843 resultados para parental attachment


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The relations among measures of attachment, spouse behavior, and marital satisfaction were assessed in a broad sample of 193 married couples, using both questionnaire and diary methods. Insecure attachment was associated with less favorable reports of spouse behavior, as assessed by diary checklists. Marital satisfaction was predicted by attachment treasures and reports of spouse behavior. The relation between attachment security and marital satisfaction was moderated, but not mediated, by reported spouse behavior. Specifically, insecure individuals' evaluations of their relationships were more reactive to recent spouse behavior, an effect that was especially marked for fearful participants and for those in longer-term marriages. Some gender differences in patterns of prediction were obtained. The results are discussed in terms of the working models associated with attachment styles, and the processes by which relationship satisfaction may be eroded over time.


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Issues concerning the influence of attachment characteristics on own and partner's disclosure were addressed using a sample of 113 couples in medium-term dating relationships. Individual differences in attachment were assessed in terms of relationship anxiety and avoidance. Disposition to disclose was assessed using questionnaire measures of self-disclosure, relationship-focused disclosure, and the ability to elicit disclosure from the partner; in addition, structured diaries were used to assess aspects of disclosure (amount, intimacy, emotional tone, and satisfaction) in the context of couples' everyday interactions. Couple-level analyses showed that avoidance strongly predicted dispositional measures of disclosure, whereas anxiety (particularly partner's anxiety) was related to negative evaluations of everyday interactions. Interactive effects of attachment dimensions and gender were also obtained, highlighting the complexity of communication behavior. The results are discussed in terms of the goals and strategies associated with working models of attachment.


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Axonal regeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) into a normal or pre-degenerated peripheral nerve graft after an optic nerve pre-lesion was investigated. A pre-lesion performed 1-2 weeks before a second lesion has been shown to enhance axonal regeneration in peripheral nerves (PN) but not in optic nerves (ON) in mammals. The lack of such a beneficial pre-lesion effect may be due to the long delay (1-6 weeks) between the two lesions since RGCs and their axons degenerate rapidly 1-2 weeks following axotomy in adult rodents. The present study examined the effects of the proximal and distal ON pre-lesions with a shortened delay (0-8 days) on axonal regeneration of RGCs through a normal or pre-degenerated PN graft. The ON of adult hamsters was transected intraorbitallv at 2 mm. (proximal lesion) or intracranially at 7 mm (distal lesion) from the optic disc. The pre-lesioned ON was re-transected at 0.5 mm from the disc after 0, 1, 2, 4, or 8 days and a normal or a pre-degenerated PN graft was attached onto the ocular stump. The number of RGCs regenerating their injured axons into the PN graft was estimated by retrograde labeling with FluoroGold 4 weeks after grafting. The number of regenerating RGCs decreased significantly when the delay-time increased in animals with both the ON pre-lesions (proximal or distal) compared to control animals without an ON pre-lesion. The proximal ON pre-lesion significantly reduced the number of regenerating RGCs after a delay of 8 days in comparison with the distal lesion. However, this adverse effect can be overcome, to some degree, by a pre-degenerated PN graft applied 2, 4, or 8 days after the distal ON pre-lesion enhanced more RGCs to regenerate than the normal PN graft. Thus, in order to obtain the highest number of regenerating RGCs, a pre-degenerated PN should be grafted immediately after an ON lesion.


