979 resultados para radical exchange reactions
The theoretical model[17] of an ultramicroelectrode modified with a redox species film is used as the diagnostic tool to characterize the catalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid at carbon fiber ultramicrodisk electrodes coated with an Eastman-AQ-Os(bpy)(3)(2+) film. The electrocatalytic behavior of ascorbic acid at the ultramicroelectrode modified by an Eastman-AQ polymer containing tris(2,2'-bipyridine) osmium(III/II) as mediators is described. In order to determine the five characteristic currents quantitatively, the radius of the ultramicroelectrode and the concentration of ascorbic acid are varied systematically. The kinetic zone diagram has been used to study the electrocatalytic system. This system with 0.5-2.75 mM ascorbic acid belongs to SR + E case, and the concentration profiles of the catalyst in the film are given in detail. Finally, optimizing the design of catalytic system is discussed.
General equations of the electrocatalytic reaction at an ultramicroelectrode modified with redox species have been described according to the Andrieux Saveant model. The electrocatalytic kinetic process has been discussed for the whole set of cases, ie (R), (R + S), (SR) (SR + E), (E), (R + E), (ER), (S), (ER + S) and (S + E) limiting situations. The effect of gamma on the catalytic steady state current shows that the higher the value of gamma, the lower the catalytic current. The kinetic process shifts rapidly from R to E with increasing values of gamma. It is favorable for catalysis only when gamma is very low. Therefore, the redox species modified ultramicroelectrode with thin film is utilized for electrocatalysis, and the larger the radius of ultramicroelectrode, the higher the catalytic efficiency.
The preparation and the behaviour of a Prussian Blue (PB) film on a platinum microdisk electrode has been described. Electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid has occurred at the PB film modified microelectrode. This shows a typical example of a modified microelectrode in electrocatalysis following our previous theoretical studies (J. Electroanal. Chem., 309 (1991) 103) and the related catalytic reaction rate constant was determined.
The current equation of the electrocatalytic reaction at a microdisk electrode modified with redox species has been described and verified experimentally. There exists a linear relationship between plateau limiting current and the radius of the microdisk electrode for a catalytic process. The influence of the dimensions of the microdisk electrode on catalytic efficiency is discussed. The polyvinylferrocene (PVFc)-modified microdisk electrode prepared by the coating method was taken as a typical example, on which the electrocatalytic oxidation of ascorbic acid could be studied. The catalytic reaction rate constants were determined as an average value of 1.5 X 10(-7) cm3/mol s by this method, and are consistent with those obtained at a conventional electrode.
We present the fifth release of the UMIST Database for Astrochemistry (UDfA). The new reaction network contains 6173 gas-phase
reactions, involving 467 species, 47 of which are new to this release. We have updated rate coefficients across all reaction types.
We have included 1171 new anion reactions and updated and reviewed all photorates. In addition to the usual reaction network, we
also now include, for download, state-specific deuterated rate coefficients, deuterium exchange reactions and a list of surface binding
energies for many neutral species. Where possible, we have referenced the original source of all new and existing data. We have tested
the main reaction network using a dark cloud model and a carbon-rich circumstellar envelope model. We present and briefly discuss
the results of these models.
Modifications of extant plasma proteins, structural proteins,and other macromolecules are enhanced in diabetes because of increased glycation (secondary to increased glucose concentrations) and perhaps because of increased oxidative stress, Increased glycation is present from the time of onset of diabetes, but the relation between diabetes and oxidative stress is less clear: increased oxidative stress may occur later in the course of disease, as vascular damage becomes established, or it may be a feature of uncomplicated diabetes, The combined effects of protein modification by glycation and oxidation may contribute to the development of accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes and to the development of microvascular complications, Thus, even if not increased by diabetes, variations in oxidative stress may modulate the consequences of hyperglycemia in individual diabetic patients, In this review, the close interaction between glycation and oxidative processes is discussed, and the theme is developed that the most significant modifications of proteins are the result of interactions with reactive carbonyl groups, While glucose itself contains a carbonyl group that is involved in the initial glycation reaction, the most important and reactive carbonyls are formed by free radical-oxidation reactions damaging either carbohydrates (including glucose itself) or lipids, The resulting carbonyl-containing intermediate products then modify proteins, yielding "glycoxidation" and "lipoxidation" products, respectively, This common pathway for glucose and lipid-mediated stress, which may contribute to diabetic complications, is the basis for the carbonyl stress hypothesis for the development of diabetic complications.
