938 resultados para pulsed fiber amplifier


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abstract {Rare earth ions doped multi-component glass fibers have important application in broad band fiber amplifier and up-conversion fiber lasers. In this paper, the mechanism and the progress of study on rare earth ions doped multi-component glass fibers in broad band fiber amplifier and up-conversion fiber lasers are introduced and reviewed. The questions and the applications of rare earth ions doped multi-component glass fibers in the future are also prospected. Based on the present research progress, it is suggested to further study the tellurite and bismuth glasses, which are used as fiber materials in broad band fiber amplifier. To up-conversion fiber laser, it is still need to further investigate novel glasses, which has low phonon energy and good physical and chemical properties.}


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This paper reports on the optical spectroscopic properties and thermal stability of Er3+-doped TeO2-BaO (Li2O,NaO)-La2O3 glasses for developing 1.5-mu m fiber amplifiers. Upon excitation at 977 nm laser diode, an intense 1.53-mu m infrared fluorescence has been observed with a broad full width at half maximum (FWHM) of about 60 nm for the Er3+-doped TeO2-BaO (Li2O, Na2O)-La2O3 glass with 10 mol% of BaO. The calculated fluorescence lifetime and the emission cross-sections of the 1.53-mu m transition are 2.91 ms and similar to 9.97 x 10(-21) cm(2), respectively. It is noted that the gain bandwidth, a, x FWHM, of the TeO2-BaO-La2O3Er2O3 glass is about 600, which is significantly higher than that in silicate and phosphate glasses. Meanwhile, it is interesting to note that the TeO2-BaO-La2O3-Er2O3 glass has shown a high glass thermal stability and good infrared transmittance. As a result, TeO2-BaO (Li2O, Na2O)-La2O3 glass with 10 mol% of BaO has been considered to be more useful as a host for broadband optical fiber amplifier. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A compact nonporous high silica (SiO2 % > 96%) glass containing 3400 ppm Er3+ ions, which was about ten times higher than that in Er-doped silica fiber amplifier (EDSFA), was synthesized by sintering porous glass immersed into erbium nitrate solution. The 1532 nm fluorescence has a FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum) of 45 nm wider than that of EDSFA and possesses the glass with potential application in broadband fiber amplifiers. The Judd-Ofelt theoretical analysis reflects that Er3+ ions are located in a higher covalent environment which are comparable to those of aluminosilicate glass. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Neste trabalho é apresentado um simulador MATLAB para sistemas ópticos WDM amplificados baseado na solução das equações não lineares de Schrödinger acopladas, pelo método de Fourier de passo alternado. Este simulador permite o estudo da propagação de pulsos em fibras ópticas, considerando dispersão cromática, efeitos não lineares como automodulação de fase e modulação de fase cruzada e atenuação, prevendo também o emprego de amplificadores ópticos a fibra dopada com Érbio (EDFAs). Através de simulações numéricas, foi explorada a técnica de otimização do posicionamento de um EDFA ao longo de um enlace óptico, sem repetidores, que objetiva a redução dos custos de implantação de sistemas ópticos, seja pela diminuição da potência do transmissor ou pela relaxação da exigência de sensibilidade do receptor. Além disto, pode favorecer um aumento na capacidade do sistema, através do aumento do alcance ou da taxa de transmissão. A concordância dos resultados obtidos com os disponíveis na literatura confirmam a validade da técnica, bem como a versatilidade e robustez do simulador desenvolvido.


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Laser micro machining is fast gaining popularity as a method of fabricating micro scale structures. Lasers have been utilised for micro structuring of metals, ceramics and glass composites and with advances in material science, new materials are being developed for micro/nano products used in medical, optical, and chemical industries. Due to its favourable strength to weight ratio and extreme resistance to chemical attack, glassy carbon is a new material that offers many unique properties for micro devices. The laser machining of SIGRADUR® G grade glassy carbon was characterised using a 1065 nm wavelength Ytterbium doped pulsed fiber laser. The laser system has a selection of 25 preset waveforms with optimised peak powers for different pulsing frequencies. The optics provide spot diameter of 40 μm at the focus. The effect of fluence, transverse overlap and pulsing frequency (as waveform) on glassy carbon was investigated. Depth of removal and surface roughness were measured as machining quality indicators. The damage threshold fluence was determined to be 0.29 J/cm2 using a pulsing frequency of 250 kHz and a pulse width of 18 ns (waveform 3). Ablation rates of 17 < V < 300 μm3/pulse were observed within a fluence range of 0.98 < F < 2.98 J/cm2. For the same fluence variation, 0.6 μm to 6.8 μm deep trenches were machined. Trench widths varied from 29 μm at lower fluence to 47 μm at the higher fluence. Square pockets, 1 mm wide, were machined to understand the surface machining or milling. The depth of removal using both waveform 3 and 5 showed positive correlation with fluence, with waveform 5 causing more removal than waveform 3 for the same fluence. Machined depths varied from less than 1 μm to nearly 40 μm. For transverse overlap variation using waveform 3, the best surface finish with Rz = 1.1 μm was obtained for fluence 0.792 J/cm2 for transverse overlap of 1 μm, 6 μm, and 9 μm at machined depths of 22.9 μm, 6.6 μm, and 4.6 μm respectively. For fluence of 1.426 J/cm2, the best surface finish with Rz = 1.2 μm was obtained for transverse overlap of 6 μm, and 9 μm at machined depths of 12.46 μm, and 8.6 μm respectively. The experimental data was compiled as machining charts and utilised for fabricating a micro-embossing glassy carbon master toolsets as a capability demonstration.


