942 resultados para photon absorption
Photosystem II (PSII) of oxygenic photosynthesis is susceptible to photoinhibition. Photoinhibition is defined as light induced damage resulting in turnover of the D1 protein subunit of the reaction center of PSII. Both visible and ultraviolet (UV) light cause photoinhibition. Photoinhibition induced by UV light damages the oxygen evolving complex (OEC) via absorption of UV photons by the Mn ion(s) of OEC. Under visible light, most of the earlier hypotheses assume that photoinhibition occurs when the rate of photon absorption by PSII antenna exceeds the use of the absorbed energy in photosynthesis. However, photoinhibition occurs at all light intensities with the same efficiency per photon. The aim of my thesis work was to build a model of photoinhibition that fits the experimental features of photoinhibition. I studied the role of electron transfer reactions of PSII in photoinhibition and found that changing the electron transfer rate had only minor influence on photoinhibition if light intensity was kept constant. Furthermore, quenching of antenna excitations protected less efficiently than it would protect if antenna chlorophylls were the only photoreceptors of photoinhibition. To identify photoreceptors of photoinhibition, I measured the action spectrum of photoinhibition. The action spectrum showed resemblance to the absorption spectra of Mn model compounds suggesting that the Mn cluster of OEC acts as a photoreceptor of photoinhibition under visible light, too. The role of Mn in photoinhibition was further supported by experiments showing that during photoinhibition OEC is damaged before electron transfer activity at the acceptor side of PSII is lost. Mn enzymes were found to be photosensitive under visible and UV light indicating that Mn-containing compounds, including OEC, are capable of functioning as photosensitizers both in visible and UV light. The experimental results above led to the Mn hypothesis of the mechanism of continuous-light-induced photoinhibition. According to the Mn hypothesis, excitation of Mn of OEC results in inhibition of electron donation from OEC to the oxidized primary donor P680+ both under UV and visible light. P680 is oxidized by photons absorbed by chlorophyll, and if not reduced by OEC, P680+ may cause harmful oxidation of other PSII components. Photoinhibition was also induced with intense laser pulses and it was found that the photoinhibitory efficiency increased in proportion to the square of pulse intensity suggesting that laser-pulse-induced photoinhibition is a two-photon reaction. I further developed the Mn hypothesis suggesting that the initial event in photoinhibition under both continuous and pulsed light is the same: Mn excitation that leads to the inhibition of electron donation from OEC to P680+. Under laser-pulse-illumination, another Mn-mediated inhibitory photoreaction occurs within the duration of the same pulse, whereas under continuous light, secondary damage is chlorophyll mediated. A mathematical model based on the Mn hypothesis was found to explain photoinhibition under continuous light, under flash illumination and under the combination of these two.
Cryptochromes are a class of photosensory receptors that control important processes in animals and plants primarily by regulating gene expression. How photon absorption by cryptochromes leads to changes in gene expression has remained largely elusive. Three recent studies, including Lian and colleagues (pp. 1023-1028) and Liu and colleagues (pp. 1029-1034) in this issue of Genes & Development, demonstrate that the interaction of light-activated Arabidopsis cryptochromes with a class of regulatory components of E3 ubiquitin ligase complexes leads to environmentally controlled abundance of transcriptional regulators.
The microquasar 1E 1740.7-2942 is a source located in the direction of the Galactic Center. It has been detected at X-rays, soft gamma-rays, and in the radio band, showing an extended radio component in the form of a double-sided jet. Although no optical counterpart has been found so far for 1E 1740.7-2942, its X-ray activity strongly points to a galactic nature. Aims.We aim to improve our understanding of the hard X-ray and gamma-ray production in the system, exploring whether the jet can emit significantly at high energies under the light of the present knowledge. Methods.We have modeled the source emission, from radio to gamma-rays, with a cold-matter dominated jet model. INTEGRAL data combined with radio and RXTE data, as well as EGRET and HESS upper-limits, are used to compare the computed and the observed spectra. Results.From our modeling, we find out that jet emission cannot explain the high fluxes observed at hard X-rays without violating at the same time the constraints from the radio data, favoring the corona origin of the hard X-rays. Also, 1E 1740.7-2942 might be detected by GLAST or AGILE at GeV energies, and by HESS and HESS-II beyond 100 GeV, with the spectral shape likely affected by photon-photon absorption in the disk and corona photon fields.
