964 resultados para protein C


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The coagulation system of newborn infants differs markedly from that of older children and adults. The activities of most coagulation factors and anticoagulants are low, leading to altered regulation in the formation of the key enzyme, thrombin. Timely and adequate generation of thrombin is essential, as thrombin activates platelets and many coagulation factors, cleaves fibrinogen into fibrin and activates the antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory protein C pathway. On the other hand, excess thrombin may promote thrombotic complications and exacerbate harmful inflammatory reactions. Despite the characteristic features, the newborn coagulation system can be considered physiological, since healthy newborns rarely show haemorrhagic or thrombotic complications. Sick newborns, however, often encounter clinical situations that challenge their coagulation system. The aim of this study was to clarify the behaviour of the neonatal coagulation system in selected clinical situations, with a special emphasis on the generation of thrombin. Thrombin was measured by in vivo thrombin generation markers and by thrombin generation potential in vitro. The patient groups included sick newborns undergoing intensive care and receiving fresh-frozen plasma (FFP), requiring exchange transfusions (ET) or presenting with a congenital heart defect requiring open heart surgery. Additionally, healthy newborns with inherited heterozygous factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation were studied. Thrombin generation potential was also analysed in cord plasma of healthy infants and in adults. Healthy as well as sick newborn infants showed lower total thrombin generation potential in vitro but faster initiation of thrombin generation than adults. These findings were qualitatively similar when plasma was supplemented with platelets. Platelets, however, significantly altered the effect of the major anticoagulant, activated protein C (APC), on thrombin generation potential. In accordance with previous studies, thrombin generation in healthy newborn platelet-poor plasma was resistant to the anticoagulant effects of APC, but when the plasma was supplemented with platelets APC attenuated thrombin generation significantly more in newborns than in adults. In vivo generation of thrombin was elevated in nearly all of the sick newborn infants. The low-volume FFP transfusion as opposed to the change from neonatal to adult blood in ET exerted markedly different effects on neonatal thrombin generation. FFP reduced the in vivo generation of thrombin in those newborns with the highest pretransfusional thrombin generation, thus acting as an anticoagulant agent. In those infants with lower pretransfusional thrombin generation, the effect of FFP on thrombin generation was fairly neutral. On the other hand, the combination of red blood cells and FFP, used to perform ET, significantly increased the in vivo thrombin formation and shifted the balance in the newborn coagulation system to the procoagulant direction. Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) also significantly increased the in vivo thrombin generation, but the thrombin generation profile during CPB differed from that previously observed in adults. Escalation of thrombin at early reperfusion was not observed in newborns; in adults, its occurrence is associated with postoperative myocardial damage. Finally, in healthy newborns with FVL heterozygosity, faster initiation of thrombin generation was observed compared with controls. Interestingly, FV level was lower in FVL-heterozygous infants, possibly to counteract the procoagulant effects induced by FVL. In conclusion, unique features regarding thrombin regulation in newborn infants were observed. These features included a novel platelet effect on the regulation of the protein C pathway. The clinical challenges mainly seemed to shift the balance in the coagulation system of newborns to the procoagulant direction. Blood component transfusions markedly affected coagulation in a manner specific to the product but that could also be altered by the clinical situation. Overall, the results highlight the need for understanding developmental haemostasis for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.