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A specially designed quantum well laser for achieving extremely low vertical beam divergence was reported and theoretically investigated. The laser structure was characterized by two low index layers inserted between the waveguide layers and the cladding layers. The additional layers were intended to achieve wide optical spread in the cladding layers and strong confinement in the active region. This enabled significant reduction of beam divergence with no sacrifice in threshold current density. The numerical results showed that lasers with extremely low vertical beam divergence from 20 degrees down to 11 degrees and threshold current density of less than 131 A/cm(2) can be easily achieved by optimization of the structure parameters. Influences of individual key structure parameters on beam divergence and threshold current density are analyzed. Attention is also paid to the minimum cladding layer thicknesses needed to maintain low threshold current densities and low internal loss. The near and far field patterns are given and discussed. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics.


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Studies on pulse propagation in single mode optical fibers have attracted interest from a wide area of science and technology as they have laid down the foundation for an in-depth understanding of the underlying physical principles, especially in the field of optical telecommunications. The foremost among them is discovery of the optical soliton which is considered to be one of the most significant events of the twentieth century owing to its fantastic ability to propagate undistorted over long distances and to remain unaflected after collision with each other. To exploit the important propertia of optical solitons, innovative mathematical models which take into account proper physical properties of the single mode optical fibers demand special attention. This thesis contains a theoretical analysis of the studies on soliton pulse propagation in single mode optical fibers.


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Los avances tecnológicos de los últimos años han modificado el panorama de las comunicaciones ópticas. Los amplificadores EDFA (Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier) han alterado dos aspectos fundamentales de los sistemas WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing): el aumento considerable de las distancias de regeneración y además, la tecnología WDM es un medio más económico de incrementar la capacidad de los sistemas que la tecnología TDM (Time Division Multiplexing). Sin embargo, la implementación de sistemas WDM con grandes tramos sin regeneración de señal óptica trae consigo la aparición de nuevos problemas, entre los que se encuentran las no-linealidades en fibra óptica. Estas no-linealidades en fibras de sílice se pueden clasificar en dos categorías: dispersión estimulada (de Raman y de Brillouin) y efectos debidos al índice no lineal de refracción (automodulación y modulación cruzada de fase y mezcla de cuatro ondas). Este Proyecto Fin de Carrera pretende ser un estudio teórico que refleje el actual Estado del Arte de los principales efectos no-lineales que se producen en los sistemas WDM: dispersión estimulada de Raman (SRS, Stimulated Raman Scattering), dispersión estimulada de Brillouin (SBS,Stimulated Brilfouin Scattering), automodulación de fase (SPM, Self-Phase Modulation), modulación cruzada de fase (XPM, Cross-Phase Modulation) y mezcla de cuatro ondas (FWM, Four-Wave Mixing).


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The impact of hybrid erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA)/Raman amplification on a spectrally efficient coherent-wavelength-division-multiplexed (CoWDM) optical communication system is experimentally studied and modeled. Simulations suggested that 23-dB Raman gain over an unrepeatered span of 124 km single-mode fiber would allow a decrease of the mean input power of ~6 dB for a fixed bit-error rate (BER). Experimentally we demonstrated 1.2-dB Q-factor improvement for a 2-Tb/s seven-band CoWDM with backward Raman amplification. The system delivered an optical signal-to-noise ratio of 35 dB at the output of the receiver preamplifier providing a worst-case BER of 2 × 10 -6 over 49 subcarriers at 42.8 Gbaud, leaving a system margin (in terms of Q -factor) of ~4 dB from the forward-error correction threshold.


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Self-similar optical pulses (or “similaritons”) of parabolic intensity profile can be found as asymptotic solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in a gain medium such as a fiber amplifier or laser resonator. These solutions represent a wide-ranging significance example of dissipative nonlinear structures in optics. Here, we address some issues related to the formation and evolution of parabolic pulses in a fiber gain medium by means of semi-analytic approaches. In particular, the effect of the third-order dispersion on the structure of the asymptotic solution is examined. Our analysis is based on the resolution of ordinary differential equations, which enable us to describe the main properties of the pulse propagation and structural characteristics observable through direct numerical simulations of the basic partial differential equation model with sufficient accuracy.


