A significant amount of dynamic recrystallization occurred during ECAE, which apparently did not influence texture.


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In this present paper, the effects of non-isothermal rolling temperature and reduction in thickness followed by annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of ZM21 magnesium alloy were investigated. The alloy rolled at four different temperatures 250 degrees C, 300 degrees C, 350 degrees C and 400 degrees C with reductions of 25%, 50% and 75%. Non-isothermal rolling resulted in grain refinement, introduction of shear bands and twins in the matrix alloy. Partial to full recrystallization was observed when the rolling temperature was above recrystallization temperature. Rolling and subsequent annealing resulted in strain-free equiaxed grains and complete disappearance of shear bands and twins. Maximum ultimate strength (345 MPa) with good ductility (14%) observed in the sample rolled at 250 degrees C with 75% reduction in thickness followed by short annealing. Recrystallization during warm/hot rolling was sluggish, but post-roll treatment gives distinct views about dynamic and static recrystallization. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Mixed ionic and electronic conduction in Zr02-based solid electrolytes was studied.The effect of impurities and second-phase particles on the mixed conduction parameter, P,, was measured for different types of ZrOZ electrolytes. The performance of solid-state sensors incorporating ZrOZ electrolytes is sometimes limited by electronic conduction in ZrOZ, especially at temperatures >I800 K. Methods for eliminating or minimizing errors in measured emf due to electronically driven transport of oxygen anions are discussed. Examples include probes for monitoring oxygen content in liquid steel as well as the newly developed sulfur sensor based on a ZrOz(Ca0) + CaS electrolyte. The use of mixed conducting ZrOZ as a semipermeable membrane or chemically selective sieve for oxygen at high temperatures is discussed. Oxygen transport from liquid iron to CO + C& gas mixtures through a ZrOZ membrane driven by a chemical potential gradient, in the absence of electrical leads or imposed potentials, was experimentally observed.


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Boron addition to conventional titanium alloys below the eutectic limit refines the cast microstructure and improves mechanical properties. The present work explores the influence of hypoeutectic boron addition on the microstructure and texture evolution in Ti-6Al-4V alloy under beta extrusion. The beta extruded microstructure of Ti-6Al-4V is characterized by shear bands parallel to the extrusion direction. In contrast, the extruded Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy shows a regular beta worked microstructure consisting of fine prior beta grains and acicular alpha-lamellae with no signs of the microstructural instability. Crystallographic texture after extrusion was almost identical for the two alloys indicating the similarity in their transformation behavior, which is attributed to complete dynamic recrystallization during beta processing. Microstructural features as well as crystallographic texture indicate dominant grain boundary related deformation processes for the boron modified alloy that leads to homogeneous deformation without instability formation. The absence of shear bands has significant technological importance as far as the secondary processing of boron added alloys in (alpha + beta)-phase field are concerned. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This article presents the deformation behavior of high-strength pearlitic steel deformed by triaxial compression to achieve ultra-fine ferrite grain size with fragmented cementite. The consequent evolution of microstructure and texture has been studied using scanning electron microscopy, electron back-scatter diffraction, and X-ray diffraction. The synergistic effect of diffusion and deformation leads to the uniform dissolution of cementite at higher temperature. At lower temperature, significant grain refinement of ferrite phase occurs by deformation and exhibits a characteristic deformation texture. In contrast, the high-temperature deformed sample shows a weaker texture with cube component for the ferrite phase, indicating the occurrence of recrystallization. The different mechanisms responsible for the refinement of ferrite as well as the fragmentation of cementite and their interaction with each other have been analyzed. Viscoplastic self-consistent simulation was employed to understand deformation texture in the ferrite phase during triaxial compression.


