951 resultados para phylogenetic analyses
Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) melophagium is a parasite of sheep transmitted by sheep keds, the sheep-restricted ectoparasite Melophagus ovinus (Diptera: Hippoboscidae). Sheep keds were 100% prevalent in sheep from five organic farms in Croatia, Southeastern Europe, whereas trypanosomes morphologically compatible with T. melophagium were 86% prevalent in the guts of the sheep keds. Multilocus phylogenetic analyses using sequences of small subunit rRNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, spliced leader, and internal transcribed spacer 1 of the rDNA distinguished T. melophagium from all allied trypanosomes from other ruminant species and placed the trypanosome in the subgenus Megatrypanum. Trypanosomes from sheep keds from Croatia and Scotland, the only available isolates for comparison, shared identical sequences. All biologic and phylogenetic inferences support the restriction of T. melophagium to sheep and, especially, to the sheep keds. The comparison of trypanosomes from sheep, cattle, and deer from the same country, which was never achieved before this work, strongly supported the host-restricted specificity of trypanosomes of the subgenus Megatrypanum. Our findings indicate that with the expansion of organic farms, both sheep keds and T. melophagium may re-emerge as parasitic infections of sheep.
Die phylogenetische Position der Mollusken innerhalb der Trochozoa sowie die interne Evolution der Klassen der Mollusca sind weitgehend unbekannt und wurden in meiner Arbeit anhand molekularer Merkmale untersucht. Phylogenomische Analysen zeigten in der Vergangenheit eine gute Auflösung für ursprüngliche Speziationsereignisse. Daher wurden hier drei neue EST Datensätze generiert: für Sipunculus nudus (Sipuncula), Barentsia elongata (Kamptozoa) und Lepidochitona cinerea, (Polyplacophora, Mollusca). Zusätzlich wurden gezielt Gene verschiedener Mollusken mittels RT-PCR amplifiziert. rnSowohl Kamptozoen als auch Sipunculiden wurden aufgrund morphologischer Kriterien bisher als mögliche Schwestergruppe der Mollusken gehandelt, aber die hier erzielten Ergebnisse zur Evolution der Hämerythrine, Gen-Anordnungen der mitochondrialen Genome und phylogenetische Analysen der ribosomalen und der mitochondriellen Proteine stützen diese Hypothese nicht. Die Position der Kamptozoa erwies sich hier generell als unbeständig; phylogenomische Analysen deuten eine Nähe zu den Bryozoen an, aber diese Position wird stark durch die Auswahl der Taxa beeinflusst. Dagegen weisen meine Analysen klar auf eine nähere Beziehung zwischen Annelida und Sipuncula hin. Die ribosomalen Proteine zeigen Sipuncula (und Echiura) sogar als Subtaxa der Anneliden. Wie den Mollusken fehlt den Sipunculiden jegliche Segmentierung und meine Ergebnisse legen hier die Möglichkeit des Verlusts dieses Merkmals innerhalb der Anneliden bei den Sipunculiden nahe. Innerhalb der Mollusken wurden die Solenogastren bereits als Schwestergruppe aller rezenten Mollusken vorgeschlagen. Im Rahmen meiner Arbeit wurden von drei verschiedenen Solenogastren-Arten die ersten zuverlässigen 18S rRNA-Sequenzen ermittelt, und es zeigte sich, dass alle bisher veröffentlichten 18S-Sequenzen dieser Molluskenklasse höchst unvollständig oder fehlerhaft sind. rnRibosomale Proteine sind gute phylogenetische Marker und hier wurden die Auswahl und Anzahl dieser Gene für phylogenetische Analysen optimiert. Über Sonden-basierte Detektion wurde eine sampling-Strategie getestet, die im Vergleich mit standard-phylogenomischen Ansätzen zukünftige molekulare Stammbaumrekonstruktionen mit größerem Taxonsampling ermöglicht.rn
Background: Small Ruminant Lentiviruses (SRLV) are widespread in Canadian sheep and goats and represent an important health issue in these animals. There is however no data about the genetic diversity of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis Virus (CAEV) or Maedi Visna Virus (MVV) in this country. Findings: We performed a molecular and phylogenetic analysis of sheep and goat lentiviruses from a small geographic area in Canada using long sequences from the gag region of 30 infected sheep and 36 infected goats originating from 14 different flocks. Pairwise DNA distance and phylogenetic analyses revealed that all SRLV sequences obtained from sheep clustered tightly with prototypical Maedi visna sequences from America. Similarly, all SRLV strains obtained from goats clustered tightly with prototypical US CAEV-Cork strain. Conclusions: The data reported in this study suggests that Canadian and US SRLV strains share common origins. In addition, the molecular data failed to bring to light any evidence of past cross species transmission between sheep and goats, which is consistent with the type of farming practiced in this part of the country where single species flocks predominate and where opportunities of cross species transmissions are proportionately low.
