990 resultados para protein sources


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This study aimed to analyze the phytoremediation potential of Eichhornia crassipes in natural environments, optimize the extraction process of crude protein from plant tissue and, obtain and characterize this process in order to determine its viability of use instead of the protein sources of animal and/or human feed. For this, it has been determined in Apodi/Mossoró river water the concentration of ammonium ions, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cádmium, lead, and total chromium; It was determined in plant tissue of aquatic macrophytes of Eichhornia crassipes species present in Apodi/Mossoró River the moisture content, ash, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, aluminum, cadmium, lead, total chromium, total nitrogen and crude protein. It was also determined the translocation factor and bioaccumulation of all the quantified elements; It was developed and optimized the extraction procedure of crude protein based on the isoelectric method and a factorial design 24 with repetition; It was extracted and characterized the extract obtained by determining the moisture content, ash, magnesium, potassium, iron, copper, manganese, zinc, nickel, cobalt, sodium, cadmium, total nitrogen and crude protein. And finally, it was also characterized the protein extract using Thermogravimetric Analysis (TG), Derived Thermogravimetric (DTG), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and jelly-like electrophoresis of polyacrylamide (SDS -PAGE) to assess the their molecular weights/mass. Thus, from the results obtained for the translocation and bioaccumulation factors was found that the same can be used as phytoremediation agent in natural environments of all quantified elements. It was also found that the developed method of extraction and protein precipitation was satisfactory for the purpose of the work, which gave the best conditions of extraction and precipitation of proteins as: pH extraction equal to 13.0, extraction temperature equals 60 ° C, reaction time equals to 30 minutes, and pH precipitation equals to 4.0. As for the extract obtained, the total nitrogen and crude protein were quantified higher than those found in the plant, increasing the crude protein content approximately 116.88% in relation to the quantified contente in the vegetal tissue of macrophyte. The levels of nickel and cadmium were the unique that were found below the detection limit of used the equipment. The electrophoretic analysis allowed us to observe that the protein extract obtained is composed of low polypeptide chains by the molecular and phytochelatins, with 6 and 15 kDa bands. Analysis of TG, DTG, DSC and FT-IR showed similarities in protein content of the obtained extracts based on different collection points and 9 parts of the plant under study, as well as commercial soy protein and casein. Finally, based on all these findings, it was concluded that the obtained extract in this work can be used instead of the protein sources of animal feed should, before that, test its digestibility. As human supplementation, it is necessary to conduct more tests associated with the optimization process in the sense of removing undesirable components and constant monitoring of the water body and the raw material used


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Alternative protein sources have been studied in order to reduce feed costs. In a completely random experimental design (five treatments and six replicates) 180 Nile tilapia fingerlings were distributed in 30 aquaria (50 L). The fish were fed isoprotein (28% digestible protein) and isoenergetic (3000 kcal digestible energy kg(-1)) diets where soybean meal was substituted by fodder radish meal at the following levels: 0, 12.5, 25, 50 and 75% Performance and chemical composition of the fillet were determined after 90 days. It was conclude that fodder radish meal can substitute soybean meal up to 25% without any interference on performance and fillet composition of Nile tilapia fingerlings.


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An experiment was conducted to study ileal digestibility of nutrients and to verify the ability of broilers to select feed in order to meet their requirements for protein and energy. The treatments consisted of six diets: R+S: free-choice feeding with rice bran (energy) and soybean meal (protein); C+G: free-choice feeding with corn (energy) and corn gluten meal (protein); R+G: free-choice feeding with rice bran (energy) and corn gluten meal (protein); C+S: free-choice feeding with corn (energy) and soybean meal (protein); R+C+G+S: free-choice feeding with rice bran and corn (energy) and corn gluten meal and soybean meal (protein); and BD: basal diet represented by a complete diet composed of 63% corn and 33% soybean meal. The results indicated that the adjustment to nutritional requirements does not depend only on the ability of birds to select feed. It might also depend on intake and ingredient quality, since some ingredients did not provide a balanced amount of nutrients. The birds were able to fulfill their requirements for maintenance, that is, they consumed the minimum amount of amino acids (g per day) for maximum growth. The free-choice group with corn gluten meal as the protein source had the worst performance, which indicated that this feed is not recommended as a primary source of amino acids for broilers. The C+G diet presented the highest digestibility coefficient of dry matter and crude protein, whereas the C+S diet resulted in the highest digestibility coefficient of ether extract and nitrogen-free extract, indicating that diet digestibility was affected by the type of feed used as energy and protein sources. In general, the high digestibility values indicate that broilers are able to efficiently digest and absorb the supplied feed.


