996 resultados para pharmaceutical reference pricing
This is a modern, detailed and practical guide to the theory and practice of extemporaneous compounding and dispensing. Fully revised and updated, this new edition will be an indispensable reference for pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists. Pharmacists have been responsible for compounding medicines for centuries. Although most modern medicines are not compounded in a local pharmacy environment, there are still occasions when it is imperative that pharmacists have this knowledge. Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing provides a comprehensive guide to producing extemporaneous formulations safely and effectively.
This is a revision guide for students providing bullet points of basic information on dispensing. "The FASTtrack" series is a series of revision guides directly aimed at pharmacy students. Basic information will be provided on all main areas of study for the MPharm in small concise texts. Each title will provide a summary of all key information along with diagrams, cases and questions and answers for self assessment. The books will be practical, easy to read and well-priced and will complement textbooks and aid students with revision for examinations. This "FASTtrack" is a companion to the larger textbook "Applied Pharmaceutical Practice" (published September 2008) which was designed to guide the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. This title provides students with a core reference to accompany the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate pharmacy programmes. "FASTtrack: Applied Pharmaceutical Practice" is a condensed version with additional examples and questions. A "FASTtrack" website includes MCQs, sample online content and much more.
This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.
Applied Pharmaceutical Practice is an invaluable resource and will guide the student pharmacist and pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. As a core reference text, it is ideal as a companion to the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and the equivalent technical training courses. Contents include: •medicines classification and standard operating procedures •NHS supply in the community and within hospitals •non-NHS supply •controlled drugs •emergency supply •patient counselling and communication •poisons and spirits This practical textbook contains useful exercises with an answers section and numerous examples and is written by authors with extensive experience within the field. This is a comprehensive guide through the main stages of pharmaceutical dispensing.The textbook is designed to guide student pharmacists or pharmacy technicians through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It provides students with a core reference text to accompany the compulsory dispensing course found in all pharmacy undergraduate programmes, highlighting and explaining all key concepts behind the processes involved in pharmaceutical dispensing.
Applied Pharmaceutical Practice is an invaluable resource and will guide the student pharmacist and pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. As a core reference text, it is ideal as a companion to the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and the equivalent technical training courses. Contents include: •medicines classification and standard operating procedures •NHS supply in the community and within hospitals •non-NHS supply •controlled drugs •emergency supply •patient counselling and communication •poisons and spirits This practical textbook contains useful exercises with an answers section and numerous examples and is written by authors with extensive experience within the field. This is a comprehensive guide through the main stages of pharmaceutical dispensing.The textbook is designed to guide student pharmacists or pharmacy technicians through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It provides students with a core reference text to accompany the compulsory dispensing course found in all pharmacy undergraduate programmes, highlighting and explaining all key concepts behind the processes involved in pharmaceutical dispensing.
This is a revision guide for students providing bullet points of basic information on dispensing. "The FASTtrack" series is a series of revision guides directly aimed at pharmacy students. Basic information will be provided on all main areas of study for the MPharm in small concise texts. Each title will provide a summary of all key information along with diagrams, cases and questions and answers for self assessment. The books will be practical, easy to read and well-priced and will complement textbooks and aid students with revision for examinations. This "FASTtrack" is a companion to the larger textbook "Applied Pharmaceutical Practice" (published September 2008) which was designed to guide the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. This title provides students with a core reference to accompany the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate pharmacy programmes. "FASTtrack: Applied Pharmaceutical Practice" is a condensed version with additional examples and questions. A "FASTtrack" website includes MCQs, sample online content and much more.
This is a modern, detailed and practical guide to the theory and practice of extemporaneous compounding and dispensing. Fully revised and updated, this new edition will be an indispensable reference for pharmacy students and practicing pharmacists. Pharmacists have been responsible for compounding medicines for centuries. Although most modern medicines are not compounded in a local pharmacy environment, there are still occasions when it is imperative that pharmacists have this knowledge. Pharmaceutical Compounding and Dispensing provides a comprehensive guide to producing extemporaneous formulations safely and effectively.
This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.
