980 resultados para quaternary conformation


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Stable carbon isotope ratios of peats dated (by C-14) back to 40 kyr BP from the montane region (> 1800 m asl) of the Nilgiris, southern India, reflect changes in the relative proportions of C3 and C4 plant types, which are influenced by soil moisture (and hence monsoonal precipitation), From prior to 40 kyr BP until 28 kyr BP, a general decline in delta(13)C values from about - 14 per mil to - 19 per mil suggests increased dominance of C3 plants concurrent with increasingly moist conditions, During 28-18 kyr BP there seems relatively little change with delta(13) C of - 19 to - 18 per mil, At about 16 kyr BP a sharp reversal in delta(13)C to a peak of - 14.7 per mil indicates a clear predominance of C4 vegetation associated with arid conditions, possibly during or just after the Last Glacial Maximum, A moist phase at about 9 kyr BP (the Holocene Optimum) with dominance of C3 vegetation type is observed, while arid conditions are re-established during 5-2 kyr BP with an overall dominance of C4 vegetation, New data do not support the occurrence of a moist phase coinciding with the Mediaeval Warm Period (at 0.6 kyr BP) as suggested earlier, Overall, the climate and vegetation in the high altitude regions of the southern Indian tropics seem to have responded to past global climatic changes, and this is consistent with other evidences from India and other tropical regions.


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The molecular and crystal structures of three compounds, representing the repeating units of the -bend ribbon (an approximate 310-helix, with an intramolecular hydrogen-bonding donor every two residues), have been determined by x-ray diffraction. They are Boc-Aib-Hib-NHBzl, Z-Aib-Hib-NHBzl, and Z-L-Hyp-Aib-NHMe (Aib, -aminoisobutyric acid; Bzl, benzyl; Boc, t-butyloxycarbonyl; Hyp, hydroxyproline Hib, -hydroxyisobutyric acid; Z, benzyloxycarbonyl). The two former compounds are folded in a -bend conformation: type III (III) for Boc-Aib-Hib-NHBzl, while type II (II) for the Z analogue. Conversely, the structure of Z-L-Hyp-Aib-NHMe, although not far from a type II -bend, is partially open.


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Crystalline complexes of succinic acid with DL- and L-lysine have been prepared and analysed by X-ray diffraction. DL-Lysine complex: C6HIsN202 + 1 2- 1 ~C4H404 .~C4H604, Mr -- 264"2, PI, a = 5"506 (4), =8.070(2), c=14.089(2) A,, a=92.02(1), /3= 100"69 (3), y = 95"85 (3) ~>, Z = 2, Dx = 1"44 g cm -3, R = 0.059 for 2546 observed reflections. Form I of the e-lysine complex: C6HIsN20-, ~ .C4H504, Mr = 264.2, P1, a = 5" 125 (2), b = 8"087 (1), c = 8"689 (1) A,, a = 112.06 (1), /3 = 99.08 (2), y = 93"77(2) °, Z--l, D,,,=1"34(3), Dx=l"34gcm 3 R = 0.033 for 1475 observed reflections. Form II of + I 2- the e-lysine complex: C6H15N202 .,iC4H404 .- 1 I ") 4C4H604.4(C4HsO4""H'"CaH404)" , Mr = 264"2, P1, a = 10.143 (4), b = 10.256 (2), c = 12"916 (3) A,, a = 105.00 (2),/3 = 99-09 (3), y = 92"78 (3)::, Z = 4, Dm= 1"37(4), D,.= 1.38gcm 3, R=0.067 for 2809 observed reflections. The succinic acid molecules in the structures exhibit a variety of ionization states. Two of the lysine conformations found in the complexes have been observed for the first time in crystals containing lysine. Form II of the L-lysine complex is highly pseudosymmetric. In all the complexes, unlike molecules aggregate into separate alternating layers. The basic element of aggregation in the lysine layer in the complexes is an S2-type head-to-tail sequence. This element combines in different ways in the three structures. The basic element of aggre gation in the succinic acid layer in the complexes is a hydrogen-bonded ribbon. The ribbons are interconnected indirectly through amino groups in the lysine layer.


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We report cloning of the DNA encoding winged bean basic agglutinin (WBA I). Using oligonucleotide primers corresponding to N- and C-termini of the mature lectin, the complete coding sequence for WBA I could be amplified from genomic DNA. DNA sequence determination by the chain termination method revealed the absence of any intervening sequences in the gene. The DNA deduced amino acid sequence of WBA I displayed some differences with its primary structure established previously by chemical means. Comparison of the sequence of WBA I with that of other legume lectins highlighted several interesting features, including the existence of the largest specificity determining loop which might account for its oligosaccharide-binding specificity and the presence of an additional N-glycosylation site. These data also throw some light on the relationship between the primary structure of the protein and its probable mode of dimerization.


