991 resultados para post-incisional pain
Pós-graduação em Bases Gerais da Cirurgia - FMB
The zona incerta (ZI) is a subthalamic nucleus connected to several structures, some of them known to be involved with antinociception. The 21 itself may be involved with both antinociception and nociception. The antinociceptive effects of stimulating the ZI with glutamate using the rat tail-flick test and a rat model of incision pain were examined. The effects of intraperitoneal antagonists of acetylcholine, noradrenaline, serotonin, dopamine, or opioids on glutamate-induced antinociception from the ZI in the tail-flick test were also evaluated. The injection of glutamate (7 mu g/0.25 mu l) into the ZI increased tail-flick latency and inhibited post-incision pain, but did not change the animal performance in a Rota-rod test. The injection of glutamate into sites near the ZI was non effective. The glutamate-induced antinociception from the ZI did not occur in animals with bilateral lesion of the dorsolateral funiculus, or in rats treated intraperitoneally with naloxone (1 and 2 m/kg), methysergide (1 and 2 m/kg) or phenoxybenzamine (2 m/kg), but remained unchanged in rats treated with atropine, mecamylamine, or haloperidol (all given at doses of 1 and 2 m/kg). We conclude that the antinociceptive effect evoked from the ZI is not due to a reduced motor performance, is likely to result from the activation of a pain-inhibitory mechanism that descends to the spinal cord via the dorsolateral funiculus, and involves at least opioid, serotonergic and a-adrenergic mechanisms. This profile resembles the reported effects of these antagonists on the antinociception caused by stimulating the periaqueductal gray or the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: Caesarean section rates in Brazil have been steadily increasing. In 2009, for the first time, the number of children born by this type of procedure was greater than the number of vaginal births. Caesarean section is associated with a series of adverse effects on the women and newborn, and recent evidence suggests that the increasing rates of prematurity and low birth weight in Brazil are associated to the increasing rates of Caesarean section and labour induction. Methods: Nationwide hospital-based cohort study of postnatal women and their offspring with follow-up at 45 to 60 days after birth. The sample was stratified by geographic macro-region, type of the municipality and by type of hospital governance. The number of postnatal women sampled was 23,940, distributed in 191 municipalities throughout Brazil. Two electronic questionnaires were applied to the postnatal women, one baseline face-to-face and one follow-up telephone interview. Two other questionnaires were filled with information on patients' medical records and to assess hospital facilities. The primary outcome was the percentage of Caesarean sections (total, elective and according to Robson's groups). Secondary outcomes were: post-partum pain; breastfeeding initiation; severe/near miss maternal morbidity; reasons for maternal mortality; prematurity; low birth weight; use of oxygen use after birth and mechanical ventilation; admission to neonatal ICU; stillbirths; neonatal mortality; readmission in hospital; use of surfactant; asphyxia; severe/near miss neonatal morbidity. The association between variables were investigated using bivariate, stratified and multivariate model analyses. Statistical tests were applied according to data distribution and homogeneity of variances of groups to be compared. All analyses were taken into consideration for the complex sample design. Discussion: This study, for the first time, depicts a national panorama of labour and birth outcomes in Brazil. Regardless of the socioeconomic level, demand for Caesarean section appears to be based on the belief that the quality of obstetric care is closely associated to the technology used in labour and birth. Within this context, it was justified to conduct a nationwide study to understand the reasons that lead pregnant women to submit to Caesarean sections and to verify any association between this type of birth and it's consequences on postnatal health.