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Objective: It has been suggested that parental occupation, particularly farming, increased the risk of Ewing's sarcoma in the offspring. In a national case-control study we examined the relationship between farm and other parental occupational exposures and the risk of cancer in the offspring. Methods: Cases were 106 persons with confirmed Ewing's sarcoma or peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumor. Population-based controls (344) were selected randomly via telephone. Information was collected by interview (84% face-to-face). Results: We found an excess of case mothers who worked on farms at conception and/or pregnancy (odds ratio (OR) = 2.3, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.5-12.0) and a slightly smaller excess of farming fathers; more case mothers usually worked as laborers, machine operators, or drivers (OR = 1.8, 95% CI 0.9-3.9). Risk doubled for those whose mothers handled pesticides and insecticides, or fathers who handled solvents and glues, and oils and greases. Further, more cases lived on farms (OR = 1.6, 95% CI 0.9-2.8). In the 0-20 years group, the risk doubled for those who ever lived on a farm (OR = 2.0, 95% CI 1.0-3.9), and more than tripled for those with farming fathers at conception and/or pregnancy (OR = 3.5, 95% CI 1.0-11.9). Conclusions: Our data support the general hypothesis of an association of Ewing's sarcoma family of tumors with farming, particularly at younger ages, who represent the bulk of cases, and are more likely to share etiologic factors.


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This project investigated the relationship between attachment style and postnatal depression. In a sample of mothers with infants, those identifying themselves as depressed reported a more preoccupied attachment style by comparison with their nondepressed counterparts. Maternal attachment style was not related to perceived infant characteristics or to the reported mother-child relationship. Postnatal depression, however, was related to both perceived infant characteristics and the reported mother-child relationship. Although postnatal depression was not significantly related to marital quality, a trend did emerge between attachment style and marital quality. These findings suggest that further research is warranted to clarify the relationship between attachment style and postnatal depression.


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We examined the unique relations between the five dimensions of the Attachment Style Questionnaire (ASQ; Feeney, Noller, & Hanrahan, 1994) and depression and agoraphobic behavior (i.e., avoidance of situations where high anxiety is experienced). In addition, we examined mediation models in an attempt to clarify the link between adult attachment and these two dimensions of psychopathology. In testing these models, we administered the ASQ, General Self-Efficacy Scale, Agoraphobic Catastrophic Cognitions Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory, and the Mobility Inventory for Agoraphobia (a measure of the degree to which situations are avoided that are typically anxiety provoking for people with agoraphobia) to 122 participants (44 with agoraphobia, 25 with a current major depressive disorder, and 53 with no current psychopathology). The results showed that the insecure attachment dimensions of need for approval, preoccupation with relationships, and relationships as secondary were uniquely associated with depression and that general self-efficacy partly mediated the relationship between need for approval and depression. In contrast, only preoccupation with relationships was uniquely associated with agoraphobic behavior, and catastrophic cognitions about bodily sensations partly mediated this association.


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Objective: To test a conceptual model linking parental physical activity orientations, parental support for physical activity, and children's self-efficacy perceptions with physical activity participation. Participants and Setting: The sample consisted of 380 students in grades 7 through 12 (mean age, 14.0 +/- 1.6 years) and their parents. Data collection took place during the fall of 1996. Main Outcome Measures: Parents completed a questionnaire assessing their physical activity habits, enjoyment of physical activity, beliefs regarding the importance of physical activity, and supportive behaviors for their child's physical activity. Students completed a 46-item inventory assessing physical activity during the previous 7 days and a 5-item physical activity self-efficacy scale. The model was tested via observed variable path analysis using structural equation modeling techniques (AMOS 4.0). Results: An initial model, in which parent physical activity orientations predicted child physical activity via parental support and child self-efficacy, did not provide an acceptable fit to the data. Inclusion of a direct path from parental support to child physical activity and deletion of a nonsignificant path from parental physical activity to child physical activity significantly improved model fit. Standardized path coefficients for the revised model ranged from 0.17 to 0.24, and all were significant at the p < 0.0001 level. Conclusions: Parental support was an important correlate of youth physical activity, acting directly or indirectly through its influence on self-efficacy. Physical activity interventions targeted at youth should include and evaluate the efficacy of individual-level and community-level strategies to increase parents' capacity to provide instrumental and motivational support for their children's physical activity.


