140 resultados para pouch


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La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass Gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre Febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año. Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo.


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Over many millions of years of independent evolution, placental, marsupial and monotreme mammals have diverged conspicuously in physiology, life history and reproductive ecology. The differences in life histories are particularly striking. Compared with placentals, marsupials exhibit shorter pregnancy, smaller size of offspring at birth and longer period of lactation in the pouch. Monotremes also exhibit short pregnancy, but incubate embryos in eggs, followed by a long period of post-hatching lactation. Using a large sample of mammalian species, we show that, remarkably, despite their very different life histories, the scaling of production rates is statistically indistinguishable across mammalian lineages. Apparently all mammals are subject to the same fundamental metabolic constraints on productivity, because they share similar body designs, vascular systems and costs of producing new tissue.


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Background and Aims Root traits can be selected for crop improvement. Techniques such as soil excavations can be used to screen root traits in the field, but are limited to genotypes that are well-adapted to field conditions. The aim of this study was to compare a low-cost, high-throughput root phenotyping (HTP) technique in a controlled environment with field performance, using oilseed rape (OSR; Brassica napus) varieties. Methods Primary root length (PRL), lateral root length and lateral root density (LRD) were measured on 14-d-old seedlings of elite OSR varieties (n = 32) using a ‘pouch and wick’ HTP system (∼40 replicates). Six field experiments were conducted using the same varieties at two UK sites each year for 3 years. Plants were excavated at the 6- to 8-leaf stage for general vigour assessments of roots and shoots in all six experiments, and final seed yield was determined. Leaves were sampled for mineral composition from one of the field experiments. Key Results Seedling PRL in the HTP system correlated with seed yield in four out of six (r = 0·50, 0·50, 0·33, 0·49; P < 0·05) and with emergence in three out of five (r = 0·59, 0·22, 0·49; P < 0·05) field experiments. Seedling LRD correlated positively with leaf concentrations of some minerals, e.g. calcium (r = 0·46; P < 0·01) and zinc (r = 0·58; P < 0·001), but did not correlate with emergence, general early vigour or yield in the field. Conclusions Associations between PRL and field performance are generally related to early vigour. These root traits might therefore be of limited additional selection value, given that vigour can be measured easily on shoots/canopies. In contrast, LRD cannot be assessed easily in the field and, if LRD can improve nutrient uptake, then it may be possible to use HTP systems to screen this trait in both elite and more genetically diverse, non-field-adapted OSR.


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The high ingestion of oleic (OLA) and linoleic (LNA) acids by Western populations, the presence of inflammatory diseases in these populations, and the importance of neutrophils in the inflammatory process led us to investigate the effects of oral ingestion of unesterified OLA and LNA on rat neutrophil function. Pure OLA and LNA were administered by gavage over 10 days. The doses used (0.11, 0.22 and 0.44 g/kg of body weight) were based on the Western consumption of OLA and LNA. Neither fatty acid affected food, calorie or water intake. The fatty acids were not toxic to neutrophils as evaluated by cytometry using propidium iodide (membrane integrity and DNA fragmentation). Neutrophil migration in response to intraperitoneal injection of glycogen and in the air pouch assay, was elevated after administration of either OLA or LNA. This effect was associated with enhancement of rolling and increased release of the chemokine CINC-2 alpha beta. Both fatty acids elevated l-selectin expression, whereas no effect on beta(2)-integrin expression was observed, as evaluated by flow cytometry. LNA increased the production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1 beta and CINC-2 alpha beta) by neutrophils after 4 h in culture and both fatty acids decreased the release of the same cytokines after 18 h. In conclusion, OLA and LNA modulate several functions of neutrophils and can influence the inflammatory process.