Das chronische Postthorakotomie Schmerzsyndrom: Eine vergleichende Untersuchung zweier Analgesieverfahren (PCEA und PCA+Ketamin)rnrnFragestellung: Chronische Schmerzen im Narbenbereich nach Thorakotomien sind ein bekanntes und häufiges Problem. Die Prävalenz des chronischen Postthorakotomie Schmerzsyndroms sechs Monate postoperativ liegt zwischen 52% und 75%. Die Epiduralanästhesie gilt zurzeit als das beste Analgesieverfahren für Thorakotomiepatienten in Bezug auf das Auftreten akuter und chronischer Postthorakotomieschmerzen. In dieser Studie wurde untersucht, ob sich die Epiduralanästhesie (PCEA) und ein opioidbasiertes, systemisches Analgesieverfahren mit der zusätzlichen intravenösen Applikation von Ketamin, einem NMDA-Rezeptorantagonisten, (PCA+Ketamin) in der Prävalenz des chronischen Postthorakotomiesyndroms unterscheiden, oder ob beide Verfahren gleichwertig sind.rnrnMaterial u. Methoden: Es wurden die Datensätze von 173 Patienten, bei denen eine elektive Thorakotomie durchgeführt wurde, retrospektiv an Hand vorliegender Schmerzprotokolle erfasst. Ausgewertet wurden das durchgeführte Analgesieverfahren, die deskriptiven Daten der Patienten (Alter, Geschlecht, Hauptdiagnose, Zeitraum bis zur Nachbefragung), das postoperative Schmerzniveau der ersten beiden Tage, eventuelle Komplikationen und die Patientenzufriedenheit. Durch ein telefonisches Interview wurden die Patienten in einem Zeitraum von 6 bis 24 Monaten postoperativ zum aktuellen Schmerzniveau befragt.rnrnErgebnisse: Die beiden Analgesieverfahren PCEA (135 Patienten) und PCA+Ketamin (38 Patienten) unterscheiden sich signifikant in Bezug auf das Patientenalter, die Hauptdiagnose und das Schmerzniveau am 1. und 2. postoperativen Tag unter Belastung. Es konnte kein signifikanter Unterschied im Auftreten des chronischen Schmerzsyndroms nachgewiesen werden, allerdings gibt es einen deskriptiven Trend zu einer erhöhten Auftretenswahrscheinlichkeit des Postthorakotomiesyndroms in der Epiduralanästhesiegruppe (PCEA: 37,8% vs. PCA+Ketamin 23,7%).rnrnSchlussfolgerung: Die Ketamingabe zur PCA hat möglicherweise einen protektiven Effekt bezüglich der Prävalenz des Postthorakotomie Schmerzsyndroms. Auch wenn die Wirkungsweise des Ketamins auf den chronischen Postthorakotomieschmerz unklar ist, konnte in dieser Studie kein Unterschied in Bezug auf das Auftreten des chronischen Schmerzsyndroms zwischen den beiden Analgesiegruppen PCEA und PCA + Ketamin nachgewiesen werden. Unter Umständen könnte sogar ein Vorteil des PCA + Ketaminschemas gegenüber der Epiduralanästhesie bezüglich des Auftretens des Postthorakotomie Schmerzsyndroms bestehen. Dieser mögliche Vorteil sollte in weiteren Studien überprüft werden.rn
The purpose of this study was to compare four epidural protocols for peri-operative analgesia in dogs undergoing tibial plateau levelling osteotomy. Forty client-owned dogs were randomly assigned to one of four treatments - groups R0.5 and R1 received 0.5mg/kg and 1mg/kg ropivacaine, respectively. Group SR0.5 received 1mug/kg sufentanil plus 0.5mg/kg ropivacaine, and group SER0.5 received 1mug/kg sufentanil, 0.5mg/kg ropivacaine plus 6mug/kg epinephrine. Dilution, when required, was performed with saline, so that the injected volume was always 0.2mL/kg. Intra-operatively, nociception assessment was based on the evaluation of changes in heart rate, respiratory rate and mean arterial pressure. Post-operative pain assessment was performed using the Glasgow visual analogue pain scale, and an ad hoc multifactorial pain score. Motor block was evaluated using a modified Bromage score. Intra-operatively, none of the animals was hypotensive. All groups except SER0.5 required rescue intra-operative fentanyl (40%, 30% and 40% of the animals in groups R0.5, R1 and SR0.5, respectively). Group SER0.5 showed lower post-operative pain scores, and group R1 significantly greater motor block, compared to the other treatment groups. None of the dogs had urinary retention. Epidural sufentanil-epinephrine-ropivacaine provided superior peri-operative analgesia compared to the other treatments, without producing clinically relevant side effects.
Eighteen client-owned dogs undergoing Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) were included in this blinded clinical study and randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Group C (carprofen) received intravenous (IV) carprofen, 4 mg/kg, prior to anesthesia, whereas group P (placebo) received IV saline. General anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen and a constant rate infusion (CRI) of sufentanyl IV. Intra-operatively, assessment of nociception was based on changes in physiological parameters and on the analgesics requirement, whereas in the post-operative period evaluation of pain was performed by using a Hellyer and Gaynor pain score and by comparing the doses of rescue buprenorphine required by the two treatment groups. Although no statistically significant differences in intra-operative sufentanyl doses were found between treatment groups, group C had superior cardiovascular stability, and lower post-operative pain scores and rescue buprenorphine doses than group P. Our results indicate that administration of carprofen prior to surgery was effective in improving peri-operative analgesia in dogs undergoing TPLO.
