817 resultados para quadratic grating


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Fiber bragg grating (FBG) sensors have been widely used for number of sensing applications like temperature, pressure, acousto-ultrasonic, static and dynamic strain, refractive index change measurements and so on. Present work demonstrates the use of FBG sensors in in-situ measurement of vacuum process with simultaneous leak detection capability. Experiments were conducted in a bell jar vacuum chamber facilitated with conventional Pirani gauge for vacuum measurement. Three different experiments have been conducted to validate the performance of FBG sensor in monitoring vacuum creating process and air bleeding. The preliminary results of FBG sensors in vacuum monitoring have been compared with that of commercial Pirani gauge sensor. This novel technique offers a simple alternative to conventional method for real time monitoring of evacuation process. Proposed FBG based vacuum sensor has potential applications in vacuum systems involving hazardous environment such as chemical and gas plants, automobile industries, aeronautical establishments and leak monitoring in process industries, where the electrical or MEMS based sensors are prone to explosion and corrosion.


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By using the strain smoothing technique proposed by Chen et al. (Comput. Mech. 2000; 25: 137-156) for meshless methods in the context of the finite element method (FEM), Liu et al. (Comput. Mech. 2007; 39(6): 859-877) developed the Smoothed FEM (SFEM). Although the SFEM is not yet well understood mathematically, numerical experiments point to potentially useful features of this particularly simple modification of the FEM. To date, the SFEM has only been investigated for bilinear and Wachspress approximations and is limited to linear reproducing conditions. The goal of this paper is to extend the strain smoothing to higher order elements and to investigate numerically in which condition strain smoothing is beneficial to accuracy and convergence of enriched finite element approximations. We focus on three widely used enrichment schemes, namely: (a) weak discontinuities; (b) strong discontinuities; (c) near-tip linear elastic fracture mechanics functions. The main conclusion is that strain smoothing in enriched approximation is only beneficial when the enrichment functions are polynomial (cases (a) and (b)), but that non-polynomial enrichment of type (c) lead to inferior methods compared to the standard enriched FEM (e.g. XFEM). Copyright (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Let K be any quadratic field with O-K its ring of integers. We study the solutions of cubic equations, which represent elliptic curves defined over Q, in quadratic fields and prove some interesting results regarding the solutions by using elementary tools. As an application we consider the Diophantine equation r + s + t = rst = 1 in O-K. This Diophantine equation gives an elliptic curve defined over Q with finite Mordell-Weil group. Using our study of the solutions of cubic equations in quadratic fields we present a simple proof of the fact that except for the ring of integers of Q(i) and Q(root 2), this Diophantine equation is not solvable in the ring of integers of any other quadratic fields, which is already proved in [4].


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The paper deals with the existence of a quadratic Lyapunov function V = x′P(t)x for an exponentially stable linear system with varying coefficients described by the vector differential equation S0305004100044777_inline1 The derivative dV/dt is allowed to be strictly semi-(F) and the locus dV/dt = 0 does not contain any arc of the system trajectory. It is then shown that the coefficient matrix A(t) of the exponentially stable sy


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We explore a pseudodynamic form of the quadratic parameter update equation for diffuse optical tomographic reconstruction from noisy data. A few explicit and implicit strategies for obtaining the parameter updates via a semianalytical integration of the pseudodynamic equations are proposed. Despite the ill-posedness of the inverse problem associated with diffuse optical tomography, adoption of the quadratic update scheme combined with the pseudotime integration appears not only to yield higher convergence, but also a muted sensitivity to the regularization parameters, which include the pseudotime step size for integration. These observations are validated through reconstructions with both numerically generated and experimentally acquired data. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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The term Structural Health Monitoring has gained wide acceptance in the recent pastas a means to monitor a structure and provide an early warning of an unsafe conditionusing real-time data. Utilization of structurally integrated, distributed sensors tomonitor the health of a structure through accurate interpretation of sensor signals andreal-time data processing can greatly reduce the inspection burden. The rapidimprovement of the Fiber Bragg Grating sensor technology for strain, vibration andacoustic emission measurements in recent times make them a feasible alternatives tothe traditional strain gauges transducers and conventional Piezoelectric sensors usedfor Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE) and Structural Health Monitoring (SHM).Optical fiber-based sensors offers advantages over conventional strain gauges, PVDFfilm and PZT devices in terms of size, ease of embedment, immunity fromelectromagnetic interference(EMI) and potential for multiplexing a number ofsensors. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the feasibility of Fiber BraggGrating sensor and compare its utility with the conventional strain gauges and PVDFfilm sensors. For this purpose experiments are being carried out in the laboratory on acomposite wing of a mini air vehicle (MAV). In this paper, the results obtained fromthese preliminary experiments are discussed.


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A comparative study of strain response and mechanical properties of rammed earth prisms, has been made using Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors (optical) and clip-on extensometer (electro-mechanical). The aim of this study is to address the merits and demerits of traditional extensometer vis-à-vis FBG sensor; a uni-axial compression test has been performed on a rammed earth prism to validate its structural properties from the stress - strain curves obtained by two different methods of measurement. An array of FBG sensors on a single fiber with varying Bragg wavelengths (..B), has been used to spatially resolve the strains along the height of the specimen. It is interesting to note from the obtained stress-strain curves that the initial tangent modulus obtained using the FBG sensor is lower compared to that obtained using clip-on extensometer. The results also indicate that the strains measured by both FBG and extensometer sensor follow the same trend and both the sensors register the maximum strain value at the same time.