In the discussion - Indirect Cost Factors in Menu Pricing – by David V. Pavesic, Associate Professor, Hotel, Restaurant and Travel Administration at Georgia State University, Associate Professor Pavesic initially states: “Rational pricing methodologies have traditionally employed quantitative factors to mark up food and beverage or food and labor because these costs can be isolated and allocated to specific menu items. There are, however, a number of indirect costs that can influence the price charged because they provide added value to the customer or are affected by supply/demand factors. The author discusses these costs and factors that must be taken into account in pricing decisions. Professor Pavesic offers as a given that menu pricing should cover costs, return a profit, reflect a value for the customer, and in the long run, attract customers and market the establishment. “Prices that are too high will drive customers away, and prices that are too low will sacrifice profit,” Professor Pavesic puts it succinctly. To dovetail with this premise the author provides that although food costs measure markedly into menu pricing, other factors such as equipment utilization, popularity/demand, and marketing are but a few of the parenthetic factors also to be considered. “… there is no single method that can be used to mark up every item on any given restaurant menu. One must employ a combination of methodologies and theories,” says Professor Pavesic. “Therefore, when properly carried out, prices will reflect food cost percentages, individual and/or weighted contribution margins, price points, and desired check averages, as well as factors driven by intuition, competition, and demand.” Additionally, Professor Pavesic wants you to know that value, as opposed to maximizing revenue, should be a primary motivating factor when designing menu pricing. This philosophy does come with certain caveats, and he explains them to you. Generically speaking, Professor Pavesic says, “The market ultimately determines the price one can charge.” But, in fine-tuning that decree he further offers, “Lower prices do not automatically translate into value and bargain in the minds of the customers. Having the lowest prices in your market may not bring customers or profit. “Too often operators engage in price wars through discount promotions and find that profits fall and their image in the marketplace is lowered,” Professor Pavesic warns. In reference to intangibles that influence menu pricing, service is at the top of the list. Ambience, location, amenities, product [i.e. food] presentation, and price elasticity are discussed as well. Be aware of price-value perception; Professor Pavesic explains this concept to you. Professor Pavesic closes with a brief overview of a la carte pricing; its pros and cons.
Partially comparative pricing involves a featured store providing price comparisons in reference to a competitor for some products (comparatively priced products) while omitting such comparisons and providing only its price for other products (non-comparatively priced products). Barone, Manning and Miniard (2004) found that while partially comparative pricing enhanced consumers' price perceptions of comparatively priced products at the featured retailer, it had the opposite effect for non-comparatively priced products (i.e., an inferiority effect). To the contrary, it is argued that a price comparison for one brand in a product category may enhance consumers' price perceptions of the remaining, non-comparatively priced brands within the same product category (i.e., a superiority effect). This research seeks to (a) examine the robustness of partially comparative pricing's effect in an across-product category context compared to a within-product category context and (b) extend the understanding of partially comparative pricing's within-product category effect on non-comparatively priced brands by examining potential moderators of this effect: brand diversity, brand typicality, and the relative expensiveness of the brand receiving the price comparison. The findings of four studies provide evidence to support the presence of a superiority effect in a within-product category context and suggests that the adverse effect of partially comparative pricing in an across-product category context may not be as robust as previously thought. Although the superiority effect was unaffected by brand diversity (i.e., whether the brands emanated from different manufacturers or from a single manufacturer), it was found to be moderated by the typicality of the brand receiving the price comparison as well as the comparison brand's relative expensiveness. Research participants formed more favorable relative price beliefs about the non-comparatively priced brand when the comparatively priced brand was perceived as a more typical member of the product category. Similarly, participants formed more favorable beliefs about the non-comparatively priced brand when the comparison price was assigned to the most expensive brand in the product category rather than the least expensive brand.
This dissertation mainly focuses on coordinated pricing and inventory management problems, where the related background is provided in Chapter 1. Several periodic-review models are then discussed in Chapters 2,3,4 and 5, respectively. Chapter 2 analyzes a deterministic single-product model, where a price adjustment cost incurs if the current selling price is changed from the previous period. We develop exact algorithms for the problem under different conditions and find out that computation complexity varies significantly associated with the cost structure. %Moreover, our numerical study indicates that dynamic pricing strategies may outperform static pricing strategies even when price adjustment cost accounts for a significant portion of the total profit. Chapter 3 develops a single-product model in which demand of a period depends not only on the current selling price but also on past prices through the so-called reference price. Strongly polynomial time algorithms are designed for the case without no fixed ordering cost, and a heuristic is proposed for the general case together with an error bound estimation. Moreover, our illustrates through numerical studies that incorporating reference price effect into coordinated pricing and inventory models can have a significant impact on firms' profits. Chapter 4 discusses the stochastic version of the model in Chapter 3 when customers are loss averse. It extends the associated results developed in literature and proves that the reference price dependent base-stock policy is proved to be optimal under a certain conditions. Instead of dealing with specific problems, Chapter 5 establishes the preservation of supermodularity in a class of optimization problems. This property and its extensions include several existing results in the literature as special cases, and provide powerful tools as we illustrate their applications to several operations problems: the stochastic two-product model with cross-price effects, the two-stage inventory control model, and the self-financing model.
