940 resultados para person centered care


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INTRODUCTION: The inappropriate use of antipsychotics in people with dementia for behaviour that challenges is associated with an estimated 1800 deaths annually. However, solely focusing on antipsychotics may transfer prescribing to other equally dangerous psychotropics. Little is known about the role of pharmacists in the management of psychotropics used to treat behaviours that challenge. This research aims to determine whether it is feasible to implement and measure the effectiveness of a combined pharmacy-health psychology intervention incorporating a medication review and staff training package to limit the prescription of psychotropics to manage behaviour that challenges in care home residents with dementia. METHODS/ANALYSIS: 6 care homes within the West Midlands will be recruited. People with dementia receiving medication for behaviour that challenges, or their personal consultee, will be approached regarding participation. Medication used to treat behaviour that challenges will be reviewed by the pharmacist, in collaboration with the general practitioner (GP), person with dementia and carer. The behavioural intervention consists of a training package for care home staff and GPs promoting person-centred care and treating behaviours that challenge as an expression of unmet need. The primary outcome measure is the Neuropsychiatric Inventory-Nursing Home version (NPI-NH). Other outcomes include quality of life (EQ-5D and DEMQoL), cognition (sMMSE), health economic (CSRI) and prescribed medication including whether recommendations were implemented. Outcome data will be collected at 6 weeks, and 3 and 6 months. Pretraining and post-training interviews will explore stakeholders' expectations and experiences of the intervention. Data will be used to estimate the sample size for a definitive study. ETHICS/DISSEMINATION: The project has received a favourable opinion from the East Midlands REC (15/EM/3014). If potential participants lack capacity, a personal consultee will be consulted regarding participation in line with the Mental Capacity Act. Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented at conferences.


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Background: British Columbia’s Fraser Health Authority (FHA) neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) value family centered care (FCC). Nevertheless, there is limited evidence that FCC is actually incorporated into practice, as well as some concern that FHA NICU education is inaccessible, inconsistent, or disorganized. Purpose: The mission of this project is to support the principles of FCC throughout the development of an FHA online NICU family education guide by reflecting upon the needs of families throughout their NICU journey. Methods: A needs assessment was initially completed and included literature reviews, consultations, and an environmental scan. This data informed development of an online NICU family education guide which plots current education materials along key stages of the NICU journey: prenatal, admission, early days, growing and developing, discharge and at home. For the purposes of this practicum, only the prenatal stage was fully developed and will serve as a template for other stages following a formative evaluation. A pamphlet and revised FHA Neonatal Checkpoint will also be developed to augment teaching by health care professionals. Implementation and evaluation plans were adapted from the Center for Disease Control Framework for Program Evaluation in Public Health. Results: The needs assessment validates and directs the development, implementation, and evaluation of the online guide illustrating an FCC approach. The online guide centralizes and organizes education by selecting education topics that relate to each stage of the NICU journey. This family-directed design enables families’ access to consistent and reliable information and offers them an opportunity to learn at their own pace. Conclusion: The process of creating, implementing, and evaluating an online family education program for FHA NICUs elucidates the intricacies and the advantages of integrating FCC into NICU practice.


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Background: Primary care is the sector of health care in which patients first establish contact with the health system, are provided person-focused care over time for all new or common needs, and receive coordinated integrated health services provided elsewhere by other members of the health care team. Registered Nurses (RNs) in Canada provide care within this sector in varying roles. The extent to which RNs enact their full scope of practice in primary care settings in Canada is not known. The Actual Scope of Practice questionnaire (ASCOP) is a 26 item Likert scale questionnaire developed by researchers in Canada and validated in the acute care setting to measure the extent to which RNs apply the knowledge, skills and competencies of the professional full scope of practice. Similar to the acute care setting, there is a need to measure scope of practice enactment in the primary care setting. Objectives: The overall aim of this thesis was to measure scope of practice enactment in the primary care setting. Two research objectives were addressed: (1) to revise and adapt the ASCOP questionnaire for use in the primary care setting, and (2) to determine internal consistency, construct validity, and sensitivity of the modified instrument, the ASCOP-PC. Methods: To address the first objective, a narrative literature review and synthesis and an expert panel review was conducted. To address the second objective a cross-sectional survey of 178 RNs working in primary care organizations in Ontario was conducted Results: The ASCOP, with few modifications, addressed key attributes of nursing scope of practice in the primary care setting. The ASCOP-PC yielded acceptable alpha coefficients ranging from 0.66 to 0.91 and explained variances from 44.2 to 62.6. Total mean score of 5.16 suggests that RNs within these models of care almost always engage in activities reflected in the ASCOP-PC. Interpretation: Findings from this study support the use of a the modified ASCOP questionnaire as a reliable and valid measure of scope of practice enactment among primary care nurses in the primary care setting.