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Through this paper we experimentally demonstrate the fabrication of a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) chemical sensor to detect and determine the manganese concentration in water and compare our results with sophisticated spectroscopic methods, such as atomic absorption spectrometry and the inductively coupled plasma method. Here we propose a simple method to develop a thin layer of gold nanoparticles above the etched grating region to enhance the sensitivity of the reflected spectrum of the FBG. By doing so, we achieve a sensitivity of 1.26 nm/parts per million in determining the trace level of Mn in water. Proper reagents are used to detect manganese in water. (C) 2011 Optical Society of America


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Interrogation techniques for fiber Bragg grating sensor arrays need particular attention in the case of structural health monitoring applications involving dynamic strain measurement. Typically the performance of the sensing system is dependent on both the sensor type and the interrogation method employed. A novel interrogation system is proposed here that consists of different interrogation units for each sensor in the array, each unit comprising of a circulator, chirped grating and a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. We present an analysis that consists of tracking the spectral changes as the light passes through various elements in the interrogation system. This is expected to help in the optimization of sensor and interrogation elements leading to improved performance of the health monitoring system.


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Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) and Long Period Grating (LPG) chemical sensors are one of the most exciting developments in the field of optical fiber sensors. In this paper we have proposed a simple and effective chemical sensor based on FBG and LPG techniques for detecting the traces of cadmium (Cd) in drinking water at ppm level. The sensitiveness of these two has been compared. Also, these results have been compared with the results obtained by sophisticated spectroscopic atomic absorption and emission spectrometer instruments. For proper designing of FBG to act as a concentration sensor, the cladding region of the grating has been etched using HF solution. We have characterized the FBG concentration sensor sensitivities for different solutions of Cd concentrations varying from 0.01 ppm to 0.04 ppm and observed reflected spectrum in FBG and transmitted spectrum in LPG using Optical Spectrum Analyzer. Proper reagents have been used in the solutions for detection of the Cd species. The overall shift in wavelength is 10 nm in case of LPG and the shift of Bragg wavelength is 0.07 nm in case of FBG for 0.01-0.04 ppm concentrations. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, enhanced fluorescence from a silver film coated nanosphere templated grating is presented. Initially, numerical simulation was performed to determine the plasmon resonance wavelength by varying the thickness of the silver film on top of a monolayer of 400 nm nanospheres. The simulation results are verified experimentally and tested for enhancing fluorescence from fluorescein isothiocyanate whose excitation wavelength closely matches with the plasmon resonance wavelength of the substrate with 100 nm silver film over nanosphere. The 12 times enhancement in the intensity is attributed to the local field enhancement in addition to the excitation of surface plasmon polaritons along the surface.


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We have investigated quadratic nonlinearity (beta(HRS)) and linear and circular depolarization ratios (D and D', respectively) of a series of 1:1 complexes of tropyliumtetrafluoroborate as a cation and methyl-substituted benzenes as pi-donors by making polarization resolved hyper-Rayleigh scattering measurements in solution. The measured D and D' values are much lower than the values expected from a typical sandwich or a T-shaped geometry of a complex. In the cation-pi complexes studied here, the D value varies from 1.36 to 1.46 and D' from 1.62 to 1.72 depending on the number of methyl substitutions on the benzene ring. In order to probe it further, beta, D and D' were computed using the Zerner intermediate neglect of differential overlap-correction vector self-consistent reaction field technique including single and double configuration interactions in the absence and presence of BF4- anion. In the absence of the anion, the calculated value of D varies from 4.20 to 4.60 and that of D' from 2.45 to 2.72 which disagree with experimental values. However, by arranging three cation-pi BF4- complexes in a trigonal symmetry, the computed values are brought to agreement with experiments. When such an arrangement was not considered, the calculated beta values were lower than the experimental values by more than a factor of two. This unprecedented influence of the otherwise ``unimportant'' anion in solution on the beta value and depolarization ratios of these cation-pi complexes is highlighted and emphasized in this paper. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4716020]


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The present work proposes a new sensing methodology, which uses Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to measure in vivo the surface strain and strain rate on calf muscles while performing certain exercises. Two simple exercises, namely ankle dorsi-flexion and ankle plantar-flexion, have been considered and the strain induced on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while performing these exercises has been monitored. The real time strain generated has been recorded and the results are compared with those obtained using a commercial Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDU) system. It is found that the proposed sensing methodology is promising for surface strain measurements in biomechanical applications.


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The angles at which a light beam gets diffracted by a grating depend strongly on the direction of incidence for diffraction angles close to a right angle. Accordingly, it is possible to amplify small beam deflections by placing a grating at an optimal orientation to the light path. We use this principle to amplify small beam deviations arising out of a light beam refracting at the interface of an optically active medium, and demonstrate a new technique of enhancing the limit of detection of chiro-optical measurements. (C) 2012 Optical Society of America