927 resultados para particle-surface interactions
Fluidized bed, attrition behaivior, solid particles, particle surface, bed mass, attrition coefficient, modeling, bubble fluidized bed
A Knudsen flow reactor has been used to quantify functional groups on the surface of seven different types of combustion particle samples: 3 amorphous carbons (FS 101, Printex 60, FW 2), 2 flame soots (hexane soot generated from a rich and a lean diffusion flame), and 2 Diesel particles (SRM 2975, Diesel soot recovered from a Diesel particulate filter). The technique is based on a heterogeneous titration reaction between a probe gas and a specific functional group on the particle surface. Six probe gases have been selected for the quantification of important functional groups: N(CH3)3 for the titration of acidic sites, NH2OH for carbonyl functions of aldehydes and ketones, CF3COOH and HCl for basic sites of different strength, O3 and NO2 for oxidizable groups. The limit of detection was generally well below 1% of a formal monolayer of adsorbed probe gas. Results obtained with N(CH3)3 were higher for the FW 2 amorphous carbon (post-oxidized sample, according to the manufacturer) and the Diesel particles (between 5.2·10 13 and 5.8·10 13 molecule/cm2), indicating a higher state of oxidation than for the other samples (between 1.3·10 12 and 3.7·10 12 molecule/cm2). The ratio of uptakes of CF3COOH and HCl inferred the presence of basic oxides on the particle surface, owing to the larger stability of the acetate compared to the chloride counter ion in the resulting pyrylium salt. The reactivity of the FS 101 amorphous carbon (3.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) and the hexane flame soot (between 1.9·10 15 and 2.7·10 15 molecule/cm2) towards O3 was very high, indicating the presence of a huge amount of oxidizable or reduced groups on the surface of these samples. Besides the quantification of surface functional groups, the kinetics of reactions between particles and probe gases has also been studied. The uptake coefficient γ0 was roughly correlated with the amount of probe gas taken up by the samples. Indeed, the presence of a high density of functional groups led to fast uptake of the probe gas. These different findings indicate that the particle surface appeared multi-functional, with the simultaneous presence of antagonistic functional groups which do not undergo internal chemical reactions, such as acid-base neutralization. Results also point to important differences in the surface reactivity of the samples, depending on the combustion conditions. The relative distribution of the surface functional groups may be a useful indicator for the state of oxidation and the reactivity of the particle surface.
The electrical charges in soil particles are divided into structural or permanent charges and variable charges. Permanent charges develop on the soil particle surface by isomorphic substitution. Variable charges arise from dissociation and association of protons (H+), protonation or deprotonation, and specific adsorption of cations and anions. The aim of this study was to quantify the permanent charges and variable charges of Reference Soils of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. To do so, 24 subsurface profiles from different regions (nine in the Zona da Mata, eight in the Agreste, and seven in the Sertão) were sampled, representing approximately 80 % of the total area of the state. Measurements were performed using cesium chloride solution. Determination was made of the permanent charges and the charges in regard to the hydroxyl functional groups through selective ion exchange of Cs+ by Li+ and Cs+ by NH4+, respectively. All the soils analyzed exhibited variable cation exchange capacity, with proportions from 0.16 to 0.60 and an average of 0.40 when related to total cation exchange capacity.
Background: Air pollution has become an important issue worldwide due to its adverse health effects. Among the different air contaminants, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are liquids or solids with a high vapor pressure at room temperature that are extremely dangerous for human health. Removal of these compounds can be achieved using nanomaterials with tailored properties such as carbon nanotubes. Methods: Vertically-aligned multiwall carbon nanotubes (CNTs) were successfully grown on quartz filters by means of plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). Furthermore, a plasma treatment was performed in order to modify the surface properties of the CNTs. The adsorption/desorption processes of three chlorinated compounds (trichloroethylene, 1,2-dichlorobenzene and chloroform) on the CNTs were studied using mass spectrometry measurements with a residual gas analyzer. Results: The adsorption capability of the CNTs increased after functionalization of their surface with a water plasma treatment. In addition, it was found that the presence of aromatic rings, water solubility and polarity of the VOCs play an important role on the adsorption/desorption kinetics at the CNTs surface. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the applicability of CNTs deposited on quartz filters for the removal or selective detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The presence of aromatic rings in VOCs results in π -stacking interactions with a significant increase of their adsorption. On the other hand, it was found that CNTs surface interactions increase with water solubility and polarity of the VOC.
