896 resultados para public access network
Este artigo analisa a organização da rede de saúde da Paraíba a partir do modelo de regionalização proposto pelo estado da Paraíba. Material e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo documental que tomou por base, prioritariamente, o Plano Diretor de Regionalização da Paraíba e os documentos oficiais do Ministério da Saúde que orientam a construção dos mesmos pelos Estados. Resultados: A análise dos dados revelou alguns limites no processo de implantação do PDR/ PB, tais como a ausência de análise das características sociais, econômicas e culturais durante a escolha das sedes das regiões de saúde e a inexistente descrição da organização da assistência à saúde do território estadual. Conclusão: O processo de regionalização e a formulação do PDR da Paraíba não seguiram a Instrução Normativa do Ministério da Saúde em alguns aspectos, desconsiderando as especificidades de cada região de saúde, o que pode resultar em problemas no acesso e na articulação da rede de serviços com vistas à legitimação das regiões de saúde desse Estado
This text results of a research in an Education Doctorate about teachers, professional background, formation, teaching knowledge and abilities. In this text, it s described the history of a study group in mathematics education composed by teachers who teach mathematics in the 2nd cycle of Ensino Fundamental (5th year of schooling), all belonging to the same school of the municipal public schools network. It presents the trajectory of the collaborative group, in all particularities, singularities, and the constant search to become collaborative. This trajectory was marked by the stories of it s participants in the ceaseless path to constitute teachers, by the sharing of knowledge, by the process of collaboration, by the thinking about the teaching practice, and by the personal and professional improvement of the teachers that form the group. The interpretative and qualitative research had as its investigation field the study group. The data supplied by the collect instruments indicate us that the collaboration between the teachers, the access to specific knowledge of mathematics area, the reflections about the teaching practice in a given context, are paths that lead to and make possible the re-elaboration of the teaching skills by teachers that teach mathematics to the first years
Avaliação do desempenho hidro-energético de sistemas fotovoltaicos utilizados no bombeamento de água
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
ABSTRACT: The femtocell concept aims to combine fixed-line broadband access with mobile telephony using the deployment of low-cost, low-power third and fourth generation base stations in the subscribers' homes. While the self-configuration of femtocells is a plus, it can limit the quality of service (QoS) for the users and reduce the efficiency of the network, based on outdated allocation parameters such as signal power level. To this end, this paper presents a proposal for optimized allocation of users on a co-channel macro-femto network, that enable self-configuration and public access, aiming to maximize the quality of service of applications and using more efficiently the available energy, seeking the concept of Green networking. Thus, when the user needs to connect to make a voice or a data call, the mobile phone has to decide which network to connect, using the information of number of connections, the QoS parameters (packet loss and throughput) and the signal power level of each network. For this purpose, the system is modeled as a Markov Decision Process, which is formulated to obtain an optimal policy that can be applied on the mobile phone. The policy created is flexible, allowing different analyzes, and adaptive to the specific characteristics defined by the telephone company. The results show that compared to traditional QoS approaches, the policy proposed here can improve energy efficiency by up to 10%.
Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o nível de desempenho motor das habilidades motoras fundamentais e a relação do mesmo com as oportunidades de vivências motoras dentro do contexto escolar de meninos e meninas na faixa etária de seis anos e seis meses a sete anos e onze meses de duas escolas da rede pública municipal de ensino do distrito de Icoaraci/PÁ, participou deste estudo uma amostra de 39 crianças sendo 16 meninas e 23 meninos. Foi utilizado como instrumento de avaliação do desempenho motor dos participantes o TGMD2 (Teste of Gross Motor Development); para a avaliação do contexto escolar, foram realizadas filmagens de situações de recreio e aulas de Educação Física; uma entrevista estruturada também foi aplicada para investigação das oportunidades de vivências motoras fora do contexto escolar. A análise de Variância (ANOVA) e teste de continuidade (Tukey HSD Post HOC Test) foi utilizada para o tratamento das médias das idades cronológica, locomotora e manipulativa, o quociente de desenvolvimento e os escores brutos dos subtestes locomotores e manipulativos e para análises por gêneros e por escolas foi realizado o Test “t” para amostras independentes. Para a análise das verbalizações das preferências das crianças quanto o tipo de brincadeira, local, parceiros e ofertas de atividades recreativas, esportivas e culturais também foi realizada a ANOVA. Os resultados sugerem que 51,8% da amostra apresentaram nível de desenvolvimento motor na média, 2,6% acima da média, 28,2% abaixo da média, 12,8% pobre e 5,1% muito pobre. A análise das habilidades motoras demonstrou um comportamento bastante heterogêneo nos resultados encontrados evidencia pelo elevado desvio padrão principalmente no salto com um pé, corrida lateral e galope (locomotoras) e chutar e rebater (manipulativas), quando todos os participantes foram levados em conta, encontrou-se diferenças significativas somente nas habilidades de correr e corrida lateral (locomotoras) e no rebater e chutar (manipulativas), quando se levou em conta o sexo verificou-se diferenças estatisticamente significativa somente na idade manipulativa, onde os resultados das meninas foram melhores que os dos meninos. Quanto às oportunidades de vivências motoras fora do contexto escolar a brincadeira preferida entre os participantes nas duas escolas é o brincar de bola, o local de preferência para as brincadeiras, o quintal e como parceiros prediletos são os amigos e irmãos ao mesmo tempo. A análise do recreio apontou que as brincadeiras mais freqüentes em ambas as escolas são o brincar de correr, brincar de pira, trocar figurinhas e conversar, quando o gênero é levado em conta, não foram encontradas diferenças os meninos e as meninas em ambas as escolas brincam das mesmas coisas, com relação a participação em atividades recreativas, esportivas e culturais, os resultados apontaram para que 100% da amostra não realiza estas atividades fora do contexto escolar. A análise das aulas de Educação Física apontou para diferenças na estrutura e na oferta do material entre as escolas, sendo a as condições da escola “B” muito superiores a da “A”, porém no que diz respeito à metodologia utilizada pelas professoras, elas são similares. Os resultados demonstram que as oportunidades de vivências motoras dentam do contexto escolar são primordiais para o desenvolvimento motor dos escolares, pois em muitos casos é a única oportunidade que tem para estimular o desenvolvimento motor dos escolares.
Esta tese investiga o adoecimento dos trabalhadores docentes no Ensino Fundamental da Rede Pública de Ensino de Belém – RME no Estado do Pará, a partir das reformas educacionais implementadas no período de 2005-2012. O objetivo geral constituiu-se em analisar as causas do adoecimento dos docentes na Rede Pública de Ensino de Belém RME, observando os seguintes objetivos específicos: analisar as políticas educacionais da RME; identificar as repercussões das políticas educacionais e sua relação com o adoecimento do docente; analisar as condições de trabalho docente; identificar a ocorrência de intensificação e precarização no trabalho docente e possíveis relações com o adoecimento. A pesquisa foi realizada em etapas: a primeira etapa foi a realização da pesquisa bibliográfica para se conhecer melhor o tema. Para compreender o conceito de Trabalho, Mundo do Trabalho, Mercado de Trabalho, Trabalho e Educação foram realizados estudos em autores como: Marx (2006), Alves (2010); Antunes (2006), Frigotto (2003), que trazem uma profunda compreensão do objeto de estudo, razão pela qual são referências para análise na perspectiva histórico-dialética. Sobre as Políticas Educacionais e Trabalho Docente, tomou-se por base de estudos Oliveira (2003); Maués (2006); Shiroma et al,. (2007) e outros. Os autores utilizados para discutir saúde e adoecimento de maneira geral e na escola foram: Bravo (2010; 2011), Codo (2006; 2010), Esteve (1999), Benevides-Pereira (2006), Minayo (1998) e outros. A segunda etapa de construção desta tese foi a pesquisa de campo que serviu para complementar e esclarecer questões e dúvidas acerca do objeto de estudo, sendo utilizados questionário estruturado e entrevista semiestruturada e a terceira etapa se configurou na definição das categorias, a partir da pesquisa de campo. Esta fase se concretizou através da decomposição de textos em unidades, reclassificando-os por reagrupamento e foi realizada em três etapas: a análise prévia, que se consistiu na organização do material, a análise exploratória, que consiste em codificações e classificação, e finalmente o tratamento dos resultados obtidos e interpretação, que incidiu na tabulação e na aplicação de técnicas descritivas e analíticas dos dados. Os resultados da pesquisa indicaram que as causas dos adoecimentos na RME estão relacionadas: a) às condições de trabalho em seu sentido lato, indicando a existência de processos de intensificação e de precarização do trabalho docente; b) às políticas de formação continuada com acentuados graus de exigências das avaliações do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica – IDEB; c) à existência de mal-estar docente, corroborando com os desgastes e pouca satisfação com o trabalho.
