962 resultados para plasmid DNA
In order to assess a new strategy of DNA vaccine for a more complete understanding of its action in immune response, it is important to determine the in vivo biodistribution fate and antigen expression. In previous studies, our group focused on the prophylactic and therapeutic use of a plasmid DNA encoding the Mycobacterium leprae 65-kDa heat shock protein (Hsp65) and achieved an efficient immune response induction as well as protection against virulent M. tuberculosis challenge. In the present study, we examined in vivo tissue distribution of naked DNA-Hsp65 vaccine, the Hsp65 message, genome integration and methylation status of plasmid DNA. The DNA-Hsp65 was detectable in several tissue types, indicating that DNA-Hsp65 disseminates widely throughout the body. The biodistribution was dose-dependent. In contrast, RT-PCR detected the Hsp65 message for at least 15 days in muscle or liver tissue from immunized mice. We also analyzed the methylation status and integration of the injected plasmid DNA into the host cellular genome. The bacterial methylation pattern persisted for at least 6 months, indicating that the plasmid DNA-Hsp65 does not replicate in mammalian tissue, and Southern blot analysis showed that plasmid DNA was not integrated. These results have important implications for the use of DNA-Hsp65 vaccine in a clinical setting and open new perspectives for DNA vaccines and new considerations about the inoculation site and delivery system.
Die Induktion von Toleranz spielt bei der Inhibition allergischer Immunreaktionen eine wichtige Rolle. Hierbei ist die Induktion regulatorischer T Zellen (Treg) von großer Bedeutung. Da zu einer erfolgreichen Behandlung von allergischen Erkrankungen bisher nur wenige Therapiemöglichkeiten zur Verfügung stehen wie die spezifische Immuntherapie (SIT), die allerdings nicht immer zum Erfolg führt, ist es wichtig neue Therapieformen zu entwickeln. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde daher die biolistische DNA-Immunisierung mit Kombinations-Vakzinen bestehend aus einem allergenkodierenden Plasmid (βGalaktosidase (βGal)) in Kombination mit einem Plasmid, welches für ein immunmodulatorisches Molekül kodiert (Indolamin-2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO), Transforming Growth Factor beta (TGF-β) oder Interleukin-10 (IL-10)), durchgeführt und im Mausmodell der allergeninduzierten IgE-vermittelten Atemwegsinflammation auf ihre Wirksamkeit untersucht. Die Expression des Allergens zusammen mit dem immunregulatorischen Molekül in transfizierten Dendritischen Zellen (DCs) sollte zu einer Induktion von Treg führen und somit eine Suppression der Immunantwort bewirken. rnIn den Versuchen wurde zunächst der Effekt einer Transgenexpression unter der Kontrolle des ubiquitären CMV-Promotors mit dem der Transgenexpression unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors, der eine Genxpression spezifisch in DCs erlaubt, verglichen. Hierbei stellte sich heraus, dass es wichtig ist die Expression des Antigens mit Hilfe des Fascin-Promotors auf DCs zu beschränken. Einzig in diesem Fall konnte nach der Vakzinierung ein inhibitorischer Effekt auf die Entwicklung einer Atemwegshyperreaktivität durch Expression des Immunmodulatoren IDO beobachtet werden. Es zeigte sich auch, dass es von Vorteil ist, wenn das immunregulatorische Molekül unter Verwendung des CMV-Promotors in allen transfizierten Zellen exprimiert wird. Dies bewirkt, dass IDO in ausreichenden Konzentrationen vorhanden ist. rnDie Expression von βGal unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors (pFascin-βGal) in Kombination mit der Expression der Moleküle IL-10, TGF-β oder IDO unter Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors (pCMV-IL-10, pCMV-TGFβ, pCMV-IDO) bewirkte eine Immunsupprimierung, die sich in einer inhibierten Produktion antigenspezifischer Antikörper, einer verminderten Zytokin-Produktion, einer reduzierten Induktion zytotoxischer T-Zellen und in einer Inhibition der allergeninduzierten Atemwegshyperreaktivität zeigte, im Vergleich zu einer Vakzinierung mit pFascin-βGal