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This study aims at gaining a deeper understanding of customer profiling and behaviour in cross-border tourism destinations. The study is developed under a niche marketing perspective. It is our view that niche marketing is not confined to the limits of national markets. Previous studies suggest that cross-border regions are an attractive notion, yet they require further theoretical and empirical research. There is still a gap in the understanding of destination management in cross-border regions and the customer profile and motivations. Overall this research attempts to produce a deeper understanding of the profile and behaviour of consumers in tourism settings, addressing the predisposition for the destination in specific contexts (cross-border tourism regions).


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RESUMO: O envolvimento parental no desporto é determinante no processo de formação desportiva dos jovens desportistas. Pelo facto de existirem poucos instrumentos de avaliação neste assunto, a adaptação e validação do Parental Involvement Sport Questionnaire (PISQ) para o idioma Português, tornou-se fundamental para colmatar esta lacuna. Assim, o presente estudo pretende alcançar dois objectivos principais: a) traduzir e adaptar o PISQ ao idioma Português do Brasil e, deste modo, iniciar o processo de validação do referido instrumento; b) analisar a relação entre a percepção dos jovens sobre o envolvimento parental na sua prática de natação e a motivação destes jovens nadadores. Um total de 114 nadadores participaram deste estudo, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e 20 anos [ M = 14.67; DP = 8.29], para aferir utilizamos a versão Portuguesa do PISQ e do Sport Motivation Scale (SMS). Como principais resultados, a versão portuguesa do PISQ apresentou um Alpha de Cronbach deos comportamentos directivos dos pais mostraram reduzir a motivação intrínsica – saber, a motivação intrínsica pela prática e a motivação extrínsica – introjectada, e aumentar a amotivação dos jovens desportistas. ABSTRACT: The parental involvement in sport is crucial in the process of sports training of young athletes and, because there are few instruments for assessing this issue, the adaptation and validation of the Parental Involvement Sport Questionnaire (PISQ) for the Portuguese language, it became essential to bridge this gap. Thus, this study aims to achieve two main objectives: a) translate and adapt the PISQ to the Portuguese language of Brazil and thus begin the process of validation of that instrument, b) analyze the relationship between the perception of young people about the involvement parental in their practice of swimming, and the motivation of these young swimmers. A total of 114 swimmers participated in this study, aged between 12 and 20 years [M = 14.67, SD = 8.29], we used to measure the Portuguese version of PISQ and the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS). As main results, the Portuguese version of PISQ showed a Cronbach’s Alpha of , directive behaviors of the parents shown to reduce intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and increase the amotivation of the young athletes.


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O trabalho que aqui se apresenta pretende mostrar as estratégias e actividades utilizadas com uma jovem com Necessidades Educativas Especiais, pertencente a um meio sócio-económico-cultural desfavorecido, cuja mãe e Encarregada de Educação não compreende nem valoriza o papel da escola a par de manifestar baixas expectativas face às competências académicas da sua filha o que a leva a não investir na vida escolar da mesma. Foram realizadas diversas diligências no sentido de se fazer um levantamento acerca de toda a problemática que envolve a aluna. Para tal foi consultada documentação diversa referente ao meio, à escola, à turma e à aluna, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas a pessoas ligadas ao percurso escolar desta jovem, bem como a outro encarregado de educação de um aluno da mesma escola que serviu como termo de comparação. Após a recolha de toda a informação que considerámos importante, levou-se a cabo à planificação, e a consequente avaliação. Esta intervenção teve como principais propósitos desenvolver o perfil educacional da aluna e modificar a postura da mãe e Encarregada de educação face à Escola e consequentemente fazê-la criar expectativas positivas face à sua educanda o que potenciará a Inclusão da mesma.


