969 resultados para protein bcl x


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Both human and bovine prothrombin fragment 2 (the second kringle) have been cocrystallized separately with human PPACK (D-Phe-Pro-Arg)-thrombin, and the structures of these noncovalent complexes have been determined and refined (R = 0.155 and 0.157, respectively) at 3.3-Å resolution using X-ray crystallographic methods. The kringles interact with thrombin at a site that has previously been proposed to be the heparin binding region. The latter is a highly electropositive surface near the C-terminal helix of thrombin abundant in arginine and lysine residues. These form salt bridges with acidic side chains of kringle 2. Somewhat unexpectedly, the negative groups of the kringle correspond to an enlarged anionic center of the lysine binding site of lysine binding kringles such as plasminogens K1 and K4 and TPA K2. The anionic motif is DGDEE in prothrombin kringle 2. The corresponding cationic center of the lysine binding site region has an unfavorable Arg70Asp substitution, but Lys35 is conserved. However, the folding of fragment 2 is different from that of prothrombin kringle 1 and other kringles: the second outer loop possesses a distorted two-turn helix, and the hairpin β-turn of the second inner loop pivots at Val64 and Asp70 by 60°. Lys35 is located on a turn of the helix, which causes it to project into solvent space in the fragment 2-thrombin complex, thereby devastating any vestige of the cationic center of the lysine binding site. Since fragment 2 has not been reported to bind lysine, it most likely has a different inherent folding conformation for the second outer loop, as has also been observed to be the case with TPA K2 and the urokinase kringle. The movement of the Val64-Asp70 β-turn is most likely a conformational change accompanying complexation, which reveals a new heretofore unsuspected flexibility in kringles. The fragment 2-thrombin complex is only the second cassette module-catalytic domain structure to be determined for a multidomain blood protein and only the third domain-domain interaction to be described among such proteins, the others being factor Xa without a Gla domain and Ca2+ prothrombin fragment 1 with a Gla domain and a kringle. © 1993 American Chemical Society.


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Background: Glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase from Escherichia coli is an allosteric hexameric enzyme which catalyzes the reversible conversion of D-glucosamine 6-phosphate into D-fructose 6-phosphate and ammonium ion and is activated by N-acetyl-D-glucosamine 6-phosphate. Mechanistically, it belongs to the group of aldose-ketose isomerases, but its reaction also accomplishes a simultaneous amination/deamination. The determination of the structure of this protein provides fundamental knowledge for understanding its mode of action and the nature of allosteric conformational changes that regulate its function. Results: The crystal structure of glucosamine 6-phosphate deaminase with bound phosphate ions is presented at 2.1 Å resolution together with the refined structures of the enzyme in complexes with its allosteric activator and with a competitive inhibitor. The protein fold can be described as a modified NAD-binding domain. Conclusions: From the similarities between the three presented structures, it is concluded that these represent the enzymatically active R state conformer. A mechanism for the deaminase reaction is proposed. It comprises steps to open the pyranose ring of the substrate and a sequence of general base-catalyzed reactions to bring about isomerization and deamination, with Asp72 playing a key role as a proton exchanger.


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Canine transmissible venereal tumor (CTVT) is a neoplasm transmitted by the physical transfer of viable tumor cells by direct contact with injured skin and/or mucous tissue. These cells can transpose across histocompatibility barriers into unrelated hosts. This review focuses on the biology of apoptosis and the interaction of proteins involved in this process, as well as p53, p63 and the antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2. As such, this disease offer unique opportunity to study the biology of transplantable tumours and the interaction of proteins involved in apoptosis process and the prognosis of CTVT.


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Ganoderma lucidum is an edible medicinal mushroom with immunomodulatory and antitumor properties, which are mainly attributed to polysaccharides and triterpenes that can be isolated from mycelia, fruiting bodies and spores. G. lucidum has been us d in a powdered form, as a medicinal beverage and a nutraceutical food (usually dried). In the present review we report some historical facts and the experimental evidence that polysaccharides and triterpenes obtained from this mushroom present potential antitumor activity. Direct effects on tumor cells include induction of apoptosis and interference in the cell cycle, whereas indirect effects are based on the modulation of immune response, usually impaired by cancer cells. Data indicate that G. lucidum can be used as a complementary tool for treatment of cancer patients. © by São Paulo State University.