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ALUMINIUM exposure has been shown to result in aggregation of microtubule-associated protein tau in vitro. In the light of recent observations that the native random structure of tau protein is maintained in its monomeric and dimeric states as well as in the paired helical filaments characteristic of Alzheimer's disease, it is likely that factors playing a causative role in neurofibrillary pathology would not drastically alter the native conformation of tau protein. We have studied the interaction of tau protein with aluminium using circular dichroism (CD) and 27(Al) NMR spectroscopy. The CD studies revealed a five-fold increase in the observed ellipticity of the tau-aluminium assembly. The increase in elipticity was not associated with a change in the general conformation of the protein and was most likely due to an aggregation of the tau protein induced by aluminium. Al-27 NMR spectroscopy confirmed the binding of aluminium to tau protein. Hyperphosphorylation of tau in Alzheimer's disease is known to be associated with defective microtubule assembly in this condition. Abnormally phosphorylated tau exists in a polymerized form in the paired helical filaments (PHF) which constitute the neurofibrillary tangles found in Alzheimer's disease. While it is hypothesized that its altered biophysical characteristics render abnormally phosphorylated tau resistant to proteolysis, causing the formation of stable deposits,the sequence of events resulting in the polymerization of tau are little understood, as are the additional factors or modifications required for tills process. Based on the results of our spectroscopic studies, a model for the sequence of events occurring in neurofibrillary pathology is proposed.


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The i + 5-->i hydrogen bonded turn conformation (pi-turn) with the fifth residue adopting alpha L conformation is frequently found at the C-terminus of helices in proteins and hence is speculated to be a "helix termination signal." An analysis of the occurrence of i + 5-->i hydrogen bonded turn conformation at any general position in proteins (not specifically at the helix C-terminus), using coordinates of 228 protein crystal structures determined by X-ray crystallography to better than 2.5 A resolution is reported in this paper. Of 486 detected pi-turn conformations, 367 have the (i + 4)th residue in alpha L conformation, generally occurring at the C-terminus of alpha-helices, consistent with previous observations. However, a significant number (111) of pi-turn conformations occur with (i + 4)th residue in alpha R conformation also, generally occurring in alpha-helices as distortions either at the terminii or at the middle, a novel finding. These two sets of pi-turn conformations are referred to by the names pi alpha L and pi alpha R-turns, respectively, depending upon whether the (i + 4)th residue adopts alpha L or alpha R conformations. Four pi-turns, named pi alpha L'-turns, were noticed to be mirror images of pi alpha L-turns, and four more pi-turns, which have the (i + 4)th residue in beta conformation and denoted as pi beta-turns, occur as a part of hairpin bend connecting twisted beta-strands. Consecutive pi-turns occur, but only with pi alpha R-turns. The preference for amino acid residues is different in pi alpha L and pi alpha R-turns. However, both show a preference for Pro after the C-termini. Hydrophilic residues are preferred at positions i + 1, i + 2, and i + 3 of pi alpha L-turns, whereas positions i and i + 5 prefer hydrophobic residues. Residue i + 4 in pi alpha L-turns is mainly Gly and less often Asn. Although pi alpha R-turns generally occur as distortions in helices, their amino acid preference is different from that of helices. Poor helix formers, such as His, Tyr, and Asn, also were found to be preferred for pi alpha R-turns, whereas good helix former Ala is not preferred. pi-Turns in peptides provide a picture of the pi-turn at atomic resolution. Only nine peptide-based pi-turns are reported so far, and all of them belong to pi alpha L-turn type with an achiral residue in position i + 4. The results are of importance for structure prediction, modeling, and de novo design of proteins.


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The curated exhibition, 'Quaternary' was held at the QUT Art Museum in 2015. Dr Courtney Pedersen was the guest curator. The aim of this curatorial project was to identify and analyse the work of a selection of women artists whose practices utilise the affective power of colour in compelling ways.Taking its cue from the Australian artist Thea Proctor's claim in 1938 that women artists make better colourists, the exhibition explored the enduring nature of this perception by presenting a range of contrasting approaches to colour. 'Quaternary' was the second iteration of QUT's triennial exhibition series, which explores the University's open-studio, cross-disciplinary approach to studying art. The artists include: Bianca Beetson, Chantal Fraser, Rachael Haynes, Natalya Hughes, Alice Lang, Gemma Smith, and Jemima Wyman.


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Antibodies specific for 1-methylguanosine (m1G) were produced by immunization of rabbits with a bovine serum albumin conjugate of m1G. Antibodies specificity was determined by measuring the inhibition of binding of 3H-m1G trialcohol by various nucleosides or related derivatives. The relative affinities of the unpurified antibodies for various nucleosides showed that m1G trialcohol had an 8-fold higher affinity than m1G; further, guanosine and 2'-O-methylguanosine had at least a 500-fold lower affinity than m1G. The antibodies were purified on m1G-AH-Sepharose column and subsequently immobilized to Sepharose. Immobilized m1G antibodies quantitatively and exclusively retained m1G-containing oligonucleotides derived from ribonuclease A digests of 32P-labeled phage T4 tRNAPro. On the other hand, intact 32P-labeled T4 tRNAPro or its precursor RNA(s) did not bind to the same column. These findings indicate that at least a portion of m1G adjacent to the 3' end of the anticodon in intact T4 tRNAPro is not accessible for antibody binding.


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The pentapeptide Tos-(Aib)5-OMe adopts a 310 helical conformation in the solid state, with three consecutive Type III B-turns stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonds.