Two hemotropic mycoplasmas have been recognized in cats, Mycoplasma haemofelis and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum." We recently described a third feline hemoplasma species, designated "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis," in a Swiss cat with hemolytic anemia. This isolate induced anemia after experimental transmission to two specific-pathogen-free cats and analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed its close relationship to rodent hemotropic mycoplasmas. The agent was recently shown to be prevalent in Swiss pet cats. We sought to investigate the presence and clinical importance of "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis" infection in pet cats outside of Switzerland and to perform the molecular characterization of isolates from different countries. A "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis"-specific real-time PCR assay was applied to blood samples from 426 United Kingdom (UK), 147 Australian, and 69 South African pet cats. The 16S rRNA genes of isolates from different countries were sequenced and signalment and laboratory data for the cats were evaluated for associations with "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis" infection. Infections were detected in samples from UK, Australian, and South African pet cats. Infection was associated with the male gender, and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" and M. haemofelis coinfection. Coinfected cats exhibited significantly lower packed cell volume (PCV) values than uninfected cats. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that some Australian and South African "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis" isolates branched away from the remaining isolates. In summary, "Candidatus Mycoplasma turicensis" infection in pet cats exists over a wide geographical area and significantly decreased PCV values are observed in cats coinfected with other feline hemoplasmas.
Bayesian phylogenetic analyses are now very popular in systematics and molecular evolution because they allow the use of much more realistic models than currently possible with maximum likelihood methods. There are, however, a growing number of examples in which large Bayesian posterior clade probabilities are associated with very short edge lengths and low values for non-Bayesian measures of support such as nonparametric bootstrapping. For the four-taxon case when the true tree is the star phylogeny, Bayesian analyses become increasingly unpredictable in their preference for one of the three possible resolved tree topologies as data set size increases. This leads to the prediction that hard (or near-hard) polytomies in nature will cause unpredictable behavior in Bayesian analyses, with arbitrary resolutions of the polytomy receiving very high posterior probabilities in some cases. We present a simple solution to this problem involving a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that allows exploration of all of tree space, including unresolved tree topologies with one or more polytomies. The reversible-jump MCMC approach allows prior distributions to place some weight on less-resolved tree topologies, which eliminates misleadingly high posteriors associated with arbitrary resolutions of hard polytomies. Fortunately, assigning some prior probability to polytomous tree topologies does not appear to come with a significant cost in terms of the ability to assess the level of support for edges that do exist in the true tree. Methods are discussed for applying arbitrary prior distributions to tree topologies of varying resolution, and an empirical example showing evidence of polytomies is analyzed and discussed.