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In the present study, asymmetric rolling was carried out for incorporating a shear component during the rolling at different temperatures, and was compared with conventional (symmetric) rolling. The microstructures were investigated using electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD). The strain incorporated was compared with the help of grain orientation spread (GOS). GOS was eventually used as a criterion to partition the microstructure for separating the deformed and the dynamically recrystallized (DRX) grains. The texture of the partitioned DRX grains was shifted by similar to 30 degrees along the c-axis from the deformed grains. The mechanism of dynamic recrystallization (DRX) has been identified as continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization (CDRR). The partitioned deformed grains for the higher temperature rolled specimens exhibited a texture similar to the room temperature rolled specimen. The asymmetric rolling introduces a shear component which shifts the texture fibre by similar to 5-10 degrees from the conventional rolling texture. This led to an increase in ductility with little compromise on strength. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of microstructure and texture gradient in warm Accumulative Roll Bonded Cu-Cu multilayer has been studied. Grain size distribution is multimodal and exhibits variation from middle to surface layer. Evolution of texture is largely influenced by shear, in addition to rolling deformation. This leads to the formation of a texture comprising of high fraction of Brass and rolling direction-rotated cube components. Partial recrystallization was observed. Deformed and recrystallized grains were separated using a partition scheme based on grain orientation spread and textures were analyzed for both the partition. Retention of deformation texture components in recrystallized grains suggests the mechanism of recrystallization as continuous recrystallization. Shear deformation plays an important role in grain refinement through continuous recrystallization. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The effectiveness of different routes of equal channel angular pressing (A, B-c, and C) is studied for commercially pure copper. The stored energy and the activation energy of recrystallization for the deformed samples were quantified using differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction line profile analysis. Results of the study revealed that the dislocation density and the stored energy are higher in the case of route B-c deformed sample. The activation energy for recrystallization is lower for route B-c. (C) 2012 International Centre for Diffraction Data doi:10.1017/S0885715612000310]


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Multi-layered materials have been made from Cu-Fe with approximately equal volume fractions using the Accumulated Roll Bonding (ARB) technique with less than 1 μm thickness of the individual layers. The so-obtained multi-layers have been subjected to deformation by cold rolling to 25, 50, 75, 87 and 93% reduction in thickness. A detailed characterization has been carried out using X-ray diffraction (line profile analysis and texture measurement) and electron (scanning and transmission) microscopy. It has been found that Fe layers are disintegrated whereas Cu retains its continuity within a layer. Microstructural Characterization from X-Ray Line profile Analysis (XRDLPA) through Variance Method reveals that large amount of strain is initially carried by Cu layers during deformation. In the Cu-Fe layer, the texture is comparatively weaker in Cu layer and strong in Fe layers. Brass Component increases up to 75% reduction and then decreases, while the ratio of Cu/S and Bs/S remains almost constant through out the deformation. After 50% reduction, dynamic recovery is predominant as indicated by the increase in the amount of low angle grain boundaries and decrease in dislocation density. The presence of R component indicates continuous dynamic recovery and recrystallization (CDRR) at the advanced stage of deformation.


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Hot deformation behavior of a hypoeutectic Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B alloy in (alpha + beta) phase field is investigated in the present study with special reference to flow response, kinetics and microstructural evolution. For a comparison, the base alloy Ti-6Al-4V was also studied under identical conditions. Dynamic recovery of alpha phase occurs at low temperatures while softening due to globularization and/or dynamic recrystallization dominates at high temperatures irrespective of boron addition. Microstructural features for both the alloys display bending and kinking of alpha lamellae for near alpha test temperatures. Unlike Ti-6Al-4V, no sign of instability formation was observed in Ti-6Al-4V-0.1B for any deformation condition except for cavitation around TiB particles, due to deformation incompatibility and strain accumulation at the particle-matrix interface. The absence of macroscopic instabilities and early initiation of softening mechanisms as a result of boron addition has been attributed to microstructural features (e.g. refined prior beta grain and alpha colony size, absence of grain boundary alpha layer, presence of TiB particles at prior beta boundaries, etc.) of the respective alloys prior to deformation. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.