Syttymistä ja palamisen etenemistä partikkelikerroksessa tutkitaan paloturvallisuuden parantamista sekä kiinteitä polttoaineita käyttävien polttolaitteiden toiminnan tuntemista ja kehittämistä varten. Tässä tutkimuksessa on tavoitteena kerätä yhteen syttymiseen ja liekkirintaman etenemiseen liittyviä kokeellisia ja teoreettisia tutkimustuloksia, jotka auttavat kiinteäkerrospoltto- ja -kaasutus-laitteiden kehittämisessä ja suunnittelussa. Työ on esitutkimus sitä seuraavalle kokeelliselle ja teoreettiselle osalle. Käsittelyssä keskitytään erityisesti puuperäisiin polttoaineisiin. Hiilidioksidipäästöjen vähentämistavoitteet sekä kiinteiden jätteiden energiakäytön lisääminen ja kaatopaikalle viennin vähentäminen aiheuttavat lähitulevaisuudessa kerrospolton lisääntymistä. Kuljetusmatkojen optimoinnin takia joudutaan rakentamaan melko pieniä polttolaitoksia, joissa kerrospolttotekniikka on edullisin vaihtoehto. Syttymispisteellä tarkoitetaan Semenovin määritelmän mukaan tilaa ja ajankohtaa, jolloin polttoaineen ja hapen reaktioissa muodostuva nettoenergia aikayksikössä on yhtäsuuri kuin ympäristöön siirtyvä nettoenergiavirta. Itsesyttyminen tarkoittaa syttymistä ympäristön lämpötilan tai paineen suurenemisen seurauksena. Pakotettu syttyminen tapahtuu, kun syttymispisteen läheisyydessä on esimerkiksi liekki tai hehkuva kiinteä kappale, joka aiheuttaa paikallisen syttymisen ja syttymisrintaman leviämisen muualle polttoaineeseen. Kokeellinen tutkimus on osoittanut tärkeimmiksi syttymiseen ja syttymisrintaman etenemiseen vaikuttaviksi tekijöiksi polttoaineen kosteuden, haihtuvien aineiden pitoisuuden ja lämpöarvon, partikkelikerroksen huokoisuuden, partikkelien koon ja muodon, polttoaineen pinnalle tulevan säteilylämpövirran tiheyden, kaasun virtausnopeuden kerroksessa, hapen osuuden ympäristössä sekä palamisilman esilämmityksen. Kosteuden lisääntyminen suurentaa syttymisenergiaa ja -lämpötilaa sekä pidentää syttymisaikaa. Mitä enemmän polttoaine sisältää haihtuvia aineita sitä pienemmässä lämpötilassa se syttyy. Syttyminen ja syttymisrintaman eteneminen ovat sitä nopeampia mitä suurempi on polttoaineen lämpöarvo. Kerroksen huokoisuuden kasvun on havaittu suurentavan palamisen etenemisnopeutta. Pienet partikkelit syttyvät yleensä nopeammin ja pienemmässä lämpötilassa kuin suuret. Syttymisrintaman eteneminen nopeutuu partikkelien pinta-ala - tilavuussuhteen kasvaessa. Säteilylämpövirran tiheys on useissa polttosovellutuksissa merkittävin lämmönsiirtotekijä, jonka kasvu luonnollisesti nopeuttaa syttymistä. Ilman ja palamiskaasujen virtausnopeus kerroksessa vaikuttaa konvektiiviseen lämmönsiirtoon ja hapen pitoisuuteen syttymisvyöhykkeellä. Ilmavirtaus voi jäähdyttää ja kuumankaasun virtaus lämmittää kerrosta. Hapen osuuden kasvaminen nopeuttaa syttymistä ja liekkirintaman etenemistä kunnes saavutetaan tila, jota suuremmilla virtauksilla ilma jäähdyttää ja laimentaa reaktiovyöhykettä. Palamisilman esilämmitys nopeuttaa syttymisrintaman etenemistä. Syttymistä ja liekkirintaman etenemistä kuvataan yleensä empiirisillä tai säilyvyysyhtälöihin perustuvilla malleilla. Empiiriset mallit perustuvat mittaustuloksista tehtyihin korrelaatioihin sekä joihinkin tunnettuihin fysikaalisiin lainalaisuuksiin. Säilyvyysyhtälöihin perustuvissa malleissa systeemille määritetään massan, energian, liikemäärän ja alkuaineiden säilymisyhtälöt, joiden nopeutta kuvaavien siirtoyhtälöiden muodostamiseen käytetään teoreettisella ja kokeellisella tutkimuksella saatuja yhtälöitä. Nämä mallinnusluokat ovat osittain päällekkäisiä. Pintojen syttymistä kuvataan usein säilyvyysyhtälöihin perustuvilla malleilla. Partikkelikerrosten mallinnuksessa tukeudutaan enimmäkseen empiirisiin yhtälöihin. Partikkelikerroksia kuvaavista malleista Xien ja Liangin hiilipartikkelikerroksen syttymiseen liittyvä tutkimus ja Gortin puun ja jätteen polttoon liittyvä reaktiorintaman etenemistutkimus ovat lähimpänä säilyvyysyhtälöihin perustuvaa mallintamista. Kaikissa malleissa joudutaan kuitenkin yksinkertaistamaan todellista tapausta esimerkiksi vähentämällä dimensioita, reaktioita ja yhdisteitä sekä eliminoimalla vähemmän merkittävät siirtomekanismit. Suoraan kerrospolttoa ja -kaasutusta palvelevia syttymisen ja palamisen etenemisen tutkimuksia on vähän. Muita tarkoituksia varten tehtyjen tutkimusten polttoaineet, kerrokset ja ympäristöolosuhteet poikkeavat yleensä selvästi polttolaitteiden vastaavista olosuhteista. Erikokoisten polttoainepartikkelien ja ominaisuuksiltaan erilaisten polttoaineiden seospolttoa ei ole tutkittu juuri ollenkaan. Polttoainepartikkelien muodon vaikutuksesta on vain vähän tutkimusta.Ilman kanavoitumisen vaikutuksista ei löytynyt tutkimuksia.