Bayesian phylogenetic analyses are now very popular in systematics and molecular evolution because they allow the use of much more realistic models than currently possible with maximum likelihood methods. There are, however, a growing number of examples in which large Bayesian posterior clade probabilities are associated with very short edge lengths and low values for non-Bayesian measures of support such as nonparametric bootstrapping. For the four-taxon case when the true tree is the star phylogeny, Bayesian analyses become increasingly unpredictable in their preference for one of the three possible resolved tree topologies as data set size increases. This leads to the prediction that hard (or near-hard) polytomies in nature will cause unpredictable behavior in Bayesian analyses, with arbitrary resolutions of the polytomy receiving very high posterior probabilities in some cases. We present a simple solution to this problem involving a reversible-jump Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that allows exploration of all of tree space, including unresolved tree topologies with one or more polytomies. The reversible-jump MCMC approach allows prior distributions to place some weight on less-resolved tree topologies, which eliminates misleadingly high posteriors associated with arbitrary resolutions of hard polytomies. Fortunately, assigning some prior probability to polytomous tree topologies does not appear to come with a significant cost in terms of the ability to assess the level of support for edges that do exist in the true tree. Methods are discussed for applying arbitrary prior distributions to tree topologies of varying resolution, and an empirical example showing evidence of polytomies is analyzed and discussed.
Polycystine radiolaria are among few protistan groups that possess a comprehensive fossil record available for study by micropaleontologists. The Polycystinea and the Acantharea, whose skeletons do not become fossilized, were once members of the class “Radiolaria” (“Radiolaria” sensu lato: Polycystinea, Phaeodarea, and Acantharea) originally proposed by Haeckel but are now included in the superclass Actinopoda. Phylogenetic relationships within this superclass remain largely enigmatic. We investigated the evolutionary relationship of the Acantharea and the Polycystinea to other protists using phylogenetic analyses of 16S-like ribosomal RNA (rRNA) coding regions. We circumvented the need to culture these organisms by collecting and maintaining reproductive stages that contain many copies of their genomic DNA. This strategy facilitated extraction of genomic DNA and its purification from symbiont and prey DNA. Phylogenetic trees inferred from comparisons of 16S-like coding regions do not support a shared history between the Acantharea and the Polycystinea. However, the monophyly of the Acantharea and the separate monophyly of the Polycystinea (Spumellarida) are well supported by our molecular-based trees. The acantharian lineage branches among crown organisms whereas the polycystine lineage diverges before the radiation of the crown groups. We conclude that the Actinopoda does not represent a monophyletic evolutionary assemblage and recommend that this taxonomic designation be discarded.
Evolutionary analyses of hedgehog and Hoxd-10 genes in fish species closely related to the zebrafish
The study of development has relied primarily on the isolation of mutations in genes with specific functions in development and on the comparison of their expression patterns in normal and mutant phenotypes. Comparative evolutionary analyses can complement these approaches. Phylogenetic analyses of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) and Hoxd-10 genes from 18 cyprinid fish species closely related to the zebrafish provide novel insights into the functional constraints acting on Shh. Our results confirm and extend those gained from expression and crystalline structure analyses of this gene. Unexpectedly, exon 1 of Shh is found to be almost invariant even in third codon positions among these morphologically divergent species suggesting that this exon encodes for a functionally important domain of the hedgehog protein. This is surprising because the main functional domain of Shh had been thought to be that encoded by exon 2. Comparisons of Shh and Hoxd-10 gene sequences and of resulting gene trees document higher evolutionary constraints on the former than on the latter. This might be indicative of more general evolutionary patterns in networks of developmental regulatory genes interacting in a hierarchical fashion. The presence of four members of the hedgehog gene family in cyprinid fishes was documented and their homologies to known hedgehog genes in other vertebrates were established.
In this paper we determine the extent to which host-mediated mutations and a known sampling bias affect evolutionary studies of human influenza A. Previous phylogenetic reconstruction of influenza A (H3N2) evolution using the hemagglutinin gene revealed an excess of nonsilent substitutions assigned to the terminal branches of the tree. We investigate two hypotheses to explain this observation. The first hypothesis is that the excess reflects mutations that were either not present or were at low frequency in the viral sample isolated from its human host, and that these mutations increased in frequency during passage of the virus in embryonated eggs. A set of 22 codons known to undergo such “host-mediated” mutations showed a significant excess of mutations assigned to branches attaching sequences from egg-cultured (as opposed to cell-cultured) isolates to the tree. Our second hypothesis is that the remaining excess results from sampling bias. Influenza surveillance is purposefully biased toward sequencing antigenically dissimilar strains in an effort to identify new variants that may signal the need to update the vaccine. This bias produces an excess of mutations assigned to terminal branches simply because an isolate with no close relatives is by definition attached to the tree by a relatively long branch. Simulations show that the magnitude of excess mutations we observed in the hemagglutinin tree is consistent with expectations based on our sampling protocol. Sampling bias does not affect inferences about evolution drawn from phylogenetic analyses. However, if possible, the excess caused by host-mediated mutations should be removed from studies of the evolution of influenza viruses as they replicate in their human hosts.