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The synthesis of the octapeptide, benzyloxycarbonyl-(-aminoisobutyryl-L-prolyl)4-methyl ester [Z-(Aib-Pro)4-OMe] and an analysis of its solution conformation is reported. The octapeptide is shown to possess three strong intramolecular hydrogen bonds on the basis of studies of the solvent and temperature dependence of NH chemical shifts and rates of hydrogen-deuterium exchange. 13C studies are consistent with a structure involving only trans Aib-Pro bonds, while ir experiments support a hydrogen-bonded conformation. The Aib 3, 5, and 7 NH groups are shown to participate in hydrogen bonding. A 310 helical conformation compatible with the spectroscopic data is suggested. The proposed conformation consists of three type III -turns with Aib and Pro at the corners and stabilized by 4 1 intramolecular hydrogen bonds.


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Pivaloyl-L-Pro-Aib-N-methylamihdaes been shown to possess one intramolecular hydrogen bond in (CD&SO solution, by 'H-nmr methods, suggesting the existence of p-turns, with Pro-Aib as the corner residues. Theoretical conformational analysis suggests that Type II P-turn conformations are about 2 kcal mol-' more stable than Type 111 structures. A crystallographic study has established the Type I1 /%turn in the solid state. The molecule crystallizes in the space group P21 with a = 5.865 8, b = 11.421 A, c = 12.966 A, /3 = 97.55", and 2 = 2. The structure has been refined to a final R value of 0.061. The Type I1 p-turn conformation is stabilized by an intramolecular 4 - 1 hydrogen bond between the methylamide NH and the pivaloyl CO group. The conformational angles are @pro= -57.8", $pro = 139.3', @Aib = 61.4', and $Ajb = 25.1'. The Type 11 /%turn conformation for Pro-Aib in this peptide is compared with the Type I11 structures observed for the same segment in larger peptides.


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The crystal structures of two oligopeptides containing di-n-propylglycine (Dpg) residues, Boc-Gly-Dpg-Gly-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Dpg-Val-Ala-Leu-Val-Ala-Leu-Dpg-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (2) are presented. Peptide 1 adopts a type I-turn conformation with Dpg(2)-Gly(3) at the corner positions. The 14-residue peptide 2 crystallizes with two molecules in the asymmetric unit, both of which adopt -helical conformations stabilized by 11 successive 5 1 hydrogen bonds. In addition, a single 4 1 hydrogen bond is also observed at the N-terminus. All five Dpg residues adopt backbone torsion angles (, ) in the helical region of conformational space. Evaluation of the available structural data on Dpg peptides confirm the correlation between backbone bond angle NCC() and the observed backbone , values. For > 106° , helices are observed, while fully extended structures are characterized by < 106° . The mean values for extended and folded conformations for the Dpg residue are 103.6° ± 1.7° and 109.9° ± 2.6° , respectively.


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Laskowski inhibitors regulate serine proteases by an intriguing mode of action that involves deceiving the protease into synthesizing a peptide bond. Studies exploring naturally occurring Laskowski inhibitors have uncovered several structural features that convey the inhibitor's resistance to hydrolysis and exceptional binding affinity. However, in the context of Laskowski inhibitor engineering, the way that various modifications intended to fine-tune an inhibitor's potency and selectivity impact on its association and dissociation rates remains unclear. This information is important as Laskowski inhibitors are becoming increasingly used as design templates to develop new protease inhibitors for pharmaceutical applications. In this study, we used the cyclic peptide, sunflower trypsin inhibitor-1 (SFTI-1), as a model system to explore how the inhibitor's sequence and structure relate to its binding kinetics and function. Using enzyme assays, MD simulations and NMR spectroscopy to study SFTI variants with diverse sequence and backbone modifications, we show that the geometry of the binding loop mainly influences the inhibitor's potency by modulating the association rate, such that variants lacking a favourable conformation show dramatic losses in activity. Additionally, we show that the inhibitor's sequence (including both the binding loop and its scaffolding) influences its potency and selectivity by modulating both the association and the dissociation rates. These findings provide new insights into protease inhibitor function and design that we apply by engineering novel inhibitors for classical serine proteases, trypsin and chymotrypsin and two kallikrein-related peptidases (KLK5 and KLK14) that are implicated in various cancers and skin diseases.


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The supramolecular structures of eight aryl protected ethyl-6-methyl-4-phenyl-2-thioxo-1,2,3,4 tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxyl ates were analyzed in order to understand the effect of variations in functional groups on molecular geometry, conformation and packing of molecules in the crystalline lattice. It is observed that the existence of a short intra-molecular C-H center dot center dot center dot pi interaction between the aromatic hydrogen of the aryl ring with the isolated double bond of the six-membered tetrahydropyrimidine ring is a key feature which imparts additional stability to the molecular conformation in the solid state. The compounds pack via the cooperative involvement of both N-H center dot center dot center dot S=C and N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C intermolecular dimers forming a sheet like structure. In addition, weak C-H center dot center dot center dot O and C-H center dot center dot center dot pi intermolecular interactions provide additional stability to the crystal packing.