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Liver transplantation is an established therapy for both acute and chronic liver failure. Despite excellent long-term outcome, graft dysfunction remains a problem affecting up to 15-30% of the recipients. The etiology of dysfunction is multifactorial, with ischemia-reperfusion injury regarded as one of the most important contributors. This thesis focuses on the inflammatory response during graft procurement and reperfusion in liver transplantation in adults. Activation of protein C was examined as a potential endogenous anti-inflammatory mechanism. The effects of inflammatory responses on graft function and outcome were investigated. Seventy adult patients undergoing liver transplantation in Helsinki University Central Hospital, and 50 multiorgan donors, were studied. Blood samples from the portal and the hepatic veins were drawn before graft procurement and at several time points during graft reperfusion to assess changes within the liver. Liver biopsies were taken before graft preservation and after reperfusion. Neutrophil and monocyte CD11b and L-selectin expression were analysed by flow cytometry. Plasma TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8, sICAM-1, and HMGB1 were determined by ELISA and Western-blotting. HMGB1 immunohistochemistry was performed on liver tissue specimens. Plasma protein C and activated protein C were determined by an enzyme-capture assay. Hepatic IL-8 release during graft procurement was associated with subsequent graft dysfunction, biliary in particular, in the recipient. Biliary marker levels increased only 5 7 days after transplantation. Thus, donor inflammatory response appears to influence recipient liver function with relatively long-lasting effects. Hepatic phagocyte activation and sequestration, with concomitant HMGB1 release, occurred during reperfusion. Neither phagocyte activation nor plasma cytokines correlated with postoperative graft function. Thus, activation of the inflammatory responses within the liver during reperfusion may be of minor clinical significance. However, HMGB1 was released from hepatocytes and were also correlated with postoperative transaminase levels. Accordingly, HMGB1 appears to be a marker of hepatocellular injury.


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Backbone conformations at 1064 asparaginyl residues in 123 non-homologous, high-resolution X-ray structures of proteins were analysed. Asn adopts conformations in left-handed x-helical region and other partially allowed regions in the Ramachandran map more readily than any other non-glycyl residue. Asn conformational clusters in the (phi,psi) regions of left-handed alpha-helix, right-handed alpha-helix and extended (beta) strands were investigated in detail for their occurrence in various secondary structures, especially in beta-turn regions. Preferences were observed for Asn conformations in different positions in various beta-turn types, including the first and fourth positions of the turn. Asparaginyl residues with extended conformations are found to occur frequently in irregular regions, although they are expected to occur predominantly in extended strands or in the third position of type II beta-turns. Asn conformations at the N-cap positions of helices strongly prefer extended conformation than alpha(L), which seems to be characteristic of non-glycyl residues at that position. In the linkers connecting two extended strands and those connecting an alpha-helix and an extended strand, Asn with alpha(L) or alpha(R) conformation is more favoured than Asn with the beta-conformation. Analysis of Asn-Asn doublets and Asn-X-Asn triplets permitted identification of conformational families in such sequences. Results of this investigation provide useful hints in modelling Asn-rich regions in proteins such as malaria parasite coat protein. (C) Munksgaard 1994.


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Metallophosphoesterase-domain-containing protein 2 (MPPED2) is a highly evolutionarily conserved protein with orthologs found from worms to humans. The human MPPED2 gene is found in a region of chromosome 11 that is deleted in patients with WAGR (Wilms tumor, aniridia, genitourinary anomalies, and mental retardation) syndrome, and MPPED2 may function as a tumor suppressor. However, the precise cellular roles of MPPED2 are unknown, and its low phosphodiesterase activity suggests that substrate hydrolysis may not be its prime function. We present here the structures of MPPED2 and two mutants, which show that the poor activity of MPPED2 is not only a consequence of the substitution of an active-site histidine residue by glycine but also due to binding of AMP or GMP to the active site. This feature, enhanced by structural elements of the protein, allows MPPED2 to utilize the conserved phosphoprotein-phosphatase-like fold in a unique manner, ensuring that its enzymatic activity can be combined with a possible role as a scaffolding or adaptor protein. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Cargo transport through the nuclear pore complex continues to be a subject of considerable interest to experimentalists and theorists alike. Several recent studies have revealed details of the process that have still to be fully understood, among them the apparent nonlinearity between cargo size and the pore crossing time, the skewed, asymmetric nature of the distribution of such crossing times, and the non-exponentiality in the decay profile of the dynamic autocorrelation function of cargo positions. In this paper, we show that a model of pore transport based on subdiffusive particle motion is in qualitative agreement with many of these observations. The model corresponds to a process of stochastic binding and release of the particle as it moves through the channel. It suggests that the phenylalanine-glycine repeat units that form an entangled polymer mesh across the channel may be involved in translocation, since these units have the potential to intermittently bind to hydrophobic receptor sites on the transporter protein. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3651100]


