939 resultados para petroleum industry
Theory suggests that economic instruments, such as pollution taxes or tradable permits, can provide more efficient technology adoption incentives than conventional regulatory standards. We explore this issue for an important industry undergoing dramatic decreases in allowed pollution - the U.S. petroleum industry's phasedown of lead in gasoline. Using a duration model applied to a panel of refineries from 1971-1995, we find that the pattern of technology adoption is consistent with an economic response to market incentives, plant characteristics, and alternative policies. Importantly, evidence suggests that the tradable permit system used during the phasedown provided incentives for more efficient technology adoption decisions.
In this study, Evernia prunastri, a lichen growing in its natural habitat in Morocco was analysed for the concentration of five heavy metals (Fe, Pb, Zn, Cu and Cr) from eleven sites between Kenitra and Mohammedia cities. The control site was Dar Essalam, an isolated area with low traffic density and dense vegetation. In the investigated areas, the concentration of heavy metals was correlated with vehicular traffic, industrial activity and urbanization. The total metal concentration was highest in Sidi Yahya, followed by Mohammedia and Bouznika. The coefficient of variation was higher for Pb and lower for Cu, Zn and Fe. The concentrations of most heavy metals in the thalli differed significantly between sites (p<0.01). Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed a significant correlation between heavy metal accumulation and atmospheric purity index. This study demonstrated also that the factors most strongly affecting the lichen flora were traffic density, the petroleum industry and paper factories in these areas. Overall, these results suggest that the index of atmospheric purity and assessment of heavy metals in lichen thalli are good indicators of the air quality at the studied sites.
In the first part of the study we probed the effectiveness of rice bran oil as a multipurpose compounding ingredient for nitrile (NBR) and chloroprene (CR) rubbers. This oil has already been successfully employed in the compounding of NR and SBR in this laboratory.In this context we thought it worthwhile to try this oil in the polar rubbers viz, NBR and CR also. The principle of like dissolves like as applicable to solvents is equally applicable while selecting a plasticiser, elastomer combination. Because of the compatibility considerations polar plasticisers are preferred for polar rubbers like NBR and CR. Although plasticisation is a physical phenomenon and no chemical reaction is involved, the chemical structure of plasticisers determines how much physical attraction there is between the rubber and the plasticiser. In this context it is interesting to note that the various fatty acids present in rice bran oil have a long paraffinic chain, characteristic of waxes, with an acid group at the end of the molecule. The paraffinic end of the molecule contributes lubricating effects and limits compatibility whereas the acid end group contributes some polarity and is also chemically reactive. Because of absorption of acid group on the surface of pigments, these acids will have active pigment wetting characteristics also. These factors justifies the role of rice bran oil as a co-activator and lubricating agent for NBR and CR. In fact in our study we successfully replaced stearic acid as co-activator and aromatic oillDOP as processing aid for CR and NBR with rice bran oil.This part of the study has got special significance in the fact that rubber industry now heavily depends on petroleum industry for process oils. The conventional process oils like aromatic, naphthenic and paraffinic oils are increasingly becoming costlier, as its resources in nature are fast depleting. Moreover aromatic process oils are reported to be carcinogenic because of the presence of higher levels of polycyclic aromatic compounds in these oils.As a result of these factors, a great amount research is going on world over for newer processing aids which are cost effective, nontoxic and performanance wise at par with the conventional ones used in the rubber industry. Trials with vegetable oils in this direction is worth trying.Antioxidants are usually added to the rubber compound to minimise ageing effects from heat, light, oxygen etc. As rice bran oil contains significant amount of tocopherols and oryzanol which are natural antioxidants, we replaced a phenolic antioxidant like styrenated phenol (SP) from the compound recipe of both the rubbers with RBO and ascertained whether this oil could function in the role of antioxidant as well.Preparation and use of epoxidised rice bran oil as plasticiser has already been reported.The crude rice bran oil having an iodine value of 92 was epoxidised