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Lys49-phospholipases A2 (Lys49-PLA2s) are proteins found in bothropic snake venoms (Viperidae family) and belong to a class of proteins which presents a phospholipase A2 scaffold but are catalytically inactive. These proteins (also known as PLA2s-like toxins) exert a pronounced local myotoxic effect and are not neutralized by antivenom, being their study relevant in terms of medical and scientific interest. Despite of the several studies reported in the literature for this class of proteins only a partial consensus has been achieved concerning their functional-structural relationships. In this work, we present a comprehensive structural and functional study with the MjTX-II, a dimeric Lys49-PLA2 from Bothrops moojeni venom which includes: (i) high-resolution crystal structure; (ii) dynamic light scattering and bioinformatics studies in order to confirm its biological assembly; (iii) myographic and electrophysiological studies and, (iv) comparative studies with other Lys49-PLA2s. These comparative analyses let us to get important insights into the role of Lys122 amino acid, previously indicated as responsible for Lys49-PLA2s catalytic inactivity and added important elements to establish the correct biological assembly for this class of proteins. Furthermore, we show two unique sequential features of MjTX-II (an amino acid insertion and a mutation) in comparison to all bothropic Lys49-PLA2s that lead to a distinct way of ligand binding at the toxin's hydrophobic channel and also, allowed the presence of an additional ligand molecule in this region. These facts suggest a possible particular mode of binding for long-chain ligands that interacts with MjTX-II hydrophobic channel, a feature that may directly affect the design of structure-based ligands for Lys49-PLA2s. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The aim was to analyze the protein expression of apoptotic genes caspase-3, caspase-8 and bcl-2 with the immunohistochemistry technique, correlating with tumor grade (I, II and III) and with the patient survival in order to understand the basic mechanism of tumoral transformation. The immunohistochemistry reactions on 50 samples of squamous cell carcinoma were carried out with the avidin-biotin immunoperoxidase method and antigen recovery. The analyses were made using the graduation method "in crosses" (0 to 4 crosses - no stain to more than 75% of positives cells) and in categories (low, intermediate, high) of the cytoplasm immunoreactivity of the epidermoid penile carcinoma cells. It was observed a statistically significant difference when the expression of caspase-3 were compared with the grades land II of the tumor (p=0.0010) and when comparing the patient survival with the grades I and II of the tumor (p=0.0212). The protein bcl-2 was more expressed than caspase-3 and caspase-8 proteins, suggesting that the apoptotic rate in this carcinoma is low. The higher expression of the anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 suggests a higher preservation of the tumoral cells.


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Background Human homeobox genes encode nuclear proteins that act as transcription factors involved in the control of differentiation and proliferation. Currently, the role of these genes in development and tumor progression has been extensively studied. Recently, increased expression of HOXB7 homeobox gene (HOXB7) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas (PDAC) was shown to correlate with an invasive phenotype, lymph node metastasis and worse survival outcomes, but no influence on cell proliferation or viability was detected. In the present study, the effects arising from the knockdown of HOXB7 in PDAC cell lines was investigated. Methods Real time quantitative PCR (qRT-PCR) (Taqman) was employed to assess HOXB7 mRNA expression in 29 PDAC, 6 metastatic tissues, 24 peritumoral tissues and two PDAC cell lines. siRNA was used to knockdown HOXB7 mRNA in the cell lines and its consequences on apoptosis rate and cell proliferation were measured by flow cytometry and MTT assay respectively. Results Overexpression of HOXB7 mRNA was observed in the tumoral tissues and in the cell lines MIA PaCa-2 and Capan-1. HOXB7 knockdown elicited (1) an increase in the expression of the pro-apoptotic proteins BAX and BAD in both cell lines; (2) a decrease in the expression of the anti-apoptotic protein BCL-2 and in cyclin D1 and an increase in the number of apoptotic cells in the MIA PaCa-2 cell line; (3) accumulation of cell in sub-G1 phase in both cell lines; (4) the modulation of several biological processes, especially in MIA PaCa-2, such as proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent catabolic process and cell cycle. Conclusion The present study confirms the overexpression of HOXB7 mRNA expression in PDAC and demonstrates that decreasing its protein level by siRNA could significantly increase apoptosis and modulate several biological processes. HOXB7 might be a promising target for future therapies.


