75 resultados para phytotoxic
Baccharis ulicina es una maleza ampliamente distribuida en los pastizales de la zona semiárida argentina. A fin de evaluar sus posibles efectos alelopáticos, se utilizaron extractos acuosos de B. ulicina (hoja, tallo, raíz y planta entera) a dos concentraciones (50 y 150 g tejido/L agua) sobre la germinación y crecimiento inicial de Avena sativa, Lolium perenne y Raphanus sativus. Para cada especie se regaron 100 semillas y se mantuvieron a 25°C y oscuridad. Se registraron la germinación de las semillas y la longitud de coleóptilo / hipocótile (C/H) y radícula (R). Con los datos obtenidos se determinó: porcentaje de germinación, coeficiente de velocidad de germinación, vigor de la germinación, inhibición de la germinación, inhibición de la longitud de la radícula y del coleóptilo / hipocótile e índice de vigor de radícula y de coleóptilo / hipocótile. Los extractos con alta concentración redujeron la germinación en promedio 65% mientras que inhibieron la longitud en 58,8% (C/H) y 93,3% (R) para A. sativa; 71,5% (C/H) y 87,9% (R) para L. perenne, y 93,8% (C/H) y 94,5% (R) para R. sativus. Se registró un evidente efecto fitotóxico de B. ulicina sobre las especies evaluadas, indicando que la alelopatía sería una estrategia ecológica de la especie.
A module to estimate risks of ozone damage to vegetation has been implemented in the Integrated Assessment Modelling system for the Iberian Peninsula. It was applied to compute three different indexes for wheat and Holm oak; daylight AOT40 (cumulative ozone concentration over 40 ppb), cumulative ozone exposure index according to the Directive 2008/50/EC (AOT40-D) and PODY (Phytotoxic Ozone Dose over a given threshold of Y nmol m−2 s−1). The use of these indexes led to remarkable differences in spatial patterns of relative ozone risks on vegetation. Ozone critical levels were exceeded in most of the modelling domain and soil moisture content was found to have a significant impact on the results. According to the outputs of the model, daylight AOT40 constitutes a more conservative index than the AOT40-D. Additionally, flux-based estimations indicate high risk areas in Portugal for both wheat and Holm oak that are not identified by AOT-based methods.
Correct estimation of leaf-level stomatal conductance (gsto) is central for current ozone (O3) risk assessment of wheat yield loss based on the absorbed O3 phytotoxic dose (POD). The gsto model parameterizations developed in Europe must be checked in the different climatic regions where they are going to be applied in order to reduce the uncertainties associated with the POD approach. This work proposes a new gsto model parameterization for estimating POD of Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum under Mediterranean conditions, based on phenological observations over 25 years and gsto field measurements during 5 growing seasons. Results show that POD in the Mediterranean area might be higher than previously estimated. However, caution must be paid when assessing the risk of yield loss for wheat in this area since field validation of O3 impacts is still limited.
Biochar can provide multiple benefits in the ecosystem. However, the presence of phytotoxic compounds in some biochars is an important concern that needs to be addressed and that depends on the raw material and the pyrolysis conditions used in biochar production. For example, sewage sludge biochars can have elevated heavy metal con- tents as they were present in the feedstock and were enriched during pyrolysis. Also during carbonization, some phytotoxic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), polyphenols or volatile organic com- pounds (VOCs) could be formed representing a risk of contamination to soils and crops. In this work we report the results from seed germination and plant development for three biochars prepared from wood, paper sludge plus wheat husks and sewage sludge. Five higher plant species (cress, lentils, cucumber, tomato and lettuce) were studied. Biochar from wood shows seed inhibition in several species and the paper sludge biochar on lettuce. For the rest, the effect on seed germination was positive. No inhibition of root growth was detected, but in some cases leaves and stems growth were inhibited. Our results are significant in terms of advancing or current understanding on the impacts of biochar on vegetative growth and linking those effects to biochar properties.
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. cv Jianxi), which shows high Al resistance, accumulates Al in the leaves. The internal detoxification mechanism was studied by purifying and identifying Al complexes in the leaves and roots. About 90% of Al accumulated in the leaves was found in the cell sap, in which the dominant organic acid was oxalic acid. Purification of the Al complex in the cell sap of leaves by molecular-sieve chromatography resulted in a complex with a ratio of Al to oxalic acid of 1:3. A 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance study of the purified cell sap revealed only one signal at a chemical shift 164.4 ppm, which was assigned to the Al-chelated carboxylic group of oxalic acid. A 27Al-nuclear magnetic resonance analysis revealed one major signal at the chemical shift of 16.0 to 17.0 ppm, with a minor signal at the chemical shift of 11.0 to 12 ppm in both the intact roots and their cell sap, which is consistent with the Al-oxalate complexes at 1:3 and 1:2 ratios, respectively. The purified cell sap was not phytotoxic to root elongation in corn (Zea mays). All of these results indicate that Al tolerance in the roots and leaves of buckwheat is achieved by the formation of a nonphytotoxic Al-oxalate (1:3) complex.
Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) plants exposed to Pb and EDTA in hydroponic solution were able to accumulate up to 55 mmol kg−1 Pb in dry shoot tissue (1.1% [w/w]). This represents a 75-fold concentration of Pb in shoot tissue over that in solution. A threshold concentration of EDTA (0.25 mm) was found to be required to stimulate this dramatic accumulation of both Pb and EDTA in shoots. Below this threshold concentration, EDTA also accumulated in shoots but at a reduced rate. Direct measurement of a complex of Pb and EDTA (Pb-EDTA) in xylem exudate of Indian mustard confirmed that the majority of Pb in these plants is transported in coordination with EDTA. The accumulation of EDTA in shoot tissue was also observed to be directly correlated with the accumulation of Pb. Exposure of Indian mustard to high concentrations of Pb and EDTA caused reductions in both the transpiration rate and the shoot water content. The onset of these symptoms was correlated with the presence of free protonated EDTA (H-EDTA) in the hydroponic solution, suggesting that free H-EDTA is more phytotoxic than Pb-EDTA. These studies clearly demonstrate that coordination of Pb transport by EDTA enhances the mobility within the plants of this otherwise insoluble metal ion, allowing plants to accumulate high concentrations of Pb in shoots. The finding that both H-EDTA and Pb-EDTA are mobile within plants also has important implications for the use of metal chelates in plant nutritional research.
Al toxicity is a major problem that limits crop productivity on acid soils. It has been suggested that Al toxicity is linked to changes in cellular Ca homeostasis and the blockage of plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable channels. BY-2 suspension-cultured cells of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) exhibit rapid cell expansion that is sensitive to Al. Therefore, the effect of Al on changes in cytoplasmic free Ca concentration ([Ca2+]cyt) was followed in BY-2 cells to assess whether Al perturbed cellular Ca homeostasis. Al exposure resulted in a prolonged reduction in [Ca2+]cyt and inhibition of growth that was similar to the effect of the Ca2+ channel blocker La3+ and the Ca2+ chelator ethyleneglycol-bis(β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid. The Ca2+ channel blockers verapamil and nifedipine did not induce a decrease in [Ca2+]cyt in these cells and also failed to inhibit growth. Al and La3+, but not verapamil or nifedipine, reduced the rate of Mn2+ quenching of Indo-1 fluorescence, which is consistent with the blockage of Ca2+- and Mn2+-permeable channels. These results suggest that Al may act to block Ca2+ channels at the plasma membrane of plant cells and this action may play a crucial role in the phytotoxic activity of the Al ion.
En ese trabajo se estudia la concentración de elementos traza tóxicos en los depósitos de lodos (relaves) abandonados por la industria minera en Almería (España), los suelos del entorno próximo y las plantas que los colonizan y representan una vía de incorporación de dichos elementos en la cadena trófica. La industria minera antigua dejó toda una serie de instalaciones abandonadas en diferentes zonas de Andalucía, entre las que destacan por presentar altos contenidos en metales, los depósitos de residuos en forma de lodos generados en el proceso de flotación. En este estudio se trata el caso concreto de los depósitos de lodos de Mina La Solana (Almócita, Almería), donde se ha realizado una caracterización geoquímica de los depósitos y de los suelos de su entorno, en función al contenido en algunos elementos traza. Se han caracterizado muestras de las plantas que enraízan en dichos residuos para determinar la concentración que presentan en los mismos elementos traza. Los resultados muestran que los lodos presentan altos contenidos en Pb (concentración media 6800 ppm) y Zn (concentración media 22 000 ppm). Estos elementos no aparecen en forma soluble en agua, los test de lixiviación dan valores de concentración muy bajos (≤10 ppm de Pb y ≤ 2 ppm de Zn). De la misma forma se ha determinado una concentración alta de los mismos elementos en los restos vegetales, con un valor del Pb hasta los 210 ppm y 1300 ppm de Zn. Este hecho pone de manifiesto la capacidad de las plantas para alterar la movilidad de los elementos presentes en el sustrato donde enraízan estableciéndose una transferencia hacia la cadena trófica.
