995 resultados para réel


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.


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Vers la fin des années 1990 et au début des années 2000, l’idée que l’ARN puisse interagir directement avec de petits métabolites pour contrôler l’expression de certains gènes devient de plus en plus acceptée. Des recherches menées à cette époque ont permis la découverte de plusieurs structures d’ARN hautement conservées nommées riborégulateurs. La structure de ces ARN leur permet de reconnaître spécifiquement un ligand. La reconnaissance du ligand entraîne ensuite un changement de conformation dans l’ARN responsable du contrôle de l’expression génétique. Le but de cette thèse est d’étudier la structure et les changements de conformation du riborégulateur associé au gène add liant l’adénine chez Vibrio vulnificus. Ce riborégulateur étant relativement simple, les informations recueillies lors de cette étude pourront servir à comprendre le fonctionnement de riborégulateurs plus complexes. Dans l’introduction, la découverte des riborégulateurs sera décrite en plus des caractéristiques particulières et de l’importance de ces ARN. Par la suite, quelques exemples démontrant l’importance des structures d’ARN seront abordés. Ensuite, les techniques de fluorescence utilisées pour étudier les structures d’ARN au cours de cette thèse seront présentées. Enfin, les recherches effectuées sur les riborégulateurs adénine seront détaillées afin d’aider le lecteur à bien comprendre le type de riborégulateur au centre de cette thèse. Le chapitre 1 traite du repliement de l’aptamère suite à la liaison avec l’adénine. Dans ce chapitre, il est démontré que l’aptamère peut adopter trois conformations. Une modification de la séquence de l’aptamère de type sauvage a permis d’isoler ces trois conformations. Il a ensuite été possible d’identifier les caractéristiques propres à chacun des états. Le chapitre 2 s’intéresse à une région précise du riborégulateur adénine. Dans ce chapitre, la conformation du cœur de l’aptamère est étudiée plus en profondeur. Il y est possible de constater que le repliement du cœur de l’aptamère influence l’interaction boucle-boucle en présence de magnésium et de ligand. De plus, la présence de ligand, en concentration suffisante, permet le repliement du cœur et favorise le rapprochement des tiges P2 et P3 dans un aptamère muté pour empêcher la formation de l’interaction boucle-boucle. Il semble donc que le repliement du cœur de l’aptamère influence la structure globale de l’aptamère. Finalement, les travaux présentés dans les chapitres 1 et 2 seront mis en contexte avec la littérature scientifique disponible. Cette discussion tentera de réconcilier certaines observations contradictoires. Il sera ensuite question de l’impact que les travaux présentés dans cette thèse peuvent avoir dans le domaine de l’ARN. Enfin, quelques études à réaliser en continuité avec ces travaux seront proposées.


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La Maison de l’Inde et le comptoir de Flandre sont à l’origine de règles spécifiques dont on ne trouve pas d’équivalent dans les traités d’arithmétique des autres pays. La règle d’un quart et un vingtième correspond à un prélèvement d’un quart plus un vingtième des trois quarts restants, c'est-à-dire 1/4+1/20×3/4=23/80 de la quantité initiale. La règle des comptes de Flandre correspond à une formule de conversion. Dans cette session, nous proposons une introduction à ces règles spécifiques du commerce des épices au Portugal à l'époque de la Renaissance, en tenant compte de l'interaction entre les Mathématiques, l'Histoire et l'introduction de la mentalité quantitative pour la modélisation du réel.