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Introdução - Estudos de investigação recentes apontam para o facto de que cerca de 1/3 dos olhos amblíopes não chegam à acuidade visual de 5/10 apesar da terapia oclusiva. Uma das razões apontadas é a não adesão ao tratamento. O objectivo do presente estudo é contribuir para a determinação do grau de influência dos factores psicossociais na adesão à terapia oclusiva por parte dos pais de crianças amblíopes e avaliar se existem diferenças significativas entre as recomendações do Ortoptista, a percepção parental dessas mesmas recomendações e o comportamento descrito. Metodologia - Foi efectuado um estudo quantitativo transversal, no qual participaram pais de crianças amblíopes (n=100), a realizar tratamento oclusivo num hospital público e numa clínica privada em Lisboa. Os pais responderam a um questionário baseado na Teoria da Motivação e Protecção (TMP) de Rogers, no qual foram analisadas variáveis parentais como a gravidade, vulnerabilidade, auto-eficácia, intenções de comportamento, eficácia da resposta e barreiras ao tratamento. Adicionalmente, foram analisadas as variáveis percepção parental do número de horas de oclusão e comportamento parental descrito. Resultados - Os resultados apontam para uma percentagem de 72% de adesão parental ao tratamento oclusivo e uma percentagem de 28% de não adesão. As variáveis intenções de comportamento (p=O,Ol 5) e eficácia da resposta (p=O,Ol 1) demonstraram ser significativas na predição da adesão parental ao tratamento oclusivo em crianças amblíopes (a=0,05). Foi detectada uma correlação positiva moderada (kappa=0, 536) entre o número de horas de oclusão recomendado pelo Ortoptista e a percepção parental dessas mesmas recomendações e uma correlação positiva forte (kappa=0,700) entre o número de horas de oclusão percepcionadas e o comportamento descrito. Conclusões - A prévia noção por parte dos pais de que o tratamento é uma mais-valia com consequências benéficas, provoca o desenvolvimento de uma resposta adaptativa de coping, neste caso de adesão ao tratamento oclusivo. A intenção positiva dos pais para realizar o tratamento e a prévia noção da sua eficácia na melhoria da acuidade visual da criança são preditivas da adesão por parte destes. Nesse sentido a probabilidade da adesão ao tratamento será maior se os pais associarem a adopção do comportamento recomendado à melhoria do estado de saúde das crianças, o que de facto foi demonstrado por esta investigação.


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Aim: Visual acuity outcome of amblyopia treatment depends on the compliance. This study aimed to determine parental predictors of poor visual outcome with occlusion treatment in unilateral amblyopia and identify the relationship between occlusion recommendations and the patient's actual dose of occlusion reported by the parents. Methods: This study comprised three phases: refractive adaptation for a period of 18 weeks after spectacle correction; occlusion of 3 to 6 hours per day during a period of 6 months; questionnaire administration and completion by parents. Visual acuity as assessed using the Sheridan-Gardiner singles or Snellen acuity chart was used as a measure of visual outcome. Correlation analysis was used to describe the strength and direction of two variables: prescribed occlusion reported by the doctor and actual dose reported by parents. A logistic binary model was adjusted using the following variables: severity, vulnerability, self-efficacy, behaviour intentions, perceived efficacy and treatment barriers, parents' and childrens' age, and parents' level of education. Results: The study included 100 parents (mean age 38.9 years, SD approx 9.2) of 100 children (mean age 6.3 years, SD approx 2.4) with amblyopia. Twenty-eight percent of children had no improvement in visual acuity. The results showed a positive mild correlation (kappa = 0.54) between the prescribed occlusion and actual dose reported by parents. Three predictors for poor visual outcome with occlusion were identified: parents' level of education (OR = 9.28; 95%CI 1.32-65.41); treatment barriers (OR = 2.75; 95%CI 1.22-6.20); interaction between severity and vulnerability (OR = 3.64; 95%CI 1.21-10.93). Severity (OR = 0.07; 95%CI 0.00-0.72) and vulnerability (OR = 0.06; 95%CI 0.05-0.74) when considered in isolation were identified as protective factors. Conclusions: Parents frequently do not use the correct dosage of occlusion as recommended. Parents' educational level and awareness of treatment barriers were predictors of poor visual outcome. Lower levels of education represented a 9-times higher risk of having a poor visual outcome with occlusion treatment.