The Thames Estuary, UK, and the Brisbane River, Australia, are comparable in size and catchment area. Both are representative of the large and growing number of the world's estuaries associated with major cities. Principle differences between the two systems relate to climate and human population pressures. In order to assess the potential phytotoxic impact of herbicide residues in the estuaries, surface waters were analysed with a PAM fluorometry-based bioassay that employs the photosynthetic efficiency (photosystem II quantum yield) of laboratory cultured microalgae, as an endpoint measure of phytotoxicity. In addition, surface waters were chemically analysed for a limited number of herbicides. Diuron atrazine and simazine were detected in both systems at comparable concentrations. In contrast, bioassay results revealed that whilst detected herbicides accounted for the observed phytotoxicity of Brisbane River extracts with great accuracy, they consistently explained only around 50% of the phytotoxicity induced by Thames Estuary extracts. Unaccounted for phytotoxicity in Thames surface waters is indicative of unidentified phytotoxins. The greatest phytotoxic response was measured at Charing Cross, Thames Estuary, and corresponded to a diuron equivalent concentration of 180 ng L-1. The study employs relative potencies (REP) of PSII impacting herbicides and demonstrates that chemical analysis alone is prone to omission of valuable information. Results of the study provide support for the incorporation of bioassays into routine monitoring programs where bioassay data may be used to predict and verify chemical contamination data, alert to unidentified compounds and provide the user with information regarding cumulative toxicity of complex mixtures. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Little is known about long-term ecological responses in lakes following red mud pollution. Among red mud contaminants, arsenic (As) is of considerable concern. Determination of the species of As accumulated in aquatic organisms provides important information about the biogeochemical cycling of the element and transfer through the aquatic food-web to higher organisms. We used coupled ion chromatography and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to assess As speciation in tissues of five macrophyte taxa in Kinghorn Loch, UK, 30 years following the diversion of red mud pollution from the lake. Toxic inorganic As was the dominant species in the studied macrophytes, with As species concentrations varying with macrophyte taxon and tissue type. The highest As content measured in roots of Persicaria amphibia (L.) Gray (87.2 mg kg-1) greatly exceeded the 3 - 10 mg kg-1 range suggested as a potential phytotoxic level. Accumulation of toxic As species by plants suggested toxicological risk to higher organisms known to utilise macrophytes as a food source.
The crops are affected by pests and diseases that decrease productivity. Among them are the damping off of seedlings that can occur in pre and post-emergence. In bean crops, cucumber and beet these diseases occur, being caused by various pathogens, especialy fitopathogenic fungi. Several measures are used for the controle of such diseases, among them, is the chemical seed treatment fungicides. However, society has become increasingly concerned about the quality and food and environmental contamination, generation a growting search for sensitive products to humans and the environment. The use of essential oils to control plant pathogens is an example of alternative tested by science in the search for less aggressive technologies. This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of the use of essential oil Aloysia citriodora, in control of pathogens causing damping off in beans, cucumber and beet. This thesis was divided in four chapters, the introductory first, and the other addressing the control of Pythium sp. in beans, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on cucumber, and Fusarium sp. on beet. The methodology consisted of four experiments in each pathosystem, with all the work done at the Federal Technological University of Parana, Campus Dois Vizinhos. In the first experiment evaluated the fungistatic and fungicidal effect of the essential oil of A. citriodora on PDA in vitro in mycelial growth of pathogens studied. In the second experiment evaluated the in vitro effect of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in BD medium on microscope slides, on the germination of sporangia Pythium sp. and conidia Fusarium sp., and in Petri dishes with PDA medium, the sclerotia germination speed index of S. sclerotiorum. In the third experiment, we evaluated in germination test in paper roll (PR), the phytotoxic effect or not the use of essential oil concentrations of A. citriodora in dry bean seed, cucumber and beet. The variables used to assess this experiment were the germination percentage, mediun green mass per plant and average length of seedlings. In the fourth experiment we assessed the effect of treating bean seeds, cucumber and beet with essential oil contents of A. citriodora, seeds in their subsequent substrates contamined with pathogens studied, Pythium sp., S. sclerotiorum and Fusarium sp. In this experiment we used the following variables: percentage of emergence, percentage of post-emergence damping off, green average mass per plant, average length per plant and biochemical analyzes. The biochemistry of plant tissues evaluated were as follows: protein content, enzymatic activities of peroxidases, phenylalanine ammonia-liase (PAL), chitinases and β-1,3-glucanases. The in vitro results show that the essential oil has fungistatic and fungicidal effect on mycelial growth, on sporangia germination, conidia and sclerotia of the pathogens studied in this work, wich may be related to its major components, citral and limonene. The oil also exhibits low phytotoxicity to seeds of the species studied, only in beans decreases germination in most studied dosage (0,25%), cucumber also in the higher dosage (0,25%) reduce the length of seedlings, and beet there were no negative effects to the seedlings. In the test in substrate contaminated with the pathogens, the use of essential oil: increased germination and decreased post emergence damping off of beans seedlings; at a concentration of 0,0625% decreases post emergence damping off in cucumber. In biochemical analyzes found an increase in the enzymatic activity of peroxidases and β-1,3-glucanases on beans, and glucanases on cucumber, and increased enzyme activity of peroxidases on beet, showing action in resistance induction at damping off.