in this laboratory using peracetic acid in presence of sulphuric acid as catalyst. The epoxy content of the epoxidised oil was determined volumetrically by treating a known weight of the oil with excess HCI and back titrating the residual HCI with standard alkali solution. The epoxidised oil having an epoxy content of 3.4% was tried in the compounding of NBR and CR as processing aids. And results of these investigations are also included in this chapter. In the second part of the study we tried how RBO/ERBO could perform when used as a processing aid in place of aromatic oil in the compounding of black filled NRCR blends. Elastomers cannot have all the properties required for a particular applications, so it is common practice in rubber industry to blend two elastomers to have desired property for the resulting blend.In this RBO/ERBO was tried as a processing aid for plasticisation, dispersion of fillers, and vulcanisation of black filled NR-CR blends.Aromatic oil was used as a control. The results of our study indicate that these oils could function as a processing aid and when added together with carbon black function as a cure accelerator also.PVC is compatible with nitrile rubber in all proportions, provided NBR has an acrylonitrile content of 25 to 40%. Lower or higher ACN content in NBR makes it incompatible with PVC.PVC is usually blended with NBR at high temperatures. In order to reduce torque during mixing, additional amounts of plasticisers like DOP are added. The plasticiser should be compatible both with PVC and NBR so as to get a homogeneous blend. Epoxidised soyaben oil is reported to have been used in the compounding of PVC as it can perfonn both as an efficient plasticiser and heat stabilizer.At present DOP constitute the largest consumed plasticiser in the PVC compounding. The migration of this plasticiser from food packaging materials made of PVC poses great health hazards as this is harmful to human body. In such a scenario we also thought it worthwhile to see whether DOP could be replaced by rice bran oil in the compounding of NBR-PVC blends Different blends of NBR-PVC were prepared with RBO and were vulcanized using sulphur and conventional accelerators. The various physical and mechanical properties of the vulcanisates were evaluated and compared with those prepared with DOP as the control plasticiser. Epoxidised rice bran oil was also tried as plasticiser for the preparation of NBR-PVC blends. A comparison of the processability and cure characteristics of the different blends prepared with DOP and ERBO showed that ERBO based blends have better processability and lower cure time values. However the elastographic maximum torque values are higher for the DOP based blends. Almost all of the physical properties evaluated are found to be slightly better for the DOP based blends over the ERBO based ones. However a notable feature of the ERBO based blends is the better percentage retention of elongation at break values after ageing over the DOP based blends. The results of these studies using rice bran oil and its epoxidised variety indicated that they could be used as efficient plasticisers in place of DOP and justifies their role as novel, nontoxic, and cheap plasticisers for NBR-PVC blends.
Se realiz un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal a partir de la base de datos de ausentismo por incapacidad mdica del rea administrativa de una empresa de salud con sede en Bogot durante el primer semestre de 2014 Objetivo: Caracterizar las principales causas de ausentismo laboral en los funcionarios administrativos de una empresa de salud desde la revisin de una base de datos para plantear recomendaciones de prevencin. Mtodos: Mediante un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal se analiz a un grupo de 284 trabajadores administrativos de una empresa de salud que reportaron ausentismo por incapacidad mdica en el primer semestre de 2014. Resultados: Las principales causas de ausentismo laboral en el personal administrativo para el primer periodo de 2014 fueron por enfermedad general la diarrea y gastroenteritis (22,2%) y la rinofaringitis aguda (4,4%), y por enfermedad laboral los trastornos osteomusculares (1,04%). El 72% (207) de las incapacidades se generaron en trabajadores administrativos del gnero femenino y el 46.3% (133) en el grupo etreo comprendido entre los 31-40 aos; segn la antigedad laboral las personas que tienen entre 1 y 10 aos generaron el 59.2% de los eventos. Conclusin: Las incapacidades en la poblacin de estudio estn dadas en mayor porcentaje por incapacidad general, por enfermedades infectocontagiosas y osteomusculares. Teniendo en cuenta que el presente estudio es netamente descriptivo, puede servir como punto de partida para futuros estudios en los que pueda medirse relacin causal entre tipo de incapacidad, duracin, gnero, cargo y grupo etreo.
