990 resultados para pepsin-like fold


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In cardiac muscle the amplitude of Ca(2+) transients can be increased by enhancing Ca(2+) influx. Among the processes leading to increased Ca(2+) influx, agonists of the L-type Ca(2+)-channel can play an important role. Known pharmacological Ca(2+)-channel agonists act on different binding sites on the channel protein, which may lead not only to enhanced peak currents, but also to distinct changes in other biophysical characteristics of the current. In this study, membrane currents were recorded with the patch-clamp technique in the whole-cell configuration in guinea pig isolated ventricular myocytes in combination with confocal fluorescence Ca(2+) imaging techniques and a variety of pharmacological tools. Testing a new positive inotropic steroid-like compound, we found that it increased the L-type Ca(2+)-current by 2.5-fold by shifting the voltage-dependence of activation by 20.2 mV towards negative potentials. The dose-response relationship revealed two vastly different affinities (EC(50(high-affinity))=4.5+/-1.7 nM, EC(50(low-affinity))=8.0+/-1.1 microM) exhibiting differential pharmacological interactions with three classes of Ca(2+)-current antagonists, suggesting more than one binding site on the channel protein. Therefore, we identified and characterized a novel positive inotropic compound (F90927) as a member of a new class of Ca(2+)-channel agonists exhibiting unique features, which set it apart from other presently known L-type Ca(2+)-channel agonists.


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Snake venoms are complex mixtures of biologically active proteins and peptides. Many affect haemostasis by activating or inhibiting coagulant factors or platelets, or by disrupting endothelium. Snake venom components are classified into various families, such as serine proteases, metalloproteinases, C-type lectin-like proteins, disintegrins and phospholipases. Snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have a typical fold resembling that in classic C-type lectins such as the selectins and mannose-binding proteins. Many snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins have now been characterized, as heterodimeric structures with alpha and beta subunits that often form large molecules by multimerization. They activate platelets by binding to VWF or specific receptors such as GPIb, alpha2beta1 and GPVI. Simple heterodimeric GPIb-binding molecules mainly inhibit platelet functions, whereas multimeric ones activate platelets. A series of tetrameric snake venom C-type lectin-like proteins activates platelets by binding to GPVI while another series affects platelet function via integrin alpha2beta1. Some act by inducing VWF to bind to GPIb. Many structures of these proteins, often complexed with their ligands, have been determined. Structure-activity studies show that these proteins are quite complex despite similar backbone folding. Snake C-type lectin-like proteins often interact with more than one platelet receptor and have complex mechanisms of action.


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Perturbations in endocrine functions can impact normal growth. Endocrine traits were studied in three dwarf calves exhibiting retarded but proportionate growth and four phenotypically normal half-siblings, sired by the same bull, and four unrelated control calves. Plasma 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine and thyroxine concentrations in dwarfs and half-siblings were in the physiological range and responded normally to injected thyroid-releasing hormone. Plasma glucagon concentrations were different (dwarfs, controls>half-siblings; P<0.05). Plasma growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) and insulin concentrations in the three groups during an 8-h period were similar, but integrated GH concentrations (areas under concentration curves) were different (dwarfs>controls, P<0.02; half-siblings>controls, P=0.08). Responses of GH to xylazine and to a GH-releasing-factor analogue were similar in dwarfs and half-siblings. Relative gene expression of IGF-1, IGF-2, GH receptor (GHR), insulin receptor, IGF-1 type-1 and -2 receptors (IGF-1R, IGF-2R), and IGF binding proteins were measured in liver and anconeus muscle. GHR mRNA levels were different in liver (dwarfsfold higher (P=0.003 and P=0.001, respectively) and in muscle tissue was 2.3- and 1.8-fold higher (P=0.01 and P=0.08, respectively) than in dwarfs. Hepatic IGF-1R protein levels (Western blots) in muscle were 2.5-fold higher (P<0.05) and in liver and muscle (quantitative immunohistochemistry) were higher (P<0.02 and P<0.07, respectively) in half-siblings than in dwarfs. The reduced presence of IGF-1R may have been the underlying cause of dwarfism in studied calves.