PURPOSES: To describe and interpret teachers' opinions about and responsiveness to guidance on optical aids for low vision. METHODS: It was conducted a cross-sectional analytical study. The convenience, non-random sample consisted of 58 teachers from the public school network of the city of Campinas. It was constructed and applied a structured questionnaire, available online at the assessed website. For qualitative data collection it was conducted an exploratory study using the focus group technique. RESULTS: Responses expressed, for the most part, a marked interest in the website, its easiness of access, and the comprehensive nature of the information provided. Most people reported frequent use of the Internet to seek information, and found it easier to access the Internet at home. Among the qualitative aspects of the evaluation, we should mention the perceived importance of the website as a source of information, despite some criticism about the accessibility and reliability of the information found on the Internet. CONCLUSION: Teachers' need for training to deal with visually impaired students and their positive response to advice and information lead to the conclusion that web-based guidelines on the use of optical aids were considered beneficial to ease the understanding of visual impairment and the rehabilitation of the affected subjects.
[EN] This article presents a practical case of a pervasive multimedia guidance system for public transport passengers. In order to provide useful information to passengers, the system is capable of operating and adapting spontaneously to the different parts of a public transport network, using local data communication technologies. The multimedia data provided by the system are highly accessible, and adapt to the passengers' preferences, and are consequently suitable for special needs passengers. To this end, a paradigm of pervasive computing has been applied.
Cloudification of the Centralized-Radio Access Network (C-RAN) in which signal processing runs on general purpose processors inside virtual machines has lately received significant attention. Due to short deadlines in the LTE Frequency Division Duplex access method, processing time fluctuations introduced by the virtualization process have a deep impact on C-RAN performance. This paper evaluates bottlenecks of the OpenAirInterface (OAI is an open-source software-based implementation of LTE) cloud performance, provides feasibility studies on C-RAN execution, and introduces a cloud architecture that significantly reduces the encountered execution problems. In typical cloud environments, the OAI processing time deadlines cannot be guaranteed. Our proposed cloud architecture shows good characteristics for the OAI cloud execution. As an example, in our setup more than 99.5% processed LTE subframes reach reasonable processing deadlines close to performance of a dedicated machine.