El personal que labora en reas de campo en las empresas de hidrocarburos se enfrenta de manera sistemtica a diferentes exposiciones ocupacionales que pueden estar relacionadas con el estrs laboral o tener algn tipo de incidencia en este sentido. Objetivo: establecer la prevalencia de sntomas de estrs percibidos por un grupo de trabajadores que laboran en cuatro campos de perforacin de hidrocarburos e identificar su relacin con el turno y rea de trabajo (administracin y produccin) en que desempean su labor. Metodologa: Estudio de corte transversal, en una empresa del sector hidrocarburos que opera en el municipio de Puerto Boyac, con una muestra de 115 trabajadores, la informacin se recolect a travs de la aplicacin del cuestionario para la evaluacin del estrs Tercera versin del Ministerio de Salud y Proteccin Social de la Repblica de Colombia y la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogot. Resultados: El gnero de mayor frecuencia fue el masculino con el 86%, el 39% de los trabajadores se encuentra en el grupo etario entre los 47-57 aos refiri un nivel de estrs alto. Se observ que la lnea operativa y profesional y los analistas, fueron los que reportaron un nivel de estrs alto. Conclusiones: El trabajo que desarrolla el personal que labora por turnos en campos de perforacin, es un generador de estrs por lo que debe ser monitoreado de forma peridica, haciendo nfasis en la promocin de estilos laborales saludables y la prevencin de diagnsticos que afecten el componente conductual.
RESUMEN El ausentismo laboral genera un gran impacto econmico en las empresas y a la sociedad en general. Es un problema difcil de manejar ya que es multifactorial, porque a pesar de que en su gran mayora es generado por enfermedad general, al analizarlo se puede encontrar otros factores que conlleven a la ausencia del trabajador y con ello producir alteracin al normal funcionamiento de la empresa, por lo que resulta indispensable estudiar este tema. Objetivo Caracterizar las principales causas de ausentismo laboral en los mdicos generales de una IPS que presta servicios de consulta externa de medicina general a nivel nacional durante el ao 2014. Materiales y Mtodos: es un estudio de corte transversal sobre datos secundarios correspondientes al registro de incapacidades que presento la IPS durante el ao 2014. Los criterios de inclusin fueron los mdicos generales con los que contaba la IPS que presta servicios de salud a nivel nacional durante el ao 2014 y los criterios de exclusin fueron las licencias de maternidad y paternidad. El tamao de la muestra final fue de 202 mdicos y el nmero de incapacidades que se present durante el ao 2014 fue 313. Se realiz anlisis de distribucin de frecuencias, porcentaje y prevalencia de las incapacidades. Resultados: durante el ao 2014 se presentaron 313 incapacidades, en una poblacin de 202 mdicos generales con prevalencia en las mujeres. El diagnstico ms frecuente de las incapacidades fue la categora diagnostica otros en el cual se encuentra migraa, vrtigo, alteraciones de la mama con 59 incapacidades, seguida por enfermedades gastrointestinales con 25 incapacidades. Conclusiones y recomendaciones: Las incapacidades fueron ms frecuentes en mujeres que en hombres. El diagnstico de las incapacidades ms frecuente fue enfermedad genrica o ausencia de diagnstico. La incapacidad ms frecuente de un da que se presentaron 46 registros. El mdico que mayor nmero de incapacidades presento fue de 18 para el ao 2014. Se recomienda a la empresa tener un seguimiento de las incapacidades repetitivas, ya que estas podran tener relacin con enfermedad laboral que an no ha sido calificada. Se recomienda complementar la base de datos con informacin como el antecedente de enfermedad crnica y el sedentarismo, lo que puede permitir realizar nuevos estudios respecto al riesgo cardiovascular de esta poblacin.
A poluio das guas por hidrocarbonetos pode originar grandes problemas associados a contaminantes orgnicos e inorgnicos uma vez que os combustveis fsseis, como o petrleo e os seus derivados, so matrias-primas para a produo de energia na maioria dos processos industriais actuais. Os hidrocarbonetos reduzem a oxigenao e a penetrao da luz natural nos cursos de gua, devido formao de um filme insolvel na superfcie, produzindo efeitos nocivos na fauna e flora aqutica. Neste trabalho apresentada uma sntese das diferentes tecnologias disponveis e habitualmente usadas para o tratamento de efluentes de Refinarias de petrleo e disponibilizam-se resultados da eficincia de remoo de vrios poluentes ao longo do processo de tratamento dos efluentes gerados, resumindo-se as principais dificuldades com que o tratamento deste tipo de efluentes se depara.