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[…] La situation d'enseignement, pour l'enseigné, est un vécu, une aventure d'information et de formation qui est et doit devenir transformation intime autant pour lui-même que pour l'enseignant (par rétroaction), donc créativité perpétuelle de soi dans le quotidien. C'est en ce sens, d'ailleurs, que l'enseignant se doit d'être un catalyseur favorisant l'évolution psychique de l'enseigné. L'art d'être et d'agir dans l'enseignement devient ainsi la clé qui ouvre toutes les portes de ce vaste et imposant univers qu'est l'enseignement: c'est cette clé que l'enseignant doit s'approprier. L'art d'être et d'agir dans l'enseignement en tant qu'enseignant serait, selon nous, être heureux d'enseigner et d'être en contact avec l'enseigné, plus encore, être heureux de vivre cette aventure de transformation de l'Autre (l'enseigné), de soi, aventure qui se présente comme un long processus créatif où l'enseignant devient l'artiste, l'acte d'enseigner: l'acte artistique et l'enseigné: l'oeuvre d'art à transformer, à façonner jusque dans son impulsion la plus existentielle, "conduisant" ainsi ce même enseigné à devenir et à se vivre "son propre artiste" (rendu capable, puisqu'autonome, d'opérer ce processus créatif de transformation et d'épuration sur sa propre personne et ce, dans chaque ici et maintenant). […]


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Les techniques d'imagerie développées pour la surveillance embarquée des structures ont maintenant des applications dans d'autres domaines. Par exemple, le domaine de l'écran tactile est en pleine expansion et de nouvelles technologies commencent à apparaître pour des applications spécifiques. Au niveau médical, des surfaces tactiles pouvant fournir des données sur la répartition du poids et la posture seraient une avancée pour le diagnostique des patients et la recherche. L'écran tactile est une technologie utilisée dans un nombre croissant d'appareils. Les écrans tactiles capacitifs et résistifs dominent le marché, mais ils sont connus pour être difficiles à fabriquer, facilement cassables et coûteux pour les grandes dimensions. Par conséquent, de nouvelles technologies sont encore explorées pour les écrans tactiles de grandes tailles et robustes. Les technologies candidates comprennent des approches basées sur les ondes. Parmi eux, des ondes guidées sont de plus en plus utilisés dans la surveillance des structures (SHM) pour de nombreuses applications liées à la caractérisation des propriétés des matériaux. Les techniques d'imagerie utilisées en SHM telles que Embedded Ultrasonic Structural Radar (EUSR) et Excitelet sont fiables, mais elles ont souvent besoin d'être couplées avec du traitement d'image pour donner de bons résultats. Dans le domaine du NDT (essais non destructifs), les ondes guidées permettent d'analyser les structures sans les détériorer. Dans ces applications, les algorithmes d'imagerie doivent pouvoir fonctionner en temps réel. Pour l'écran tactile, une technique d'imagerie de la pression en temps réel doit être développée afin d'être efficace et performante. Il faut obtenir la position et l'amplitude de la pression appliquée en un ou plusieurs points sur une surface. C'est ici que les algorithmes et l'expertise par rapport aux ondes guidées seront mises de l'avant tout pensant à l'optimisation des calculs afin d'obtenir une image en temps réel. Pour la méthodologie, différents algorithmes d'imagerie sont utilisés pour obtenir des images de déformation d'un matériau et leurs performances sont comparées en termes de temps de calcul et de précision. Ensuite, plusieurs techniques de traitement d'images ont été implantées pour comparer le temps de calcul en regard de la précision dans les images. Pour l'écran tactile, un prototype est conçu avec un programme optimisé et les algorithmes offrant les meilleures performances pour un temps de calcul réduit. Pour la sélection des composantes électroniques, ce sont la vitesse d'exécution et la définition d'image voulues qui permettent d'établir le nombre d'opérations par seconde nécessaire.


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The protection of privacy has gained considerable attention recently. In response to this, new privacy protection systems are being introduced. SITDRM is one such system that protects private data through the enforcement of licenses provided by consumers. Prior to supplying data, data owners are expected to construct a detailed license for the potential data users. A license specifies whom, under what conditions, may have what type of access to the protected data. The specification of a license by a data owner binds the enterprise data handling to the consumer’s privacy preferences. However, licenses are very detailed, may reveal the internal structure of the enterprise and need to be kept synchronous with the enterprise privacy policy. To deal with this, we employ the Platform for Privacy Preferences Language (P3P) to communicate enterprise privacy policies to consumers and enable them to easily construct data licenses. A P3P policy is more abstract than a license, allows data owners to specify the purposes for which data are being collected and directly reflects the privacy policy of an enterprise.


