942 resultados para parasitoid-specific protein
Zinc fingers are recognized as small protein domains that bind to specific DNA sequences. Recently however, zinc fingers from a number of proteins, in particular the GATA family of transcription factors, have also been implicated in specific protein-protein interactions. The erythroid protein GATA-1 contains two zinc fingers: the C-finger, which is sufficient for sequence-specific DNA-binding, and the N-finger, which appears both to modulate DNA-binding and to interact with other transcription factors. We have expressed and purified the N-finger domain and investigated its involvement in the self-association of GATA-1. We demonstrate that this domain does not homodimerize but instead makes intermolecular contacts with the C-finger, suggesting that GATA dimers are maintained by reciprocal N-finger-C-finger contacts. Deletion analysis identifies a 25-residue region, C-terminal to the core N-finger domain, that is sufficient for interaction with intact GATA-1. A similar subdomain exists C-terminal to the C-finger, and we show that self-association is substantially reduced when both subdomains are disrupted by mutation. Moreover, mutations that impair GATA-1 self-association also interfere with its ability to activate transcription in transfection studies.
Cells of the mononuclear phagocyte lineage possess receptors for macrophage colony-stimulating factor (CSF-1) encoded by the c-fms protooncogene and respond to CSF-1 with increased survival, growth, differentiation, and reversible changes in function. The c-fms gene is itself a macrophage differentiation marker. In whole mount analyses of mRNA expression in embryos, c-fms is expressed at very high levels on placental trophoblasts. It is detectable on individual cells in the yolk sac around 8.5 to 9 days postcoitus, appears on isolated cells in the head of the embryo around 9.5 dpc, and appears on numerous cells throughout the embryo by day 10.5. The extent of c-fms expression is much greater than for other macrophage-specific genes including lysozyme and a macrophage-specific protein tyrosine phosphatase. Our studies of the cis-acting elements of the c-fms promoter have indicated a key role for collaboration between the macrophage-specific transcription factor, Pu.1, which functions in determining the site of transcription initiation, and other members of the Ets transcription factor family. This is emerging as a common pattern in macrophage-specific promoters. We have shown that two PU box elements alone can function as a macrophage-specific promoter. The activity of both the artifical promoter and the c-fms promoter is activated synergistically by coexpression of Pu.1 and another Ets factor, c-Ets-2. A 3.5kb c-fms exon 2 promoter (but not the 300bp proximal promoter) is also active in a wide diversity of tumor cell lines. The interesting exception is the melanoma cell line K1735, in which the promoter is completely shut down and expression of c-fms causes growth arrest and cell death. The activity of the exon 2 promoter in these nonmacrophages is at least as serum responsive as the classic serum-responsive promoter of the c-fos gene. It is further inducible in nonmacrophages by coexpression of the c-fms product. Unlike other CSF-1/c-fms-responsive promoters, the c-fms promoter is not responsive to activated Ras even when c-Ets-2 is coexpressed. In most lines, production of full length c-fms is prevented by a downstream intronic terminator, but in Lewis lung carcinoma, read-through does occur, and expression of both c-fms and other macrophage-specific genes such as lysozyme and urokinase becomes detectable in conditions of serum deprivation. (C) 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Objective. The relationship of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSC) with pericytes and fibroblasts has not been established thus far, although they share many markers of primitive marrow stromal cells and the osteogenic, adipogenic, and chondrogenic differentiation potentials. Materials and Methods. We compared MSCs from adult or fetal tissues, MSC differentiated in vitro, fibroblasts and cultures of retinal pericytes obtained either by separation with anti-CD146 or adhesion. The characterizations included morphological, immunophenotypic, gene-expression profile, and differentiation potential. Results. Osteogenic, adipocytic, and chondrocytic differentiation was demonstrated for MSC, retinal perivascular cells, and fibroblasts. Cell morphology and the phenotypes defined by 22 markers were very similar. Analysis of the global gene expression obtained by serial analysis of gene expression for 17 libraries and by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction of 39 selected genes from 31 different cell cultures, revealed similarities among MSC, retinal perivascular cells, and hepatic stellate cells. Despite this overall similarity, there was a heterogeneous expression of genes related to angiogenesis, in MSC derived from veins, artery, perivascular cells, and fibroblasts. Evaluation of typical pericyte and MSC transcripts, such as NG2, CD146, CD271, and CD140B on CD146 selected perivascular cells and MSC by real-time polymerase chain reaction confirm the relationship between these two cell types. Furthermore, the inverse correlation between fibroblast-specific protein-1 and CD146 transcripts observed on pericytes, MSC, and fibroblasts highlight their potential use as markers of this differentiation pathway. Conclusion. Our results indicate that human MSC and pericytes are similar cells located in the wall of the vasculature, where they function as cell sources for repair and tissue maintenance, whereas fibroblasts are more differentiated cells with more restricted differentiation potential. (C) 2008 ISEH - Society for Hematology and Stem Cells. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Salivary gland proteins of the human malaria vector, Anopheles dirus B were determined and analyzed. The amount of salivary gland proteins in mosquitoes aged between 3 - 10 days was approximately 1.08 ± 0.04 µg/female and 0.1 ± 0.05 µg/male. The salivary glands of both sexes displayed the same morphological organization as that of other anopheline mosquitoes. In females, apyrase accumulated in the distal regions, whereas alpha-glucosidase was found in the proximal region of the lateral lobes. This differential distribution of the analyzed enzymes reflects specialization of different regions for sugar and blood feeding. SDS-PAGE analysis revealed that at least seven major proteins were found in the female salivary glands, of which each morphological region contained different major proteins. Similar electrophoretic protein profiles were detected comparing unfed and blood-fed mosquitoes, suggesting that there is no specific protein induced by blood. Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel analysis showed the most abundant salivary gland protein, with a molecular mass of approximately 35 kilodaltons and an isoelectric point of approximately 4.0. These results provide basic information that would lead to further study on the role of salivary proteins of An. dirus B in disease transmission and hematophagy.
O síndroma de Turner (TS) tem sido descrito em associação com diversas anomalias dos cromossomas sexuais. Embora a maioria dos individuos com TS não apresentem evidência citogenética de sequências do cromossoma Y, diferentes autores consideram que algumas doentes com TS podem possuir uma linha celular minoritária contendo material do cromossoma Y, que não é detectada pela análise citogenética convencional. A identificação de moisacismos minoritários ou subrepresentados contendo o cromossoma Y é de importância fundamental em termos clínicos devido ao risco aumentado que estas doentes possuem para desenvolvimento de gonadoblastoma. No presente estudo procedeu-se à análise citogenética convencional de linfócitos de sangue periférico obtidos de 22 doentes com TS. Destas doentes, doze possuíam cariotipo 45,X, em sete foram detectados mosaicos com ou sem anomalias estruturais do cromossoma X e nas restantes três foram identificados os seguintes cariotipos: 46,X,i (X)(q10); 46,X,+mar/47,X,idic(Y),+mar e 45,X/46,X,+r. Os estudos moleculares foram realizados em DNA genómico obtido a partir de linfócitos de sangue periférico e de células de mucosa bucal, dois tecidos que derivam de folhetos embrionários diferentes, respectivamente, mesoderme e ectoderme. A pesquisa de moisacismos minoritários envolvendo o cromossoma Y foi efectuada por PCR simples e PCR nested para os seguintes loci específicos do cromossoma Y: SRY (sex determining region Y), TSPY (testis specific protein Y encoded), DYZ3 (locus centromérico) e DAZ1 (deleted in azoospermia). O uso de STSs localizados nos braços curto e longo do cromossoma Y permitiu a caracterização de um idic (Y)e de um cromossoma em anel, detectados em duas das doentes estudadas. A eleveda sensibilidade da PCR nested (1 célila masculina/125 000 células femininas) permitiu excluir a presença de moisacismos minoritários do Y em 20 das 22 doentes com TS. Na doente com um idic(Y) a análise por PCR simples foi posistiva para todos os loci estudados com excepção da região heterocromática. Este resultado permitiu identificar o ponto de quebra no braço longo entre sY158 e sY159, tendo-se confirmado por hibridação in situ de fluorescência (FISH), a duplicação da eurocromatina do braço longo, centrómero e braço curto do cromossoma Y. A caracterização do cromossoma em anel, detectado num das doentes com TS só foi possível por FISH e por PCR. Neste cromossoma, derivado de Y, foi detectada, no braço curto, a delecção da região pseudoautossómica 1 (PARY1)e, no braço longo, a delecção dos intervalos 6 e 7. Contudo, o referido cromossoma foi positivo para os loci SRY, RPS4Y, AMGY, TSPY localizados no braço curto, DYZ3 (centrómero) e, sY85, DFFRY, GY6, sY87, sY113, sY119, sY122, sY126 e RBMY1 localizados no braço longo do cromossoma Y. Este estudo permitiu, assim, excluir a presença de moisacismos minoritários do cromossoma Y em dois tecidos obtidos de 20 doentes com TS, e caracterizar por FISH e análise molecular, um idic(Y) e um cromossoma em anel, em que a natureza deste último não tinha sido identificada por análise citogenética convencional. O risco elevado de desenvolvimento de gonadoblastoma nos indivíduos com TS que possuem sequências do cromossoma Y justifica a aplicação de FISH e PCR para a caracterização de cromossomas marcadores e a utilização de PCR nested para a detecção de moisacismos minoritários do Y sempre que o material deste cromossoma não seja detectado pela análise citogenética convencional em doentes com cariotipo 45,X e/ou virilização.