The chemistry of gold dissolution in alkaline cyanide solution has continually received attention and new rate equations expressing the gold leaching are still developed. The effect of leaching parameters on gold gold cyanidation is studied in this work in order to optimize the leaching process. A gold leaching model, based on the well-known shrinking-core model, is presented in this work. It is proposed that the reaction takes place at the reacting particle surface which is continuously reduced as the reaction proceeds. The model parameters are estimated by comparing experimental data and simulations. The experimental data used in this work was obtained from Ling et al. (1996) and de Andrade Lima and Hodouin (2005). Two different rate equations, where the unreacted amount of gold is considered in one equation, are investigated. In this work, it is presented that the reaction at the surface is the rate controlling step since there is no internal diffusion limitation. The model considering the effect of non-reacting gold shows that the reaction orders are consistent with the experimental observations reported by Ling et al. (1996) and de Andrade Lima and Hodouin (2005). However, it should be noted that the model obtained in this work is based on assumptions of no side reactions, no solid-liquid mass transfer resistances and no effect from temperature.
Nanoparticles offer adjustable and expandable reactive surface area compared to the more traditional solid phase forms utilized in bioaffinity assays due to the high surface to-volume ratio. The versatility of nanoparticles is further improved by the ability to incorporate various molecular complexes such as luminophores into the core. Nanoparticle labels composed of polystyrene, silica, inorganic crystals doped with high number of luminophores, preferably lanthanide(III) complexes, are employed in bioaffinity assays. Other label species such as semiconductor crystals (quantum dots) or colloidal gold clusters are also utilized. The surface derivatization of such particles with biomolecules is crucial for the applicability to bioaffinity assays. The effectiveness of a coating is reliant on the biomolecule and particle surface characteristics and the selected coupling technique. The most critical aspects of the particle labels in bioaffinity assays are their size-dependent features. For polystyrene, silica and inorganic phosphor particles, these include the kinetics, specific activity and colloidal stability. For quantum dots and gold colloids, the spectral properties are also dependent on particle size. This study reports the utilization of europium(III)-chelate-embedded nanoparticle labels in the development of bioaffinity assays. The experimental covers both the heterogeneous and homogeneous assay formats elucidating the wide applicability of the nanoparticles. It was revealed that the employment of europium(III) nanoparticles in heterogeneous assays for viral antigens, adenovirus hexon and hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), resulted in sensitivity improvement of 10-1000 fold compared to the reference methods. This improvement was attributed to the extreme specific activity and enhanced monovalent affinity of the nanoparticles conjugates. The applicability of europium(III)-chelate-doped nanoparticles to homogeneous assay formats were proved in two completely different experimental settings; assays based on immunological recognition or proteolytic activity. It was shown that in addition to small molecule acceptors, particulate acceptors may also be employed due to the high specific activity of the particles promoting proximity-induced reabsorptive energy transfer in addition to non-radiative energy transfer. The principle of proteolytic activity assay relied on a novel dual-step FRET concept, wherein the streptavidin-derivatized europium(III)-chelate-doped nanoparticles were used as donors for peptide substrates modified with biotin and terminal europium emission compliant primary acceptor and a secondary quencher acceptor. The recorded sensitized emission was proportional to the enzyme activity, and the assay response to various inhibitor doses was in agreement with those found in literature showing the feasibility of the technique. Experiments regarding the impact of donor particle size on the extent of direct donor fluorescence and reabsorptive excitation interference in a FRET-based application was conducted with differently sized europium(III)-chelate-doped nanoparticles. It was shown that the size effect was minimal