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The quality of nursing home care for some remains a significant cause of concern. This paper explores and discusses some of the significant critiques and limitations to nursing home care within the UK, particularly and including end of life care. The paper also explores some of the international literature by way of comparison.
To identify some of the characteristics contributing to the quality of holistic care within nursing homes
Two short narratives drawn from the experiences of nursing home care within Northern Ireland. The narrators (and co-authors to the paper) are first year student nurses who are also employed (part-time) as carers within nursing homes
The paper identifies evidence of good nursing and care, together with evident quality in end of life care within nursing homes. The paper addresses the context of nursing home care and explores significant characteristics that reflect in the delivery of holistic care to nursing home residents, including the important role of a `culture’ of care, ongoing and specialist training( particularly and including within end of life care) and the important impact in the quality of nursing home leadership.
The paper concludes with some short recommendations to better develop practice within nursing homes


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Sexuality among the aging traditionally been overlooked. It is gaining recognition as an important factor in lives of older adults and part of the aging process. Preserving residents' right to freedom of sexual expression in the long-term care environment is important part of the resident-centered care & residents' rights


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Bakgrund: HIV är en infektionssjukdom som kan överföras vid bland annat oskyddade samlag, via blod och transplanterad vävnad. Då det idag finns antivirala läkemedel ses HIV inte längre som en dödlig utan en kronisk sjukdom. Personer med HIV/AIDS upplever att sjukdomen påverkar den fysiska och psykiska hälsan negativt. Sjuksköterskor har bristande kunskaper om sjukdomen samt är ovilliga att ge omvårdnad till dessa personer. Syfte: Syftet med litteraturöversikten var att beskriva personers upplevelser av att leva med HIV/AIDS. Metod: Litteraturöversikten baserades på 13 artiklar med kvalitativ design som analyserades enligt Fribergs femstegsmodell. En induktiv ansats användes. Resultat: Huvudtemat stigmatisering identifierades tillsammans med temat transition med tillhörande fem underteman samt temat rädsla med tillhörande tre underteman. Slutsats: Personerna med HIV/AIDS upplevde sig stigmatiserade av närstående, i samhället och i kontakt med hälso- och sjukvården. För att stigmatiseringen ska upphöra behöver sjuksköterskor mer kunskap om HIV/AIDS. För att nå ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt behöver sjuksköterskor se personerna bakom sjukdomen samt medvetandegöra sina attityder och förutfattade meningar mot personerna som lever med HIV/AIDS.


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The overall aim was to investigate the quality of palliative care from the patient perspective, to adapt and psychometrically evaluate the Quality from Patients’ Perspective instrument specific to palliative care (QPP-PC) and investigate the relationship between the combination of person- and organization-related conditions and patients’ perceptions of care quality. Methods: In the systematic literature review (I), 23 studies from 6 databases and reference lists in 2014 were synthesized by integrative thematic analysis. The quantitative studies (II–IV) had cross-sectional designs including 191 patients (73% RR) from hospice inpatient care, hospice day care, palliative units in nursing homes and home care in 2013–2014. A modified version of QPP was used. Additionally, person- and organization-related conditions were assessed. Psychometric evaluation, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Main findings: Patients’ preferences for palliative care included living a meaningful life and responsive healthcare personnel, care environment and organization of care (I). The QPP-PC was developed, comprising 12 factors (49 items), 3 single items and 4 dimensions: medical–technical competence, physical–technical conditions, identity–oriented approach, and socio-cultural atmosphere (II). QPP-PC measured patients’ perceived reality (PR) and subjective importance (SI) of care quality. PR differed across settings, but SI did not (III). All settings exhibited areas of strength and for improvement (II, III). Person-related conditions seemed to be related to SI, and person- and organization-related conditions to PR, explaining 18–30 and 22-29% respectively of the variance (IV). Conclusions: The patient perspective of care quality (SI and PR) should be integrated into daily care and improvement initiatives in palliative care. The QPP-PC can measure patients’ perceptions of care quality. Registered nurses and other healthcare personnel need awareness of person- and organization-related conditions to provide high-quality person-centred care.