BACKGROUND Fractures of the mandible (lower jaw) are a common occurrence and usually related to interpersonal violence or road traffic accidents. Mandibular fractures may be treated using open (surgical) and closed (non-surgical) techniques. Fracture sites are immobilized with intermaxillary fixation (IMF) or other external or internal devices (i.e. plates and screws) to allow bone healing. Various techniques have been used, however uncertainty exists with respect to the specific indications for each approach. OBJECTIVES The objective of this review is to provide reliable evidence of the effects of any interventions either open (surgical) or closed (non-surgical) that can be used in the management of mandibular fractures, excluding the condyles, in adult patients. SEARCH METHODS We searched the following electronic databases: the Cochrane Oral Health Group's Trials Register (to 28 February 2013), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library 2013, Issue 1), MEDLINE via OVID (1950 to 28 February 2013), EMBASE via OVID (1980 to 28 February 2013), metaRegister of Controlled Trials (to 7 April 2013), ClinicalTrials.gov (to 7 April 2013) and the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (to 7 April 2013). The reference lists of all trials identified were checked for further studies. There were no restrictions regarding language or date of publication. SELECTION CRITERIA Randomised controlled trials evaluating the management of mandibular fractures without condylar involvement. Any studies that compared different treatment approaches were included. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS At least two review authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. Results were to be expressed as random-effects models using mean differences for continuous outcomes and risk ratios for dichotomous outcomes with 95% confidence intervals. Heterogeneity was to be investigated to include both clinical and methodological factors. MAIN RESULTS Twelve studies, assessed as high (six) and unclear (six) risk of bias, comprising 689 participants (830 fractures), were included. Interventions examined different plate materials and morphology; use of one or two lag screws; microplate versus miniplate; early and delayed mobilization; eyelet wires versus Rapid IMF™ and the management of angle fractures with intraoral access alone or combined with a transbuccal approach. Patient-oriented outcomes were largely ignored and post-operative pain scores were inadequately reported. Unfortunately, only one or two trials with small sample sizes were conducted for each comparison and outcome. Our results and conclusions should therefore be interpreted with caution. We were able to pool the results for two comparisons assessing one outcome. Pooled data from two studies comparing two miniplates versus one miniplate revealed no significant difference in the risk of post-operative infection of surgical site (risk ratio (RR) 1.32, 95% CI 0.41 to 4.22, P = 0.64, I(2) = 0%). Similarly, no difference in post-operative infection between the use of two 3-dimensional (3D) and standard (2D) miniplates was determined (RR 1.26, 95% CI 0.19 to 8.13, P = 0.81, I(2) = 27%). The included studies involved a small number of participants with a low number of events. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS This review illustrates that there is currently inadequate evidence to support the effectiveness of a single approach in the management of mandibular fractures without condylar involvement. The lack of high quality evidence may be explained by clinical diversity, variability in assessment tools used and difficulty in grading outcomes with existing measurement tools. Until high level evidence is available, treatment decisions should continue to be based on the clinician's prior experience and the individual circumstances.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness, in terms of analgesic efficacy and safety, of ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block performed with bupivacaine in cats undergoing perineal urethrostomy. Eighteen client-owned male cats scheduled for perineal urethrostomy were enrolled in the study and assigned to one of two treatment groups. The pudendal nerve block was performed under general anaesthesia as described elsewhere, with 0.3 ml/kg of either saline (group C) or 0.5% bupivacaine (group B) - the total injection volume being split equally on the two sites of injection (left and right). Intra-operatively, assessment of nociception was based on the rescue analgesics requirement, as well as on the evaluation of changes in physiological parameters in comparison with the baseline values. Post-operative pain assessment was performed using three different pain scales at recovery and then 1, 2 and 3 h after recovery. Cats in group B showed lower heart rates and required fewer analgesics during surgery than group C. Post-operatively, group B had lower pain scores and needed less rescue buprenorphine than group C. Iatrogenic block-related complications were not observed. In conclusion, the ultrasound-guided pudendal nerve block can be considered clinically useful in feline medicine as it provides reliable analgesia in cats undergoing perineal urethrostomy.