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Abrin from Abrus precatorius plant is a potent protein synthesis inhibitor and induces apoptosis in cells. However, the relationship between inhibition of protein synthesis and apoptosis is not well understood. Inhibition of protein synthesis by abrin can lead to accumulation of unfolded protein in the endoplasmic reticulum causing ER stress. The observation of phosphorylation of eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha and upregulation of CHOP (CAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) homologous protein), important players involved in ER stress signaling by abrin, suggested activation of ER stress in the cells. ER stress is also known to induce apoptosis via stress kinases such as p38 MAPK and JNK. Activation of both the pathways was observed upon abrin treatment and found to be upstream of the activation of caspases. Moreover, abrin-induced apoptosis was found to be dependent on p38 MAPK but not JNK. We also observed that abrin induced the activation of caspase-2 and caspase-8 and triggered Bid cleavage leading to mitochondrial membrane potential loss and thus connecting the signaling events from ER stress to mitochondrial death machinery.


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We demonstrate the utility of the surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) to monitor conformational transitions in protein upon ligand binding. The changes in protein's secondary and tertiary structures were monitored using amide and aliphatic/aromatic side chain vibrations. Changes in these bands are suggestive of the stabilization of the secondary and tertiary structure of transcription activator protein C in the presence of Mg2+ ion, whereas the spectral fingerprint remained unaltered in the case of a mutant protein, defective in Mg2+ binding. The importance of the acidic residues in Mg2+ binding, which triggers an overall allosteric transition in the protein, is visualized in the molecular model. The present study thus opens up avenues toward the application of SERS as a potential tool for gaining structural insights into the changes occurring during conformational transitions in proteins.


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Two groups of antimicrobial peptides have been isolated from skin secretions of Bombina maxima. Peptides in the first group, named maximins 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, are structurally related to bombinin-like peptides (BLPs). Unlike BLPs, sequence variations in maximins occurred all through the molecules. In addition to the potent antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity against tumor cells and spermicidal action of maximins, maximin 3 possessed a significant anti-HIV activity. Maximins 1 and 3 were toxic to mice with LD50 values of 8.2 and 4.3 mg/kg, respectively. Peptides in the second group, termed maximins H1, H2, H3 and H4, are homologous with bombinin H peptides. cDNA sequences revealed that one maximin peptide plus one maximin H peptide derived from a common larger protein. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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A novel plasminogen activator from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom (TSV-PA) has been identified and purified to homogeneity. It is a single chain glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 33,000 and an isoelectric point of pH 5.2. It specifically activates plasminogen through an enzymatic reaction. The activation of human native GIu-plasminogen by TSV-PA is due to a single cleavage of the molecule at the peptide bond Arg(561)-Val-(562). Purified TSV-PA, which catalyzes the hydrolysis of several tripeptide p-nitroanilide substrates, does not activate nor degrade prothrombin, factor X, or protein C and does not clot fibrinogen nor show fibrino(geno)lytic activity in the absence of plasminogen. The activity of TSV-PA was readily inhibited by phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride and by p-nitrophenyl-p-guanidinobenzoate. Oligonucleotide primers designed on the basis of the N-terminal and the internal peptide sequences of TSV-PA were used for the amplification of cDNA fragments by polymerase chain reaction. This allowed the cloning of a full-length cDNA encoding TSV-PA from a cDNA library prepared from the venom glands. The deduced complete amino acid sequence of TSV-PA indicates that the mature TSV-PA protein is composed of 234 amino acids and contains a single potential N-gIycosylation site at Asn(1G1). The sequence of TSV-PA exhibits a high degree of sequence identity with other snake venom proteases: 66% with the protein C activator from Aghistrodon contortrix contortrix venom, 63% with batroxobin, and 60% with the factor V activator from Russell's viper venom. On the other hand, TSV-PA shows only 21-23% sequence similarity with the catalytic domains of u-PA and t-PA. Furthermore, TSV-PA lacks the sequence site that has been demonstrated to be responsible for the interaction of t-PA (KHRR) and u-PA (RRHR) with plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1.