in Kombination mit einem Kontroll-Plasmid. Bei nachfolgender Proteinsensibilisierung blieben diese Effekte jedoch nicht bestehen. Einzig durch Vakzinierung mit IL-10-kodierenden Plasmiden konnte eine moderate Verminderung der Atemwegsreaktivität nachgewiesen werden. rnIn einem therapeutischen Modell der Atemwegsinflammation, in dem die Mäuse vor der DNA-Immunisierung mit dem Protein sensibilisiert wurden, wurde demonstriert, dass im Vergleich zu Mäusen, die nur mit dem Protein sensibilisiert wurden, eine DNA-Immunisierung mit pFascin-βGal aber auch mit pCMV-βGal einen inhibierenden Einfluss auf die Entwicklung einer Atemwegsinflammation hat. Eine weitere Reduktion der Atemwegsreaktivität durch eine kombinierte Vakzinierung mit pCMV-IDO wurde nur erreicht, wenn βGal unter der Kontrolle des Fascin-Promotors exprimiert wurde, nicht aber unter Kontrolle des CMV-Promotors.rn
BACKGROUND: Existing methods of non-viral airway gene transfer suffer from low levels of efficiency. Electroporation has been used to enhance gene transfer in a range of tissues. Here we assess the usefulness of electroporation for enhancing gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep. METHODS: Naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) expressing either luciferase or green fluorescent protein (GFP) was delivered to mouse lungs by instillation. Following surgical visualisation, the lungs were directly electroporated and the level and duration of luciferase activity was assessed and cell types that were positive for GFP were identified in lung cryosections. Naked pDNA was nebulised to the sheep lung and electrodes attached to the tip of a bronchoscope were used to electroporate airway segment bifurcations, Luciferase activity was assessed in electroporated and control non-electroporated regions, after 24 h. RESULTS: Following delivery of naked pDNA to the mouse lung, electroporation resulted in up to 400-fold higher luciferase activity than naked pDNA alone when luciferase was under the control of a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Following delivery of a plasmid containing the human polyubiquitin C (UbC) promoter, electroporation resulted in elevated luciferase activity for at least 28 days. Visualisation of GFP indicated that electroporation resulted in increased GFP detection compared with non-electroporated controls. In the sheep lung electroporation of defined sites in the airways resulted in luciferase activity 100-fold greater than naked pDNA alone. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that electroporation can be used to enhance gene transfer in the lungs of mice and sheep without compromising the duration of expression.
NV1FGF is an expression plasmid encoding sp.FGF-1(21-154) currently under investigation for therapeutic angiogenesis in clinical trials. NV1FGF plasmid distribution and transgene expression following intramuscular (IM) injection in patients is unknown. The study involved six patients with chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) planned to undergo amputation. A total dose of 0.5, 2, or 4 mg NV1FGF was administered as eight IM injections (0.006, 0.25, or 0.5 mg per injection) 3-5 days before amputation. Injected sites (30 cm(3)) were divided into equally sized smaller pieces to assess spatial distribution of NV1FGF sequences (PCR), NV1FGF mRNA (reverse transcriptase-PCR), and fibroblast growth factor-1 (FGF-1)-expressing cells (immunohistochemistry). Data indicated gene expression at all doses. The distribution area was within 5-12 cm for NV1FGF sequences containing the expression cassette, up to 5 cm for NV1FGF mRNA, and up to 3 cm for FGF-1-expressing myofibers. All FGF receptors were detected indicating robust potential for bioactivity after NV1FGF gene transfer. Circulating levels of NV1FGF sequences were shown to decrease within days after injection. Data support demonstration of plasmid-mediated gene transfer and expression in muscles from patients with CLI. FGF-1 expression was shown to be limited to injection sites, which supports the concept of multiple-site injection for therapeutic use.