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O treinamento físico aeróbio (TF) tem sido utilizado como um importante tratamento não farmacológico da hipertensão arterial (HA), uma vez que ele corrige a rarefação microvascular e reduz a pressão arterial. Estudos mostram que as anormalidades microvasculares estão diretamente associadas às alterações do fator de crescimento vascular endotelial (VEGF) e do VEGF receptor 2 (VEGFR2), bem como a um desequilíbrio da sinalização apoptótica na HA. Entretanto, pouco se conhece sobre os efeitos do TF sobre estes parâmetros na HA. Nós hipotetizamos que o TF recupere os fatores angiogênicos e promova um equilíbrio entre as proteínas anti e pró-apoptóticas da família Bcl-2 potencialmente, contribuindo para a revascularização e regressão da doença. Ratos espontaneamente hipertensos (SHR, n = 14) e Wistar Kyoto (WKY, n = 14) com 12 semanas de vida e divididos em quatro grupos: SHR, SHR treinado (SHR-T), WKY e WKY treinado (WKY-T) foram estudados. Como esperado, 10 semanas de TF foram efetivas em reduzir a pressão arterial em SHR-T. Além disso, o TF promoveu bradicardia de repouso nos grupos de animais treinados (WKY-T e SHR-T), sendo considerado como um importante marcador de TF aeróbio. O TF também corrigiu a rarefação capilar em SHR-T e esta resposta se deve em grande parte por uma recuperação dos níveis periféricos de VEGF e um aumento na expressão de VEGFR2. Em paralelo, foi observada uma normalização das vias apoptóticas, com aumento da expressão de proteínas antiapoptóticas (Bcl-2 e Bcl-x) e redução das pró-apoptóticas (Bad) acompanhada pela fosforilação de Bad. Estes resultados sugerem que o TF promove revascularização periférica na HA dependente de um fino balanço de reguladores positivos e negativos de angiogênese.


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The humoral immune response is dependent on the formation of antibodies. Antibodies are produced by terminally differentiated B cells, plasma cells. Plasma cells are generated either directly from antigen challenged B cells, memory cells or from cells that have undergone the germinal center (GC) reaction. The GC is the main site for class switch, somatic hypermutation and generation of memory cells. Different factors, both internal and external, shape the outcome of the immune response. In this thesis, we have studied a few factors that influence the maturation of the humoral response. We have studied how age affects the response, and we show that responses against thymus dependent antigens (TD) are more affected than responses to thymus independent (TI) antigens, in concordance with the view that the T cell compartment is more affected by age than the B cell compartment. Furthermore, we demonstrate that priming early in life have a big influence on the immune response in the aged individual. Priming with a TI form of the carbohydrate dextran B512 (Dx) induces a reduction of IgG levels in later TD responses against Dx. We have evaluated possible mechanisms for this reduction. The reduction does not seem to be caused by clonal exhaustion or antibody mediated mechanisms. We also showed that the reduced TD response after TI priming can be induced against another molecule than Dx. With the hypothesis that TI antigens induce a plasma cell biased maturation of the responding B cells, we examined the presence of Blimp-1, a master regulator of plasma cell differentiation, in GCs induced by TD and TI antigen. Blimp-1 was found earlier in GCs induced by TI antigen and the staining intensity in these GCs was stronger than in TD antigen induced GCs, indicating that plasma cells might be continuously recruited from these GCs. B cells undergoing the GC reaction are thought to be under a strict selection pressure that removes cells with low affinity for the antigen and also cells that have acquired self-reactivity. We investigated the effect of apoptotic deficiencies on the accumulation of somatic mutations in GC B cells. In mice lacking the death receptor Fas, lpr mice, the frequency of mutations was increased but the pattern of the mutations did not differ from wild type mice. In contrast, mice over-expressing the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2, had a lowered frequency of mutations and the mutations introduced had other characteristics.


