129 resultados para pubic symphysis
Atendeu-se uma cadela, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente cinco meses de idade, apresentando anamnese com queixa de apatia e hiporexia associadas a vômitos e emagrecimento progressivo com início incerto. Ao exame físico era evidente distensão abdominal com dilatação intestinal e aumento de peristaltismo. O animal apresentava-se emaciado e subdesenvolvido, com acentuado grau de desidratação, pulso filiforme e nível de consciência reduzido. Minutos após o início do atendimento a cadela foi a óbito. À necropsia, pôde-se observar um segmento do intestino delgado atravessando o púbis e com lúmen reduzido. Tal apresentação se faz relevante por se tratar de um caso nunca antes descrito na literatura veterinária.
The purposes of this study were: a) to verify the effect of chronological age and sexual maturation on the time to exhaustion at VO(2)max (t(lim)) and; b) to examine the reproducibility of t(lim) in boys aged 10-15 years. Forty boys, divided into 4 groups, in accordance to the chronological age (G10-12 and G13-15) and sexual maturation (P1-P3 and P4-P5 levels for pubic hair), performed the following tests: 1) incremental test for determination of VO(2)max and; 2) all-out exercise bout performed at VO(2)max to determine the t(lim). There was no difference of t(lim) (sec) between G10-12 and G13-15 (181.5 +/- 96.3 vs. 199 105.5). While the two measures of t(lim) were moderately related (r = 0.78), t(lim) from the second test (226.6 +/- 96.1 s) was higher than that of the first (191.3 +/- 79.2 s). We can conclude that the t(lim) is not influenced by chronological age and sexual maturation. Besides, t(lim) presents a lower reproducibility in children and adolescents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this study was to gather data on trauma etiology and mandibular fracture localization in patients who presented at the General Hospital of Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. From March 2007 to December 2008, 95 patients with mandibular fracture were registered in a medical form, at the Bucomax-illofacial Surgery Department of the General Hospital of Nova Iguacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Concerning mandibular fracture etiology, 21.05% were caused by motorcycle accidents, followed by interpersonal violence without use of weapons (punches, kicks, bumps with the head, blows with the elbow, etc) (16.84%) and interpersonal violence with firearm (14.73%). It was found that 52.63% of the patients had a single fracture line. The most affected fracture area was the parasymphysis (26.02%), followed by the condyle (22.60%) and mandibular angle (18.49%). Concerning the injury area, 24.21% were directed to the mandibular symphysis, 22.17% of the patients did not remember the injury area, and 18.94% had multiple injuries. When the injury was directed to the symphysis, the result was more condyle fractures (11.64%), and injuries at the mandibular angle resulted in fractures at the angle itself (8.90%). The most common fracture cause was traffic accidents, mainly motorcycle accidents, and the most affected areas were the parasymphysis and the condyle. The mandible isolated fractures occurred in half of the cases. Motorcycle accidents resulted in more fractures in the parasymphysis area, and when the symphysis area is affected by injuries, the result is a higher percentage in condyle fractures.
In view of the relevance of the mylohyoid nerve to clinical difficulties in achieving deep analgesia of the lower incisors, a dissection study was undertaken. Dissections from 29 adult cadavers of both sexes were studied with the aid of a dissecting microscope. The following observations were made: a supplementary branch of the mylohyoid nerve entered the mandible through accessory foramina in the lingual side of the mandibular symphysis in 50% of the cases; it generrally arose from the right side (76.9%) and entered the inferior retromental foramen (84.6%); the mylohyoid nerve branch either ended directly in the incisor teeth and the gingiva or joined the ipsilateral or contralateral incisive nerve. In view of this information concerning the high incidence of possible involvement of the mylohyoid nerve in mandibular sensory innervation, it is advisable to block it whenever intervention in the lower incisors is indicated. Routine mylohyoid injection is recommended after mental nerve block. If the inferior alveolar nerve is chosen for anesthetic purposes, additional mylohyoid injection should be given only if pain persists. The mylohyoid injection should be given at the inferior retromental foramen on the median aspect of the inferior border of the mandible through extraoral approach.
This study analyzed the relationship between critical speed (CS) and maximal speed for 30 min (S30) in swimmers of ages 10-15 years. Fifty-one swimmers were divided by chronological age (10-12 years = G10-12, 13-15 years = G13-15), sexual maturation (pubic hair stages; P1-P3 and P4-P5), and gender (M = boys, F = girls). The CS was determined through the slope of the linear regression between the distances (100, 200, and 400 m) and participants' respective times. CS and S30 were similar in the younger (G10-12M = 0.97 vs. 0.97 m/s, and G10-12F = 1.01 vs. 0.97 m/s, respectively), and older swimmers (G13-15M = 1.10 vs. 1.07 m/s and G13-15F = 0.93 vs. 0.91 m/s, respectively). In conclusion, the CS can be used in young swimmers for the evaluation of aerobic capacity, independent of gender and age. © 2005 Human Kinetics, Inc.
We made some measurements from the region of the symphysis menti in 308 dried mandibles; 247 belong to the collection of the cranial museum of the discipline of Anatomy of the UNIFESP- Escola Paulista de Medicina- EPM and 61 belong to the didactic laboratory of the discipline of Anatomy from the Faculdade de Odontologia de Araraquara- UNESP, Brasil. On the dentate mandibles, the highest value founded was of 43,46 mm and the lowest of 22,67 mm. On the edentate mandibles, the highest value founded was of 37,24 mm and the lowest of 6,22mm. We hope that with the following discoveries we could contribute to a better knowledge of the symphysis menti region, not only to the professionals in Surgery and Implantology areas, but the industrials of related areas, to the confection of instruments used in these practices. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatom•br>.