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Cellular retinaldehyde-binding protein (CRALBP) is essential for mammalian vision by routing 11-cis-retinoids for the conversion of photobleached opsin molecules into photosensitive visual pigments. The arginine-to-tryptophan missense mutation in position 234 (R234W) in the human gene RLBP1 encoding CRALBP compromises visual pigment regeneration and is associated with Bothnia dystrophy. Here we report the crystal structures of both wild-type human CRALBP and of its mutant R234W as binary complexes complemented with the endogenous ligand 11-cis-retinal, at 3.0 and 1.7 A resolution, respectively. Our structural model of wild-type CRALBP locates R234 to a positively charged cleft at a distance of 15 A from the hydrophobic core sequestering 11-cis-retinal. The R234W structural model reveals burial of W234 and loss of dianion-binding interactions within the cleft with physiological implications for membrane docking. The burial of W234 is accompanied by a cascade of side-chain flips that effect the intrusion of the side-chain of I238 into the ligand-binding cavity. As consequence of the intrusion, R234W displays 5-fold increased resistance to light-induced photoisomerization relative to wild-type CRALBP, indicating tighter binding to 11-cis-retinal. Overall, our results reveal an unanticipated domino-like structural transition causing Bothnia-type retinal dystrophy by the impaired release of 11-cis-retinal from R234W.


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The structural modifications upon heating of pentagonite, Ca(VO)(Si4O10)·4H2O (space group Ccm21, a=10.3708(2), b=14.0643(2), c=8.97810(10) Å, V=1309.53(3) Å3) were investigated by in situ temperature dependent single-crystal X-ray structure refinements. Diffraction data of a sample from Poona district (India) have been measured in steps of 25 up to 250 °C and in steps of 50 °C between 250 and 400 °C. Pentagonite has a porous framework structure made up by layers of silicate tetrahedra connected by V4+O5 square pyramids. Ca and H2O molecules are extraframework occupants. Room temperature diffraction data allowed refinement of H positions. The hydrogen-bond system links the extraframework occupants to the silicate layers and also interconnects the H2O molecules located inside the channels. Ca is seven-fold coordinated forming four bonds to O of the tetrahedral framework and three bonds to extraframework H2O. The H2O molecule at O9 showing a high displacement parameter is not bonded to Ca. The dehydration in pentagonite proceeds in three steps. At 100 °C the H2O molecule at O8 was released while O9 moved towards Ca. As a consequence the displacement parameter of H2O at O9 halved compared to that at room temperature. The unit-cell volume decreased to 1287.33(3) Å3 leading to a formula with 3H2O per formula unit (pfu). Ca remained seven-fold coordinated. At 175 °C Ca(VO)(Si4O10)·3H2O transformed into a new phase with 1H2O molecule pfu characterized by doubling of the c axis and the monoclinic space group Pn. Severe bending of specific TOT angles led to contraction of the porous three-dimensional framework. In addition, H2O at O9 was expelled while H2O at O7 approached a position in the center of the channel. The normalized volume decreased to 1069.44(9) Å3. The Ca coordination reduced from seven- to six-fold. At 225 °C a new anhydrous phase with space group Pna21 but without doubling of c had formed. Release of H2O at O7 caused additional contraction of TOT angles and volume reduction (V=1036.31(9) Å3). Ca adopted five-fold coordination. During heating excursion up to 400 °C this anhydrous phase remained preserved. Between room temperature and 225 °C the unit-cell volume decreased by 21% due to dehydration. The dehydration steps compare well with the thermo-gravimetric data reported in the literature.


