78 resultados para paternalism
This research was based on the results of a case study of a large confectionery factory in the Russian city of Samara. The concept of paternalism is clear in many features of the life of Russian enterprises, including the rhetoric and strategy of the management, relationships within the labour force and the stereotypical expectations of workers. The concept also has a much wider bearing, embracing the spheres of state policy, the social, and family relationships, that is every sphere of social life in which the patriarchal, communal, stereotyped way of thinking of the Soviet people is reproduced. A substantial proportion of the state's role in providing social protection for the population is carried out through enterprises. In spite of low salaries and the absence of career opportunities, female workers were as strongly attached to the enterprise as to their homes. Romanov's research showed how the development of capitalism in industries in Russia is destroying the cultural and social identities of female workers and is contributing to gender inequality. Interpersonal relations are becoming increasingly utilitarian and distant and the basic features of the patriarchal type of administrative control are becoming blurred. This control is becoming more subtle, but gender segregation is preserved in the new framework and indeed becoming more obvious, being reproduced both at the departmental level and in the hiring policy of the enterprise as a whole.
Michigan copper mining companies owned and rented more than 3,000 houses along the Keweenaw Peninsula at the time of the 1913-14 copper strike. The provision of company-constructed housing in mining districts has drawn a wide range of inquiry. Mining historians, community planners, architectural historians, and academics interested in the immigrant experience have identified miners' housing as intriguing examples of corporate paternalism, social planning, vernacular adaptation and ethnic segregation. Michigan's Copper Country retains many examples of such housing and recent research has shown that the Michigan copper mining companies championed the use of housing as a non-wage employment benefit. This paper will investigate the increasingly important role of occupancy and control of company housing during the strike. Illustrated with images collected during the strike by the fledgling U.S. Department of Labor, the presentation explores the history of company housing in the Copper Country, its part in a larger system of corporate welfare, and how the threat of evictions may have turned the tide of strike.
The Danish Minister of Social Affairs is a very eager protagonist of quality in treatment, almost searching for the “perfect“ treatment for children, youngsters, disabled, etc. Many expensive research projects dealing with quality management as well as developmental projects have been launched during the latest years in order to improve professional practice. Within that context this article will deal with the relations between paternalism and ignorance and between pro-social behaviour and anti-social treatment in order to grasp “why professions are doing vicious things“. The main focus is concerned with the knowledge field of social pedagogy.
Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.
El trabajo analiza el contexto del desarrollo de la UNGS como caso sui generis de universidad creada en los años '90, no sólo frente a las universidades "tradicionales" sino también respecto de otras universidades "nuevas" del conurbano. En particular estudia los cambios en la relación entre autoridades, profesores y estudiantes
Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.
El trabajo analiza el contexto del desarrollo de la UNGS como caso sui generis de universidad creada en los años '90, no sólo frente a las universidades "tradicionales" sino también respecto de otras universidades "nuevas" del conurbano. En particular estudia los cambios en la relación entre autoridades, profesores y estudiantes
El trabajo analiza el contexto del desarrollo de la UNGS como caso sui generis de universidad creada en los años '90, no sólo frente a las universidades "tradicionales" sino también respecto de otras universidades "nuevas" del conurbano. En particular estudia los cambios en la relación entre autoridades, profesores y estudiantes
Esta tesis problematiza los vínculos entre las sociedades y sus entornos. "Ecología" y "Praxis Ambiental" constituyen dos polos en tensión. Son palabras que remiten a sistemas de entidades Ecología y Praxis Ambiental, lejos de constituirse desde una red semántica y simbólica afín, aparecen en las prácticas como términos muchas veces antagónicos. Vivimos en un mundo afectado por una crisis ambiental sin parangones producto de las intervenciones humanas en el contexto de las prácticas productivas capitalistas globalizadas. Esta tesis busca contrastar ciertas conceptualizaciones abstractas con los fenómenos concretos cuya contundencia se nos impone. Sigo un camino que parte de la revisión de la ecología como disciplina científica, su articulación (o no) con los movimientos ambientalista para, desde estos sitios de acción, investigación y movilización, avanzar sobre los temas que permanecen como problemas. Tomé como guía la problemática dualidad sobre la que se edificó el pensamiento y la praxis moderna: la escisión antagónica y excluyente entre sociedad y naturaleza, asociada a la idea del hombre como ser de máximo desarrollo, cuya cercanía a la razón permitía justificar su dominio sobre todo lo no-humano, fundamento de la evaluación de lo diferente en términos peyorativos. Exploro el modo en que "lo natural" se consideró como menos desarrollado, con potencialidades que sólo lograría en caso de estar dominado por un ser efectivamente desarrollado y adopto las revisiones en torno a conceptos claves como género, etnia y clase para discutir la noción de naturaleza que subyace en esa presunción de dominio. La metodología de estudio siguió algunas premisas. La primera de ellas es que la edificación de las ideas