A novel series of polymerisable squaramides has been synthesised in high yields using simple chemical reactions, and evaluated in the binding of anionic species. These vinyl monomers can be used as functional building blocks in co-polymerisations with a plethora of co-monomers or cross-linkers, grace to their compatibility with free-radical polymerisation reactions. Aromatic substituted squaramides were found to be the strongest receptors, while binding of certain anions was accompanied by a strong colour change, attributed to the de-protonation of the squaramide. The best performing squaramide monomers were incorporated in molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) targeting a model anion and their capacities and selectivity were evaluated by rebinding experiments. Polymers prepared using the new squaramide monomers were compared to urea based co-polymers, and were found to contain up to 80% of the theoretical maximum number of binding sites, an exceptionally high value compared to previous reports. Strong polymer colour changes were observed upon rebinding of certain anions, equivalent to those witnessed in solution, paving the way for application of such materials in anion sensing devices.
Graphical abstract: Polymerisable squaramide receptors for anion binding and sensing
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been used to study donor-acceptor complexes of boron trifluoride with several ureas, tetramethylthiourea, tetramethylselenourea, and tetramethylquanidine as well as adducts of tetramethyl- -urea with BF2Cl, BFC1 2 , and BC1 3 - A large number of mixed tetrahaloborate ions, including some of the ternary ones such as BF2CIBr-,have been obtained by ligand exchange reactions and studied by NMR techniques. The bonding in these ions is of the same inherent interest as the bonding in the isoelectronic tetrahalomethanes which have been the subject of many detailed studies and have been involved in a controversy concerning the existence of and the nature of "fluorine hyperconjugation" or C-F P1T- Pn bonding_ Ligand exchange reactions also gave rise to the difluoroboron cation, (TMU)20BF2+o The difluoroboron cation has been observed in solutions of TMU-BF3 , and has been proposed as a possible intermediate for fluorine exchange reactions in BF3 adducts.
This thesis describes syntheses and catalytic reactivity of several half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium. The neutral ruthenium trihydride complex, Cp(PPri3)RuH3(1), can efficiently catalyse the H/D exchange reaction between various organic substrates and deuterium sources, such as benzene-d6. Moreover, the H/D exchange reactions of polar substrates were also observed in D2O, which is the most attractive deuterium source due to its low cost and low toxicity. Importantly, the H/D exchange under catalytic conditions was achieved not only in aromatic compounds but also in substituted liphatic compounds. Interestingly, in the case of alkanes and alkyl chains, highly selective deuterium incorporation in the terminal methyl positions was observed. It was discovered that the methylene units are engaged in exchange only if the molecule contains a donating functional group, such as O-and N-donors, C=C double bonds, arenes and CH3. The cationic half-sandwich ruthenium complex [Cp(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)2]+(2) catalyses the chemoselective mono-addition of HSiMe2Ph to pyridine derivatives to selectively give the 1,4-regiospecific, N-silylated products. An ionic hydrosilylation mechanismis suggested based on the experiments. To support this mechanistic proposal, kinetic studies under catalytic conditions were performed. Also, the 1,4-regioselective mono-hydrosilylation of nitrogen containing compounds such as phenanthroline, quinoline and acridine can be achieved with the related Cp*complex [Cp*(phen)Ru(CH3CN)]+(3) (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) and HSiMe2Ph under mild conditions. The cationic ruthenium complex 2 can also be used as an efficient catalyst for transfer hydrogenation of various organic substrates including carbonyls, imines, nitriles and esters. Secondary alcohols, amines, N-isopropylidene amines and ether compounds can be obtained in moderate to high yields. In addition, other ruthenium complexes, 1,3 and [Cp*(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)2]+(4), can catalyse transfer hydrogenation of carbonyls although the reactions were sluggish compared to the ones of 2. The possible intermediate, Cp(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)(H), was characterized by NMR at low temperature and the kinetic studies for the transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone were performed. Recently, chemoselective reduction of acid chlorides to aldehydes catalysed by the complex 2 was reported. To extend the catalytic reactivity of 2, reduction of iminoyl chlorides, which can be readily obtained from secondary amides, to the corresponding imines and aldehydes was investigated. Various substituted iminoyl chlorides were converted into the imines and aldehydes under mild conditions and several products were isolated with moderate yields.