Bipolar elongation of filaments of the bacterial actin homolog ParM drives movement of newly replicated plasmid DNA to opposite poles of a bacterial cell. We used a combination of vitreous sectioning and electron cryotomography to study this DNA partitioning system directly in native, frozen cells. The diffraction patterns from overexpressed ParM bundles in electron cryotomographic reconstructions were used to unambiguously identify ParM filaments in Escherichia coli cells. Using a low-copy number plasmid encoding components required for partitioning, we observed small bundles of three to five intracellular ParM filaments that were situated close to the edge of the nucleoid. We propose that this may indicate the capture of plasmid DNA within the periphery of this loosely defined, chromosome-containing region.
A sensitive and precise in vitro technique for detecting DNA strand discontinuities produced in vivo has been developed. The procedure, a form of runoff DNA synthesis on molecules released from lysed bacterial cells, mapped precisely the position of cleavage of the plasmid pMV158 leading strand origin in Streptococcus pneumoniae and the site of strand scission, nic, at the transfer origins of F and the F-like plasmid R1 in Escherichia coli. When high frequency of recombination strains of E. coli were examined, DNA strand discontinuities at the nic positions of the chromosomally integrated fertility factors were also observed. Detection of DNA strand scission at the nic position of F DNA in the high frequency of recombination strains, as well as in the episomal factors, was dependent on sexual expression from the transmissable element, but was independent of mating. These results imply that not only the transfer origins of extrachromosomal F and F-like fertility factors, but also the origins of stably integrated copies of these plasmids, are subject to an equilibrium of cleavage and ligation in vivo in the absence of DNA transfer.
Gene therapy is based on the vectorization of genes to target cells and their subsequent expression. Cationic amphiphile-mediated delivery of plasmid DNA is the nonviral gene transfer method most often used. We examined the supramolecular structure of lipopolyamine/plasmid DNA complexes under various condensing conditions. Plasmid DNA complexation with lipopolyamine micelles whose mean diameter was 5 nm revealed three domains, depending on the lipopolyamine/plasmid DNA ratio. These domains respectively corresponded to negatively, neutrally, and positively charged complexes. Transmission electron microscopy and x-ray scattering experiments on complexes originating from these three domains showed that although their morphology depends on the lipopolyamine/plasmid DNA ratio, their particle structure consists of ordered domains characterized by even spacing of 80 Å, irrespective of the lipid/DNA ratio. The most active lipopolyamine/DNA complexes for gene transfer were positively charged. They were characterized by fully condensed DNA inside spherical particles (diameter: 50 nm) sandwiched between lipid bilayers. These results show that supercoiled plasmid DNA is able to transform lipopolyamine micelles into a supramolecular organization characterized by ordered lamellar domains.
Effective gene therapy for lung tissue requires the use of efficient vehicles to deliver the gene of interest into lung cells. When plasmid DNA encoding chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) was administered intranasally to BALB/c mice without carrier lipids, CAT activity was detected in mouse lung extracts. Plasmid DNA delivered with optimally formulated commercially available transfection reagents expressed up to 10-fold more CAT activity in lung than observed with naked DNA alone. Liposome formulations consisting of (+/-)-N-(3-aminopropyl)-N,N-dimethyl-2,3-bis (dodecyloxy)-1-propanaminium bromide (GAP-DLRIE) plus the neutral colipid dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DOPE) enhanced CAT expression by more than 100-fold relative to plasmid DNA alone. A single administration of GAP-DLRIE liposome-CAT DNA complexes to mouse lung elicited peak expression at days 1-4 posttransfection, followed by a gradual return to baseline by day 21 postadministration. Readministration of GAP-DLRIE liposome CAT complexes at day 21 led to another transient peak of reporter gene expression. Histological examination of lungs treated with GAP-DLRIE complexed beta-galactosidase DNA revealed that alveolar epithelial cells were the primary locus of expression and that up to 1% of all alveoli contained epithelial cells expressing the transgene.
