961 resultados para pressure controlled ignition
Amphetamine enhances recovery after experimental ischaemia and has shown promise in small clinical trials when combined with motor or sensory stimulation. Amphetamine, a sympathomimetic, might have haemodynamic effects in stroke patients, although limited data have been published. Subjects were recruited 3-30 days post ischaemic stroke into a phase II randomised (1:1), double blind, placebo-controlled trial. Subjects received dexamphetamine (5mg initially, then 10mg for 10 subsequent doses with 3 or 4 day separations) or placebo in addition to inpatient physiotherapy. Recovery was assessed by motor scales (Fugl-Meyer, FM), and functional scales (Barthel index, BI and modified Rankin score, mRS). Peripheral blood pressure (BP), central haemodynamics and middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity were assessed before, and 90 minutes after, the first 2 doses. 33 subjects were recruited, age 33-88 (mean 71) years, males 52%, 4-30 (median 15) days post stroke to inclusion. 16 patients were randomised to placebo and 17 amphetamine. Amphetamine did not improve motor function at 90 days; mean (standard deviation) FM 37.6 (27.6) vs. control 35.2 (27.8) (p=0.81). Functional outcome (BI, mRS) did not differ between treatment groups. Peripheral and central systolic BP, and heart rate, were 11.2 mmHg (p=0.03), 9.5 mmHg (p=0.04) and 7 beats/minute (p=0.02) higher respectively with amphetamine, compared with control. A non-significant reduction in myocardial perfusion (Buckberg Index) was seen with amphetamine. Other cardiac and cerebral haemodynamics were unaffected. Amphetamine did not improve motor impairment or function after ischaemic stroke but did significantly increase BP and heart rate without altering cerebral haemodynamics.
Background: Spinal anaesthesia is the standard of care for elective caesarean delivery. It has advantages over general anaesthesia. However the sympathetic blockade induced by spinal anaesthesia results in an 80 percent incidence of hypotension without prophylactic management. Current evidence supports co-loading with intravenous fluids in conjunction with the use of vasopressors as the most effective way to prevent and treat the hypotension. Phenylephrine is the accepted vasopressor of choice in the parturient. A prophylactic phenylephrine infusion combined with a fluid co-load is proven to be an effective and safe method of maintaining maternal hemodynamic stability. While most published studies have assessed the effectiveness of a prophylactic phenylephrine fixed dose infusion, few studies have assessed the effect of a prophylactic phenylephrine weight adjusted dose infusion on maintaining maternal hemodynamic stability following spinal anesthesia for a cesarean delivery. Objective: To compare the incidence of hypotension between women undergoing elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia, receiving prophylactic phenylephrine infusion at a fixed dose of 37.5 micrograms per minute versus a weight adjusted dose of 0.5 micrograms per kilogram per minute. Methods: One hundred and eight patients scheduled for non-urgent caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia were randomized into 2 groups; control group and intervention group using a computer generated table of numbers. Control group; Received prophylactic phenylephrine fixed dose infusion at 37.5 micrograms per minute. Intervention group; Received prophylactic phenylephrine weight adjusted dose infusion at 0.5 micrograms per kilogram per minute Results: The two groups had similar baseline characteristics in terms of ; Age, sex, weight and height. There was a 35.2% incidence of hypotension in the fixed dose group and an 18.6% incidence of hypotension in the weight adjusted dose group. This difference was found to be of borderline statistical significance p-value 0.05, and the difference in the incidence rates between the two groups was found to be statistically significant p= 0.03. The difference in the incidence of reactive hypertension and bradycardia between the two groups was not statistically significant: p-value of 0.19 for reactive hypertension and p-value of 0.42 for the incidence of bradycardia. There was also no statistically significant difference in the use of phenylephrine boluses, use of atropine, intravenous fluid used and the number of times the infusion was stopped. Conclusion: Among this population, the incidence of hypotension was significantly less in the weight adjusted dose group than in the fixed dose group. There was no difference in the number of physician interventions required to keep the blood pressure within 20% of baseline, and no difference in the proportion of reactive hypertension or bradycardia between the two groups. Administering prophylactic phenylephrine infusion at a weight adjusted dose of 0.5 micrograms per kilogram per minute results in a lower incidence of hypotension compared to its administration at a fixed dose of 37.5 micrograms per minute.