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SCFAs (short-chain fatty acids) are produced by anaerobic bacterial fermentation. Increased concentrations of these fatty acids are observed in inflammatory conditions, such as periodontal disease, and at sites of anaerobic infection. In the present study, the effect of the SCFAs acetate, propionate and butyrate on neutrophil chemotaxis and migration was investigated. Experiments were carried out in rats and in vitro. The following parameters were measured: rolling, adherence, expression of adhesion molecules in neutrophils (L-selectin and beta 2 integrin), transmigration, air pouch influx of neutrophils and production of cytokines [CINC-2 alpha beta (cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant-2 alpha beta), IL-1 beta (interleukin-1 beta), MIP-1 alpha (macrophage inflammatory protein-1 alpha) and TNF-alpha (tumour necrosis factor-alpha)]. SCFAs induced in vivo neutrophil migration and increased the release of CINC-2 alpha beta into the air pouch. These fatty acids increased the number of rolling and adhered cells as evaluated by intravital microscopy. SCFA treatment increased L-selectin expression on the neutrophil surface and L-selectin mRNA levels, but had no effect on the expression of beta 2 integrin. Propionate and butyrate also increased in vitro transmigration of neutrophils. These results indicate that SCFAs produced by anaerobic bacteria raise neutrophil migration through increased L-selectin expression on neutrophils and CINC-2 alpha beta release.


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Background and Objectives: Several studies have suggested that low-level laser therapy (LLLT) can ameliorate oral mucositis, however, the mechanisms involved are not well understood. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms of action of LLLT on chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis, as related to effects on collagen expression and inflammation Materials and Methods: A hamster cheek pouch model of oral mucositis was used with all animals receiving intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil, followed by surface irritation. Animals were randomly allocated into three groups, and treated with an InGaAIP diode laser at a wavelength of 660 nm and output power of 35 or 100 mW laser, or no laser Clinical severity of mucositis was assessed at four time-points by a blinded examiner Buccal pouch tissue was harvested from a subgroup of animals in each group at four time-points. Collagen was qualitatively and quantitatively evaluated after picrosinus staining. The density of the neutrophil infiltrate was also scored Results: Peak clinical severity of mucositis was reduced in the 35 mW laser group as compared to the 100 mW and control groups The reduced peak clinical severity of mucositis in the 35 mW laser group was accompanied by a decrease in the number of neutrophils and an increase in the proportion of mature collagen as compared to the other two groups. The total quantity of collagen was significantly higher in the control (no laser) group at the day 11 time-point, as compared to the 35 mW laser group, consistent with a more prolonged inflammatory response in the control group. Conclusion: This study supports two mechanisms of action for LLLT in reducing mucositis severity. The increase in collagen organization in response to the 35 mW laser indicates that LLLT promotes wound healing In addition, LLLT also appears to have an anti-inflammatory effect, as evidenced by the reduction in neutrophil infiltrate Lasers Surg Med 42 546-552, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanisms whereby low-intensity laser therapy may affect the severity of oral mucositis. A hamster cheek pouch model of oral mucositis was used with all animals receiving intraperitoneal 5-fluorouracil followed by surface irritation. Animals were randomly allocated into three groups and treated with a 35 mW laser, 100 mW laser, or no laser. Clinical severity of mucositis was assessed at four time-points by a blinded examiner. Buccal pouch tissue was harvested from a subgroup of animals in each group at four time-points. This tissue was used for immunohistochemistry for cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and factor VIII (marker of microvessel density) and the resulting staining was quantified. Peak severity of mucositis was reduced in the 35 mW laser group as compared to the 100 mW laser and control groups. This reduced peak clinical severity of mucositis in the 35 mW laser group was accompanied by a significantly lower level of COX-2 staining. The 100 mW laser did not have an effect on the severity of clinical mucositis, but was associated with a decrease in VEGF levels at the later time-points, as compared to the other groups. There was no clear relationship of VEGF levels or microvessel density to clinical mucositis severity. The tissue response to laser therapy appears to vary by dose. Low-intensity laser therapy appears to reduce the severity of mucositis, at least in part, by reducing COX-2 levels and associated inhibition of the inflammatory response.