Erythropoietin (Epo)-responsive anemia is a common and debilitating complication of chronic renal failure and human immunodeficiency virus infection. Current therapy for this condition involves repeated intravenous or subcutaneous injections of recombinant Epo. In this report, we describe the development of a novel muscle-based gene transfer approach that produces long-term expression of physiologically significant levels of Epo in the systemic circulation of mice. We have constructed a plasmid expression vector, pVRmEpo, that contains the murine Epo cDNA under the transcriptional control of the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV-IE) promoter, the CMV-IE 5' untranslated region, and intron A. A single intramuscular (i.m.) injection of as little as 10 micrograms of this plasmid into immunocompetent adult mice produced physiologically significant elevations in serum Epo levels and increased hematocrits from preinjection levels of 48 +/- 0.4% to levels of 64 +/- 3.3% 45 days after injection. Hematocrits in these animals remained elevated at greater than 60% for at least 90 days after a single i.m. injection of 10 micrograms of pVRmEpo. We observed a dose-response relationship between the amount of plasmid DNA injected and subsequent elevations in hematocrits. Mice injected once with 300 micrograms of pVRmEpo displayed 5-fold increased serum Epo levels and elevated hematocrits of 79 +/- 3.3% at 45 days after injection. The i.m. injected plasmid DNA remained localized to the site of injection as assayed by the PCR. We conclude that i.m. injection of plasmid DNA represents a viable nonviral gene transfer method for the treatment of acquired and inherited serum protein deficiencies.
Direct imaging with the atomic force microscope has been used to identify specific nucleotide sequences in plasmid DNA molecules. This was accomplished using EcoRI (Gln-111), a mutant of the restriction enzyme that has a 1000-fold greater binding affinity than the wild-type enzyme but with cleavage rate constants reduced by a factor of 10(4). ScaI-linearized plasmids with single (pBS+) and double (pGEM-luc and pSV-beta-galactosidase) EcoRI recognition sites were imaged, and the bound enzyme was localized to a 50- to 100-nt resolution. The high affinity for the EcoRI binding site exhibited by this mutant endonuclease, coupled with an observed low level of nonspecific binding, should prove valuable for physically mapping large DNA clones by direct atomic force microscope imaging.
Striated muscle is the predominant site of gene expression after i.m. immunization of plasmid DNA, but it is not clear if myocytes or professional antigen-presenting cells (APCs) of hematopoietic origin present the encoded antigens to class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). To address this issue, CTL responses were assessed in mice engrafted with immune systems that were partially MHC matched with antigen-producing muscle cells. Spleen cells (sc) from immunocompetent F1 H-2bxd mice were infused into H-2b or H-2d mice carrying the severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mutation, creating F1sc-->H-2b and F1sc-->H-2d chimeras, respectively. Immunization with DNA plasmids encoding the herpes simplex virus gB or the human immunodeficiency virus gp120 glycoproteins elicited antiviral CTL activity. F1sc-->H-2d chimeras responded to an H-2d-restricted gp120 epitope but not an H-2b restricted gB epitope, whereas F1sc-->H-2b chimeras responded to the H-2b but not the H-2d restricted epitope. This pattern of epitope recognition by the sc chimeras indicated that APCs of recipient (scid) origin were involved in initiation of CTL responses. Significantly, CTL responses against epitopes presented by the mismatched donor class I molecules were elicited if F1 bone marrow cells and sc were transferred into scid recipients before or several days to weeks after DNA immunization. Thus, bone marrow-derived APCs are sufficient for class I MHC presentation of viral antigens after i.m. immunization with plasmid DNA. Expression of plasmid DNA by these APCs is probably not a requirement for CTL priming. Instead, they appear to present proteins synthesized by other host cells.