Next generation access networks (NGAN) will support a renewed communication structure where opportunities lie in the provision of ubiquitous broadband connectivity, a wide variety of new applications, appealing contents and a general support to the sustainable growth of diverse sectors. From their deployment it is expected a wealth of innovations, jobs creation and a new wave of economic growth. In this paper we discuss which could be the role of Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC) in the Next Generation Access Network (NGAN) roadmap. Thus, we propose a simplified model for making approximate cost calculations for HFC deployment based on the geographic and sociodemographic characteristics of Spain. Considering the latest evolution of HFC based on DOCSIS 3.0 from integrated (I-CMTS) towards modular (M-CMTS), the results from the model are compared with the most competitive NGAN for ultrabroadband speeds: Fibre to the Home (FTTH) based on Gigabitcapable Passive Optical Networks (GPON)
El presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en un estudio de los accesos a red que utilizan los servicios a los que están adscritos los usuarios de servicios de teleasistencia, planteando al final del mismo un modelo de previsión de caídas que permita que ese acceso a red no sea un problema para la prestación del servicio. Para poder llegar a los objetivos anteriormente descritos, iniciaremos este documento presentando qué se entiende actualmente como servicios de telemedicina y teleasistencia. Prestaremos atención a los actores que intervienen, usos y beneficios que tienen tanto para los pacientes como para las administraciones públicas. Una vez sepamos en qué consisten, centraremos la atención en las redes de acceso que se utilizan para prestar los servicios de telemedicina, con sus ventajas y desventajas. Puesto que no todos los servicios tienen los mismos requisitos generales de fiabilidad o velocidad de transmisión, veremos cómo se puede garantizar las necesidades de cada tipo de servicio por parte del proveedor de red. El siguiente paso para llegar a establecer el modelo de previsión de caídas será conocer las necesidades técnicas y de los actores para prestar un servicio de teleasistencia en el hogar de un paciente. Esto incluirá estudiar qué equipos se necesitan, cómo gestionarlos y cómo marcar el tráfico para que el operador de red sepa cómo tratarlo según el servicio de teleasistencia que se está utilizando, llevando a generar un modelo de supervisión de enlaces de teleasistencia. Llegados a este punto estaremos ya preparados para establecer un modelo de previsión de caídas de la conexión, describiendo la lógica que se necesite para ello, y poniéndolo en práctica con dos ejemplo concretos: un servicio de telemonitorización domiciliaria y otro servicio de telemonitorización ambulatoria. Para finalizar, realizaremos una recapitulación sobre lo estudiado en este documento y realizaremos una serie de recomendaciones. ABSTRACT. This Thesis is a study of the access network to be used with services assigned to patients that are users of telecare services. In the last chapter we will describe a fall forecasting model that allows the access network to not be an issue for the service. For achieving the objectives described above, this paper will begin with the presentation of what is now understood as telemedicine and telecare services. We pay attention to the actors involved, uses and benefits that they have both for patients and for public administrations. Once we know what telecare means and what requisites they have, we will focus on access networks which are used to provide telemedicine services, with their advantages and disadvantages. Since not all services have the same general requirements of reliability and transmission speed, we will try to see how you can ensure the needs of each type of service from the network provider's point of view. The next step is to establish that the forecasting model of falls will meet the technical needs and actors to provide telecare service in the home of a patient. This will include a study of what equipment is needed, how to manage and how to mark traffic for the network operator knowing how to treat it according to the telecare service being used, and this will lead us to the creation of a model of telecare link monitoring. At this point we are already prepared to establish a forecasting model of connection drops, describing the logic that is needed for this, and putting it into practice with two concrete examples: telemonitoring service and an ambulatory telemonitoring service. Finally, we will have a recap on what has been studied in this paper and will make a series of recommendations.
Within the technological framework of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), consumers are currently requesting multimedia services with simplicity of use, reliability, security and service availability through mobile and fixed access. Network operators are proposing the Next Generation Networks (NGN) to address the challenges of providing both services and network convergence. Apart from these considerations, there is a need to provide social and healthcare assistance services in order to support the progressive aging in the elderly population. In order to achieve this objective, the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) initiative proposes ICT systems and services to promote autonomy and an independent life among the elderly. This paper describes the design and implementation of a group of services, called “service enablers”, which helps AAL applications to be supported in NGN. The presented enablers are identified to support the teleconsulting applications requirements in an NGN environment, involving the implementation of a virtual waiting room, a virtual whiteboard, a multimedia multiconference and a vital-signs monitoring presence status. A use case is defined and implemented to evaluate the developed enablers' performance.