· S'ha preparat i caracteritzat una família de complexos de Cu(III) contenint lligands triazamacrocíclics, estudiant-se les seves propietats estructurals, espectroscòpiques i redox. Aquesta àmplia família de complexos tenen un gran interès perquè permeten descriure les propietats dels complexos de Cu en un estat d'oxidació poc habitual i a més ens han permès mesurar de manera quantitativa l'efecte Meyerstein. · Una nova família de complexos de Cu(I) amb els lligands triazamacrocíclics es sintetitzada i caracteritzada per tècniques espectroscòpiques i estructurals, demostrant que aquests complexos presenten diferents estructures a l'estat sòlid i en dissolució. Així doncs, mentre que en dissolució es demostra per RMN que es tracta d'una espècie monomèrica, la determinació estructural per difracció de raigs X d'aquests complexos de Cu(I), ens confirma la formació d'espècies polimèriques. Per altra banda, s'ha estudiat la seva reactivitat; a) la seva implicació en la formació de lligands deuterats mitjançant l'intercanvi H/D en condicions suaus i b) la formació de complexos bisfenoxo a partir de la reactivitat entre els corresponents complexos de Cu(I) i oxigen molecular. De la mateixa manera, s'ha preparat el corresponent anàleg de Ag(I) en estat sòlid, obtenint la formació d'un polímer de Ag(I), el qual presenta a l'estat sòlid una estructura en forma de ziga-zaga, diferent a l'estructura del polímer de Cu(I), que és lineal. · S'ha determinat i proposat el mecanisme que té lloc en l'activació de l'enllaç C-H i posterior reacció de transferència per tal d'estabilitzar els productes finals mitjançant una reacció de desproporció. El seguiment de la reacció té lloc mitjançant tècniques espectroscòpiques com UV-vis. Dit seguiment, ens permet determinar les diferents influències electròniques sobre la reacció de formació dels complexos organometàl·lics de Cu(III). A més a més, el seguiment de la reacció a baixa temperatura ens permet determinar espectroscòpica i teòricament la formació d'un intermedi de Cu(II), i mitjançant la determinació dels paràmetres cinètics i termodinàmics es proposa un mecanisme de reacció. Posteriorment, s'ha assajat la reactivitat d'una sal de Cu(II) amb un lligand macrocíclic que conté un grup metil en el carboni orientat cap al centre del macrocicle, implicant la formació d'un intermedi agòstic. De la determinació estructural d'aquest intermedi de CuII i del lligand protonat, s'extreuen una sèrie de conclusions molt interessants, com són la demostració estructural de l'activació de l'enllaç C-C en la primera etapa de formació i de manera anàloga poder comparar-ho amb els sistemes macrocíclics HL2-HL6, demostrant la possible formació d'un intermedi agòstic, on es produeix l'activació de l'enllaç C-H. Aquesta similitud estaria d'acord amb els sistemes HL2-HL6, els quals espectroscòpica i teòricament s'havia detectat la presència d'un intermedi de característiques similars. Degut a l'acidesa d'aquest protó, i gràcies a la presència d'una base com és el propi lligand, aquest podia ésser extret donant lloc a la formació dels corresponents organometàl·lics de Cu(III). Dita estructura també representa un dels pocs exemples d'un organometàl·lic de CuII, un estat d'oxidació poc conegut dins d'aquest camp. · S'ha descrit la reactivitat dels nous complexos organometàl·lics de Cu(III), els quals sota medi pròtic i en condicions àcides o neutres són espècies totalment estables, però en condicions bàsiques o reductores aquestes espècies reaccionen donant lloc a la formació de noves espècies de tipus bisfenoxo, on el Cu es troba en estat d'oxidació +2. S'han caracteritzat mitjançant difracció de RX, on es s'observa l'entorn químic del Cu, la geometria del complex bisfenoxo i l'hidroxilació de l'anell aromàtic. · Finalment, s'ha descrit per primera vegada la síntesi i caracterització d'uns nous complexos organometàl·lics de Ni. Aquests són sintetitzats en base als càlculs teòrics realitzats sobre els nostres sistemes macrocíclics. Per aquests complexos hem investigat l'efecte del metall, canviant el coure per altres metalls de la primera sèrie de transició (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) i de la segona sèrie de transició (Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag). Els resultats demostren que el Ni(II), és el metall que presenta una major capacitat de l'activació de l'enllaç C-H en aquests sistemes aromàtics. Aquests compostos s'oxiden lentament cap a complexos de Ni(III). Per altra banda, l'addició d'una sal de clor sobre una solució d'un complex de Ni(II) permet aïllar el corresponent complex de Ni(III), caracteritzat per ressonància de spin electrònic