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Although reovirus infection is one of the major virus diseases of grass carp in China, the available knowledge on the structure and function of genes and proteins of the virus is limited. The complete sequence of the S9 genome segment of grass carp hemorrhage virus (GCHV) was determined. The segment consists of 1130 nucleotides and has a large open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 352 amino acids with predicted molecular mass of 37.7 kDa. Amino acid sequence comparison revealed that the deduced protein encoded by GCHV S9 is closely related to the sigma NS proteins of mammalian reovirus (MRV) and avian reovirus (ARV). Secondary structure analysis displayed that the form of alpha -helices (40.1%) and beta -sheets (49.4%) are the richest two contents in the protein encoded by S9, and this protein is predicted to be a nonstructural protein. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Allophycocyanin is a phycobiliprotein with various biological and pharmacological properties. An expression vector was constructed using CpeS as the bilin lyase for the allophycocyanin beta subunit, resulting in overexpression of a fluorescent allophycocyanin beta-subunit in Escherichia coli. A high-density cell culture was developed using a continuous feeding strategy. After 16 h of culture, the dry cell density reached 21.4 g 1(-1), the expression of the allophycocyanin beta-subunit was 0.86 g l(-1) broth, and the relative chromoprotein yield was 81.4%. The recombinant protein showed spectral features similar to native allophycocyanin, which provide an efficient methodology for large-scale production of this valuable fluorescent protein. (C) 2008, The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. All rights reserved.


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Late outgrowth endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) derived from the peripheral blood of patients with significant coronary artery disease were sodded into the lumens of small diameter expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) vascular grafts. Grafts (1mm inner diameter) were denucleated and sodded either with native EPCs or with EPCs transfected with an adenoviral vector containing the gene for human thrombomodulin (EPC+AdTM). EPC+AdTM was shown to increase the in vitro rate of graft activated protein C (APC) production 4-fold over grafts sodded with untransfected EPCs (p<0.05). Unsodded control and EPC-sodded and EPC+AdTM-sodded grafts were implanted bilaterally into the femoral arteries of athymic rats for 7 or 28 days. Unsodded control grafts, both with and without denucleation treatment, each exhibited 7 day patency rates of 25%. Unsodded grafts showed extensive thrombosis and were not tested for patency over 28 days. In contrast, grafts sodded with untransfected EPCs or EPC+AdTM both had 7 day patency rates of 88-89% and 28 day patency rates of 75-88%. Intimal hyperplasia was observed near both the proximal and distal anastomoses in all sodded graft conditions but did not appear to be the primary occlusive failure event. This in vivo study suggests autologous EPCs derived from the peripheral blood of patients with coronary artery disease may improve the performance of synthetic vascular grafts, although no differences were observed between untransfected EPCs and TM transfected EPCs.