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RESUMO - Foram utilizados 10 bovinos providos de cânula abomasal para avaliação do coeficiente de digestibilidade de rações preparadas com diferentes fontes de proteína (levedura, uréia e farelo de algodão). Os coeficientes de digestibilidade foram obtidos pela técnica de coleta total de fezes e também com o uso de óxido crômico como marcador interno. Na ração com uréia, obteve-se aumento nos coeficientes de digestibilidade para a maioria dos nutrientes, quando foi empregada a técnica do óxido crômico. A fração extrato etéreo não apresentou diferenças entre as técnicas usadas. A análise dos coeficientes de digestibilidade entre as diferentes rações evidenciou semelhanças, independentemente da técnica adotada. A ração composta por uréia proporcionou maior digestibilidade da proteína bruta, independentemente da técnica de avaliação, enquanto a ração composta por farelo de algodão foi superior na digestibilidade da energia bruta pela técnica do indicador. Não houve diferenças entre as rações para a digestão individual de nutrientes no rúmen e intestino, observando-se o mesmo para o balanço de N.


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Foi conduzido um experimento, com 100 dias duração, utilizando-se 288 alevinos de pacu, distribuídos em 36 caixas de cimento amianto com volume de 100 litros, para avaliar a substituição da farinha de peixe por farelo de soja e os níveis protéicos nas dietas. Durante o período experimental, a temperatura média da água permaneceu em 28ºC e os demais parâmetros limnológicos (oxigênio dissolvido, pH, alcalinidade e condutividade) apresentaram-se dentro dos níveis adequados para o desenvolvimento desta espécie. O delineamento experimental foi de blocos casualizados, em que foram avaliados nove tratamentos em esquema fatorial 3 x 3, três níveis de proteína bruta (22, 26 e 30%) e três níveis de substituição da farinha de peixe pelo farelo de soja (0, 50 e 100%). O nível de 26% de proteína bruta foi mais adequado. A farinha de peixe pode ser substituída parcial ou totalmente pelo farelo de soja, sem influir no ganho de peso, na conversão alimentar, na taxa de crescimento específico e na taxa de eficiência protéica dos alevinos. A substituição das fontes protéicas também não influenciou a composição corporal dos peixes, a eficiência de retenção de nitrogênio, o nitrogênio corporal, a gordura corporal e o nitrogênio e a gordura no ganho de peso.


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Foram avaliadas três fontes protéicas (uréia - U, farinha penas - Fp e farelo soja - Fs) associadas a duas silagens de sorgo (silagens de sorgo corte alto - SCA e corte baixo - SCB) por intermédio do desempenho de bezerros de corte, confinados por 84 dias. Foram utilizados 36 bezerros mestiços (Charolês/RedAngus/Nelore), castrados, com cinco meses de idade e pesando em média 146,44 kg. Avaliaram-se o ganho de peso médio diário (GMD); o consumo de matéria seca expressos em kg/dia (CMS), percentagem de peso vivo (CMSPV) e peso metabólico (CMSPM); e a conversão alimentar (CA). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado por intermédio de um fatorial 3x2. Houve efeito significativo na interação silagem versus fonte protéica para a variável GMD, com o maior GMD para SCAFp (1,61 kg/animal/dia) versus a SCBFs (1,32 kg/animal/dia). Os demais parâmetros não diferiram estatisticamente quando analisada a interação ou isoladamente a silagem ou fonte protéica. A silagem de sorgo corte alto promoveu numericamente um maior GMD e CMS.