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The physical environment can influence older people’s health and well-being, and is often mentioned as being an important factor for person-centred care. Due to high levels of frail health, many older people spend a majority of their time within care facilities and depend on the physical environment for support in their daily life. However, the quality of the physical environment is rarely evaluated, and knowledge is sparse in terms of how well the environment meets the needs of older people. This is partly due to the lack of valid and reliable instruments that could provide important information on environmental quality. Aim: The aim of this thesis was to study the quality of the physical environment in Swedish care facilities for older people, and how it relates to residents’ activities and well-being. Methods: The thesis comprises four papers where both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Study I involved the translation and adaptation of the Sheffield Care Environment Assessment Matrix (SCEAM) into a Swedish version (S-SCEAM). Several methods were used including forward and backward translation, test of validity via expert consultation and reliability tests. In Study II, S-SCEAM was used to assess the quality of the environment, and descriptive data were collected from 20 purposively sampled residential care facilities (RCFs). Study III was a comparative case study conducted at two RCFs using observations, interviews and S-SCEAM to examine how the physical environment relates to older people’s activities and interactions. In study IV, multilevel modeling was used to determine the association between the quality of the physical environment and the psychological and social well-being of older people living in RCFs. The data in the thesis were analysed using qualitative content analysis, and descriptive, bivariate and multilevel statistics. Results: A specific result was the production of the Swedish version of SCEAM. The instrument contains 210 items structured into eight domains reflecting the needs of older people. When using S-SCEAM, the results showed a substantial variation in the quality of the physical environment between and within RCFs. In general, private apartments and dining areas had high quality, whereas overall building layout and outdoor areas had lower quality. Also, older people’s safety was supported in the majority of facilities, whereas cognitive support and privacy had lower quality. Further, the results showed that environmental quality in terms of cognitive support was associated with residents’ social well-being. Specific environmental features, such as building design and space size, were also noted, through observation, as influencing residents’ activities, and several barriers were found that seemed to restrict residents’ full use of the environment. Conclusions: This thesis contributes to the growing evidence-based design field. The S-SCEAM can be used in future research on the association between the environment and people’s health and well-being. The instrument could also serve as a guide in the planning and design process of new RCFs.


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Improve the content validity of the instrument for classification of pediatric patients and evaluate its construct validity. A descriptive exploratory study in the measurement of the content validity index, and correlational design for construct validation through exploratory factor analysis. The content validity index for indicators was 0.99 and it was 0.97 for graded situations. Three domains were extracted in the construct validation, namely: patient, family and therapeutic procedures, with 74.97% of explained variance. The instrument showed evidences of content and construct validity. The validation of the instrument occurred under the approach of family-centered care, and allowed incorporating some essential needs of childhood such as playing, interaction and affection in the content of the instrument.


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Diversos autores relatam que a consulta médica se associa a melhores resultados quando se adota como referencial o modelo centrado no paciente. OBJETIVO: Avaliar se os médicos ingressantes na residência de Pediatria realizam consultas ambulatoriais segundo pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente. MÉTODO: Em 2007, no início de seu estágio de ambulatório, dez residentes foram selecionados aleatoriamente para serem filmados durante a realização de uma consulta. Adotando-se como referencial teórico pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente, os dados foram analisados por meio de metodologia qualitativa, por meio da técnica exploratória, com três juízes independentes. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos residentes explora precocemente a primeira queixa referida pelos pais, assumindo-a como principal; não explora outras queixas; decide e faz orientações terapêuticas de modo não compartilhado; conversa pouco com as crianças; cria longos momentos de silêncio durante a consulta; não explica o exame físico e às vezes utiliza o prontuário como a principal fonte de informação. CONCLUSÃO: Os residentes realizam consultas sem a inclusão da perspectiva dos pais e, portanto, não atendem segundo pressupostos do modelo centrado no paciente.


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This work presents a reflection on Design education and specifically on the role of Drawing in this area. As a subject, Design has expanded its field of action expanding into new areas such as Experience Design or Service Design. It became necessary for the designer to have more than an education based on technological knowledge or know-how. Many authors like Meredith Davis, Don Norman or Jamie Hobson point out the urgency to review the curricula of Design courses because nowadays “… design is more than appearance, design is about interaction, about strategy and about services. Designers change social behavior” (Norman 2011). When shifting from a product-centered design to a person-centered design (in a structure, a service or in a relationship) what should the function of drawing in a design course be? What should its curriculum be? Our work methodology will be to confront today’s perspectives on design theory and practice in an attempt to add to the discussion on the methodological strategies in design teaching in the contemporary context.


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This work presents a reflection on Design education and specifically on the role of Drawing in this area. As a subject, Design has expanded its field of action expanding into new areas such as Experience Design or Service Design. It became necessary for the designer to have more than an education based on technological knowledge or know-how. Many authors like Meredith Davis, Don Norman or Jamie Hobson point out the urgency to review the curricula of Design courses because nowadays “ … design is more than appearance, design is about interaction, about strategy and about services. Designers change social behavior” (Norman, 2011) When shifting from a product-centered design to a person-centered design (in a structure, a service or in a relationship) what should the function of drawing in a design course be? What should its curriculum be? Our work methodology will be to confront today’s perspectives on design theory and practice in an attempt to add to the discussion on the methodological strategies in design teaching in the contemporary context.