We compared the antigen-specific antibody isotypes and lymphokine secretion by CD4+ T cells in BALB/c mice immunized intradermally with either Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) or plasmid DNA (pDNA) encoding beta-gal in a cytomegalovirus-based expression vector (pCMV-LacZ). pCMV-LacZ induced mainly IgG2a, whereas beta-gal in saline or alum induced IgG1 and IgE beta-gal-specific antibodies. In addition, splenic CD4+ T helper (Th) cells isolated from pDNA-immunized mice secreted interferon-gamma but not interleukin (IL)-4 and IL-5, whereas Th cells from beta-gal-injected mice secreted IL-4 and IL-5 but not interferon-gamma after in vitro stimulation with antigen. Together these data demonstrate that pDNA immunization induced a T helper type 1 (Th1) response, whereas protein immunization induced a T helper type 2 (Th2) response to the same antigen. Interestingly, priming of mice with pCMV-LacZ prevented IgE antibody formation to a subsequent i.p. beta-gal in alum injection. This effect was antigen-specific, because priming with pCMV-LacZ did not inhibit IgE anti-ovalbumin antibody formation. Most importantly, intradermal immunization with pCMV-LacZ (but not pCMV-OVA) of beta-gal in alum-primed mice caused a 66-75% reduction of the IgE anti-beta-gal titer in 6 weeks. Also, pCMV-LacZ induced specific IgG2a antibody titers and interferon-gamma secretion by Th cells in the beta-gal in alum-primed mice. The data demonstrate that gene immunization induces a Th1 response that dominates over an ongoing protein-induced Th2 response in an antigen-specific manner. This suggests that immunization with pDNA encoding for allergens may provide a novel type of immunotherapy for allergic diseases.
Development of antisense technology has focused in part on creating improved methods for delivering oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs) to cells. In this report, we describe a cationic lipid that, when formulated with the fusogenic lipid dioleoylphosphatidyliethanolamine, greatly improves the cellular uptake properties of antisense ODNs, as well as plasmid DNA. This lipid formulation, termed GS 2888 cytofectin, (i) efficiently transfects ODNs and plasmids into many cell types in the presence or absence of 10% serum in the medium, (ii) uses a 4- to 10-fold lower concentration of the agent as compared to the commercially available Lipofectin liposome, and (iii) is > or = 20-fold more effective at eliciting antisense effects in the presence of serum when compared to Lipofectin. Here we show antisense effects using GS 2888 cytofectin together with C-5 propynyl pyrimidine phosphorothioate ODNs in which we achieve inhibition of gene expression using low nanomolar concentrations of ODN. This agent expands the utility of antisense ODNs for their use in understanding gene function and offers the potential for its use in DNA delivery applications in vivo.
The interaction of histone H1 isolated from chicken erythrocytes with restriction fragments from plasmids pBR322 and pUC19 was studied by gel electrophoresis. Certain restriction fragments exhibited unusually high affinity for the histone, forming high molecular mass complexes at protein to DNA ratios at which the other fragments did not show evidence for binding. The highly preferred fragments are intrinsically curved, as judged by their electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gels, by computer modeling, and by imaging with scanning force microscopy. However, control experiments with either curved portions of the same fragments or highly curved kinetoplast DNA fragments showed that the presence of curvature alone was not sufficient for preferential binding. By using various restriction fragments centered around the highly preferred sequence, it was found that the high-affinity binding required in addition the presence of specific sequences on both sides of the region of curvature. Thus, both curvature and the presence of specific sites seem to be required to generate high affinity.
These studies were initiated to elucidate the mechanism of DNA nuclear transport in mammalian cells. Biotin- or gold-labeled plasmid and plasmid DNA expression vectors for Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase or firefly luciferase were microinjected into the cytoplasm of primary rat myotubes in culture. Plasmid DNA was expressed in up to 70% of the injected myotubes, which indicates that it entered intact, postmitotic nuclei. The nuclear transport of plasmid DNA occurred through the nuclear pore by a process common to other large karyophilic macromolecules. The majority of the injected plasmid DNA was sequestered by cytoplasmic elements. This understanding of plasmid DNA nuclear transport provides a basis for increasing the efficiency of gene transfer.