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Regulation of colonic epithelial cell proliferation and differentiation remains poorly understood due to the inability to design a model system which recapitulates these processes. Currently, properties of "differentiation" are studied in colon adenocarcinoma cell lines which can be induced to express some, but not all of the phenotypes of normal cells. In this thesis, the DiFi human colon adenocarcinoma cell line is utilized as an in vitro model system in which to study mucin production. In response to treatment with tumor necrosis factor-alpha, DiFi cells acquire some properties of mucin-producing goblet cells including altered morphology, increased reactivity to wheat germ agglutinin, and increased mucin production as determined by RNA expression as well as reactivity with the MUC-1 antibodies, HMFG-1 and SM-3. Thus, TNF-treated DiFi cells represent one of the few in vitro systems in which mucin expression can be induced.^ DiFi cells express an activated pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ as do most colon adenocarcinomas and derived cell lines, as well as an amplified epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor. To assess potential changes in these enzymes during induction of differentiation characteristics, potential changes in the levels and activities of these enzymes were examined. For pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ no changes were observed in protein levels, specific activity of the kinase, cellular localization, or phosphorylation pattern as determined by Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease partial proteolytic mapping after induction of goblet cell-like phenotypic changes. These results suggest that pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ is regulated differentially in goblet cells than in absorptive cells, as down-modulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ kinase occurs in the latter. Therefore, effects on pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ may be critical in colon regulation, and may be important in generating the various colonic epithelial cell types.^ In contrast to pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src},$ EGF receptor tyrosine kinase activity decreased ($<$5-fold) after TNF treatment and at the time in which morphologic changes were observed. Similar decreases in tyrosine phosphorylation of EGF receptor were observed as assessed by immunoblotting with an anti-phosphotyrosine antibody. In addition, ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF cell surface binding was reduced approximately 3-fold following TNF treatment with a concomitant reduction in receptor affinity ($<$2-fold). These results suggest that modulation of EGF receptor may be important in goblet cell differentiation. In contrast, other published studies have demonstrated that increases in EGF receptor mRNA and in ($\sp{125}$I) -EGF binding accompany differentiation toward the absorptive cell phenotype. Therefore, differential regulation of both EGF receptor and pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ occur along the goblet cell and absorptive cell differentiation pathways. Thus, my results suggest that TNF-treated DiFi cells represent a unique system in which to study distinct patterns of regulation of pp60$\sp{{\rm c}-src}$ and EGF receptor in colonic cells, and to determine if increased MUC-1 expression is an early event in goblet cell differentiation. ^


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The mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) system is composed of two proteins, CPT-I and CPT-II, involved in the transport of fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix to undergo $\beta$-oxidation. CPT-I is located outside the inner membrane and CPT-II is located on the inner aspect of the inner membrane. The CPT proteins are distinct with different molecular weights and activities. The malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I has been proposed as a regulatory step in $\beta$-oxidation. Using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte, assays were designed to discriminate between these activities in situ using digitonin and Triton X-100. With this methodology, we are able to determine the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-mediated increase in CPT activities. Concentrations of digitonin up to 25 $\mu$M fail to release citrate synthase from the mitochondrial matrix or alter the malonyl-CoA sensitivity of CPT-I. If the mitochondrial matrix was exposed, malonyl-CoA insensitive CPT-II would reduce malonyl-CoA sensitivity. In contrast to digitonin, Triton X-100 (0.15%) releases citrate synthase from the matrix and exposes CPT-II. CPT-II activity is confirmed by the absence of malonyl-CoA sensitivity. To examine the effects of various agents on the expression and/or activity of CPT, it is necessary to use serum-free medium to eliminate mitogenic effects of serum proteins. Comparison of different media to optimize CPT activity and cell viability resulted in the decision to use Dulbecco's Modified Eagle medium supplemented with transferrin. In three established models of cardiac hypertrophy using the neonatal rat cardiac myocyte there is a significant increase in CPT-I and CPT-II activity in the treated cells. Analogous to the situation seen in the hypertrophy model, insulin also significantly increases the activity of the mitochondrial proteins CPT-I, CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase with a coinciding increase the expression of CPT-II and cytochrome oxidase mRNA. The removal of serum increases the I$\sb{50}$ (concentration of inhibitor that halves enzyme activity) of CPT-I for malonyl-CoA by four-fold. Incubation with insulin returns I$\sb{50}$ values to serum levels. Incubation with insulin significantly increases malonyl-CoA and ATP levels in the cells with a resulting reduction in palmitate oxidation. Once malonyl-CoA inhibition of CPT-I is removed by permeabilizing the cells, insulin significantly increases the oxidation of palmitoyl-CoA in a manner which parallels the increase in CPT-I activity. Interestingly, CPT-II activity increases significantly only at the tissue culture concentration (1.7 $\mu$M) of insulin suggesting that the IGF-I pathway may be involved. Supporting a role for the IGF-I pathway in the insulin-induced increase in CPT activity is the significant increase in the synthesis of both cellular and mitochondrial proteins as well as increased synthesis of CPT-II. Consistent with an IGF-mediated pathway for the effect of insulin, IGF-I (10 ng/ml) significantly increases the activities of both CPT-I and -II. An IGF-I analogue which inhibits the autophosphorylation of the IGF-I receptor blunts the insulin-mediated increase in CPT-I and -II activity by greater than 70% and virtually eliminates the IGF-I response by greater than 90%. This is the first study to demonstrate the involvement of the IGF-I pathway in the regulation of mitochondrial protein expression, e.g. CPT. ^