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Foram comparados os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) de quatro alimentos secos extrusados para cães, cada um formulado com um dos ingredientes protéicos em estudo: farelo de soja (FS); farelo de glúten de milho (GM); farinha de carne e ossos (FCO); e farinha de vísceras de frango (FV). O experimento foi realizado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos (ingredientes protéicos) e seis repetições, totalizando 24 animais. As médias dos tratamentos foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey. O CDA da PB (média ± erro-padrão da média) foi maior na ração à base de GM (88,13±0,40%), seguida pelas dietas com FS (86,31±0,34%), FCO (85,88±0,16%) e FV (84,84±0,15%). O CDA da MS foi maior para a ração com FV (83,69±0,09%), intermediário para GM (82,41±0,23%) e FCO (82,76±0,11%) e menor para FS (81,10±0,16%). As rações à base de proteína animal apresentaram os maiores CDA dos extrativos não-nitrogenados. O teor de MS das fezes dos cães foi elevado na ração com FCO, intermediário naquela com FV e GM e baixo naquela à base de FS. As quatro fontes protéicas estudadas apresentaram bons CDA e, portanto, podem ser utilizadas em rações para cães adultos.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito do fornecimento, no período das águas, de suplementos formulados com diferentes fontes de proteína sobre os parâmetros nutricionais de bovinos de corte em recria. Foram utilizados cinco novilhos mestiços Holandês × Zebu com peso vivo médio inicial de 300 kg, fistulados no esôfago e no rúmen, distribuídos em cinco piquetes de Brachiaria decumbens de 0,3 ha, em delineamento quadrado latino incompleto (5 × 5), com quatro períodos e cinco tratamentos, em quatro períodos experimentais de 14 dias. Como tratamentos, avaliaram-se suplementos à base de farelo de soja (FS), farelo de algodão (FA, 38% PB), farelo de glúten de milho (FGM, 60% PB) e farelo de trigo + uréia (FTU) e um tratamento testemunha, constituído apenas de mistura mineral (MM). A quantidade diária de suplemento fornecida foi fixada para fornecer aproximadamente 180 g de PB/dia. As fontes protéicas afetaram apenas o consumo de carboidratos não-fibrosos (CNF) e o de PB, que foi maior quando fornecido o suplemento à base de farelo de algodão e menor quando fornecida a mistura mineral. Não houve efeito das fontes protéicas sobre as digestibilidades total e parcial dos nutrientes. O pH e os níveis de nitrogênio amoniacal do líquido ruminal (N-NH3) não foram influenciados pelas fontes protéicas avaliadas, mas todos os valores mantiveram-se nos limites favoráveis à digestão da forragem. As fontes de proteína não afetaram a eficiência microbiana, em média 9,96 g PBmic/100g NDT, nem as concentrações de nitrogênio uréico no plasma (NUP), média de 12,78 mg/dL, e a excreção de nitrogênio na urina (NUr), média de 63,14 g/dia.


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To evaluate the nutritional value of rations supplemented with different protein sources, an in vivo digestibility trial was conducted to determine the coefficients of digestibility for dry matter (DMDC) and crude protein (CPDC), nitrogen balance (NB) and the fecal non-protein nitrogen (NPN). Twenty - four 11-months - old lambs weighing 30.4 +/- 3.0 kg were blocked on the basis of their body weight and randomly allocated to three treatments groups; suplemented with cottonseed meal (CSM), starea (ST) or urea (UR). The DMDC was statistically superior for the Starea treatment (67.7%) over the others (64.3% and 64.1% for CSM and UR). The CSM, UR and ST rations had no influence on CPDC (63.9; 66.9 and 69.4%, respectively) and on fecal NPN (1,3; 1,2 e 1,3 g/day, respectively). The NB results were similar also among treatments (13,4; 9,0 e 10,5 g/day to CSM, UR and ST, respectively) although the ST treatment lambs excreted larger amounts of nitrogen in the urine (7.7 g/day) in relation to CSM (4.8g/day) and similar to UR treatment (6.5 g/day). Starea supplement in ruminant diets increased dry matter digestibility when compared to cottonseed meal and urea, but did not improve the efficiency of the nitrogen utilization by lambs.


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The objectives of this work were to evaluate three protein sources - soybean meal, fish meal and feather meal - and two methods of calculation of rations - the calculated in terms of crude protein (CP), according to recommendations of NRC (1988); and the proposed by the AFRC (1993), and calculated in terms of metabolizable protein (MP) - through the performance of calves. The animals were confined and submitted to five diets, that varied only protein sources in its composition, thus discriminated: SM- Soybean Meal, FsM- Fish Meal, FeM- Feather Meal, FsMU- Fish Meal and Urea, and FeMU Feather Meal and Urea. A complete diet was supplied, composed of 40% of sorghum silage and 60% of concentrate. All treatments possessed about of 2.56 Mcal/kg DM of metabolizable energy, being the treatments SM, FsM and FeM calculated by the system of CP, with 18% of CP, and the treatments FsMU and FeMU, calculated by the system of MP, with 16.3% of CP and a same amount of metabolizable protein than the treatment SM, with 112.0 grams of MP/day. Individually, the treatments did not present significant differences (P > 0.05) in the final alive weight, in daily gain weight and in dry matter intake, having differences only in the feed:gain ratio. The best feed:gain ratio happened in the treatment FsM and the worst in the treatment FeMU. It is concluded that the MP method provides similar results to the method of CP. The treatments with fish meal provide larger weight gains, smaller intake and better feed:gain ratio than the treatments with feather meal, staying the treatment soybean meal with intermediary daily gain.