Este artculo explora las posibilidades de concretar resultados de una de las principales iniciativas del presidente venezolano Hugo Chvez: aumentar la cooperacin entre las mayores compaas petroleras de Amrica Latina. As, se presenta una mirada global de la industria petrolera, un perfil de cada una de estas industrias de Amrica Latina y luego se examinan los obstculos y los potenciales que presenta esta iniciativa, as como tambin los pasos necesarios que deben adelantarse para la concrecin de la misma.
Onshore oil production pipelines are major installations in the petroleum industry, stretching many thousands of kilometres worldwide which also contain flowline additives. The current study focuses on the effect of the flowline additives on soil physico-chemical and biological properties and quantified the impact using resilience and resistance indices. Our findings are the first to highlight deleterious effect of flowline additives by altering some fundamental soil properties, including a complete loss of structural integrity of the impacted soil and a reduced capacity to degrade hydrocarbons mainly due to: (i) phosphonate salts (in scale inhibitor) prevented accumulation of scale in pipelines but also disrupted soil physical structure; (ii) glutaraldehyde (in biocides) which repressed microbial activity in the pipeline and reduced hydrocarbon degradation in soil upon environmental exposure; (iii) the combinatory effects of these two chemicals synergistically caused severe soil structural collapse and disruption of microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons.
O processo de reforma que ocorreu na indstria petrolfera a partir da dcada de 1990, associada transferncia de servios de utilidade pblica para o setor privado, trouxe mudanas importantes para a economia. Neste contexto, a intensificao do uso de leiles, para a privatizao das empresas pblicas e para a concesso de direitos de explorao de seus servios assumiu um papel de grande relevncia na economia brasileira. A discusso sobre o desenho de leilo adotado para a venda de blocos petrolferos fundamental, pois representa o ponto inicial desta nova poltica. Sendo assim, este trabalho aborda os principais aspectos que fundamentam a escolha de um formato apropriado de leilo, detalhando as peculiaridades da indstria petrolfera e, finalmente, discutindo os resultados obtidos.
O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar as implicaes/impactos (sociais, gerenciais e polticos) do processo de terceirizao - viabilizado por um novo tipo de competio capitalista por intermdio de redes inter-empresas - em um segmento da indstria do petrleo. Dessa forma, desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa emprica tendo como material de investigao o setor de manuteno industrial de uma refinaria de petrleo do Rio de Janeiro, durante o perodo de 1999 a 2001. As diferentes pticas dos sujeitos sociais envolvidos foram consideradas nesta investigao, quais sejam: gerencial, sindical e dos prprios trabalhadores terceirizados. Os resultados do estudo demonstraram que a terceirizao em curso no setor pesquisado tem implicado em movimentos simultneos de destruio/reconstruo de relaes produtivas tradicionais, combinando modernizao e organizao da produo em rede com prticas tayloristas/fordistas. Novas e antigas formas de (des)sociabilizao e precarizao podem ser evidenciadas atravs de discrepantes condies salariais e de trabalho e na criao de duas categorias de trabalhadores: os petroleiros e os terceirizados. A partir desse estudo a ambigidade e fragilidade dessa "rede" de terceirizao ficaram bem ntidas, pois a concentrao de poder e recursos em pontos especficos e o prevalecente aspecto instrumental e economicista em detrimento do dialgico remetem a um distanciamento do prprio princpio de interdependncia, inerente a noo de rede. A forma como a terceirizao est sendo implementada nessa indstria aproxima-se mais um padro predatrio que um padro flexvel e interdependente como caractersticas inerentes a concepo gerencial de rede. Alm disso, os mecanismos de incluso/excluso social e econmica entre efetivos e terceirizados, indicando cidadanias diferenciadas no mbito da empresa, evidenciam a coexistncia de velhas e novas formas de explorao sob o paradigma da rede.
O objetivo deste trabalho determinar a melhor maneira de se quantificar os riscos polticos e regulatrios a que alguns ativos esto expostos, que fazem com que seus valores de mercado variem. Analisamos, atravs de exemplos hipotticos baseados em situaes reais da indstria de petrleo, se os riscos polticos e regulatrios esto bem quantificados no WACC ou se deveriam ser objeto de cenrios probabilsticos no fluxo de caixa. Apesar de afetarem toda a economia, o que indica que so riscos de mercado e devem ser quantificados por spread no WACC, nossos resultados indicam que a opo de inseri-los via cenrios probabilsticos no fluxo de caixa gera resultados mais compatveis com seu verdadeiro impacto e permite melhor poder de anlise.