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Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) remains a major clinical challenge to date. Repeated alveolar epithelial microinjuries are considered as the starting point and the key event in both the development and the progression of IPF. Various pro-fibrotic agents have been identified and shown to cause alveolar damage. In IPF, however, no leading cause of alveolar epithelial microinjuries can be identified and the exact etiology remains elusive. New results from epidemiologic studies suggest a causal relation between IPF and frequent episodes of gastric refluxes resulting in gastric microaspirations into the lung. The effect of gastric contents on the alveolar epithelium has not been investigated in detail. Here, we present a microfluidic lung epithelial wounding system that allows for the selective exposure of alveolar epithelial cells to gastric contents. The system is revealed to be robust and highly reproducible. The thereby created epithelial microwounds are of tiny dimensions and best possibly reproduce alveolar damage in the lung. We further demonstrate that exposure to gastric contents, namely hydrochloric acid (HCl) and pepsin, directly damages the alveolar epithelium. Together, this novel in vitro wounding system allows for the creation of in vivo-like alveolar microinjuries with the potential to study lung injury and alveolar wound repair in vitro.


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Highly potent biotoxins like Pseudomonas exotoxin A (ETA) are attractive payloads for tumor targeting. However, despite replacement of the natural cell-binding domain of ETA by tumor-selective antibodies or alternative binding proteins like designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) the therapeutic window of such fusion toxins is still limited by target-independent cellular uptake, resulting in toxicity in normal tissues. Furthermore, the strong immunogenicity of the bacterial toxin precludes repeated administration in most patients. Site-specific modification to convert ETA into a prodrug-like toxin which is reactivated specifically in the tumor, and at the same time has a longer circulation half-life and is less immunogenic, is therefore appealing. To engineer a prodrug-like fusion toxin consisting of the anti-EpCAM DARPin Ec1 and a domain I-deleted variant of ETA (ETA″), we used strain-promoted azide alkyne cycloaddition for bioorthogonal conjugation of linear or branched polyethylene glycol (PEG) polymers at defined positions within the toxin moiety. Reversibility of the shielding was provided by a designed peptide linker containing the cleavage site for the rhinovirus 3C model protease. We identified two distinct sites, one within the catalytic domain and one close to the C-terminal KDEL sequence of Ec1-ETA″, simultaneous PEGylation of which resulted in up to 1000-fold lower cytotoxicity in EpCAM-positive tumor cells. Importantly, the potency of the fusion toxin was fully restored by proteolytic unveiling. Upon systemic administration in mice, PEGylated Ec1-ETA″ was much better tolerated than Ec1-ETA″; it showed a longer circulation half-life and an almost 10-fold increased area under the curve (AUC). Our strategy of engineering prodrug-like fusion toxins by bioorthogonal veiling opens new possibilities for targeting tumors with more specificity and efficacy.


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BACKGROUND Detection of HIV-1 p24 antigen permits early identification of primary HIV infection and timely intervention to limit further spread of the infection. Principally, HIV screening should equally detect all viral variants, but reagents for a standardised test evaluation are limited. Therefore, we aimed to create an inexhaustible panel of diverse HIV-1 p24 antigens. METHODS We generated a panel of 43 recombinantly expressed virus-like particles (VLPs), containing the structural Gag proteins of HIV-1 subtypes A-H and circulating recombinant forms (CRF) CRF01_AE, CRF02_AG, CRF12_BF, CRF20_BG and group O. Eleven 4th generation antigen/antibody tests and five antigen-only tests were evaluated for their ability to detect VLPs diluted in human plasma to p24 concentrations equivalent to 50, 10 and 2 IU/ml of the WHO p24 standard. Three tests were also evaluated for their ability to detect p24 after heat-denaturation for immune-complex disruption, a pre-requisite for ultrasensitive p24 detection. RESULTS Our VLP panel exhibited an average intra-clade p24 diversity of 6.7%. Among the 4th generation tests, the Abbott Architect and Siemens Enzygnost Integral 4 had the highest sensitivity of 97.7% and 93%, respectively. Alere Determine Combo and BioRad Access were least sensitive with 10.1% and 40.3%, respectively. Antigen-only tests were slightly more sensitive than combination tests. Almost all tests detected the WHO HIV-1 p24 standard at a concentration of 2 IU/ml, but their ability to detect this input for different subtypes varied greatly. Heat-treatment lowered overall detectability of HIV-1 p24 in two of the three tests, but only few VLPs had a more than 3-fold loss in p24 detection. CONCLUSIONS The HIV-1 Gag subtype panel has a broad diversity and proved useful for a standardised evaluation of the detection limit and breadth of subtype detection of p24 antigen-detecting tests. Several tests exhibited problems, particularly with non-B subtypes.