Phylogenetic analyses of asymmetry variation offer a powerful tool for exploring the interplay between ontogeny and evolution because (i) conspicuous asymmetries exist in many higher metazoans with widely varying modes of development, (ii) patterns of bilateral variation within species may identify genetically and environmentally triggered asymmetries, and (iii) asymmetries arising at different times during development may be more sensitive to internal cytoplasmic inhomogeneities compared to external environmental stimuli. Using four broadly comparable asymmetry states (symmetry, antisymmetry, dextral, and sinistral), and two stages at which asymmetry appears developmentally (larval and postlarval), I evaluated relations between ontogenetic and phylogenetic patterns of asymmetry variation. Among 140 inferred phylogenetic transitions between asymmetry states, recorded from 11 classes in five phyla, directional asymmetry (dextral or sinistral) evolved directly from symmetrical ancestors proportionally more frequently among larval asymmetries. In contrast, antisymmetry, either as an end state or as a transitional stage preceding directional asymmetry, was confined primarily to postlarval asymmetries. The ontogenetic origin of asymmetry thus significantly influences its subsequent evolution. Furthermore, because antisymmetry typically signals an environmentally triggered asymmetry, the phylogenetic transition from antisymmetry to directional asymmetry suggests that many cases of laterally fixed asymmetries evolved via genetic assimilation.
The phylogenetic relationships among the three orders of modern amphibians (Caudata, Gymnophiona, and Anura) have been estimated based on both morphological and molecular evidence. Most morphological and paleontological studies of living and fossil amphibians support the hypothesis that salamanders and frogs are sister lineages (the Batrachia hypothesis) and that caecilians are more distantly related. Previous interpretations of molecular data based on nuclear and mitochondrial rRNA sequences suggested that salamanders and caecilians are sister groups to the exclusion of frogs. In an attempt to resolve this apparent conflict, the complete mitochondrial genomes of a salamander (Mertensiella luschani) and a caecilian (Typhlonectes natans) were determined (16,656 and 17,005 bp, respectively) and compared with previously published sequences from a frog (Xenopus laevis) and several other groups of vertebrates. Phylogenetic analyses of the mitochondrial data supported with high bootstrap values the monophyly of living amphibians with respect to other living groups of tetrapods, and a sister group relationship of salamanders and frogs. The lack of phylogenetically informative sites in the previous rRNA data sets (because of its shorter size and higher among-site rate variation) likely explains the discrepancy between our results and those based on previous molecular data. Strong support of the Batrachia hypothesis from both molecule- and morphology-based studies provides a robust phylogenetic framework that will be helpful to comparative studies among the three living orders of amphibians and will permit better understanding of the considerably divergent vertebral, brain, and digit developmental patterns found in frogs and salamanders.