One of the great challenges at present time related with the materials area concerns of products and processes for use in petroleum industry, more precisely related to the Pre-salt area. Progresses were reached in the last years allowing the drilling of the salt layer, with the time reduction for drilling and larger success at the end. For the oil wells companies the preponderant factor is the technology, however, in spite of the progress, a series of challenges is still susceptible to solutions and one of them refers to the slurries preparation for cementing in those areas. Inside of this context, this study had for objective to analyze the influence of the salts NaCl, KCl, CaSO4 and MgSO4 in strength and chemical structure of the hydrated products. As methodology, they were prepared and analyzed cement slurries with varied concentrations of these salts that are commonly found in the saline formations. The salts concentrations used in formulations of the slurries were of 5%, 15% and 30%. The slurries were formulated with specific weight of 15,8 lb / gal and the cement used was Class G. Strength tests were accomplished in samples cured by 24 hours and 28 days. Also were realized crystallographic characterization (XRD) and morphologic (SEM). In agreement with the presented results, it is observed that the largest resistance values are attributed to the slurries with concentration of 15%. There was reduction of the strength values of the slurries formulated with concentration of 30%. Through the characterization microstructural it was possible to note the salts influence in the main cement hydrated products
The main problem on the exploration activity on petroleum industry is the formation water resulted on the fields producing. The aggravating of this problem is correlated with the advancing technologies used on the petroleum extractions and on its secondary approach objecting the reobtainment of this oil. Among the main contaminants of the water formation are corrosives gases such as: O2, CO2 and H2S, some solids in suspension and dissolved salts. Concerning to those gases the CO2 is the one that produce significant damage for carbon steel on corrosion process of the petroleum and gas industries. Corrosion inhibitors for carbon steel in formation water is one of the most used agents in control of those damages. In this context, the poor investigations of carbon steel corrosion proceeding from solids in suspension is an opened field for studies. On this work the inhibitor effect of the commercial CORRTREAT 703 was evaluated on some specific solids in suspension at saline medium containing 10.000 ppm of de-aerated chloride using CO2 until non oxygen atmosphere been present. For that, quartz, calcium carbonate, magnetite and iron sulphide were subjected to this investigation as the selected solids. The effect of this inhibitor on corrosion process correlated with those specific solids, was measured using electrochemical (resistance of linear polarization and galvanic pair) and gravimetrical techniques. During all the experimental work important parameters were monitored such as: pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature, instantaneous corrosion rate and galvanic current. According to the obtained results it was proved that the suspension solids calcium carbonate and iron sulphide decrease the corrosion process in higher pH medium. Meanwhile the quartz and magnetite been hardness increase corrosion by broking of the passive layer for erosion. In the other hand, the tested inhibitor in concentration of 50 ppm, showed to be effective (91%) in this corrosion process
Currently a resource more and more used by the petroleum industry to increase the efficiency of steam flood mechanism is the addition of solvents. The process can be understood as a combination of a thermal method (steam injection) with a miscible method (solvent injection), promoting, thus, the reduction of interfacial tensions and oil viscosity. The use of solvent alone tends to be limited because of its high cost. When co-injected with steam, the vaporized solvent condenses in the cooler regions of the reservoir and mixes with the oil, creating a zone of low viscosity between the steam and the heavy oil. The mobility of the displaced fluid is then improved, resulting in an increase of oil recovery. To better understand this improved oil recovery method, a numerical study of the process was done contemplating the effects of some operational parameters (distance between wells, injection steam rate, kind of solvent and injected solvent volume)on the accumulated production of oil, recovery factor and oil-steam rate. Semisynthetic models were used in this study but reservoir data can be extrapolated for practical applications situations on Potiguar Basin. Simulations were performed in STARS (CMG, 2007.11). It was found that injected solvent volumes increased oil recovery and oil rates. Further the majority of the injected solvent was produced and can be recycled