The gas-phase reactions of ozone with unsaturated hydrocarbons are significant sources of free radical species (including (OH)-O-center dot) and particulate material in the Earth's atmosphere. In this tutorial review, the kinetics, products and mechanisms of these reactions are examined, starting with a discussion of the original mechanism proposed by Criegee and following with a summary presentation of the complex, free radical-mediated reactions of carbonyl oxide (Criegee) intermediates. The contribution of ozone-terpene reactions to the atmospheric burden of secondary organic aerosol material is also discussed from the viewpoint of the formation of non-volatile organic acid products from the complex chemistry of ozone with alpha-pinene. Throughout the article, currently accepted understanding is supported through the presentation of key experimental results, and areas of persistent or new uncertainty are highlighted.
5-(4-(N-tert-Butyl-N-aminoxylphenyl)) pyrimidine (RL, 4PPN) forms crystallographically isostructural and isomorphic pseudo-octahedral M(RL)(2)(hfac)(2) complexes with M(hfac)(2), M = Zn, Cu, Ni, Co, and Mn. Multiple close contacts occur between sites of significant spin density of the organic radical units. Magnetic behavior of the Zn, Cu, Ni, Co complexes appears to involve multiple exchange pathways, with multiple close crystallographic contacts between sites that EPR (of 4PPN) indicates to have observable spin density. Powder EPR spectra at room temperature and low temperature are reported for each complex. Near room temperature, the magnetic moments of the complexes are roughly equal to those expected by a sum of non-interacting moments (two radicals plus ion). As temperature decreases, AFM exchange interactions become evident in all of the complexes. The closest fits to the magnetic data were found for a 1-D Heisenberg AFM chain model in the Zn(II) complex (J/k = (-)7 K), and for three-spin RL-M-RL exchange in the other complexes (J/k = (-)26 K, (-)3 K, (-) 6 K, for Cu(II), Ni(II), and Co(II) complexes, respectively). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Ni(II)GGH (GGH, glycylglycyl-L-histidine) reacts rapidly with S(IV), in air-saturated solution, to produce Ni(III)GGH. A mechanism is proposed where Ni(III) oxidizes SO(3)(2-) to SO(3)(center dot-), which reacts with dissolved oxygen to produce SO(5)(center dot-), initiating radical chain reactions. DNA strand breaks and 8-oxo-7,8-dihydro-20-deoxyguanosine (8-oxodGuo) formation were observed in air-saturated solutions containing micromolar concentrations of nickel(II) and S(IV). The efficacies of melatonin, (-)-epigallocatechin-gallate (from green tea), resveratrol, tannic, and ascorbic acids in terms of their inhibitory activities of DNA strand breaks and 8-oxodGuo formation were evaluated.
A C-O-dianionic zincate was generated by a Te/Li exchange reaction of an alkyltelluride, followed by Li/Zn transmetallation and reaction with methyllithium. The reaction between the enantiomerically pure (99% ee) (R)-dianionic zincate and benzoyl chloride led to 3-hydroxy-1-phenyl pentanone with total retention of the carbon configuration (99% ee). Similar results were obtained using the corresponding Lipshutz cyanocuprates. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Reaction of organotellurides with easily available organometallics leads to a fast and clean tellurium/metal exchange reaction, allowing the preparation of a range of functionalized organometallics with C-sp(3), C-sp(2), and C-sp hybridization carbanionic centers. Some synthetic applications of the tellurium/metal exchange reactions are discussed.