Sunlight is part of our everyday life and most people accept it as beneficial to our health. With the advance of our knowledge in cutaneous photochemistry, photobiology and photomedicine over the past four decades, the terrestrial solar radiation has become a concern of dermatologists and is considered to be a major damaging environmental factor for our skin. Most photobiological effects (e.g., sunburn, suntanning, local and systemic immunosuppression, photoaging or dermatoheliosis, skin cancer and precancer, etc.) are attributed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and more particularly to UVB radiation (290-320 nm). UVA radiation (320-400 nm) also plays an important role in the induction of erythema by the photosensitized generation of reactive oxygen species (singlet oxygen (1O2), superoxide (O2.-) and hydroxyl radicals (.OH)) that damage DNA and cellular membranes, and promote carcinogenesis and the changes associated with photoaging. Therefore, research efforts have been directed at a better photochemical and photobiological understanding of the so-called sunburn reaction, actinic or solar erythema. To survive the insults of actinic damage, the skin appears to have different intrinsic defensive mechanisms, among which antioxidants (enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems) play a pivotal role. In this paper, we will review the basic aspects of the action of UVR on the skin: a) photochemical reactions resulting from photon absorption by endogenous chromophores; b) the lipid peroxidation phenomenon, and c) intrinsic defensive cutaneous mechanisms (antioxidant systems). The last section will cover the inflammatory response including mediator release after cutaneous UVR exposure and adhesion molecule expression
The spectral and nonlinear optical characteristics of nano ZnO and its composites are investigated. The fluorescence behaviour of nano colloids of ZnO has been studied as a function of the excitation wavelength and there is a red shift in emission peak with excitation wavelength. Apart from the observation of the reported ultra violet and green emissions, our results reveal that additional blue emissions at 420 nm and 490 nm are developed with increasing particle size. Systematic studies on nano ZnO have indicated the presence of luminescence due to excitonic emissions when excited with 255 nm as well as significant contribution from surface defect states when excited with 325 nm. In the weak confinement regime, the third-order optical susceptibility χ(3) increases with increasing particle size (R) and annealing temperature (T) and a R2 and T2.5 dependence of χ(3) is obtained for nano ZnO. ZnO nanocolloids exhibit induced absorption whereas the self assembled films of ZnO exhibit saturable absorption due to saturation of linear absorption of ZnO defect states and electronic effects. ZnO nanocomposites exhibit negative nonlinear index of refraction which can be attributed to two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absorption. The increase of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. The nonlinear response of ZnO nanocomposites is wavelength dependent and switching from induced absorption to saturable absorption has been observed at resonant wavelengths. Such a change-over is related to the interplay of plasmon/exciton band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and the composition over which the nonlinear material acts as an optical limiter. ZnO based nanocomposites are potential materials for enhanced and tunable light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small optical limiting threshold.
In this article we present the spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO–TiO2 nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis. Emission peaks of ZnO–TiO2 nanocomposites change from 340 nm to 385 nm almost in proportion to changes in Eg. The nanocomposites show self-defocusing nonlinearity and good nonlinear absorption behaviour. The nonlinear refractive index and the nonlinear absorption increase with increasing TiO2 volume fraction at 532 nm and can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. ZnO–TiO2 is a potential nanocomposite material for the tunable light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold
The photobleaching of the lasing dye Rhodamine 6G embedded in the solid matrix poly(methyl methacrylate) was investigated using a photoacoustic technique. Chopped laser radiation from an argon ion laser at four different wavelengths was used for the study. Experimental results indicate that the photobleaching rate is directly proportional to the incident laser power while it decreases with increase in concentration of the dye molecules. In the present case we have not observed any dependence of photobleaching on the chopping frequency. One-photon absorption is found to be responsible for the photobleaching of the dye within the selected range of laser power
The photobleaching of the lasing dye Rhodamine 6G embedded in the solid matrix poly(methyl methacrylate) was investigated using a photoacoustic technique. Chopped laser radiation from an argon ion laser at four different wavelengths was used for the study. Experimental results indicate that the photobleaching rate is directly proportional to the incident laser power while it decreases with increase in concentration of the dye molecules. In the present case we have not observed any dependence of photobleaching on the chopping frequency. One-photon absorption is found to be responsible for the photobleaching of the dye within the selected range of laser power.
The spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO based nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis are investigated. Very strong UV emissions are observed from ZnO–Ag, ZnO– Cu and ZnO–SiO2 nanocomposites. The strongest visible emission of a typical ZnO–Cu nanocomposite is over ten times stronger than that of pure Cu due to transition from deep donor level to the copper induced level. The optical band gap of ZnO–CdS and ZnO–TiO2 nanocomposites is tunable and emission peaks changes almost in proportion to changes in band gap. Nonlinear optical response of these nanocomposites is studied using nanosecond laser pulses from a tunable laser in the wavelength range of 450–650 nm at resonance and off-resonance wavelengths. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed at resonant wavelengths. Such a change-over is related to the interplay of plasmon/exciton band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained through two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absoption, interband absorption and nonlinear scattering mechanisms. The nonlinearity of the silica colloid is low and its nonlinear response can be improved by making composites with ZnO and ZnO–TiO2. The increase of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and the composition over which the nonlinear material acts as an RSA based optical limiter. These nanocomposites can be used as optical limiters and are potential materials for the light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.
The spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO based nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis are investigated. Very strong UV emissions are observed from ZnO–Ag, ZnO– Cu and ZnO–SiO2 nanocomposites. The strongest visible emission of a typical ZnO–Cu nanocomposite is over ten times stronger than that of pure Cu due to transition from deep donor level to the copper induced level. The optical band gap of ZnO–CdS and ZnO–TiO2 nanocomposites is tunable and emission peaks changes almost in proportion to changes in band gap. Nonlinear optical response of these nanocomposites is studied using nanosecond laser pulses from a tunable laser in the wavelength range of 450–650 nm at resonance and off-resonance wavelengths. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent and switching from RSA to SA has been observed at resonant wavelengths. Such a change-over is related to the interplay of plasmon/exciton band bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained through two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absoption, interband absorption and nonlinear scattering mechanisms. The nonlinearity of the silica colloid is low and its nonlinear response can be improved by making composites with ZnO and ZnO–TiO2. The increase of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the enhancement of exciton oscillator strength. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and the composition over which the nonlinear material acts as an RSA based optical limiter. These nanocomposites can be used as optical limiters and are potential materials for the light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.
In this article, we present the spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO–CdS nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis. The optical band gap (Eg) of the material is tunable between 2.62 and 3.84 eV. The emission peaks of ZnO–CdS nanocomposites change from 385 to 520 nm almost in proportion to changes in Eg. It is possible to obtain a desired luminescence color from UV to green by simply adjusting the composition. The nonlinear optical response of these samples is studied by using nanosecond laser pulses from a tunable laser at the excitonic resonance and off-resonance wavelengths. The nonlinear response is wavelength dependent, and switching from saturable absorption (SA) to reverse SA (RSA) has been observed for samples as the excitation wavelength changes from the excitonic resonance to off-resonance wavelengths. Such a changeover in the sign of the nonlinearity of ZnO–CdS nanocomposites is related to the interplay of exciton bleach and optical limiting mechanisms. The ZnO–CdS nanocomposites show self-defocusing nonlinearity and good nonlinear absorption behavior at off-resonant wavelengths. The nonlinear refractive index and the nonlinear absorption increase with increasing CdS volume fraction at 532 nm. The observed nonlinear absorption is attributed to two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absorption. The enhancement of the third-order nonlinearity in the composites can be attributed to the concentration of exciton oscillator strength. This study is important in identifying the spectral range and composition over which the nonlinear material acts as a RSA based optical limiter. ZnO–CdS is a potential nanocomposite material for the tunable light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.
Optical limiting and thermal lensing studies are carried out in C70–toluene solutions. The measurements are performed using 9-ns pulses generated from a frequencydoubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm. Optical limiting studies in fullerene molecules lead to the conclusion that reverse saturable absorption is the major mechanism for limiting. Analysis of thermal lensing measurements showed a quadratic dependence of thermal lens signal on incident laser energy, which also supports the view that optical limiting in C70 arises due to sequential two-photon absorption via excited triplet state (reverse saturable absorption).
Pulsed photoacoustic measurements have been carried out in toluene at 532 nm wavelength using a Q-switched frequency doubled Nd:YAG laser. The variation of photoacoustic signal amplitude with incident laser power indicates that at lower laser powers one photon absorption takes place at this wavelength while a clear two photon absorption occurs in this liquid at higher laser powers. The studies made here demonstrate that pulsed photoacoustic technique is simple and effective for the investigation of multiphoton processes in liquids.
In this article we present the nonlinear optical properties of ZnO–TiO2–SiO2 nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis. Nonlinear optical response of these samples is studied using nanosecond laser pulses at an off-resonance wavelength. The nonlinearity of the silica colloid is low and its nonlinear response can be improved by making composites with ZnO and TiO2. These nanocomposites show self-defocusing nonlinearity and good nonlinear absorption behaviour. The nonlinear refractive index and the nonlinear absorption increases with increasing ZnO volume fraction. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained by two photon absorption followed by weak free carrier absorption and nonlinear scattering. ZnO–TiO2–SiO2 is a potential nanocomposite material for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.
In this Letter we present the spectral and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO–Ag nanocomposites prepared by colloidal chemical synthesis. Obvious enhancement of ultraviolet (UV) emission of the samples is observed and the strongest UV emission is over three times than that of pure ZnO. These nanocomposites show self-defocusing nonlinearity and good nonlinear absorption behaviour which increases with increasing Ag volume fraction. The observed nonlinear absorption is explained through two photon absorption followed by free carrier absorption. ZnO–Ag is a potential nanocomposite material for the UV light emission and for the development of nonlinear optical devices with a relatively small limiting threshold.