BACKGROUND: While previous studies suggest advantages of minimally invasive surgery in living donor nephrectomy, similar data are lacking for kidney transplant recipients. Our aim was to prospectively evaluate short- and long-term outcome for kidney transplant recipients, comparing a short transverse (ST) to a classical hockey-stick (HS) incision. METHODS: Sixty-six patients were randomized into two groups: ST vs. HS from January 2008 to May 2010. ST was defined as incision length ≤9 cm and HS as >14 cm. Perioperative data were collected, with evaluation of intra- and postoperative complications and quality of recovery (QoR) score. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in patient demographics, early or long-term postoperative pain. There were no significant differences in QoR scores between the ST and HS group. Predictive for a worse QoR was persisting incisional pain at the 30-month follow-up. Thirty-days mortality, morbidity, and long-term kidney function did not differ between the two groups (p = 1.00, p = 0.62 and p = 0.66, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Patient satisfaction as well as graft function and patient mortality was not influenced by incision length. With patient and graft safety being paramount, especially in times of organ shortage, incision length should reflect the requirement for a successful transplantation and not be a measure of feasibility.
AIMS To determine efficacy of a minimally invasive (MI) surgical approach using a human MI lumbar retractor for canine lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy and to compare this technique to the standard open surgical (OS) approach. METHODS Lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy and partial discectomy was performed on 16 large-breed canine cadavers using either a standard OS (n=8) or MI (n=8) approach. Skin and fascial incision length, procedure time, and intraoperative complications were recorded. Postoperatively specimens were evaluated for laminectomy and discectomy dimensions, and visible damage to the cauda equina and exiting nerve roots. RESULTS Median length of skin and fascial incisions in the OS group were longer than in the MI group (p<0.001). Median laminectomy length was similar between both approaches (p=0.234) but width was greater for the MI than OS approach (p=0.002). Both approaches achieved similar partial discectomy width (p=0.279). Overall surgical time was longer for MI approaches compared to OS, with a median of 18.5 (min 15.5, max 21.8) minutes for MI compared to 14.6 (min 13.1, max 16.9) minutes for OS (p=0.001). CONCLUSIONS The MI approach reduced incision lengths while retaining comparable laminectomy and discectomy dimensions. For this in vitro model the MI approach required more time to complete, but this difference may not be relevant in clinical cases. CLINICAL RELEVANCE Dogs undergoing lumbosacral dorsal laminectomy are commonly large-breed dogs. The traditional open approach requires a large skin incision and soft tissue dissection, especially in overweight animals. A MI approach accomplishing the same surgical result while minimising soft tissue trauma could reduce post-operative pain and recovery time, and may lower wound-related complications. Clinical studies are needed to confirm postoperative benefit and assess operating times in vivo.
The aim of this blinded, randomised, prospective clinical trial was to determine whether the addition of magnesium sulphate to spinally-administered ropivacaine would improve peri-operative analgesia without impairing motor function in dogs undergoing orthopaedic surgery. Twenty client-owned dogs undergoing tibial plateau levelling osteotomy were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: group C (control, receiving hyperbaric ropivacaine by the spinal route) or group M (magnesium, receiving a hyperbaric combination of magnesium sulphate and ropivacaine by the spinal route). During surgery, changes in physiological variables above baseline were used to evaluate nociception. Arterial blood was collected before and after spinal injection, at four time points, to monitor plasma magnesium concentrations. Post-operatively, pain was assessed with a modified Sammarco pain score, a Glasgow pain scale and a visual analogue scale, while motor function was evaluated with a modified Tarlov scale. Assessments were performed at recovery and 1, 2 and 3 h thereafter. Fentanyl and buprenorphine were administered as rescue analgesics in the intra- and post-operative periods, respectively. Plasma magnesium concentrations did not increase after spinal injection compared to baseline. Group M required less intra-operative fentanyl, had lower Glasgow pain scores and experienced analgesia of longer duration than group C (527.0 ± 341.0 min vs. 176.0 ± 109.0 min). However, in group M the motor block was significantly longer, which limits the usefulness of magnesium for spinal analgesia at the investigated dose. Further research is needed to determine a clinically effective dose with shorter duration of motor block for magnesium used as an additive to spinal analgesic agents.