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Cartilage is a tissue with limited self-healing potential. Hence, cartilage defects require surgical attention to prevent or postpone the development of osteoarthritis. For cell-based cartilage repair strategies, in particular autologous chondrocyte implantation, articular chondrocytes are isolated from cartilage and expanded in vitro to increase the number of cells required for therapy. During expansion, the cells lose the competence to autonomously form a cartilage-like tissue, that is in the absence of exogenously added chondrogenic growth factors, such as TGF-βs. We hypothesized that signaling elicited by autocrine and/or paracrine TGF-β is essential for the formation of cartilage-like tissue and that alterations within the TGF-β signaling pathway during expansion interfere with this process. Primary bovine articular chondrocytes were harvested and expanded in monolayer culture up to passage six and the formation of cartilage tissue was investigated in high density pellet cultures grown for three weeks. Chondrocytes expanded for up to three passages maintained the potential for autonomous cartilage-like tissue formation. After three passages, however, exogenous TGF-β1 was required to induce the formation of cartilage-like tissue. When TGF-β signaling was blocked by inhibiting the TGF-β receptor 1 kinase, the autonomous formation of cartilage-like tissue was abrogated. At the initiation of pellet culture, chondrocytes from passage three and later showed levels of transcripts coding for TGF-β receptors 1 and 2 and TGF-β2 to be three-, five- and five-fold decreased, respectively, as compared to primary chondrocytes. In conclusion, the autonomous formation of cartilage-like tissue by expanded chondrocytes is dependent on signaling induced by autocrine and/or paracrine TGF-β. We propose that a decrease in the expression of the chondrogenic growth factor TGF-β2 and of the TGF-β receptors in expanded chondrocytes accounts for a decrease in the activity of the TGF-β signaling pathway and hence for the loss of the potential for autonomous cartilage-like tissue formation.


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Triabin, a 142-residue protein from the saliva of the blood-sucking triatomine bug Triatoma pallidipennis, is a potent and selective thrombin inhibitor. Its stoichiometric complex with bovine α-thrombin was crystallized, and its crystal structure was solved by Patterson search methods and refined at 2.6-Å resolution to an R value of 0.184. The analysis revealed that triabin is a compact one-domain molecule essentially consisting of an eight-stranded β-barrel. The eight strands A to H are arranged in the order A-C-B-D-E-F-G-H, with the first four strands exhibiting a hitherto unobserved up-up-down-down topology. Except for the B-C inversion, the triabin fold exhibits the regular up-and-down topology of lipocalins. In contrast to the typical ligand-binding lipocalins, however, the triabin barrel encloses a hydrophobic core intersected by a unique salt-bridge cluster. Triabin interacts with thrombin exclusively via its fibrinogen-recognition exosite. Surprisingly, most of the interface interactions are hydrophobic. A prominent exception represents thrombin’s Arg-77A side chain, which extends into a hydrophobic triabin pocket forming partially buried salt bridges with Glu-128 and Asp-135 of the inhibitor. The fully accessible active site of thrombin in this complex is in agreement with its retained hydrolytic activity toward small chromogenic substrates. Impairment of thrombin’s fibrinogen converting activity or of its thrombomodulin-mediated protein C activation capacity upon triabin binding is explained by usage of overlapping interaction sites of fibrinogen, thrombomodulin, and triabin on thrombin. These data demonstrate that triabin inhibits thrombin via a novel and unique mechanism that might be of interest in the context of potential therapeutic applications.