The authors acknowledge to Sofia Neves from ICVS for her help in the antibodies selection.
Las Enfermedades de Atesoramiento de Glucógeno (EAGs) también llamadas Glucogenosis comprenden un grupo de entidades causadas por una deficiencia enzimática específica relacionada con la vía de síntesis o degradación de esta macromolécula. La heterogeneidad fenotípica de los pacientes afectados dificulta la identificación de las diferentes variantes de EAG y por ende la correcta definición nosológica. En el Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas, CEMECO, se fueron definiendo los diferentes tipos de Glucogenosis a través de una estrategia multidisciplinaria que integra distintos niveles de investigación clínica y complementaria, laboratorio metabólico especializado, enzimático, histomorfológico y de análisis molecular. Sin embargo, en algunos enfermos, entre los que se encuentran aquellos con defectos en el sistema de la fosforilasa hepática (EAG-VI y EAG-IX), la exacta definición nosológica aún no está resulta. La EAG-VI se refiere a un defecto en la fosforilasa hepática, enzima codificada por el gen PYGL, mientras que la EAG-IX es causada por un defecto genético en una de las subunidades de la fosforilasa b quinasa hepática codicadas por los genes PHKA2, PHKB y PHKG2, respectivamente. El objetivo del presente trabajo es propender a la definición nosológica de pacientes con defectos en el sistema de la fosforilasa mediante una estrategia de análisis molecular investigando los genes PYGL, PHKA2, PHKB y PHKG2. Los pacientes incluidos en este estudio deberán ser compatibles de padecer una EAG-VI o EAG-IX sobre la base de síntomas clínicos y hallazgos bioquímicos. La metodología incluirá la determinación de la enzima fosforilasa b quinasa en glóbulos rojos y dentro del análisis molecular la extracción de DNA genómico a partir de sangre entera para la amplificación por PCR de los exones más las uniones exon/intron de los genes PHKG2 y PYGL y la extracción de RNA total y obtención de cDNA para posterior amplificación de los cDNA PHKA2 y PHKB. Todos los fragmentos amplificados serán sometidos a análisis de secuencia de nucleótidos. Resultados esperados. Este trabajo, primero en Argentina, permitirá establecer las bases moleculares de los defectos del sistema de la fosforilasa hepática (EAG-VI y EAG-IX). El poder lograr este nivel de investigación traerá aparejado, una oferta integrativa en el vasto capítulo de las glucogenosis hepáticas, con extraordinaria significación en la práctica asistencial para el manejo, pronóstico y correspondiente asesoramiento genético. Hepatic glycogen storage diseases (GSDs) are a group of disorders produced by a deficiency in a specific protein involved in the metabolism of glycogen causing different types of GSDs. Phenotypic heterogeneity of affected patients difficult to identify the different GSD variants and therefore the correct definition of the disease. In the “Centro de Estudio de las Metabolopatías Congénitas”, CEMECO, were defined the different GSD types by a protocol which included complex gradual levels of clinical, biochemical, enzymatic and morphological investigation. However, in some patients, like those one with defects in the hepatic phosphorylase system (GSD-VI and GSD-IX) the exact definition of the disease has not yet been resolved. The GSD-VI is produced by a defect in the PYGL gen that encode the liver phosphorylase, while the GSD-IX is caused by a genetic defect in one of the Phosphorylase b kinase subunits, encoded by the PHKA2, PHKB and PHKG2 genes, respectively. The aim of the present study is to define the phosphorylase system defects in argentinian patients through a molecular strategy that involve the investigation of PYGL, PHKA2, PHKB and PHKG2 genes. Patients included in the present study must be compatible with a GSD-VI or GSD-IX on the bases of clinical symptoms and biochemical findings. The phosphorylase b kinase activity will be assay on in blood red cells. The molecular study will include genomic DNA extraction for the amplification of PHKG2 and PYGL genes and the total RNA extraction for amplification of the PHKA2 and PHKB cDNA by PCR. All PCR-amplified fragments will be subjected to direct nucleotide sequencing. This work, first in Argentina, will make possible to establish the molecular basis of the defects on the hepatic phosphorylase system (GSD-VI and GSD IX). To achieve this level of research will entail advance in the study of the hepatic glycogen storage disease, with extraordinary significance in the treatment, prognosis and the genetic counselling.