Background and objectives: Peripheral nerve blockade requires regional anesthesia skills that are taught in several formats and assessing technical proficiency has shifted from fulfillment of quotas to comprehensive procedural evaluation. Complete analgesia is the clinical endpoint validating successful nerve blockade but patient, technical and procedural factors influence this result. The purpose of this study was to determine if physician trainee or nurse anesthetist administered sciatic nerve blockade influence postoperative pain scores and opioid analgesic requirements and if patient factors, technique and repetition influence this outcome. Method: Sciatic nerve blockade by nerve stimulation and ultrasound based techniques were performed by senior anesthesiology resident trainees and nurse anesthetists under the supervision of regional anesthesia faculty. Preoperative patient characteristics including obesity, trauma, chronic pain, opioid use and preoperative pain scores were recorded and compared to the post-procedure pain scores and opioid analgesic requirements upon discharge from the post-anesthesia care unit and 24 hours following sciatic nerve blockade. Results: 93 patients received sciatic nerve blockade from 22 nurse anesthetists and 21 residents during 36 months. A significant relation between training background and improved pain scores was not demonstrated but transition from nerve stimulation to ultrasound guided techniques lowered immediate opioid usage in all groups. Patients with pre-existing chronic opioid use had higher postoperative pain scores and opioid dosages following nerve block. Conclusion: Patient analgesia should be an integral measure of proficiency in regional anesthesia techniques and evaluating this procedure outcome for all practitioners throughout their training and beyond graduation will longitudinally assess technical expertise.
1.1 Background and Objectives: Perioperative morbidity related to anesthesia renders elderly patients vulnerable because age related factors affect medication effects, clearance and metabolism. Regional anesthesia within a multimodal regimen reduces opioid adverse effects in the elderly and improves immediate analgesia but not long term recovery and prolonged nerve blockade has been reported. The purpose of this study was to assess analgesic effects of sciatic nerve blockade in the elderly. 1.2 Methods: Postoperative sciatic nerve blockade was administered for foot and ankle surgery to patients over age 18 years. Preoperative, post-anesthesia unit and 24 hour postoperative pain scores and opioid doses for these same intervals were recorded. 1.3 Results: 47 patients enrolled and 12 (25.5%) were over age 70. Preoperative, immediate and 24 post-operative pain scores and total intraoperative and immediate postoperative opioid doses were lower in the elderly. The total 24 hour postoperative opioid doses in the elderly were lower compared to the younger group. 1.4 Conclusions: Total 24 hour postoperative cumulative opioid doses after sciatic nerve blockade in patients over 70 are lower than in younger patients. Further observations in greater numbers of patients and improved ultrasound to assess sciatic nerve structure in the elderly are warranted to study this effect.
Background: There is limited information available on the requirement for postoperative analgesic drugs in patients submitted to total laparoscopic hysterectomy (TLH) compared with patients undergoing vaginal hysterectomy (VH). Aim: To compare the postoperative analgesic requirements in patients who underwent a TLH with patients who had a VH. Methods: Chart review of 53 patients who had TLH and 47 who had VH and were seen postoperatively by an acute pain management service in order to assess postoperative analgesic requirements. Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) was part of the standard protocol for postoperative pain management. Analgesic requirement was recorded as the mean doses of morphine and number of days that patients used non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), oxycodone and tramadol. Results: The requirement for total morphine was approximately half the dose in patients who had a TLH (10.8 +/- 12.6 mg) compared with patients who had a VH (19.4 +/- 21.9 mg) (P 0.017). The length of use of NSAIDs was significantly reduced in patients who had undergone a TLH (2.0 +/- 0.95 days) as compared with patients who had a VH (2.85 +/- 1.1 days) (P < 0.0001). Conclusions: Patients submitted to TLH require less postoperative analgesic drugs when compared with patients who had VH. Prospective randomised trials are warranted to compare analgesic requirements between patients submitted to TLH and VH.
AIMS: (1) To determine if anaesthetic agent bupivacaine, has a prolonged effect on the period of acute postoperative pain when compared to lidocaine, a shorter acting agent. (2) To determine patient’s post-operative satisfaction and preference with regard to anaesthetic choice. METHODS: This double blind, randomised, interventional clinical trial included 85 patients. All patients had bilateral impacted lower third molars of removed under general anaesthetic. All patients received 0.5% plain bupivacaine on one randomly allocated side, with 2% lidocaine (with adrenaline) administered on the opposite side. Pain was measured using visual analogue scales at 0, 30, 60 minutes and 3, 4, 6 and 8 hours post-surgery. Pain was analysed for 1 week following surgery. Psychological evaluations and patient reported outcomes, including patient satisfaction were evaluated. RESULTS: A significant difference in pain (P=0.001) was seen during the 3-8 hour post-operative period. The upper limit of the 95% confidence interval was 10.0 or above at 3hours and 4 hours post-surgery. Two-thirds of patients preferred bupivacaine. CONCLUSION: Longer lasting anaesthetics such as bupivacaine offer a longer period of analgesia, and improve overall patient satisfaction.