To assess the effects of a soy dietary supplement on the main biomarkers of cardiovascular health in postmenopausal women compared with the effects of low-dose hormone therapy (HT) and placebo. Double-blind, randomized and controlled intention-to-treat trial. Sixty healthy postmenopausal women, aged 40-60 years, 4.1 years mean time since menopause were recruited and randomly assigned to 3 groups: a soy dietary supplement group (isoflavone 90mg), a low-dose HT group (estradiol 1 mg plus noretisterone 0.5 mg) and a placebo group. Lipid profile, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio were evaluated in all the participants at baseline and after 16 weeks. Statistical analyses were performed using the χ2 test, Fisher's exact test, Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test, analysis of variance (ANOVA), paired Student's t-test and Wilcoxon test. After a 16-week intervention period, total cholesterol decreased 11.3% and LDL-cholesterol decreased 18.6% in the HT group, but both did not change in the soy dietary supplement and placebo groups. Values for triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, glucose level, body mass index, blood pressure and abdominal/hip ratio did not change over time in any of the three groups. The use of dietary soy supplement did not show any significant favorable effect on cardiovascular health biomarkers compared with HT. The trial is registered at the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry (Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos - ReBEC), number RBR-76mm75.
The goal of this cross-sectional observational study was to quantify the pattern-shift visual evoked potentials (VEP) and the thickness as well as the volume of retinal layers using optical coherence tomography (OCT) across a cohort of Parkinson's disease (PD) patients and age-matched controls. Forty-three PD patients and 38 controls were enrolled. All participants underwent a detailed neurological and ophthalmologic evaluation. Idiopathic PD cases were included. Cases with glaucoma or increased intra-ocular pressure were excluded. Patients were assessed by VEP and high-resolution Fourier-domain OCT, which quantified the inner and outer thicknesses of the retinal layers. VEP latencies and the thicknesses of the retinal layers were the main outcome measures. The mean age, with standard deviation (SD), of the PD patients and controls were 63.1 (7.5) and 62.4 (7.2) years, respectively. The patients were predominantly in the initial Hoehn-Yahr (HY) disease stages (34.8% in stage 1 or 1.5, and 55.8 % in stage 2). The VEP latencies and the thicknesses as well as the volumes of the retinal inner and outer layers of the groups were similar. A negative correlation between the retinal thickness and the age was noted in both groups. The thickness of the retinal nerve fibre layer (RNFL) was 102.7 μm in PD patients vs. 104.2 μm in controls. The thicknesses of retinal layers, VEP, and RNFL of PD patients were similar to those of the controls. Despite the use of a representative cohort of PD patients and high-resolution OCT in this study, further studies are required to establish the validity of using OCT and VEP measurements as the anatomic and functional biomarkers for the evaluation of retinal and visual pathways in PD patients.
Background: We aimed to compare plasma concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO(2)) in dogs that underwent intra- and preperitoneal CO(2) insufflation. Materials and Methods: Thirty dogs were studied. Ten formed a control group, 10 underwent intraperitoneal CO(2) insufflation, and 10 underwent preperitoneal CO(2) insufflation. General anesthesia with controlled ventilation was standardized for all dogs. After stabilizing the anesthesia, blood samples were collected at predetermined times and were sent for immediate gasometric analysis. Analysis of variance was used for comparing variables. Results: The plasma CO(2) concentration in the intraperitoneal insufflation group increased significantly more than in the preperitoneal insufflation group and was significantly greater than in the control group (P < 0.05). The pH values in the intraperitoneal group were lower than in the preperitoneal group (P < 0.05). Conclusion: The data from this study suggest that a greater plasma concentration of CO(2) is achieved by insufflation at constant pressure into the intraperitoneal space than into the preperitoneal space.