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The coagulation and fibrinolytic systems are linked by the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex which regulates each system through activation of protein C and TAFI, respectively. We have used novel assays and techniques to study the enzymology and biochemistry of TAFI and TAFIa, to measure TAFI activation in hemophilia A and protein C deficiency and to determine if enhancing TAFI activation can improve hemostasis in hemophilic plasma and whole blood. We show that TAFIa not TAFI attenuates fibrinolysis in vitro and this is supported by a relatively high catalytic efficiency (16.41μM-1s-1) of plasminogen binding site removal from fibrin degradation products (FDPs) by TAFIa. Since the catalytic efficiency of TAFIa in removing these sites is ~60-fold higher than that for inflammatory mediators such as bradykinin it is likely that FDPs are a physiological substrate of TAFIa. The high catalytic efficiency is primarily a result of a low Km which can be explained by a novel mechanism where TAFIa forms a binary complex with plasminogen and is recruited to the surface of FDPs. The low Km also suggests that TAFIa would effectively cleave lysines from FDPs during the early stages of fibrinolysis (i.e. at low concentrations of FDPs). Since individuals with hemophilia suffer from premature fibrinolysis as a result of insufficient TAFI activation we quantified TAFI activation in whole blood from hemophilic subjects. Both the rate of activation and the area under the TAFI activation time course (termed TAFIa potential) was determined to be reduced in hemophilia A and the TAFIa potential was significantly and inversely correlated with the clinical bleeding iii phenotype. Using a novel therapeutic strategy, we used soluble thrombomodulin to increase TAFI activation which improved the clot lysis time in factor VIII deficient human plasma and hemophilic dog plasma as well as hemophilic dog blood. Finally, we briefly show in a biochemical case study that TAFI activation is enhanced in protein C deficiency and when afflicted individuals are placed on Warfarin anticoagulant therapy, TAFI activation is reduced. Since TAFIa stabilizes blood clots, this suggests that reducing TAFI activation or inhibiting TAFIa may help restore blood flow in vessels with pathological thrombosis.


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Purpose: We previously found that cellular FLICE-inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), caspase 8, and tumor necrosis factor–related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) receptor 2 (DR5) are major regulators of cell viability and chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer. In this study, we determined the prognostic significance of c-FLIP, caspase 8, TRAIL and DR5 expression in tissues from patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer.

Experimental Design: Tissue microarrays were constructed from matched normal and tumor tissue derived from patients (n = 253) enrolled in a phase III trial of adjuvant 5-fluorouracil–based chemotherapy versus postoperative observation alone. TRAIL, DR5, caspase 8, and c-FLIP expression levels were determined by immunohistochemistry.

Results: Colorectal tumors displayed significantly higher expression levels of c-FLIP (P < 0.001), caspase 8 (P = 0.01), and DR5 (P < 0.001), but lower levels of TRAIL (P < 0.001) compared with matched normal tissue. In univariate analysis, higher TRAIL expression in the tumor was associated with worse overall survival (P = 0.026), with a trend to decreased relapse-free survival (RFS; P = 0.06), and higher tumor c-FLIP expression was associated with a significantly decreased RFS (P = 0.015). Using multivariate predictive modeling for RFS in all patients and including all biomarkers, age, treatment, and stage, we found that the model was significant when the mean tumor c-FLIP expression score and disease stage were included (P < 0.001). As regards overall survival, the overall model was predictive when both TRAIL expression and disease stage were included (P < 0.001).

Conclusions: High c-FLIP and TRAIL expression may be independent adverse prognostic markers in stage II and III colorectal cancer and might identify patients most at risk of relapse.


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Chemical degradations often induce changes in protein conformation and thus influence protein activity and protein stability in solutions. One difficulty in studying of chemical degradations on protein aqueous properties is to obtain sufficient amount of chemically degraded protein which is well characterized. Chemical degradation protocols that are often used may induce also conformation changes and aggregation of the protein. In this article we studied the effect of methionine oxidation on the conformation of recombinant human growth hormone (r-hGH). In literature it is reported that oxidation of methionine residues induces conformation changes on r-hGH. In our study, oxidation of r-hGH was performed by incubation with hydrogen peroxide under mild conditions. Mass spectrometry and chromatographic analysis revealed that oxidation with hydrogen peroxide resulted in more than 90% of oxidized r-hGH. By extensive spectroscopic characterizations no detectable change in conformation and aggregation of r-hGH after oxidation was found. In conclusion, mild oxidation conditions led to selective oxidation of the two more accessible methionine residues of r-hGH (Met(14) and Met(125)) and did not results in any conformation change of the protein. These findings prove that oxidation of human growth hormone does not influence protein conformation and demonstrate the importance of employing mild conditions during production of oxidized protein. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmacists Association J Pharm Sci 100:110-122, 2011