Aluminium (Al) toxicity and drought are the two major abiotic stress factors limiting common bean production in the tropics. Using hydroponics, the short-term effects of combined Al toxicity and drought stress on root growth and Al uptake into the root apex were investigated. In the presence of Al stress, PEG 6000 (polyethylene glycol)-induced osmotic (drought) stress led to the amelioration of Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in the Al-sensitive genotype VAX 1. PEG 6000 (>> PEG 1000) treatment greatly decreased Al accumulation in the 1 cm root apices even when the roots were physically separated from the PEG solution using dialysis membrane tubes. Upon removal of PEG from the treatment solution, the root tips recovered from osmotic stress and the Al accumulation capacity was quickly restored. The PEG-induced reduction of Al accumulation was not due to a lower phytotoxic Al concentration in the treatment solution, reduced negativity of the root apoplast, or to enhanced citrate exudation. Also cell-wall (CW) material isolated from PEG-treated roots showed a low Al-binding capacity which, however, was restored after destroying the physical structure of the CW. The comparison of the Al(3+), La(3+), Sr(2+), and Rb(+) binding capacity of the intact root tips and the isolated CW revealed the specificity of the PEG 6000 effect for Al. This could be due to the higher hydrated ionic radius of Al(3+) compared with other cations (Al(3+) >> La(3+) > Sr(2+) > Rb(+)). In conclusion, the results provide circumstantial evidence that the osmotic stress-inhibited Al accumulation in root apices and thus reduced Al-induced inhibition of root elongation in the Al-sensitive genotype VAX 1 is related to the alteration of CW porosity resulting from PEG 6000-induced dehydration of the root apoplast.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Departamento de Botânica, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Botânica, 2015.
As a nematotoxics screening biotechnological system, Solanum tuberosum hairy roots (StHR) and S. tuberosum hairy roots with Meloidogyne chitwoodi co-cultures (StHR/CRKN) were evaluated, with and without the addition of the essential oils (EOs) of Satureja montana and Ruta graveolens. EOs nematotoxic and phytotoxic effects were followed weekly by evaluating nematode population density in the co-cultures as well as growth and volatile profiles of both in vitro cultures types. Growth, measured by the dissimilation method and by fresh and dry weight determination, was inhibited after EO addition. Nematode population increased in control cultures, while in EO-added cultures numbers were kept stable. In addition to each of the EOs main components, and in vitro cultures constitutive volatiles, new volatiles were detected by gas chromatography and gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in both culture types. StHR with CRKN co-cultures showed to be suitable for preliminary assessment of nematotoxic EOs.
The duckweed Lemna valdiviana is commonly founded colonizing small shallow waters (lakes on the lowland in south Brazil. This organism may have been affected by herbicide input into lakes from aerial application and/or drainage office paddy fields. Clomazone (2- (2-chlorophenyl) methyl-4.4-dimethyl-3-isoxazolidinone) is one of the herbicides more fiequentely used as post-emergence in rice paddies. For this work assays were carried as EC50(96h) semi-statics with aseptic culture. The sterile fronds were abtained from material harvest on the paddy fields, and the concentration of Clomazone ranged from 14.0 to 229.0 mg/l. two procedures were considered: diluted in water and sprayed applicated Clomazone. The observed phytotoxic effects were evaluated by growth rate (kt), duplication time (Td), frond yield, plant yield, mortality, chlorophyll a and b and protochlorophyll concentration. The EC50 values obtained to sprayed Clomazone (Kt=31.7; Td=31.9) were significantly small than to diluted Clomazone (Kt=46.4; td=47.3). These dadta suggest that aerial route is more hazardous than diluted procedure. Presence of chlorotic, necrotic, abnormal and died frond were common at the 114.0 and 229.0 mg/l treatment. Recuperation test corroborated the evidence that the sprayed procedure were more deleterious and L. valdiviana doesn't recovery his reproductive ability at the 114.0 and 229.0 mg/l treatment.