This paper presents a study of the stationary phenomenon of superheated or metastable liquid jets, flashing into a two-dimensional axisymmetric domain, while in the two-phase region. In general, the phenomenon starts off when a high-pressure, high-temperature liquid jet emerges from a small nozzle or orifice expanding into a low-pressure chamber, below its saturation pressure taken at the injection temperature. As the process evolves, crossing the saturation curve, one observes that the fluid remains in the liquid phase reaching a superheated condition. Then, the liquid undergoes an abrupt phase change by means of an oblique evaporation wave. Across this phase change the superheated liquid becomes a two-phase high-speed mixture in various directions, expanding to supersonic velocities. In order to reach the downstream pressure, the supersonic fluid continues to expand, crossing a complex bow shock wave. The balance equations that govern the phenomenon are mass conservation, momentum conservation, and energy conservation, plus an equation-of-state for the substance. A false-transient model is implemented using the shock capturing scheme: dispersion-controlled dissipative (DCD), which was used to calculate the flow conditions as the steady-state condition is reached. Numerical results with computational code DCD-2D vI have been analyzed. Copyright (C) 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This article presents improvement on a physical cardiovascular simulator (PCS) system. Intraventricular pressure versus intraventricular volume (PxV) loop was obtained to evaluate performance of a pulsatile chamber mimicking the human left ventricle. PxV loop shows heart contractility and is normally used to evaluate heart performance. In many heart diseases, the stroke volume decreases because of low heart contractility. This pathological situation must be simulated by the PCS in order to evaluate the assistance provided by a ventricular assist device (VAD). The PCS system is automatically controlled by a computer and is an auxiliary tool for VAD control strategies development. This PCS system is according to a Windkessel model where lumped parameters are used for cardiovascular system analysis. Peripheral resistance, arteries compliance, and fluid inertance are simulated. The simulator has an actuator with a roller screw and brushless direct current motor, and the stroke volume is regulated by the actuator displacement. Internal pressure and volume measurements are monitored to obtain the PxV loop. Left chamber internal pressure is directly obtained by pressure transducer; however, internal volume has been obtained indirectly by using a linear variable differential transformer, which senses the diaphragm displacement. Correlations between the internal volume and diaphragm position are made. LabVIEW integrates these signals and shows the pressure versus internal volume loop. The results that have been obtained from the PCS system show PxV loops at different ventricle elastances, making possible the simulation of pathological situations. A preliminary test with a pulsatile VAD attached to PCS system was made.
An experiment was implemented to study fluid flow in a pressure media. This procedure successfully combines nuclear magnetic resonance imaging with a pressure membrane chamber in order to visualize the non-wetting and wetting fluid flows with controlled boundary conditions. A specially designed pressure membrane chamber, made of non-magnetic materials and able to withstand 4 MPa, was designed and built for this purpose. These two techniques were applied to the drainage of Douglas fir sapwood. In the study of the longitudinal flow, narrow drainage fingers are formed in the latewood zones. They follow the longitudinal direction of wood and spread throughout the sample length. These fingers then enlarge in the cross-section plane and coalesce until drainage reaches the whole latewood part. At the end of the experiments, when the drainage of liquid water in latewood is completed, just a few sites of percolation appear in earlywood zones. This difference is a result of the wood anatomical structure, where pits, the apertures that allow the sap to flow between wood cells, are more easily aspirated in earlywood than in latewood. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In humans, when the stability of the trunk is challenged in a controlled manner by repetitive movement of a limb, activity of the diaphragm becomes tonic but is also modulated at the frequency of limb movement. In addition, the tonic activity is modulated by respiration. This study investigated the mechanical output of these components of diaphragm activity. Recordings were made of costal diaphragm, abdominal, and erector spinae muscle electromyographic activity; intra-abdominal, intrathoracic, and transdiaphragmatic pressures; and motion of the rib cage, abdomen, and arm. During limb movement the diaphragm and transversus abdominis were tonically active with added phasic modulation at the frequencies of both respiration and limb movement. Activity of the other trunk muscles was not modulated by respiration. Intra-abdominal pressure was increased during the period of limb movement in proportion to the reactive forces from the movement. These results show that coactivation of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles causes a sustained increase in intra-abdominal pressure, whereas inspiration and expiration are controlled by opposing activity of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to vary the shape of the pressurized abdominal cavity.