es un proceso eminentemente histórico. La segunda es que los conceptos, lejos de edificarse desde ejercicios abstractos, se constituyen en permanente vínculo con el plano de las prácticas. La tercera es que en el fondo de la red simbólica antes mencionada se encuentra el paternalismo como diferenciación fundamental. A modo de esquema general, las herramientas adoptadas para analizar escenarios y elaborar reflexiones pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos:La indagación en las formas hegemónicas de discurso-dominio en la ecología científica. La apropiación de la perspectiva feminista como discurso contrahegemónico.La revisión de las formas específicas de dominio como clave reconstructiva.El análisis de las prácticas instituidas, en las prácticas científicas y las esferas de gobierno, a la luz de modos alternativos que implican el reconocimiento de prácticas sociales y saberes edificados desde la experiencia.A partir de remover la idea de naturaleza que subyace en las reflexiones problematizadas, impugno que la única organización social posible sea jerárquica. Desde aquí argumento en contra de uno de los principales argumentos totalitarios, la visión de los intereses de la naturaleza como opuestos a los humanos, destacando la necesidad de abandonar la dualidad para no llegar al consecuente incremento de formas opresivas. En el cierre desmonto el carácter construido de lo normal, desnaturalizo lo natural para repensarnos como seres humanos capaces de cambiar aquello que consideramos injusto.
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual framework in order to analyse and understand the twin developments of successful microeconomic reform on the one hand and failed macroeconomic stabilisation attempts on the other hand in Hungary. The case study also attempts to explore the reasons why Hungarian policymakers were willing to initiate reforms in the micro sphere, but were reluctant to initiate major changes in public finances both before and after the regime change of 1989/1990. Design/methodology/approach – The paper applies a path-dependent approach by carefully analysing Hungary's Communist and post-Communist economic development. The study restricts itself to a positive analysis but normative statements can also be drawn accordingly. Findings – The study demonstrates that the recent deteriorating economic performance of Hungary is not a recent phenomenon. By providing a path-dependent explanation, it argues that both Communist and post-Communist governments used the general budget as a buffer to compensate the losers of economic reforms, especially microeconomic restructuring. The gradualist success of the country – which dates back to at least 1968 – in the field of liberalisation, marketisation and privatisation was accompanied by a constant overspending in the general government. Practical implications – Hungary has been one of the worst-hit countries of the 2008/2009 financial crisis, not just in Central and Eastern Europe but in the whole world. The capacity and opportunity for strengthening international investors' confidence is, however, not without doubts. The current deterioration is deeply rooted in failed past macroeconomic management. The dissolution of fiscal laxity and state paternalism in a broader context requires, therefore, an all-encompassing reform of the general government, which may trigger serious challenges to the political regime as well. Originality/value – The study aims to show that a relatively high ratio of redistribution, a high and persistent public deficit and an accelerated indebtedness are not recent phenomena in Hungary. In fact, these trends characterised the country well before the transformation of 1989/1990, and have continued in the post-socialist years, too. To explain such a phenomenon, the study argues that in the last couple of decades the hardening of the budget constraint of firms have come at the cost of maintaining the soft budget constraint of the state.
This study was conducted to understand (a) hospital social workers' perspectives about patients' personal autonomy and self-determination, (b) their experiences, and (c) their beliefs and behaviors. The study used the maximum variation sampling strategy to select hospitals and hospital social work respondents. Individual interviews were conducted with 31 medical/surgical and mental health hospital social workers who worked in 13 hospitals. The data suggest the following four points. First, the hospital setting as an outside influence as it relates to illness and safety, and its four categories, mentally alert patients, family members, health care professionals, and social work respondents, seems to enhance or diminish patients' autonomy in discharge planning decision making. Second, respondents report they believe patients must be safe both inside and outside the hospital. In theory, respondents support autonomy and self-determination, respect patients' wishes, and believe patients are the decision makers. However, in practice, respondents respect autonomy and self-determination to a point. Third, a model, The Patient's Decision in Discharge Planning: A Continuum, is presented where a safe discharge plan is at one end of a continuum, while an unsafe discharge plan is at the other end. Respondents respect personal autonomy and the patient's self-determination to a point. This point is likely to be located in a gray area where the patient's decision crosses from one end of the continuum to the other. When patients decide on an unsafe discharge plan, workers' interventions range from autonomy to paternalism. And fourth, the hospital setting as an outside influence may not offer the best opportunity for patients to make decisions (a) because of beliefs family members and health care professionals hold about the value of patient self-determination, and (b) because patients may not feel free to make decisions in an environment where they are surrounded by family members, health care professionals, and social work respondents who have power and who think they know best. Workers need to continue to educate elderly patients about their right to self-determination in the hospital setting. ^