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Um Cytotoxizität und Gentoxizität nukleosidischer Antiherpes-Virustatika zu untersuchen, wurden stabile CHO-Klone etabliert, die Thymidinkinase (TK) des Herpes simplex-Virus Typ 1 (HSV-TK) oder des Varicella zoster-Virus (VZV-TK) exprimieren. In HSV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde das Purinanalogon Ganciclovir (GCV) effizient in die genomische DNA eingebaut, worauf in den nächsten Replikationsrunden DNA-Strangbrüche und Aberrationen entstehen und Apoptose ausgelöst wird. GCV-induzierte Apoptose wird hauptsächlich über den mitochondrialen Weg vermittelt, wobei das anti-apoptotische Protein Bcl-2 im Mittelpunkt steht. Nach GCV-Behandlung konnte eine Caspase-9-vermittelte post-translationale Spaltung von Bcl-2 nachgewiesen werden. Das 23 kDa-großes Bcl-2-Fragment wirkt im Gegensatz zum intakten Bcl-2-Protein pro-apoptotisch und verstärkt die Cytochrom C-Freisetzung und damit die Aktivierung der Caspase-9, die Bcl-2 spaltet, was zu einem positiven 'Amplifikationsloop' des mitochondrialen apoptotischen Weges führt. In weiteren Experimenten wurde gezeigt, daß in die DNA inkorporiertes GCV durch Basenexzisionsreparatur repariert wird, wobei die DNA-Polymerase ß eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Diese Reparatur führte zu einer signifikanten Reduktion der Apoptose und Klastogenität und damit zur Resistenzsteigerung gegenüber GCV. In VZV-TK-exprimierenden Zellen wurde gezeigt, daß Brivudin (BVDU), gleichermaßen Apoptose und Nekrose induzierte. Für die BVDU-induzierte Cytotoxizität konnte die Hemmung der Thymidylatsynthetase als Ursache identifiziert werden. Im Gegensatz zur GCV-induzierten Apoptose war für die BVDU-induzierte Apoptose der Rezeptor (Fas/CD95/APO-1)-vermittelte Weg von vorrangiger Bedeutung.


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During therapeutic hyperbaric oxygenation lymphocytes are exposed to high partial pressures of oxygen. This study aimed to analyze the mechanism of apoptosis induction by hyperbaric oxygen. For intervals of 0.5-4 h Jurkat-T-cells were exposed to ambient air or oxygen atmospheres at 1-3 absolute atmospheres. Apoptosis was analyzed by phosphatidylserine externalization, caspase-3 activation and DNA-fragmentation using flow cytometry. Apoptosis was already induced after 30 min of hyperbaric oxygenation (HBO, P < 0.05). The death receptor Fas was downregulated. Inhibition of caspase-9 but not caspase-8 blocked apoptosis induction by HBO. Hyperbaric oxygen caused a loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and caspase-9 induction. The mitochondrial pro-survival protein Bcl-2 was upregulated, and antagonizing Bcl-2 function potentiated apoptosis induction by HBO. In conclusion, a single exposure to hyperbaric oxygenation induces lymphocyte apoptosis by a mitochondrial and not a Fas-related mechanism. Regulation of Fas and Bcl-2 may be regarded as protective measures of the cell in response to hyperbaric oxygen.


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Cattle persistently infected with a noncytopathic Bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) are at risk of developing fatal "mucosal disease" (MD). The authors investigated the role of various apoptosis pathways in the pathogenesis of lesions in animals suffering from MD. Therefore, they compared the expression of caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, and Bcl-2L1 (Bcl-x) in tissues of 6 BVDV-free control animals, 7 persistently infected (PI) animals that showed no signs of MD (non-MD PI animals), and 11 animals with MD and correlated the staining with the localization of mucosal lesions. Caspase-3 and -9 staining were markedly stronger in MD cases and were associated with mucosal lesions, even though non-MD PI animals and negative controls also expressed caspase-9. Conversely, caspase-8 was not elevated in any of the animals analyzed. Interestingly, Bcl-x also colocalized with mucosal lesions in the MD cases. However, Bcl-x was similarly expressed in tissues from all 3 groups, and thus, its role in apoptosis needs to be clarified. This study clearly illustrates ex vivo that the activation of the intrinsic, but not the extrinsic, apoptosis pathway is a key element in the pathogenesis of MD lesions observed in cattle persistently infected with BVDV. However, whether direct induction of apoptosis in infected cells or indirect effects induced by the virus are responsible for the lesions observed remains to be established.