The present paper describes a novel, simple and reliable differential pulse voltammetric method for determining amitriptyline (AMT) in pharmaceutical formulations. It has been described for many authors that this antidepressant is electrochemically inactive at carbon electrodes. However, the procedure proposed herein consisted in electrochemically oxidizing AMT at an unmodified carbon nanotube paste electrode in the presence of 0.1 mol L(-1) sulfuric acid used as electrolyte. At such concentration, the acid facilitated the AMT electroxidation through one-electron transfer at 1.33 V vs. Ag/AgCl, as observed by the augmentation of peak current. Concerning optimized conditions (modulation time 5 ms, scan rate 90 mV s(-1), and pulse amplitude 120 mV) a linear calibration curve was constructed in the range of 0.0-30.0 μmol L(-1), with a correlation coefficient of 0.9991 and a limit of detection of 1.61 μmol L(-1). The procedure was successfully validated for intra- and inter-day precision and accuracy. Moreover, its feasibility was assessed through analysis of commercial pharmaceutical formulations and it has been compared to the UV-vis spectrophotometric method used as standard analytical technique recommended by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia.
Lawsonia inermis mediated synthesis of silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) and its efficacy against Candida albicans, Microsporum canis, Propioniabacterium acne and Trichophyton mentagrophytes is reported. A two-step mechanism has been proposed for bioreduction and formation of an intermediate complex leading to the synthesis of capped nanoparticles was developed. In addition, antimicrobial gel for M. canis and T. mentagrophytes was also formulated. Ag-NPs were synthesized by challenging the leaft extract of L. inermis with 1 mM AgNO₃. The Ag-NPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) spectrophotometer and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), nanoparticle tracking and analysis sytem (NTA) and zeta potential was measured to detect the size of Ag-NPs. The antimicrobial activity of Ag-NPs was evaluated by disc diffusion method against the test organisms. Thus these Ag-NPs may prove as a better candidate drug due to their biogenic nature. Moreover, Ag-NPs may be an answer to the drug-resistant microorganisms.
The genera Cochliomyia and Chrysomya contain both obligate and saprophagous flies, which allows the comparison of different feeding habits between closely related species. Among the different strategies for comparing these habits is the use of qPCR to investigate the expression levels of candidate genes involved in feeding behavior. To ensure an accurate measure of the levels of gene expression, it is necessary to normalize the amount of the target gene with the amount of a reference gene having a stable expression across the compared species. Since there is no universal gene that can be used as a reference in functional studies, candidate genes for qPCR data normalization were selected and validated in three Calliphoridae (Diptera) species, Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel, Cochliomyia macellaria Fabricius, and Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann . The expression stability of six genes ( Actin, Gapdh, Rp49, Rps17, α -tubulin, and GstD1) was evaluated among species within the same life stage and between life stages within each species. The expression levels of Actin, Gapdh, and Rp49 were the most stable among the selected genes. These genes can be used as reliable reference genes for functional studies in Calliphoridae using similar experimental settings.
By comparing the SEED and Pfam functional profiles of metagenomes of two Brazilian coral species with 29 datasets that are publicly available, we were able to identify some functions, such as protein secretion systems, that are overrepresented in the metagenomes of corals and may play a role in the establishment and maintenance of bacteria-coral associations. However, only a small percentage of the reads of these metagenomes could be annotated by these reference databases, which may lead to a strong bias in the comparative studies. For this reason, we have searched for identical sequences (99% of nucleotide identity) among these metagenomes in order to perform a reference-independent comparative analysis, and we were able to identify groups of microbial communities that may be under similar selective pressures. The identification of sequences shared among the metagenomes was found to be even better for the identification of groups of communities with similar niche requirements than the traditional analysis of functional profiles. This approach is not only helpful for the investigation of similarities between microbial communities with high proportion of unknown reads, but also enables an indirect overview of gene exchange between communities.