Phylogenetic analyses are increasingly used in attempts to clarify transmission patterns of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), but there is a continuing discussion about their validity because convergent evolution and transmission of minor HIV variants may obscure epidemiological patterns. Here we have studied a unique HIV-1 transmission cluster consisting of nine infected individuals, for whom the time and direction of each virus transmission was exactly known. Most of the transmissions occurred between 1981 and 1983, and a total of 13 blood samples were obtained approximately 2-12 years later. The p17 gag and env V3 regions of the HIV-1 genome were directly sequenced from uncultured lymphocytes. A true phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the knowledge about when the transmissions had occurred and when the samples were obtained. This complex, known HIV-1 transmission history was compared with reconstructed molecular trees, which were calculated from the DNA sequences by several commonly used phylogenetic inference methods [Fitch-Margoliash, neighbor-joining, minimum-evolution, maximum-likelihood, maximum-parsimony, unweighted pair group method using arithmetic averages (UPGMA), and a Fitch-Margoliash method assuming a molecular clock (KITSCH)]. A majority of the reconstructed trees were good estimates of the true phylogeny; 12 of 13 taxa were correctly positioned in the most accurate trees. The choice of gene fragment was found to be more important than the choice of phylogenetic method and substitution model. However, methods that are sensitive to unequal rates of change performed more poorly (such as UPGMA and KITSCH, which assume a constant molecular clock). The rapidly evolving V3 fragment gave better reconstructions than p17, but a combined data set of both p17 and V3 performed best. The accuracy of the phylogenetic methods justifies their use in HIV-1 research and argues against convergent evolution and selective transmission of certain virus variants.
DNA was extracted from the extinct American mastodon, the extinct woolly mammoth, and the modern Asian and African elephants to test the traditional morphologically based phylogeny within Elephantidae. Phylogenetic analyses of the aligned sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b support a monophyletic Asian elephant-woolly mammoth clade when the American mastodon is used as an outgroup. Previous molecular studies were unable to resolve the relationships of the woolly mammoth, Asian elephant, and African elephant because the sequences appear to have evolved at heterogeneous rates and inappropriate outgroups were used for analysis. The results demonstrate the usefulness of fossil molecular data from appropriate sister taxa for resolving phylogenies of highly derived or early radiating lineages.
In the first part of this study human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) proviral DNA sequences derived from 201 clones of the C2-V3 env region and the first exon of the tat gene were obtained from six MV-1 infected heterosexual couples. These molecular data were used to confirm the epidemiological relationships. The ability of the molecular data to draw such conclusions was also tested with multiple phylogenetic analyses. The tat region was much more useful in establishing epidemiological relationships than the commonly used C2-V3.^ Subsequently, using nucleotide sequences from the first exon of the Tat gene, we tested the hypothesis that a Florida dentist (a common source) infected five of his patients in the course of dental procedures, against the null hypothesis that the dentist and each individual of the dental group independently acquired the virus within the local community. Multiple phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that the sequences of the five patients were significantly more related to each other than to sequences of the controls. Our results using Tat sequences, combined with envelope sequence data, strongly support a common phylogenetic epidemiological relationship among these five patients.^ A third study is presented, which deals with the effects of genomic variations in drug resistance. HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) mutations were detected in DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 11 of 12 HIV-infected children after 11-20 months of zidovudine monotherapy. The codon 41/215 mutant combination was associated with general decline in health status. Patients developing the codon 70 mutation tended to have a better health status. ^
Resistance to rice virus diseases is an important requirement in many Southeast Asian rice breeding programs. Inheritance of resistance to rice tungro spherical virus (RTSV) in TW5, a near-isogenic line derived from Indonesian rice cultivar Utri Merah, was compared to that in TKM6, an Indian rice cultivar. Both TKM6 and Utri Merah are cultivars resistant to RTSV infections. Crosses were made between TKM6 and TN1, a susceptible cultivar, and between TW5 and TN1, and F3 lines were evaluated for their resistance to RTSV using two RTSV inoculum sources and a serological assay (ELISA). In TKM6, the resistance to the mixture of RTSV-V + RTBV inoculum source was controlled by a single recessive gene, whereas in TW5, the resistance was controlled by two recessive genes. A single recessive gene, however, controlled the resistance in TW5 when another RTSV variant, RTSV-VI, was used, suggesting that the resistance in TW5 depends on the nature of the RTSV inoculum used. RT-PCR, sequence, and phylogenetic analyses confirmed that RTSV-VI inoculum differs from RTSV-V inoculum and accurate phenotyping of the resistance to RTSV requires the use of a genetic marker.