Since the Digital Agenda for Europe released the Europe2020 flagship, Member States are looking for ways of fulfilling their agreed commitments to fast and ultrafast internet deployment. However, Europe is not a homogenous reality. The economic, geographic, social and demographic features of each country make it a highly diverse region to develop best practices over Next Generation Access Networks (NGAN) deployments. There are special concerns about NGAN deployments for “the final third”, as referred to the last 25% of the country’s population who, usually, live in rural areas. This paper assesses, through a techno-economic analysis, the access cost of providing over 30 Mbps broadband for the final third of Spain`s population in municipalities, which are classified into area types, referred to as geotypes. Fixed and mobile technologies are compared in order to determine which is the most cost-effective technology for each geotype. The demographic limit for fixed networks (cable, fibre and copper) is also discussed. The assessment focuses on the supply side and the results show the access network cost only. The research completes a previous published assessment (Techno-economic analysis of next generation access networks roll-out. The case of platform competition, regulation and public policy in Spain) by including the LTE scenario. The LTE scenario is dimensioned to provide 30 Mbps (best effort) broadband, considering a network take-up of 25%. The Rocket techno-economic model is used to assess a ten-year study period deployment. Nevertheless, the deployment must start in 2014 and be completed by 2020, in order to fulfil the Digital Agenda’s goals. The feasibility of the deployment is defined as the ability to recoup the investment at the end of the study period. This ability is highly related to network take-up and, therefore, to service adoption. Network deployment in each geotype is compared with the cost of the deployment in the Urban geotype and broadband expected penetration rates for clarity and simplicity. Debating the cost-effective deployments for each geotype, while addressing the Digital Agenda’s goals regarding fast and ultrafast internet, is the main purpose of this paper. At the end of the last year, the independent Spanish regulation agency released the Spain broadband coverage report at the first half of 2013. This document claimed that 59% and 52% of Spain’s population was already covered by NGAN capable of providing 30 Mbps and 100 Mbps broadband respectively. HFC, with 47% of population coverage, and FTTH, with 14%, were considered as a 100 Mbps capable NGAN. Meanwhile VDSL, with 12% of the population covered, was the only NGAN network considered for the 30 Mbps segment. Despite not being an NGAN, the 99% population coverage of HSPA networks was also noted in the report. Since mobile operators are also required to provide 30 Mbps broadband to 90% of the population in rural areas by the end of 2020, mobile networks will play a significant role on the achievement of the 30 Mbps goal in Spain’s final third. The assessment indicates the cost of the deployment per cumulative households coverage with 4 different NGANs: FTTH, HFC, VDSL and LTE. Research shows that an investment ranging from €2,700 (VDSL) to €5,400 (HFC) million will be needed to cover the first half of the population with any fixed technology assessed. The results state that at least €3,000 million will be required to cover these areas with the least expensive technology (LTE). However, if we consider the throughput that fixed networks could provide and achievement of the Digital Agenda’s objectives, fixed network deployments are recommended for up to 90% of the population. Fibre and cable deployments could cover up to a maximum of 88% of the Spanish population cost efficiently. As there are some concerns about the service adoption, we recommend VDSL and mobile network deployments for the final third of the population. Despite LTE being able to provide the most economical roll-out, VDSL could also provide 50 Mbps from 75% to 90% of the Spanish population cost efficiently. For this population gap, facility based competition between VDSL providers and LTE providers must be encouraged. Regarding 90% to 98.5% of the Spanish population, LTE deployment is the most appropriate. Since costumers in less populated the municipalities are more sensitive to the cost of the service, we consider that a single network deployment could be most appropriate. Finally, it has become clear that it is not possible to deliver 30Mbps to the final 1.5% of the population cost-efficiently and adoption predictions are not optimistic either. As there are other broadband alternatives able to deliver up to 20 Mbps, in the authors’ opinion, it is not necessary to cover the extreme rural areas, where public financing would be required.