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Background and Objective: Mucositis is the most common oral complication of cancer chemotherapy, which causes pain on mastication and swallowing, impairs patients` ability to eat and take oral drugs and may determine interruption of the treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of light-emitting diode (LED) therapy on chemotherapy-induced mucositis in hamsters. Study Design/Materials and Methods: Animals of both experimental (Group 1; n = 32) and positive control (Group II; n = 32) groups received intraperitoneal injections of 5-fluorouracil on days 0 and 2. All animals had their right and left cheek pouch irritated by superficial scratching on days 3 and 4. In Group I, LED irradiation (630 nm +/- 10 nm, 160 mW, 12 J/cm(2)) was applied during 37.5 seconds at days 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14. In Group II, mucositis was induced, but LED therapy was not performed. The oral mucosa was photographed from day 4 to 14 at 2-day intervals. Photographs were randomly scored according to the severity of induced mucositis (0 to 5). In the negative control group (Group III; n = 6), no mucositis was induced. Biopsies of the cheek pouches of 8 animals (Group I and Group II) were surgically obtained on days 5, 9, 13 and 15 and processed for histological examination. Results: The statistical analysis showed significant differences between irradiated and non-irradiated groups (P < 0.05). However, muscular degeneration was observed in 18% of the samples of Group I. Conclusion: It may be concluded that the LED therapy protocol established for this in vivo study was effective in reducing the severity of oral mucositis, although the oral lesions were not completely prevented. Lasers Surg. Med. 40:625-633, 2008. (c) 2008Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In sexually dimorphic ungulates, sexual segregation is hypothesized to have evolved because of sex-specific differences in body size and/or reproductive strategies. We tested these alternative hypotheses in kangaroos, which are ecological analogues of ungulates. Kangaroos exhibit a wide range of body sizes, particularly among mature males, and so the effects of body size and sex can be distinguished. We tested predictions derived from these hypotheses by comparing the distribution of three sex–sex size classes of western grey kangaroos Macropus fuliginosus, in different habitats, and the composition of groups of kangaroos, across seasons. In accordance with the predation risk-reproductive strategy hypothesis, during the non-breeding season, females, which were more susceptible to predation than larger males, and were accompanied by vulnerable young-at-foot, were over-represented in secure habitats. Large males, which were essentially immune to predation, occurred more often than expected in nutrient-rich habitat, and small males, which faced competing demands of predator avoidance and feeding, were intermediate between females and large males in their distribution across habitats. During the breeding season, females continued to be over-represented in secure habitats when their newly emerged pouch young were most vulnerable to predation. All males occupied these same habitats to maximize their chances of securing mates. Consistent with the social hypotheses, groups composed of individuals of the same sex, irrespective of body size, were over-represented in the population during the non-breeding season, while during the breeding season all males sought females so that mixed-sex groups predominated. These results indicate that body size and reproductive strategies are both important, yet independent, factors influencing segregation in western grey kangaroos.


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Humeral avulsion of the inferior glenohumeral ligament complex is an unusual pathology, often implicated in traumatic shoulder instability. Traditional open techniques involve at least partial detachment of the subscapularis, and arthroscopic techniques are limited by neurovascular boundaries. The technique described here presents an anterior and posterior arthroscopic approach that can be used individually or in combination to treat different types of humeral avulsion of the inferior glenohumeral ligament lesions. The anterior approach is based on anatomic guidelines described in the literature. The posterior approach is based on the arthroscopic and cadaveric anatomic studies described by one of the authors (D.N.B.); use of the recently described axillary pouch portal (Bhatia portal) permits safe arthroscopic instrumentation access in the entire inferior glenohumeral recess and provides adequate access to the posteroinferior aspect of the humeral head. The differential mattress stitch technique ensures secure fixation of the avulsed ligaments and eliminates excessive capsular redundancy. Technical tips to avoid complications are discussed, and a detailed rehabilitation protocol is presented.


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 This project focused on the novel S100A19 protein, expressed exclusively in marsupials and monotremes, identifying it as an important component of the innate immune system. Data showed that S100A19 is differentially regulated in the pouch and mammary gland of the wallaby to protect the infant when most susceptible to infection.