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SITDRM 1 is a privacy protection system that protects private data through the enforcement of MPEG REL licenses provided by consumers. Direct issuing of licenses by consumers has several usability problems that will be mentioned in this paper. Further, we will describe how SITDRM incorporates P3P language to provide a consumer-centered privacy protection system.


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Overweight and obesity are two of the most important emerging public health issues in our time and regarded by the World Health Organisation [WHO] (1998) as a worldwide epidemic. The prevalence of obesity in the USA is the highest in the world, and Australian obesity rates fall into second place. Currently, about 60% of Australian adults are overweight (BMI „d 25kg/m2). The socio-demographic factors associated with overweight and/or obesity have been well demonstrated, but many of the existing studies only examined these relationships at one point of time, and did not examine whether significant relationships changed over time. Furthermore, only limited previous research has examined the issue of the relationship between perception of weight status and actual weight status, as well as factors that may impact on people¡¦s perception of their body weight status. Aims: The aims of the proposed research are to analyse the discrepancy between perceptions of weight status and actual weight status in Australian adults; to examine if there are trends in perceptions of weight status in adults between 1995 to 2004/5; and to propose a range of health promotion strategies and furth er research that may be useful in managing physical activity, healthy diet, and weight reduction. Hypotheses: Four alternate hypotheses are examined by the research: (1) there are associations between independent variables (e.g. socio -demographic factors, physical activity and dietary habits) and overweight and/or obesity; (2) there are associations between the same independent variables and the perception of overweight; (3) there are associations between the same independent variables and the discrepancy between weight status and perception of weight status; and (4) there are trends in overweight and/or obesity, perception of overweight, and the discrepancy in Australian adults from 1995 to 2004/5. Conceptual Framework and Methods: A conceptual framework is developed that shows the associations identified among socio -demographic factors, physical activity and dietary habits with actual weight status, as well as examining perception of weight status. The three latest National Health Survey data bases (1995 , 2001 and 2004/5) were used as the primary data sources. A total of 74,114 Australian adults aged 20 years and over were recruited from these databases. Descriptive statistics, bivariate analyses (One -Way ANOVA tests, unpaired t-tests and Pearson chi-square tests), and multinomial logistic regression modelling were used to analyse the data. Findings: This research reveals that gender, main language spoken at home, occupation status, household structure, private health insurance status, and exercise are related to the discrepancy between actual weight status and perception of weight status, but only gender and exercise are related to the discrepancy across the three time point s. The current research provides more knowledge about perception of weight status independently. Factors which affect perception of overweight are gender, age, language spoken at home, private health insurance status, and diet ary habits. The study also finds that many factors that impact overweight and/or obesity also have an effect on perception of overweight, such as age, language spoken at home, household structure, and exercise. However, some factors (i.e. private health insurance status and milk consumption) only impact on perception of overweight. Furthermore, factors that are rel ated to people’s overweight are not totally related to people’s underestimation of their body weight status in the study results. Thus, there are unknown factors which can affect people’s underestimation of their body weight status. Conclusions: Health promotion and education activities should provide education about population health education and promotion and education for particular at risk sub -groups. Further research should take the form of a longitudinal study design ed to examine the causal relationship between overweight and/or obesity and underestimation of body weight status, it should also place more attention on the relationships between overweight and/or obesity and dietary habits, with a more comprehensive representation of SES. Moreover, further research that deals with identification of characteristics about perception of weight status, in particular the underestimation of body weight status should be undertaken.