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Mutations in superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1; EC are responsible for a proportion of familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) through acquisition of an as-yet-unidentified toxic property or properties. Two proposed possibilities are that toxicity may arise from imperfectly folded mutant SOD1 catalyzing the nitration of tyrosines [Beckman, J. S., Carson, M., Smith, C. D. & Koppenol, W. H. (1993) Nature (London) 364, 584] through use of peroxynitrite or from peroxidation arising from elevated production of hydroxyl radicals through use of hydrogen peroxide as a substrate [Wiedau-Pazos, M., Goto, J. J., Rabizadeh, S., Gralla, E. D., Roe, J. A., Valentine, J. S. & Bredesen, D. E. (1996) Science 271, 515–518]. To test these possibilities, levels of nitrotyrosine and markers for hydroxyl radical formation were measured in two lines of transgenic mice that develop progressive motor neuron disease from expressing human familial ALS-linked SOD1 mutation G37R. Relative to normal mice or mice expressing high levels of wild-type human SOD1, 3-nitrotyrosine levels were elevated by 2- to 3-fold in spinal cords coincident with the earliest pathological abnormalities and remained elevated in spinal cord throughout progression of disease. However, no increases in protein-bound nitrotyrosine were found during any stage of SOD1-mutant-mediated disease in mice or at end stage of sporadic or SOD1-mediated familial human ALS. When salicylate trapping of hydroxyl radicals and measurement of levels of malondialdehyde were used, there was no evidence throughout disease progression in mice for enhanced production of hydroxyl radicals or lipid peroxidation, respectively. The presence of elevated nitrotyrosine levels beginning at the earliest stages of cellular pathology and continuing throughout progression of disease demonstrates that tyrosine nitration is one in vivo aberrant property of this ALS-linked SOD1 mutant.


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The genetic basis of spontaneous melanoma formation in spotted dorsal (Sd) Xiphophorus platyfish–swordtail hybrids has been studied for decades, and is adequately explained by a two-gene inheritance model involving a sex-linked oncogene, Xmrk, and an autosomal tumor suppressor, DIFF. The Xmrk oncogene encodes a receptor tyrosine kinase related to EGFR; the nature of the DIFF tumor suppressor gene is unknown. We analyzed the genetic basis of UV-B-induced melanoma formation in closely related, spotted side platyfish–swordtail hybrids, which carry a different sex-linked pigment pattern locus, Sp. We UV-irradiated spotted side Xiphophorus platyfish–swordtail backcross hybrids to induce melanomas at frequencies 6-fold higher than occur spontaneously in unirradiated control animals. To identify genetic determinants of melanoma susceptibility in this UV-inducible Xiphophorus model, we genotyped individual animals from control and UV-irradiated experimental regimes using allozyme and DNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms and tested for joint segregation of genetic markers with pigmentation phenotype and UV-induced melanoma formation. Joint segregation results show linkage of a CDKN2-like DNA polymorphism with UV-B-induced melanoma formation in these hybrids. The CDKN2-like polymorphism maps to Xiphophorus linkage group V and exhibits recombination fractions with ES1 and MDH2 allozyme markers consistent with previous localization of the DIFF tumor suppressor locus. Our results indicate that the CDKN2-like sequence we have cloned and mapped is a candidate for the DIFF tumor suppressor gene.


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Mutations in the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene cause early-onset familial Alzheimer disease (AD) by affecting the formation of the amyloid β (Aβ) peptide, the major constituent of AD plaques. We expressed human APP751 containing these mutations in the brains of transgenic mice. Two transgenic mouse lines develop pathological features reminiscent of AD. The degree of pathology depends on expression levels and specific mutations. A 2-fold overexpression of human APP with the Swedish double mutation at positions 670/671 combined with the V717I mutation causes Aβ deposition in neocortex and hippocampus of 18-month-old transgenic mice. The deposits are mostly of the diffuse type; however, some congophilic plaques can be detected. In mice with 7-fold overexpression of human APP harboring the Swedish mutation alone, typical plaques appear at 6 months, which increase with age and are Congo Red-positive at first detection. These congophilic plaques are accompanied by neuritic changes and dystrophic cholinergic fibers. Furthermore, inflammatory processes indicated by a massive glial reaction are apparent. Most notably, plaques are immunoreactive for hyperphosphorylated tau, reminiscent of early tau pathology. The immunoreactivity is exclusively found in congophilic senile plaques of both lines. In the higher expressing line, elevated tau phosphorylation can be demonstrated biochemically in 6-month-old animals and increases with age. These mice resemble major features of AD pathology and suggest a central role of Aβ in the pathogenesis of the disease.