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Phosphatidylserine (PS) is not only one of the structural components of the plasma membrane, it also plays an important role in blood coagulation, and cell-cell interactions during aging and apoptosis.^ Here we studied some alterations that occur in membrane phosphatidylserine asymmetry during erythroid differentiation-associated apoptosis and erythrocyte aging and characterized some aspects in the regulation of PS asymmetry.^ Erythroleukemia cells, frequently used to study erythroid development, undergo apoptosis when induced to differentiate along the erythroid lineage. In the case of K562 cells induced to differentiate with hemin, this event is characterized by DNA fragmentation that correlates with downregulation of the survival protein BCL-xL and ultimately the result is cell death. We showed here that reorientation of PS from the inner-to-outer plasma membrane leaflet and inhibition of the aminophospholipid translocase are also events observed upon hemin treatment. We observed that constitutive expression of BCL-2 did not inhibit the alterations caused by hemin in membrane lipid asymmetry and only slightly prevented hemin-induced DNA fragmentation. On the other hand, BCL-2 effectively inhibited actinomycin D and staurosporine-induced DNA fragmentation and the appearance of PS at the outer leaflet of these cells. z.VAD.fmk, a widely used caspases inhibitor, blocked DNA fragmentation induced by both hemin and actinomycin D but only inhibited PS externalization in cells treated with actinomycin D.^ These results showed that PS externalization occurs during differentiation-related apoptosis. Unlike the pharmacologically-induced event, however, hemin-induced PS redistribution seems to be regulated by a mechanism independent of BCL-2 and caspases.^ Membrane PS is externalized not only during apoptosis but also during red blood cell senescence. To study this event, we artificially induced cellular aging by in vitro storage or vesiculation in the presence of the amphipathic lipid dilauroylphosphatidylcholine. These cells were monitored for age-dependent changes in cell density by Percoll gradient centrifugation and assessed for alterations in membrane lipid asymmetry and their ability to be cleared in vivo. These experiments demonstrated a progressive increase in red cell density upon vesiculation and in vitro aging. The clearance rate of cells obtained after vesiculation, was biphasic in nature, showing a very rapid component together with a second component consistent with the clearance rates of control populations. Quantitation of PS in the outer leaflet of red cells revealed that membrane redistribution of PS occurred upon in vitro storage and vesiculation. Inhibition of the aminophospholipid translocase with the sulfhydryl-oxidant reagent pyridyldithioethylamine resulted in higher PS externalization and enhanced clearance of vesiculated RBC.^ These observations not only suggest that vesiculation may be the mechanism responsible for some of the characteristic changes in cell density and PS asymmetry that occur upon cell aging, but also confirm the role of PS in the recognition and clearance of senescent cells. ^


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Many human diseases, including cancers, result from aberrations of signal transduction pathways. The recent understanding of the molecular biochemistry of signal transduction in normal and transformed cells enable us to have a better insight about cancer and design new drugs to target this abnormal signaling in the cancer cells. Tyrosine kinase pathway plays a very important role in normal and cancer cells. Enhanced activity of tyrosine kinases has been associated with many human cancer types. Therefore, identifying the type of tyrosine kinases involved in a particular cancer type and blocking these tyrosine kinase pathways may provide a way to treat cancer. Receptor tyrosine kinase expression, namely epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family, was examined in the oral squamous cell carcinoma patients. The expression levels of different members of the EGFR family were found to be significantly associated with shorter patients' survival. Combining EGFR, HER-2/neu, and HER-3 expression can significantly improve the predicting power. The effect of emodin, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, on these receptors in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines was examined. Emodin was found to suppress the tyrosine phosphorylation of HER-2/neu and EGF-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of EGFR. Emodin also induced apoptosis and downregulated the expression of anti-apoptotic protein bcl-2 in oral squamous cell carcinoma cells. It is known that tyrosine kinase pathways are involved in estrogen receptor signaling pathway. Therefore, the effects of inhibiting the tyrosine kinase pathway in estrogen receptor-positive breast cancers was studied. Emodin was found to act similarly to antiestrogens, capable of inhibiting estrogen-stimulated growth and DNA synthesis, and the phosphorylation of Rb protein. Interestingly, emodin, and other tyrosine kinase inhibitors, such as RG 13022 and genistein, depleted cellular levels of estrogen receptor protein. Emodin-induced depletion of estrogen receptor was mediated by the proteasome degradation pathway. In summary, we have demonstrated that tyrosine kinase pathways play an important role in oral squamous cell carcinoma and estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer. Targeting the tyrosine kinases by inhibitors, such as emodin, may provide a potential way to treat the cancer patients. ^