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Several lines of evidence implicate the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (p38 MAPK) in the proinflammatory response to bacterial agents and cytokines. Equally, the transcription factor, nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB, is recognized to be a critical determinant of the inflammatory response in intestinal epithelial cells (IECs). However, the precise inter-relationship between the activation of p38 MAPK and activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB in the intestinal epithelial cell (IEC) system, remains unknown. Here we show that interleukin (IL)-1beta activates all three MAPKs in Caco-2 cells. The production of IL-8 and monocyte chemotactic protein 1 (MCP-1) was attenuated by 50% when these cells were preincubated with the p38 MAPK inhibitor, SB 203580. Further investigation of the NF-kappaB signalling system revealed that the inhibitory effect was independent of the phosphorylation and degradation of IkappaBalpha, the binding partner of NF-kappaB. This effect was also independent of the DNA binding of the p65 Rel A subunit, as well as transactivation, determined by an NF-kappaB luciferase construct, using both SB 203580 and dominant-negative p38 MAPK. Evaluation of IL-8 and MCP-1 RNA messages by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) revealed that the inhibitory effect of SB 203580 was associated with a reduction in this parameter. Using an IL-8-luciferase promoter construct, an effect of p38 upon its activation by both pharmacological and dominant-negative p38 construct co-transfection was demonstrated. It is concluded that p38 MAPK influences the expression of chemokines in intestinal epithelial cells, through an effect upon the activation of the chemokine promoter, and does not directly involve the activation of the transcription factor NF-kappaB


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The MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework provides for controlled distribution of multimedia works through its Intellectual Property Management and Protection ("IPMP") Components and Rights Expression Language ("MPEG REL"). The IPMP Components provide a framework by which the components of an MPEG-21 digital item can be protected from undesired access, while MPEG REL provides a mechanism for describing the conditions under which a component of a digital item may be used and distributed. This chapter describes how the IPMP Components and MPEG REL were used to implement a series of digital rights management applications at the Cooperative Research Centre for Smart Internet Technology in Australia. While the IPMP Components and MPEG REL were initially designed to facilitate the protection of copyright, the applications also show how the technology can be adapted to the protection of private personal information and sensitive corporate information.


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Search technologies are critical to enable clinical sta to rapidly and e ectively access patient information contained in free-text medical records. Medical search is challenging as terms in the query are often general but those in rel- evant documents are very speci c, leading to granularity mismatch. In this paper we propose to tackle granularity mismatch by exploiting subsumption relationships de ned in formal medical domain knowledge resources. In symbolic reasoning, a subsumption (or `is-a') relationship is a parent-child rela- tionship where one concept is a subset of another concept. Subsumed concepts are included in the retrieval function. In addition, we investigate a number of initial methods for combining weights of query concepts and those of subsumed concepts. Subsumption relationships were found to provide strong indication of relevant information; their inclusion in retrieval functions yields performance improvements. This result motivates the development of formal models of rela- tionships between medical concepts for retrieval purposes.


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We previously showed that integrin alphavbeta3 overexpression and engagement by its ligand vitronectin increased adhesion, motility, and proliferation of human ovarian cancer cells. In search of differentially regulated genes involved in these tumor biological events, we previously identified the integrin-linked kinase (ILK) to be under control of alphavbeta3. In the present investigation we demonstrated significantly upregulated ILK protein as a function of alphavbeta3 in two ovarian cancer cell lines, OV-MZ-6 and OVCAR-3, and proved co-localization at the surface of alphavbeta3-overexpressing cells adherent to vitronectin. Increase of ILK protein was reflected by enhanced ILK promoter activity, an effect, which we further characterized with regard to transcriptional response elements involved. Abrogation of NF-kappaB/c-rel or p53 binding augmented ILK promoter activity and preserved induction by alphavbeta3. The AP1-mutant exhibited decreased promoter activity but was also still inducible by alphavbeta3. Disruption of the two DNA consensus motifs for Ets proteins led to divergent observations: mutation of the Ets motif at promoter position -462 bp did not significantly alter promoter activity but still allowed response to alphavbeta3. In contrast, disruption of the second Ets motif at position -85 bp did not only lead to slightly diminished promoter activity but also, in that case, abrogated ILK promoter induction by alphavbeta3. Subsequent co-transfection studies with ets-1 in the presence of the second Ets motif led to additional induction of ILK promoter activity. Taken together, these data suggest that ets-1 binding to the second Ets DNA motif strongly contributes to alphavbeta3-mediated ILK upregulation. By increasing ILK as an important integrin-proximal kinase, alphavbeta3 may promote its intracellular signaling and tumor biological processes arising thereof in favor of ovarian cancer metastasis.