Particulate nanostructures are increasingly used for analytical purposes. Such particles are often generated by chemical synthesis from non-renewable raw materials. Generation of uniform nanoscale particles is challenging and particle surfaces must be modified to make the particles biocompatible and water-soluble. Usually nanoparticles are functionalized with binding molecules (e.g., antibodies or their fragments) and a label substance (if needed). Overall, producing nanoparticles for use in bioaffinity assays is a multistep process requiring several manufacturing and purification steps. This study describes a biological method of generating functionalized protein-based nanoparticles with specific binding activity on the particle surface and label activity inside the particles. Traditional chemical bioconjugation of the particle and specific binding molecules is replaced with genetic fusion of the binding molecule gene and particle backbone gene. The entity of the particle shell and binding moieties are synthesized from generic raw materials by bacteria, and fermentation is combined with a simple purification method based on inclusion bodies. The label activity is introduced during the purification. The process results in particles that are ready-to-use as reagents in bioaffinity. Apoferritin was used as particle body and the system was demonstrated using three different binding moieties: a small protein, a peptide and a single chain Fv antibody fragment that represents a complex protein including disulfide bridge.If needed, Eu3+ was used as label substance. The results showed that production system resulted in pure protein preparations, and the particles were of homogeneous size when visualized with transmission electron microscopy. Passively introduced label was stably associated with the particles, and binding molecules genetically fused to the particle specifically bound target molecules. Functionality of the particles in bioaffinity assays were successfully demonstrated with two types of assays; as labels and in particle-enhanced agglutination assay. This biological production procedure features many advantages that make the process especially suited for applications that have frequent and recurring requirements for homogeneous functional particles. The production process of ready, functional and watersoluble particles follows principles of “green chemistry”, is upscalable, fast and cost-effective.
The currently used forms of cancer therapy are associated with drug resistance and toxicity to healthy tissues. Thus, more efficient methods are needed for cancer-specific induction of growth arrest and programmed cell death, also known as apoptosis. Therapeutic forms of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) are investigated in clinical trials due to the capability of TRAIL to trigger apoptosis specifically in cancer cells by activation of cell surface death receptors. Many tumors, however, have acquired resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis and sensitizing drugs for combinatorial treatments are, therefore, in high demand. This study demonstrates that lignans, natural polyphenols enriched in seeds and cereal, have a remarkable sensitizing effect on TRAIL-induced cell death at non-toxic lignan concentrations. In TRAIL-resistant and androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells we observe that lignans repress receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) activity and downregulate cell survival signaling via the Akt pathway, which leads to increased TRAIL sensitivity. A structure-activity relationship analysis reveals that the γ-butyrolactone ring of the dibenzylbutyrolactone lignans is essential for the rapidly reversible TRAIL-sensitizing activity of these compounds. Furthermore, the lignan nortrachelogenin (NTG) is identified as the most efficient of the 27 tested lignans and norlignans in sensitization of androgen-deprived prostate cancer cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. While this combinatorial anticancer approach may leave normal cells unharmed, several efficient cancer drugs are too toxic, insoluble or unstable to be used in systemic therapy. To enable use of such drugs and to protect normal cells from cytotoxic effects, cancer-targeted drug delivery vehicles of nanometer scale have recently been generated. The newly developed nanoparticle system that we tested in vitro for cancer cell targeting combines the efficient drug-loading capacity of mesoporous silica to the versatile particle surface functionalization of hyperbranched poly(ethylene imine), PEI. The mesoporous hybrid silica nanoparticles (MSNs) were functionalized with folic acid to promote targeted internalization by folate receptor overexpressing cancer cells. The presented results demonstrate that the developed carrier system can be employed in vitro for cancer selective delivery of adsorbed or covalently conjugated molecules and furthermore, for selective induction of apoptotic cell death in folate receptor expressing cancer cells. The tested carrier system displays potential for simultaneous delivery of several anticancer agents specifically to cancer cells also in vivo.