Class has always been at the heart of the television crime drama. Whether it is the post-war paternalism of Dixon of Dock Green (1955 – 1976), the harsh social realism of The Sweeney (1975-1978), or the almost mythical evocations of Britain in Heartbeat (1992 – 2010) and Midsomer Murders (1997- present), class and crime have always been seen as being inextricably linked. Since the 1990s, the British crime drama has been influenced by successive waves of cultural imports from, firstly, the US and then from Scandinavia. There is now a recognisable ‘genre’ for what we might think of as British TV Noir. Beginning with shows such as Cracker (1993 – 2006), Prime Suspect (1991 – 2006) and Messiah (2001) and continuing with dramas like Red Riding (2008), Southcliffe (2013) and Hinterland (2013 – present), the British TV Noir employs narratives and stylistic tropes that might usually be associated with the cinema of the 1940s. Although drawing influence from high profile shows such as Twin Peaks (1990 – 1991), Millennium (1996) and (latterly) The Wire (2002 – 2008), CSI (2000 – present) and The Killing (2007) these British Noir shows also articulate the nation’s shifting class system. As Susan Sydney-Smith has ably demonstrated, the crime drama is “historically contingent” (Sydney-Smith, 2002, p. 5) and shaped by the surrounding socio-political, as well aesthetic, context. To this end, this chapter traces the depiction of class in three key crime series – Prime Suspect, Red Riding and Southcliffe - and explores how social class, and more importantly, its changing face provides a constant background to the narratives and characterisations. These three texts were each produced at pivotal moments in Britain’s relationship to class – Prime Suspect was shown 6 months after Margaret Thatcher vacated office; Red Riding was produced in the midst of the global recession in 2008 and Southcliffe was made in the shadows of stringing welfare and immigration reforms. These texts span three successive political administrations and over two decades of social and political change. Understanding the relationship between criminal activity and class in these dramas however is far more complicated than simply reading the historical context through the text. Commensurate with its cinematic incarnation, TV Noir is both reflective and productive, employing visual and narrative tropes to manipulate, as well reflect, its audience’s moral and social positioning. The picture that emerges from an examination of class and the British TV Noir is one of suspicion and discontent. As Andrew Spicer suggests (with reference to British cinema) the Noir sensibility both depicts and critiques a society that it sees as being “class-ridden, racist and misogynist” (Spicer, 2002, p.202). This is certainly the case with the texts that are being examined here, as social positions and taxonomies are constantly being redefined and renegotiated.
Images about Africa in the northern hemisphere are generally negative and pessimistic. In spite of instant global communication, why have these images persisted till date? This contribution shall revisit these perceptions and the images embodying them to unearth the motivations and rationale. The central argument, based on some narratives and experiences, is that ignorance feeds these images and stereotypes. Furthermore, positionality of non-African experts and some groups of African scholars and activists contribute to this culture of ignorance and paternalism. The contribution shall end with an ethical evaluation of the persistence of the images and the extent of moral responsibility of the authors and carriers of the racist stereotypes embedded in the images. (DIPF/Orig.)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Bioética, 2015.
The purpose of this paper is to explore through narrative accounts one family's expérience of critical care, after the admission of a family member to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and their subséquent death five weeks later. Numerous studies support the need for effective communication and clear information to be given to the family. In this instance it was évident from their stories that there were numerous barriers to communication, including language and a lack of insight into the needs of the family. Many families do not understand the complexities of nursing care in an ICU so lack of communication by nursing staff was identified as uncaring behavior and encounters. Facilitating a family's proximity to a dying patient and encouraging them to participate in care helps to maintain some sensé of personal control. Despite a commitment to involving family members in care, which was enshrined in the Unit Philosophy, relatives were banished to the waiting room for hours. They experienced feelings of powerlessness and helplessness as they waited with other relatives for news following investigations or until 'the doctor had completed his rounds'. Explanations of "we must make 'the patient' comfortable" was no consolation for those who wished to be involved in care. The words "I'il call you when we are ready" became a mantra to the forgotten families who waited patiently for those with power to admit them to the ICU. Implications are this family felt they were left alone to cope with the traumatic expériences leading up to and surrounding the death. They felt mainly supported by the priest, who not only administered the last rites but provided spiritual support to the family and dealt sensitively with many issues. Paternalism in décision making when there is a moral obligation to ensure that discussions on end of life dilemmas are an inclusive process with families, doctors, nurses was not understood, therefore it caused conflict within the family over EOL décision making. The family felt that the opportunity to share expériences through telling and retelling their stories would enable them to reconfigure the past and create purpose in the future.