Related data to the diameters of the pelvis from 72 Aotus azarai infulatus, owl monkeys, 42 adult males and 30 adult non-pregnant females, were obtained in vivo by ventrodorsal projection radiographic exams, correlated with sex, the measures of the body and their origin. The mean values of the body length (30.94 cm), tail length (35.63 cm), thoracic perimeter (18.97 cm), hip perimeter (17.11 cm) and the weight (0.96 Kg) were verified. The radiographic images were digitalized and measured, and the mean values were 1.41 cm for the superior biiliac diameter; 1.58 cm for the inferior biiliac diameter; 1.97 cm for the medium biiliac diameter; 2.64 cm for the right diagonal diameter; 2.66 cm for the left diagonal diameter; 2.48 cm for the sacrum-pubic diameter; 3.85 cm 2 for the inlet pelvic area. In conclusion, the pelvis from males and females Aotus azarai infulatus can be classified as dolicopelvic and there is pelvic sexual dimorphism in adult owl monkeys (Aotus azarai infulatus).
Panfacial fractures usually refer to simultaneous facial fractures, which affect the upper, middle, and lower thirds of the face. The management of panfacial fracture is complex because of the lack of reliable landmarks. Literature has shown many approaches for management of panfacial fractures. Every segment of bone has a precise function in the repair. Therefore, the bottom-up and outside-in sequence is the most widely used approach in the management of panfacial fractures. These facial fractures present remarkable challenges for both experienced and inexperienced surgeons. This article aimed to report a case of a panfacial fracture (mandibular condylar and symphysis fractures associated with an atypical Le Fort III fracture) in a 48-year-old man. The patient was successfully treated using bottom-up and outside-in sequence by accessing all facial injuries. Postoperatively, radiograph examination revealed good reduction and fixation of titanium plates, and physical examination revealed good functional and esthetic outcomes. Copyright © 2013 by Mutaz B. Habal, MD.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este estudo situa-se na linha de pesquisa de Políticas Públicas Educacionais, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da Universidade Federal do Pará. Aborda o público-não estatal a partir da implementação do Programa Escola que Vale na gestão educacional do município de Barcarena, no período de 2000 a 2008. Parte-se da lógica da adoção de novos paradigmas de competência para ação pública, a partir dos anos de 1990, com a reestruturação do estado brasileiro por meio do Plano Diretor de Reforma do Aparelho do Estado, o qual enquadrou a educação como uma ação não-exclusiva do Estado, transferindo-a para o setor público não estatal. Desencadeando novos desdobramentos para o púbico e o privado, materializados, entre outros aspectos, no terceiro setor e nas parcerias público-privadas. A abordagem metodológica adotada foi de cunho qualitativo e teve como técnicas de coleta de dados a pesquisa documental associada à entrevista semi-estruturada, enquanto que a análise de conteúdo constituiu-se na base teórico-metodológica para a análise dos dados. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que a introdução da parceria público-privada, por intermédio do Programa na realidade barcarenense afetou a já frágil estrutura do município permeada por fracos indicadores de qualidade na gestão educacional, tais como, ausência de um Plano Municipal, de um Sistema Municipal de Ensino, de Plano de Carreira, Cargos e Remuneração e de eleição direta para provimento do cargo de diretor, à medida que os princípios do PEQV foram absorvidos pela Secretaria de Educação e transformados em linha de ação para toda a rede municipal. Verificou-se que tal ação encontrou terreno fértil em virtude da ausência de uma política educacional no município, além dos encaminhamentos da SEl\1ED para as escolas da rede ocorrem de forma aleatória, conforme necessidades imediatas surgidas, ou seja, casuisticamente. Observou-se, ainda, que a parceria tinha como principal responsabilidade a focalização de suas ações na melhoria dos índices do ensino fundamental desconsiderando a educação infantil prioridade constitucional de atuação do município. Destaque-se, também que a proposta de formação contínua institucionalizada pelo Programa no município tende a uma certa desqualificação dos professores, em decorrência das prescrições detalhadas, além da não participação dos docentes na elaboração da proposta. Revelou-se, portanto, que com a implernentação da parceria um considerável grau de interferência da Fundação Vale,uma entidade privada, na gestão pública o que pode fragilizar a autonomia municipal.
Background: We aimed to estimate the median ages at specific stages of sexual maturity stratified by excess weight in boys and girls.Materials and method: This was a cross-sectional study made in 2007 in Florianopolis, Brazil, with 2,339 schoolchildren between 8 to 14 years of age (1,107 boys) selected at random in two steps (by region and type of school). The schoolchildren were divided into: i) those with excess weight and ii) those without excess weight, according to the WHO 2007 cut-off points for gender and age. Sexual maturity was self-evaluated by the subjects according to the Tanner sexual development stages, and utilizing median ages for the genitalia, breasts, and pubic hair stages.Results: In the boys with excess weight, precocity was observed in the stages 4 for genitals and pubic hair and 2 for pubic hair, with the values for excess and normal weight. The median ages at the beginning of puberty (stage 2-sexual development) for boys and girls in Florianopolis were 10.8 and 10.3 years, respectively.Conclusion: Excess weight is associated with lower median ages in the sexual maturity stages in boys and girls and that it should be taken into account when evaluating sexual maturity in children and adolescents.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)