Coxsackievirus A9 (CV-A9) belongs to human enteroviruses within family Picornaviridae, which are the main cause of aseptic meningitis. In addition, CV-A9 causes a wide range of other clinical manifestations of acute disease including respiratory infections, myocarditis, encephalitis and severe generalized infections in newborns. In this study, the functions of integrins αVβ6 and αVβ3 in the attachment and cellular entry of CV-A9 were analyzed. Further, virus and cell surface interactions and endocytosis of CV-A9 were studied in specific cell lines. Also, a method for production of GFP-expressing CV-A9 particles by long PCR-mediated mutagenesis and in vivo transcription was developed. The results indicated that RGD-motif (arginine-glycine-asparagine) that resides in the viral capsid is important for CV-A9 infection particularly in cell lines expressing integrin αVβ6 and that this integrin serves as a high affinity attachment receptor for the virus. CV-A9 is also capable of infecting certain cell lines independently of αV-integrins by binding to the cell surface HSPA5 protein. Regardless of the attachment stage, the internalization of the virus occurs via the same entry pathway and is dependent on β2M, dynamin, and Arf6 but independent of clathrin and caveolin-1. Furthermore, the virus internalization occurs within Arf6-containing vesicles suggesting that Arf6 is central mediator of CV-A9 endocytosis. While in this study the results of CV-A9 endocytosis were based on microscopical visualization within individual fixed cells, a rapid method for generation of a virus for real-time imaging was also described.
Une sonde électrostatique de Langmuir cylindrique a été utilisée pour caractériser une post-décharge d’un plasma d’ondes de surface de N2-O2 par la mesure de la densité des ions et électrons ainsi que la température des électrons dérivée de la fonction de distribution en énergie des électrons (EEDF). Une densité maximale des électrons au centre de la early afterglow de l’ordre de 1013 m-3 a été déterminée, alors que celle-ci a chuté à 1011 m-3 au début de la late afterglow. Tout au long du profil de la post-décharge, une densité des ions supérieure à celle des électrons indique la présence d’un milieu non macroscopiquement neutre. La post-décharge est caractérisée par une EEDF quasi maxwellienne avec une température des électrons de 0.5±0.1 eV, alors qu’elle grimpe à 1.1 ±0.2 eV dans la early afterglow due à la contribution des collisions vibrationnelles-électroniques (V-E) particulièrement importantes. L’ajout d’O2 dans la décharge principale entraîne un rehaussement des espèces chargées et de la température des électrons suivi d’une chute avec l’augmentation de la concentration d’O2. Le changement de la composition électrique de la post-décharge par la création de NO+ au détriment des ions N2+ est à l’origine du phénomène. Le recours à cette post-décharge de N2 pour la modification des propriétés d’émission optique de nanofils purs de GaN et avec des inclusions d’InGaN a été étudié par photoluminescence (PL). Bien que l’émission provenant des nanofils de GaN et de la matrice de GaN recouvrant les inclusions diminue suite à la création de sites de recombinaison non radiatifs, celle provenant des inclusions d’InGaN augmente fortement. Des mesures de PL par excitation indiquent que cet effet n’est pas attribuable à un changement de l’absorption de la surface de GaN. Ceci suggère un recuit dynamique induit par la désexcitation des métastables de N2 suite à leur collision à la surface des nanofils et la possibilité de passiver les défauts de surface tels que des lacunes d’azote par l’action d’atomes de N2 réactifs provenant de la post-décharge. L’incorporation d’O2 induit les mêmes effets en plus d’un décalage vers le rouge de la bande d’émission des inclusions, suggérant l’action des espèces d’O2 au sein même des nanostructures.
