848 resultados para phone tapping
This paper investigates a method of automatic pronunciation scoring for use in computer-assisted language learning (CALL) systems. The method utilizes a likelihood-based `Goodness of Pronunciation' (GOP) measure which is extended to include individual thresholds for each phone based on both averaged native confidence scores and on rejection statistics provided by human judges. Further improvements are obtained by incorporating models of the subject's native language and by augmenting the recognition networks to include expected pronunciation errors. The various GOP measures are assessed using a specially recorded database of non-native speakers which has been annotated to mark phone-level pronunciation errors. Since pronunciation assessment is highly subjective, a set of four performance measures has been designed, each of them measuring different aspects of how well computer-derived phone-level scores agree with human scores. These performance measures are used to cross-validate the reference annotations and to assess the basic GOP algorithm and its refinements. The experimental results suggest that a likelihood-based pronunciation scoring metric can achieve usable performance, especially after applying the various enhancements.
Chapter 6 A Population Perspective on Mobile Phone Related Tasks M. Bradley, S. Waller, J. Goodman-Deane, l. Hosking, R. Tenneti, PM Langdon and PJ Clarkson 6.1 Introduction For design to be truly inclusive, it needs to take into ...
This paper introduces a novel method for the training of a complementary acoustic model with respect to set of given acoustic models. The method is based upon an extension of the Minimum Phone Error (MPE) criterion and aims at producing a model that makes complementary phone errors to those already trained. The technique is therefore called Complementary Phone Error (CPE) training. The method is evaluated using an Arabic large vocabulary continuous speech recognition task. Reductions in word error rate (WER) after combination with a CPE-trained system were obtained with up to 0.7% absolute for a system trained on 172 hours of acoustic data and up to 0.2% absolute for the final system trained on nearly 2000 hours of Arabic data.
We experimentally demonstrate the use of an on-chip integrated Schottky plasmonic detector for testing, monitoring and tapping signals in plasmonic and photonic devices. Theoretical model and measurement of external and integrated devices will be presented. © OSA 2013.
We experimentally demonstrate the use of an on-chip integrated Schottky plasmonic detector for testing, monitoring and tapping signals in plasmonic and photonic devices. Theoretical model and measurement of external and integrated devices will be presented. © OSA 2013.
We experimentally demonstrate the use of an on-chip integrated Schottky plasmonic detector for testing, monitoring and tapping signals in plasmonic and photonic devices. Theoretical model and measurement of external and integrated devices will be presented. © OSA 2013.
A modified tapping mode of the atomic force microscope (AFM) was introduced for manipulation, dissection, and lithography. By sufficiently decreasing the amplitude of AFM tip in the normal tapping mode and adjusting the setpoint, the tip-sample interaction can be efficiently controlled. This modified tapping mode has some characteristics of the AFM contact mode and can be used to manipulate nanoparticles, dissect biomolecules, and make lithographs on various surfaces. This method did not need any additional equipment and it can be applied to any AFM system.
Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (AFM) was applied to study the adsorption behavior of methanol on mica, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) and indium-tin oxide (ITO) coated glass substrates. On mica and HOPG substrates surfaces, the thin films of methanol with bilayer and multilayer were observed, respectively. The formation of irregular islands of methanol was also found on HOPG surface. On ITO surface only aggregates and clusters of methanol molecules were formed. The influence of sample preparation on the adsorption was discussed.
自从1986年G. Binnig 等发明原子力显微镜(AFM)以来,纳米科技研究得到了快速发展,纳米科技研究的最终目标是从纳米甚至分子与原子尺度上制造功能器件或系统,而实现此目标的手段之一是研制能够在纳米尺度上进行精确可控操作的装置、方法与技术。对此,学者们对基于 AFM 的纳米操作进行了大量研究。基于AFM-Tapping模式的纳米观测与操作具有成本低、易实现性等特点,因而近年来成为纳米技术研究的热点。但基于AFM探针的纳米观测和操作的基本理论仍然很不完善,许多情况下缺乏基于探针观测与操作的纳观作用力的合理解释与描述,因此限制了基于探针的纳米技术发展。为了解决这一问题,本论文在国家自然科学基金项目“基于机器人化的纳米操作方法研究(60575060)”的支持下,广泛收集和查阅国内外相关资料,重点开展了AFM-Tapping模式下探针动力学解释方法与建模研究,并进行了基于AFM-Tapping的纳米操作方法研究。主要研究工作如下: 1)针对探针动力学建模问题,开展了基于Hamilton原理和变分原理的有边界条件的探针一维悬臂梁建模方法研究。利用模态叠加法和模态函数正交性对探针各阶模态进行了解耦分析,得到了解耦的探针动力学方程。 2)开展了纳观尺度下探针-样品作用力研究。分析与阐述了毛细力、接触力和摩擦力等纳观尺度作用力;开展了基于Lennard-Jones势模型的不同形状探针与样品间的相互作用势描述方法研究;并根据势能-力之间的关系,研究了可描述半球形探针与样品间相互作用力的数学表达式。 3)开展了基于弹簧振子模型的纳观非线性力作用下探针振动问题分析研究。首次提出了基于探针弹性力与非线性纳观力平衡关系的探针振动状态区域划分方法。在探针振动能量平衡分析的基础上,研究了AFM-Tapping模式中的双稳态现象,进而得到了描述双稳态现象的解析表达式。最后采用Lyapunov指数分析的方法,证明了探针在非线性振动中确实存在着混沌现象。 4)研究了基于AFM-Tapping模式的纳米操作方法。通过研究探针振幅调节控制和预编程作业轨迹规划策略,提出了一种具有增强探针概念的纳米作业方法。该方法可以在参数设定和预编程条件下自动完成纳米尺度的平移和旋转操作,从而可以大大提高纳米操作的效率和精度。实验结果验证了该方法的有效性。本文的工作为纳米操作方法的研究提供了可以借鉴的理论与实验经验,有助于推动基于AFM的纳米操作与制造技术的发展。
Is an interactive new media art installation that explores how the sharing of images, normally hidden on mobile phones, can reveal more about people's sense of place and this ultimately shared experience. Traditional views on sense of place, as exemplified by Wagner (1972) and Relph (1976), characterise the experience as a fusion of meaning, act and context. Indeed, Relph suggests that it is not just the identity of a place that is important, but also the identity that a person or group has with that place, in particular whether they are experiencing it as an ‘insider’ or ‘outsider’. This work stimulates debate concerning the impact of technology on sense of place. Technology offers a number of bridges between the real and virtual worlds, but in so doing places an increased tension on the sense of place and subsequently the identity of the individual. This, coupled with the increased use of camera phones, has enabled the documentation of all aspects of our lives, the things we do, the objects we encounter and the places we inhabit. The installation taps into these hidden electronic resources by letting people share their sense of place associated with a large scale event. The work explores the changing nature of the sense of place of performers, visitors and residents over the duration of the event. Interaction with the installation will transform the viewer into performer, echoing Relph’s insider-outsider dichotomy