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1. The C-13 turnover rates of the liver and thoracic pectoral muscle of growing broilers were determined by feeding diets with varying C-13 content.2. Male chicks ( 1- d- old) were subjected to treatments based on free choice of 5 different mixes of energy and protein sources from plants with C-3 and C-4 photosynthetic pathways that had differing C-13 content. Rice bran ( R) and soybean meal ( S) were the C-3 sources, while maize ( C) and maize gluten meal ( G) were the C-4 sources. Choices were R + S, C + G, R + G, C + S or R + C +G + S. The 6th treatment was a complete feed ( CF) that was similar to a commercial broiler feed.3. The isotopic composition of the birds' tissues was representative of the isotopic composition of the diets. The assimilation was faster for C-3, in both liver and muscle, than for C-4 diets, and give the delta per mil difference between the diet and tissues.4. The liver is the most active metabolic tissue and gave more rapid isotope turnover than in muscle.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The objective of the study was to evaluate compensatory weight gain in the performance of young bulls submitted to feed restriction, in the initial phase of confinement and to study the economic viability of the utilization of three protein sources. Sixty six crossbred bulls Simental-Nelore, eight months old and averaging 220 kg of weight were submitted to three feeding programs in the growth phase that lasted 84 days. The feeding programs were ad libitum, restriction + raw soybean grains and restriction + toasted soybean grains, with a restriction level of 25% on average. In the finishing phase, with a 61 day duration, animals fed with each of the three diets mentioned above received two types of supplementary diets: raw soybean grains and poultry litter. There were no differences between final weights of animals in finishing phase, but the bulls submitted to the restriction had more weight gain per day and better food conversion than ad libitum animals, for both raw soybean grains and poultry litter. The conclusion was that the feeding restriction and consequent compensatory weight gain, presented advantages for feeding efficiency, by decreasing maintenance requirements, although final cost had been equivalent to ad libitum animals.


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The present study aimed to quantify the proportion of 13C from energy and protein feed ingredients that follow the metabolic routing of the liver and muscle in broiler chickens. A stable isotope of carbon technique was used that is based on the isotopic discrimination that occurs in the plants during the photosynthesis process. One-day-old male chicks were subjected to treatments based on free choice of energy and protein sources. Rice bran (R) and soybean meal (S), C3 plants, have higher isotopic ratios than corn (C), a C4 plant, and corn gluten meal (G). Choices were R+S, C+G, R+G, C+S, or R+C+G+S. A complete feed (CF) was a sixth treatment. Feed intake and BW were measured at 30 d of age, when liver and breast muscle were collected for isotopic analysis. Treatments affected the amount of feed intake and the choices of energy or protein sources. Complete feed had the largest intake, differing from the other treatments that had free-choice feeding. Final BW was a direct reflection of consumption by these birds in all treatments. The isotopic results indicated that the 13C/12C ratio was generally higher in breast muscle than in liver, probably because of higher protein content. Moreover, in the liver, the proportion of 13C retained from the energy ingredient was greater than the proportion from the protein ingredient. That is in contrast to muscle, where the proportion of 13C retained from the protein ingredient was greater than from the energy ingredient that was self-selected.


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Were used 64 weaned pigs, distributed in eight treatments: ration with skim milk (SM), three rations with crescent levels of swine plasma (SP), three rations with whole egg (WE) and a ration with high inclusion of soybean meal (SB). Daily weight gain (DWG), daily feed intake (DFI) and feed conversion (FC) were evaluated. The animals that consumed ration SB have the mean of DWG higher that other treatments, and inferior FC, from 35 to 48 days of age. The crescent levels of SP promoted linear reduction in DWG, from 21 to 35, and from 35 to 48 days of age, in DFI from 48 to 138 days of age and linear increased in FC from 21 to 35 of age. Considering the weaned phase until finishing, initial rations can be formulated with SP and WE substituted partially the CP of skim milk in 25 and 45%, respectively.