Eggs of Manduca sexta contain four well-characterized protein derived from hemolymph: vitellogenin and lipophorin (very high density lipoproteins); microvitellogenin, a 26,000 dalton female-specific protein lacking lipid and carbohydrate, and insecticyanin, a blue biliprotein composed of four identical 22,000 dalton subunits. In addition, eggs contain a large store of triacyl glycerols. It has been shown that vitellogenin and lipophorin are actively taken up by follicles in vitro. The lipid components of these two proteins together account for only 10% of egg lipid. The follicle actively sequesters intact high density lipophorin, which, inside the oocyte, is stripped of much of its neutral lipid and two molecules of apolipophorin III. On the other hand, low density lipophorin donates diacylglycerol to the oocyte without its protein components being sequestered. Most of the egg lipid is transported from the fat body by a shuttle system involving low density lipophorin.
To investigate the molecular basis that makes heterodimeric CD8alphabeta a more efficient coreceptor than homodimeric CD8alphaalpha, we used various CD8 transfectants of T1.4 T cell hybridomas, which are specific for H-2Kd, and a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite peptide PbCS 252-260 (SYIPSAEKI). We demonstrate that CD8 is palmitoylated at the cytoplasmic tail of CD8beta and that this allows partitioning of CD8alphabeta, but not of CD8alphaalpha, in lipid rafts. Localization of CD8 in rafts is crucial for its coreceptor function. First, association of CD8 with the src kinase p56lck takes place nearly exclusively in rafts, mainly due to increased concentration of both components in this compartment. Deletion of the cytoplasmic domain of CD8beta abrogated localization of CD8 in rafts and association with p56lck. Second, CD8-mediated cross-linking of p56lck by multimeric Kd-peptide complexes or by anti-CD8 Ab results in p56lck activation in rafts, from which the abundant phosphatase CD45 is excluded. Third, CD8-associated activated p56lck phosphorylates CD3zeta in rafts and hence induces TCR signaling and T cell activation. This study shows that palmitoylation of CD8beta is required for efficient CD8 coreceptor function, mainly because it dramatically increases CD8 association with p56lck and CD8-mediated activation of p56lck in lipid rafts.