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Upon overexpression of integrin αvβ3 and its engagement by vitronectin, we previously showed enhanced adhesion, proliferation, and motility of human ovarian cancer cells. By studying differential expression of genes possibly related to these tumor biological events, we identified the epidermal growth-factor receptor (EGF-R) to be under control of αvβ3 expression levels. Thus in the present study we characterized αvβ3-dependent changes of EGF-R and found significant upregulation of its expression and activity which was reflected by prominent changes of EGF-R promoter activity. Upon disruption of DNA-binding motifs for the transcription factors p53, ETF, the repressor ETR, p50, and c-rel, respectively, we sought to identify DNA elements contributing to αvβ3-mediated EGF-R promoter induction. Both, the p53- and ETF-mutant, while exhibiting considerably lower EGF-R promoter activity than the wild type promoter, retained inducibility by αvβ3. Mutation of the repressor motif ETR, as expected, enhanced EGF-R promoter activity with a further moderate increase upon αvβ3 elevation. The p50-mutant displayed EGF-R promoter activity almost comparable to that of the wild type promoter with no impairment of induction by αvβ3. However, the activity of an EGF-R promoter mutant displaying a disrupted c-rel-binding motif did not only prominently decline, but, moreover, was not longer responsive to enhanced αvβ3, involving this DNA element in αvβ3-dependent EGF-R upregulation. Moreover, αvβ3 did not only increase the EGF-R but, moreover, also led to obvious co-clustering on the cancer cell surface. By studying αvβ3/EGF-R-effects on the focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and the mitogen activated protein kinases (MAPK) p44/42 (erk−1/erk−2), having important functions in synergistic crosstalk between integrins and growth-factor receptors, we found for both significant enhancement of expression and activity upon αvβ3/VN interaction and cell stimulation by EGF. Upregulation of the EGF-R by integrin αvβ3, both receptor molecules with a well-defined role as targets for cancer treatment, might represent an additional mechanism to adapt synergistic receptor signaling and crosstalk in response to an altered tumor cell microenvironment during ovarian cancer progression.


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Neutral and cationic \[C-2,P-2] were investigated by a combination of mass spectrometry and electronic structure calculations. The cationic \[C-2,P-2](.+) potential energy surface including all relevant minima, transition states and fragmentation products was calculated at the B3LYP/6-311G(3df) level of theory. The most stable structures are linear PCCP.+ 1(.+) (E-rel=0 kcal mol(-1)), a three-membered ring with exocyclic phosphorus c-(PCC)-P 2(.+) (E-rel = 40.8 kcal mol(-1)), and the rhombic isomer 3(.+) (E-rel = 24.9 kcal mol(-1)). All fragmentation channels are significantly higher in energy than any of the \[C-2,P-2](.+) isomers. Experimentally, \[C-2,P-2](.+) ions are generated under high vacuum conditions by electron ionization of two different precursors. The fragmentation of \[C-2,P-2](.+) on collisional activation is preceded by rearrangement reactions which obscure the structural connectivity of the ions. The existence and the high stability of neutral \[C-2,P-2] were proved by a neutralization-reionization (NR) experiment. Although an unambiguous structural assignment of the neutral species cannot be drawn, both theory and experiment suggest that the long-sought neutral, linear PCCP 1 is generated using the NR technique.