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of diethylpropion on a long-term basis, with emphasis in cardiovascular and psychiatric safety aspects. Design: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial Measurements: Following a 2-week screening period, 69 obese healthy adults received a hypocaloric diet and were randomized to diethylpropion 50 mg BID (n = 37) or placebo (n = 32) for 6 months. After this period, all participants received diethylpropion in an open-label extension for an additional 6 months. The primary outcome was percentage change in body weight. Electrocardiogram (ECG), echocardiography and clinical chemistry were performed at baseline and every 6 months. Psychiatric evaluation and application of Hamilton rating scales for depression and anxiety were also performed by experienced psychiatrists at baseline and every 3 months. Results: After 6 months, the diethylpropion group lost an average of 9.8% (s.d. 6.9%) of initial body weight vs 3.2% (3.7%) in the placebo group (P < 0.0001). From baseline to month 12, the mean weight loss produced by diethylpropion was 10.6% (8.3%). Participants in the placebo group who were switched to diethylpropion after 6 months lost an average of 7.0% (7.7%) of initial body weight. The difference between groups at month 12 was not significant (P = 0.07). No differences in blood pressure, pulse rate, ECG and psychiatric evaluation were observed. Dry mouth and insomnia were the most frequent adverse events. Conclusion: Diethylpropion plus diet produced sustained and clinically significant weight loss over 1 year. It seems to be safe in relation to cardiovascular and psychiatric aspects in a well-selected population. International Journal of Obesity (2009) 33, 857-865; doi: 10.1038/ijo.2009.124; published online 30 June 2009
Background: Guidelines recommend neonatal resuscitation without controlling tidal volume or positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). However, these may improve gas exchange, lung volume and outcome. Aim: To investigate resuscitation of very premature lambs with a Laerdal bag without PEEP versus volume guarantee ventilation with PEEP. Methods: Anaesthetized lambs (n = 20) delivered at 125 d gestation were randomized to three groups receiving 15 min resuscitation: (1) Laerdal bag and no PEEP; (2) ventilation with a tidal volume of 5 ml/kg and 8 cm H2O PEEP; (3) ventilation with 10 ml/kg and 8 cm H2O PEEP. They were then all ventilated for 2 h with tidal volumes of 5 or 10 ml/kg, and 8 cm H2O PEEP. Ventilation parameters and blood gases were recorded. Results: Different tidal volumes affected PaCO2 within minutes, with 10 ml/kg causing severe hypocarbia. PEEP had little effect on PaCO2. Oxygenation improved significantly with PEEP of 8 cm H2O, irrespective of tidal volume. Conclusion: Very premature lambs can be resuscitated effectively using volume-guarantee ventilation and PEEP. Tidal volumes affected PaCO2 within minutes but had little effect on oxygenation. PEEP halved the oxygen requirement compared with no PEEP. Resuscitating premature babies with controlled tidal volumes and PEEP might improve their outcome.
BACKGROUND: Recently, studies have been conducted examining the efficacy of 3% hypertonic saline solution (HS) for the treatment of traumatic brain injury; however, few studies have analyzed the effects of 3% hemorrhagic shock during hemorrhagic shock. The aim of this study was to test the potential immunomodulatory benefits of 3% hemorrhagic shock resuscitation over standard fluid resuscitation. METHODS: Wistar rats were bled to a mean arterial pressure of 35 mm Hg and then randomized into 3 groups: those treated with lactated Ringer`s solution (LR; 33 mL/kg, n = 7), 3% HS (10 mL/kg, n = 7), and 7.5% HS (4 mL/kg, n = 7). Half of the extracted blood was reinfused after fluid resuscitation. Animals that did not undergo shock served as controls (n = 5). Four hours after hemorrhagic shock, blood was collected for the evaluation of tumor necrosis factor-a and interleukin-6 by enzyme immunoassay. Lung and intestinal samples were obtained for histopathologic analysis. RESULTS: Animals in the HS groups had significantly higher mean arterial pressure than those in the LR group 1 hour after treatment. Osmolarity and sodium levels were markedly elevated in the HS groups. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 levels were similar between the control and HS groups but significantly higher in the LR group (P < .05). The lung injury score was significantly higher in the LR group compared with the 7.5% HS and 3% HS groups (5.7 +/- 0.7, 2.1 +/- 0.4, and 2.7 +/- 0.5, respectively). Intestinal injury was attenuated in the 7.5% HS and 3% HS groups compared with the LR group (2.0 +/- 0.6, 2.3 +/- 0.4, and 5.9 +/- 0.6, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A small-volume resuscitation strategy modulates the inflammatory response and decreases end-organ damage after HS. Three percent HS provides immunomodulatory and metabolic effects similar to those observed with conventional concentrations of HS. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.