SUMMARY : Eukaryotic DNA interacts with the nuclear proteins using non-covalent ionic interactions. Proteins can recognize specific nucleotide sequences based on the sterical interactions with the DNA and these specific protein-DNA interactions are the basis for many nuclear processes, e.g. gene transcription, chromosomal replication, and recombination. New technology termed ChIP-Seq has been recently developed for the analysis of protein-DNA interactions on a whole genome scale and it is based on immunoprecipitation of chromatin and high-throughput DNA sequencing procedure. ChIP-Seq is a novel technique with a great potential to replace older techniques for mapping of protein-DNA interactions. In this thesis, we bring some new insights into the ChIP-Seq data analysis. First, we point out to some common and so far unknown artifacts of the method. Sequence tag distribution in the genome does not follow uniform distribution and we have found extreme hot-spots of tag accumulation over specific loci in the human and mouse genomes. These artifactual sequence tags accumulations will create false peaks in every ChIP-Seq dataset and we propose different filtering methods to reduce the number of false positives. Next, we propose random sampling as a powerful analytical tool in the ChIP-Seq data analysis that could be used to infer biological knowledge from the massive ChIP-Seq datasets. We created unbiased random sampling algorithm and we used this methodology to reveal some of the important biological properties of Nuclear Factor I DNA binding proteins. Finally, by analyzing the ChIP-Seq data in detail, we revealed that Nuclear Factor I transcription factors mainly act as activators of transcription, and that they are associated with specific chromatin modifications that are markers of open chromatin. We speculate that NFI factors only interact with the DNA wrapped around the nucleosome. We also found multiple loci that indicate possible chromatin barrier activity of NFI proteins, which could suggest the use of NFI binding sequences as chromatin insulators in biotechnology applications. RESUME : L'ADN des eucaryotes interagit avec les protéines nucléaires par des interactions noncovalentes ioniques. Les protéines peuvent reconnaître les séquences nucléotidiques spécifiques basées sur l'interaction stérique avec l'ADN, et des interactions spécifiques contrôlent de nombreux processus nucléaire, p.ex. transcription du gène, la réplication chromosomique, et la recombinaison. Une nouvelle technologie appelée ChIP-Seq a été récemment développée pour l'analyse des interactions protéine-ADN à l'échelle du génome entier et cette approche est basée sur l'immuno-précipitation de la chromatine et sur la procédure de séquençage de l'ADN à haut débit. La nouvelle approche ChIP-Seq a donc un fort potentiel pour remplacer les anciennes techniques de cartographie des interactions protéine-ADN. Dans cette thèse, nous apportons de nouvelles perspectives dans l'analyse des données ChIP-Seq. Tout d'abord, nous avons identifié des artefacts très communs associés à cette méthode qui étaient jusqu'à présent insoupçonnés. La distribution des séquences dans le génome ne suit pas une distribution uniforme et nous avons constaté des positions extrêmes d'accumulation de séquence à des régions spécifiques, des génomes humains et de la souris. Ces accumulations des séquences artéfactuelles créera de faux pics dans toutes les données ChIP-Seq, et nous proposons différentes méthodes de filtrage pour réduire le nombre de faux positifs. Ensuite, nous proposons un nouvel échantillonnage aléatoire comme un outil puissant d'analyse des données ChIP-Seq, ce qui pourraient augmenter l'acquisition de connaissances biologiques à partir des données ChIP-Seq. Nous avons créé un algorithme d'échantillonnage aléatoire et nous avons utilisé cette méthode pour révéler certaines des propriétés biologiques importantes de protéines liant à l'ADN nommés Facteur Nucléaire I (NFI). Enfin, en analysant en détail les données de ChIP-Seq pour la famille de facteurs de transcription nommés Facteur Nucléaire I, nous avons révélé que ces protéines agissent principalement comme des activateurs de transcription, et qu'elles sont associées à des modifications de la chromatine spécifiques qui sont des marqueurs de la chromatine ouverte. Nous pensons que lés facteurs NFI interagir uniquement avec l'ADN enroulé autour du nucléosome. Nous avons également constaté plusieurs régions génomiques qui indiquent une éventuelle activité de barrière chromatinienne des protéines NFI, ce qui pourrait suggérer l'utilisation de séquences de liaison NFI comme séquences isolatrices dans des applications de la biotechnologie.
Recognition by CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) of antigenic peptides bound to major histocompatibility class (MHC) I molecules on target cells leads to sustained calcium mobilization and CTL degranulation resulting in perforin-dependent killing. We report that beta1 and beta3 integrin-mediated adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins on target cells and/or surfaces dramatically promotes CTL degranulation. CTLs, when adhered to fibronectin but not CTL in suspension, efficiently degranulate upon exposure to soluble MHC.peptide complexes, even monomeric ones. This adhesion induces recruitment and activation of the focal adhesion kinase Pyk2, the cytoskeleton linker paxillin, and the Src kinases Lck and Fyn in the contact site. The T cell receptor, by association with Pyk2, becomes part of this adhesion-induced activation cluster, which greatly increases its signaling.