We have discovered that the current protocols to assemble Au nanoparticles based on DNA hybridization do not work well with the small metal nanoparticles (e.g. 5 nm Au, 3.6 nm Pt and 3.2 nm Ru particles). Further investigations revealed the presence of strong interaction between the oligonucleotide backbone and the surface of the small metal nanoparticles. The oligonucleotides in this case are recumbent on the particle surface and are therefore not optimally oriented for hybridization. The nonspecific adsorption of oligonucleotides on small metal nanoparticles must be overcome before DNA hybridization can be accepted as a general assembly method. Two methods have been suggested as possible solutions to this problem. One is based on the use of stabilizer molecules which compete with the oligonucleotides for adsorption on the metal nanoparticle surface. Unfortunately, the reported success of this approach in small Au nanoparticles (using K₂BSPP) and Au films (using 6-mercapto-1-hexanol) could not be extended to the assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. The second approach is to simply use larger metal particles. Indeed most reports on the DNA hybridization induced assembly of Au nanoparticles have made use of relatively large particles (>10 nm), hinting at a weaker non-specific interaction between the oligonucleotides and large Au nanoparticles. However, most current methods of nanoparticle synthesis are optimized to produce metal nanoparticles only within a narrow size range. We find that core-shell nanoparticles formed by the seeded growth method may be used to artificially enlarge the size of the metal particles to reduce the nonspecific binding of oligonucleotides. We demonstrate herein a core-shell assisted growth method to assemble Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. This method involves firstly synthesizing approximately 16 nm core-shell Ag-Pt and 21 nm core-shell Au-Ru nanoparticles from 9.6 nm Ag seeds and 17.2 nm Au seeds respectively by the seed-mediated growth method. The core-shell nanoparticles were then functionalized by complementary thiolated oligonucleotides followed by aging in 0.2 M PBS buffer for 6 hours. The DNA hybridization induced bimetallic assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles could then be carried out in 0.3 M PBS buffer for 10 hours.
We investigate thin films of cylinder-forming diblock copolymer confined between electrically charged parallel plates, using self-consistent-field theory ( SCFT) combined with an exact treatment for linear dielectric materials. Our study focuses on the competition between the surface interactions, which tend to orient cylinder domains parallel to the plates, and the electric field, which favors a perpendicular orientation. The effect of the electric field on the relative stability of the competing morphologies is demonstrated with equilibrium phase diagrams, calculated with the aid of a weak-field approximation. As hoped, modest electric fields are shown to have a significant stabilizing effect on perpendicular cylinders, particularly for thicker films. Our improved SCFT-based treatment removes most of the approximations implemented by previous approaches, thereby managing to resolve outstanding qualitative inconsistencies among different approximation schemes.
Recent experimental evidence underlines the importance of reduced diffusivity in amorphous semi-solid or glassy atmospheric aerosols. This paper investigates the impact of diffusivity on the ageing of multi-component reactive organic particles representative of atmospheric cooking aerosols. We apply and extend the recently developed KM-SUB model in a study of a 12-component mixture containing oleic and palmitoleic acids. We demonstrate that changes in the diffusivity may explain the evolution of chemical loss rates in ageing semi-solid particles, and we resolve surface and bulk processes under transient reaction conditions considering diffusivities altered by oligomerisation. This new model treatment allows prediction of the ageing of mixed organic multi-component aerosols over atmospherically relevant time scales and conditions. We illustrate the impact of changing diffusivity on the chemical half-life of reactive components in semisolid particles, and we demonstrate how solidification and crust formation at the particle surface can affect the chemical transformation of organic aerosols.
Recent experimental evidence underlines the importance of reduced diffusivity in amorphous semi-solid or glassy atmospheric aerosols. This paper investigates the impact of diffusivity on the ageing of multi-component reactive organic particles approximating atmospheric cooking aerosols. We apply and extend the recently developed KMSUB model in a study of a 12-component mixture containing oleic and palmitoleic acids. We demonstrate that changes in the diffusivity may explain the evolution of chemical loss rates in ageing semi-solid particles, and we resolve surface and bulk processes under transient reaction conditions considering diffusivities altered by oligomerisation. This new model treatment allows prediction of the ageing of mixed organic multi-component aerosols over atmospherically relevant timescales and conditions. We illustrate the impact of changing diffusivity on the chemical half-life of reactive components in semi-solid particles, and we demonstrate how solidification and crust formation at the particle surface can affect the chemical transformation of organic aerosols.