974 resultados para prosthesis fitting


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Standard approaches for ellipse fitting are based on the minimization of algebraic or geometric distance between the given data and a template ellipse. When the data are noisy and come from a partial ellipse, the state-of-the-art methods tend to produce biased ellipses. We rely on the sampling structure of the underlying signal and show that the x- and y-coordinate functions of an ellipse are finite-rate-of-innovation (FRI) signals, and that their parameters are estimable from partial data. We consider both uniform and nonuniform sampling scenarios in the presence of noise and show that the data can be modeled as a sum of random amplitude-modulated complex exponentials. A low-pass filter is used to suppress noise and approximate the data as a sum of weighted complex exponentials. The annihilating filter used in FRI approaches is applied to estimate the sampling interval in the closed form. We perform experiments on simulated and real data, and assess both objective and subjective performances in comparison with the state-of-the-art ellipse fitting methods. The proposed method produces ellipses with lesser bias. Furthermore, the mean-squared error is lesser by about 2 to 10 dB. We show the applications of ellipse fitting in iris images starting from partial edge contours, and to free-hand ellipses drawn on a touch-screen tablet.


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We study an s-channel resonance R as a viable candidate to fit the diboson excess reported by ATLAS. We compute the contribution of the similar to 2 TeV resonance R to semileptonic and leptonic final states at the 13 TeV LHC. To explain the absence of an excess in the semileptonic channel, we explore the possibility where the particle R decays to additional light scalars X, X or X, Y. A modified analysis strategy has been proposed to study the three-particle final state of the resonance decay and to identify decay channels of X. Associated production of R with gauge bosons has been studied in detail to identify the production mechanism of R. We construct comprehensive categories for vector and scalar beyond-standard-model particles which may play the role of particles R, X, Y and find alternate channels to fix the new couplings and search for these particles.


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A fast and reliable phase unwrapping (PhU) algorithm, based on the local quality-guided fitting plane, is presented. Its framework depends on the basic plane-approximated assumption for phase values of local pixels and on the phase derivative variance (PDV) quality map. Compared with other existing popular unwrapping algorithms, the proposed algorithm demonstrated improved robustness and immunity to strong noise and high phase variations, given that the plane assumption for local phase is reasonably satisfied. Its effectiveness is demonstrated by computer-simulated and experimental results.


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It is shown that the locus of the f' + if '' plot in the complex plane, f' being determined from measured f '' by using the dispersion relation, looks like a semicircle very near the absorption edge of Ge. The semicircular locus is derived from a quantum theory of X-ray resonant scattering when there is a sharp isolated peak in f '' just above the K-absorption edge. Using the semicircular behavior, an approach is proposed to determine the anomalous scattering factors in a crystal by fitting known calculated values based on an isolated-atom model to a semicircular focus. The determined anomalous scattering factors f' show excellent agreement with the measured values just below the absorption edge. In addition, the phase determination of a crystal structure factor has been considered by using the semicircular behavior.


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In this work we discuss the possibility of cosmic defects being responsible for the B-mode signal measured by the BICEP2 collaboration. We also allow for the presence of other cosmological sources of B-modes such as inflationary gravitational waves and polarized dust foregrounds, which might contribute to or dominate the signal. On the one hand, we find that defects alone give a poor fit to the data points. On the other, we find that defects help to improve the fit at higher multipoles when they are considered alongside inflationary gravitational waves or polarized dust. Finally, we derive new defect constraints from models combining defects and dust. This proceeding is based on previous works [1, 2].


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This work considers the problem of fitting data on a Lie group by a coset of a compact subgroup. This problem can be seen as an extension of the problem of fitting affine subspaces in n to data which can be solved using principal component analysis. We show how the fitting problem can be reduced for biinvariant distances to a generalized mean calculation on an homogeneous space. For biinvariant Riemannian distances we provide an algorithm based on the Karcher mean gradient algorithm. We illustrate our approach by some examples on SO(n). © 2010 Springer -Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.