NK cell function is regulated by a dual receptor system, which integrates signals from triggering receptors and MHC class I-specific inhibitory receptors. We show here that the src family kinase Fyn is required for efficient, NK cell-mediated lysis of target cells, which lack both self-MHC class I molecules and ligands for NKG2D, an activating NK cell receptor. In contrast, NK cell inhibition by the MHC class I-specific receptor Ly49A was independent of Fyn, suggesting that Fyn is specifically required for NK cell activation via non-MHC receptor(s). Compared to wild type, significantly fewer Fyn-deficient NK cells expressed the inhibitory Ly49A receptor. The presence of a transgenic Ly49A receptor together with its H-2(d) ligand strongly reduced the usage of endogenous Ly49 receptors in Fyn-deficient mice. These data suggest a model in which the repertoire of inhibitory Ly49 receptors is formed under the influenced of Fyn-dependent NK cell activation as well as the respective MHC class I environment. NK cells may acquire Ly49 receptors until they generate sufficient inhibitory signals to balance their activation levels. Such a process would ensure the induction of NK cell self-tolerance.
SAMHD1 is a deoxynucleoside triphosphate triphosphohydrolase and a nuclease that restricts HIV-1 in noncycling cells. Germ-line mutations in SAMHD1 have been described in patients with Aicardi-Goutières syndrome (AGS), a congenital autoimmune disease. In a previous longitudinal whole genome sequencing study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), we revealed a SAMHD1 mutation as a potential founding event. Here, we describe an AGS patient carrying a pathogenic germ-line SAMHD1 mutation who developed CLL at 24 years of age. Using clinical trial samples, we show that acquired SAMHD1 mutations are associated with high variant allele frequency and reduced SAMHD1 expression and occur in 11% of relapsed/refractory CLL patients. We provide evidence that SAMHD1 regulates cell proliferation and survival and engages in specific protein interactions in response to DNA damage. We propose that SAMHD1 may have a function in DNA repair and that the presence of SAMHD1 mutations in CLL promotes leukemia development.
To investigate the role of the coreceptor CD8 and lipid rafts in cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activation, we used soluble mono-and multimeric H-2Kd-peptide complexes and cloned S14 CTL specific for a photoreactive derivative of the Plasmodium berghei circumsporozoite (PbCS) peptide 252-260 [PbCS(ABA)]. We report that activation of CTL in suspension requires multimeric Kd-PbCS(ABA) complexes co-engaging TCR and CD8. Using TCR ligand photo-cross-linking, we find that monomeric Kd-PbCS(ABA) complexes promote association of TCR/CD3 with CD8/p56lck. Dimerization of these adducts results in activation of p56lck in lipid rafts, where phosphatases are excluded. Additional cross-linking further increases p56lck kinase activity, induces translocation of TCR/CD3 and other signaling molecules to lipid rafts and intracellular calcium mobilization. These events are prevented by blocking Src kinases or CD8 binding to TCR-associated Kd molecules, indicating that CTL activation is initiated by cross-linking of CD8-associated p56lck. They are also inhibited by methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, which disrupts rafts and by dipalmitoyl phosphatidylethanolamine, which interferes with TCR signaling. Because efficient association of CD8 and p56lck takes place in rafts, both reagents, though in different ways, impair coupling of p56lck to TCR, thereby inhibiting the initial and essential activation of p56lck induced by cross-linking of engaged TCR.
The photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) interconverts between the biologically active Pfr (λmax = 730 nm) and inactive Pr (λmax = 660 nm) forms in a red/far-red-dependent fashion and regulates, as molecular switch, many aspects of light-dependent development in Arabidopsis thaliana. phyB signaling is launched by the biologically active Pfr conformer and mediated by specific protein-protein interactions between phyB Pfr and its downstream regulatory partners, whereas conversion of Pfr to Pr terminates signaling. Here, we provide evidence that phyB is phosphorylated in planta at Ser-86 located in the N-terminal domain of the photoreceptor. Analysis of phyB-9 transgenic plants expressing phospho-mimic and nonphosphorylatable phyB-yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) fusions demonstrated that phosphorylation of Ser-86 negatively regulates all physiological responses tested. The Ser86Asp and Ser86Ala substitutions do not affect stability, photoconversion, and spectral properties of the photoreceptor, but light-independent relaxation of the phyB(Ser86Asp) Pfr into Pr, also termed dark reversion, is strongly enhanced both in vivo and in vitro. Faster dark reversion attenuates red light-induced nuclear import and interaction of phyB(Ser86Asp)-YFP Pfr with the negative regulator PHYTOCHROME INTERACTING FACTOR3 compared with phyB-green fluorescent protein. These data suggest that accelerated inactivation of the photoreceptor phyB via phosphorylation of Ser-86 represents a new paradigm for modulating phytochrome-controlled signaling.