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Lactation is a key aspect of mammalian evolution for adaptation of various reproductive strategies along different mammalian lineages. Marsupials, such as tammar wallaby, adopted a short gestation and a relatively long lactation cycle, the newborn is immature at birth and significant development occurs postnatally during lactation. Continuous changes of tammar milk composition may contribute to development and immune protection of pouch young. Here, in order to address the putative contribution of newly identified secretory milk miRNA in these processes, high throughput sequencing of miRNAs collected from tammar milk at different time points of lactation was conducted. A comparative analysis was performed to find distribution of miRNA in milk and blood serum of lactating wallaby.


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Toxoplasmosis, a benign disease in normal healthy individuals, can have serious effects in pregnant women and immunocompromised patients. It is a parasitic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii (Tg), an obligatory intracellular protozoan. The prophylactic and therapeutic arsenal against this parasite is very restricted. Thus, there is an ongoing search for novel drugs and therapeutic strategies. A promising alternative is a rational approach using medicinal plants. This study aimed to standardize methodologies for assessing the toxicological, antiproliferative, antioxidant, antiinflammatory and anti-Toxoplasma effects of Estragole and Thymol compounds isolated from species of plants (Lippia sidoides and Croton zenhtneri) commonly used in the Cariri region of Ceara State, Brazil. First we evaluated in vivo toxicity and conducted a pathological analysis of mice livers. In vivo antiinflammatory activity was assessed using air pouch and paw edema methods. Cytotoxicity assays were performed and antiproliferative, antioxidant and nitric oxide production analyzed. Anti-Toxoplasma activity was evaluated in a congenital experimental model with varying stages of maternal infection using the ME-49 strain and a non- congenital model by using ME-49 and RH strains. The results suggest low to moderate toxicity for both compounds. Thymol was more toxic in vivo and in vitro, having greater pathological repercussion than Estragole. The compounds were inactive for antiproliferative activity. Thymol showed better antioxidant activity, while Estragole stimulated nitric oxide production in macrophages. Both showed significant antiinflammatory activity. In non-congenital Tg infection, both compounds were active only against the ME49 strain. In congenital infection, Estragole (oral route) improved the newborn weight of infected mothers compared with untreated controls. Subcutaneous administration of the two compounds increased the weight of offspring born to infected mothers compared with untreated controls. We concluded that Estragole and Thymol exhibit important biological and anti-Toxoplasma activities. Further studies are needed to elucidate the mechanism of action of these compounds and other possible activities not investigated in the present study


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The regulation of the inflammatory response is essential to maintain homeostasis. Several studies have been performed to search new drugs that can contribute to avoiding or minimizing an excessive inflammatory process. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of extracts of green algae Caulerpa mexican in models of inflammation. In mice, the model of peritonitis induced inflammatory zymosan pretreatment of mice with aqueous and methanol extracts of C. mexican was able to reduce cell migration to the peritoneal cavity. Treatment of mice with extracts of C. mexican also reduced the ear edema induced by xylene and exerted inhibitory action on the migration of leukocytes in inflammation-induced zymosan the air pouch, and timedependent for the extracts tested in the model of ulcerative colitis induced by DSS 3%, the extract methanol, but not the aqueous C. mexican, significantly reduced the clinical symptoms of colitis, as well as the production of proinflammatory cytokines in the culture of mouse colon, in the histological analysis there was a slight reduction of inflammation in the intestinal mucosa. We concluded that the administration of the extracts resulted in the reduction of cell migration to different sites as well as reducing the edema formation induced by chemical irritant. This study demonstrates for the first time the antiinflammatory effect of aqueous and methanolic extracts from green marine algae Caulerpa mexican


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Uma potra da raça Quarto de Milha com dois meses de idade apresentava aumento de volume bilateral na região da parótida desde algumas horas após o nascimento. Por exame radiográfico diagnosticou-se timpanismo bilateral de bolsa gutural. Realizou-se a abertura cirúrgica da bolsa gutural esquerda e fenestrou-se o septo medial das bolsas guturais. Adicionalmente, procedeu-se à ressecção parcial da mucosa na abertura do orifício guturo-faríngeo. A afecção foi debelada, sem recidivas.