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Self-similar optical pulses (or “similaritons”) of parabolic intensity profile can be found as asymptotic solutions of the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equation in a gain medium such as a fiber amplifier or laser resonator. These solutions represent a wide-ranging significance example of dissipative nonlinear structures in optics. Here, we address some issues related to the formation and evolution of parabolic pulses in a fiber gain medium by means of semi-analytic approaches. In particular, the effect of the third-order dispersion on the structure of the asymptotic solution is examined. Our analysis is based on the resolution of ordinary differential equations, which enable us to describe the main properties of the pulse propagation and structural characteristics observable through direct numerical simulations of the basic partial differential equation model with sufficient accuracy.


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Silicon photonics is a very promising technology for future low-cost high-bandwidth optical telecommunication applications down to the chip level. This is due to the high degree of integration, high optical bandwidth and large speed coupled with the development of a wide range of integrated optical functions. Silicon-based microring resonators are a key building block that can be used to realize many optical functions such as switching, multiplexing, demultiplaxing and detection of optical wave. The ability to tune the resonances of the microring resonators is highly desirable in many of their applications. In this work, the study and application of a thermally wavelength-tunable photonic switch based on silicon microring resonator is presented. Devices with 10μm diameter were systematically studied and used in the design. Its resonance wavelength was tuned by thermally induced refractive index change using a designed local micro-heater. While thermo-optic tuning has moderate speed compared with electro-optic and all-optic tuning, with silicon’s high thermo-optic coefficient, a much wider wavelength tunable range can be realized. The device design was verified and optimized by optical and thermal simulations. The fabrication and characterization of the device was also implemented. The microring resonator has a measured FSR of ∼18 nm, FWHM in the range 0.1-0.2 nm and Q around 10,000. A wide tunable range (>6.4 nm) was achieved with the switch, which enables dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) with a channel space of 0.2nm. The time response of the switch was tested on the order of 10 μs with a low power consumption of ∼11.9mW/nm. The measured results are in agreement with the simulations. Important applications using the tunable photonic switch were demonstrated in this work. 1×4 and 4×4 reconfigurable photonic switch were implemented by using multiple switches with a common bus waveguide. The results suggest the feasibility of on-chip DWDM for the development of large-scale integrated photonics. Using the tunable switch for output wavelength control, a fiber laser was demonstrated with Erbium-doped fiber amplifier as the gain media. For the first time, this approach integrated on-chip silicon photonic wavelength control.


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Silicon photonics is a very promising technology for future low-cost high-bandwidth optical telecommunication applications down to the chip level. This is due to the high degree of integration, high optical bandwidth and large speed coupled with the development of a wide range of integrated optical functions. Silicon-based microring resonators are a key building block that can be used to realize many optical functions such as switching, multiplexing, demultiplaxing and detection of optical wave. The ability to tune the resonances of the microring resonators is highly desirable in many of their applications. In this work, the study and application of a thermally wavelength-tunable photonic switch based on silicon microring resonator is presented. Devices with 10µm diameter were systematically studied and used in the design. Its resonance wavelength was tuned by thermally induced refractive index change using a designed local micro-heater. While thermo-optic tuning has moderate speed compared with electro-optic and all-optic tuning, with silicon’s high thermo-optic coefficient, a much wider wavelength tunable range can be realized. The device design was verified and optimized by optical and thermal simulations. The fabrication and characterization of the device was also implemented. The microring resonator has a measured FSR of ~18 nm, FWHM in the range 0.1-0.2 nm and Q around 10,000. A wide tunable range (>6.4 nm) was achieved with the switch, which enables dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) with a channel space of 0.2nm. The time response of the switch was tested on the order of 10 us with a low power consumption of ~11.9mW/nm. The measured results are in agreement with the simulations. Important applications using the tunable photonic switch were demonstrated in this work. 1×4 and 4×4 reconfigurable photonic switch were implemented by using multiple switches with a common bus waveguide. The results suggest the feasibility of on-chip DWDM for the development of large-scale integrated photonics. Using the tunable switch for output wavelength control, a fiber laser was demonstrated with Erbium-doped fiber amplifier as the gain media. For the first time, this approach integrated on-chip silicon photonic wavelength control.


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The only effective method of Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) strain modulation has been by changing the distance between its two fixed ends. We demonstrate an alternative being more sensitive to force based on the nonlinear amplification relationship between a transverse force applied to a stretched string and its induced axial force. It may improve the sensitivity and size of an FBG force sensor, reduce the number of FBGs needed for multi-axial force monitoring, and control the resonant frequency of an FBG accelerometer.