954 resultados para paired speaking test


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Physical exercise and statins, which are recommended for the treatment of dyslipidemia, are independently associated to the occurrence of muscle injury. The objective is analyze the effect of aerobic exercise associated to the use of simvastatin on the morphology of the gastrocnemius muscle. Thirty Wistar rats were divided into six groups, two of which received a standard diet (1 sedentary and 1 exercised) and four (1 sedentary with medication, 1 sedentary without medication, 1 exercised with medication, 1 exercised without medication) received a hypercholesterolemic diet (standard diet with the addition of cholesterol and coconut oil). Simvastatin (20 mg/Kg) was administered five days a week for eight weeks, together with aerobic training on a treadmill (9.75 m/min) for 60 minutes a day. The gastrocnemius muscle was removed, sliced, stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin and submitted to a histochemical reaction to determine mitochondrial activity. The data were analyzed using a paired t-test, analysis of variance and Scheffe's post hoc test (p<0.05). Greater histological alterations were found in the medicated and exercised animals, with a greater frequency of occurrence as well. The histochemical analysis revealed that the medicated groups had fibers with more intensive mitochondrial activity alongside fibers with an absence of reaction. The morphometric analysis revealed no significant differences between groups. It is suggested that simvastatin is a medication that leads to the occurrence of muscle injury and its administration in association with physical activity may exacerbate these injuries. This finding may be related to cellular respiration.


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The Patellofemoral pain syndrome is defined as a fore or retro patellar pain and it has multifactorial etiology, where the bad patellar alignment is the most acceptable hypothesis. However proximal factors to the knee, as the debility of the muscles of the hip, have been demonstrated as a contributing factor to the appearing of that syndrome. Purpose: To evaluate if exists a relation between the hip muscles performance and the development of the SDPF. Methods: Thirty women took part in this study. They were divided in two groups; a control group (fifteen asymptomatic subjects) and an experimental group (fifteen subjects with the diagnosis of SDPF). The muscle performance was evaluated in an isokinetic dynamometer, where it was verified the peak torque (PT), PT to body weight, PT time and the agonist/antagonist relation. It was also analyzed the electromyographic activity of the middle gluteus. The data was analyzed by the not paired t test at a significance level of 5%. Results:. Didn t have significant difference to the PT of the abductor muscles (p = 0,46) and lateral rotators of the hip (p = 0,17) between groups. Also didn t have significant difference to the PT values by the body weight, to these muscle groups either (p = 0,10 e p = 0,11, respectively). Didn t have significant difference between the amplitude of the signal (p = 0,05) and the onset of medium gluteus (p = 0,25) between the groups. Conclusion: In the experimental conditions realized, the study didn t demonstrate a relation between performance the hip muscles behavior and the development of the SDPF


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Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) is a term used to characterize an ischemic or hemorrhagic vascular injury, which has got as main clinic manifestations, the motor and reflex function disturbance. In the first stage there is flaccidity and loss of voluntary movements that afterwards is substituted by mass patterns and spasticity. The spasticity brings with itself functional deficits and can generate negative impacts in various motor patterns. The aim of this research was to investigate the hyperreflexia and identify the immediate effects of transcutaneous nervous stimulation (TENS) and cryotherapy in the spasticity and electromyographic activity of hemiparetic subjects. The study is characterized as an almost experimental type, in which were selected, to compose the sample, 16 patients of both sex with CVA sequel. These individuals were evaluated by collecting the amplitude peak to peak and H reflex latency, Motor response (M response) in solear muscle and the electromyography (EMG) of the injured and healthy legs anterior tibial muscles. In the injured limb the evaluations occurred in different days for cryotherapy, TENS and control, in two moments, before and after the interventions. The healthy limb was evaluated one single time to serve as baseline, for comparison with the injured limb. It was used an statistic analysis, the t paired student test to identify the H reflex differences, latency and EMG of the injured and healthy limbs and to compare the results before and after the recourses application. The ANOVA for related samples was used to identify the differences among the recourses used. It was attributed for the statistic tests a significance level of 5%. The amplitude peak to peak of normalized maximum H reflex through the maximum motor response (Hmax/Mmax), showed itself significantly increased in the injured limb (p=0.0245). The H reflex latency was presented reduced in the injured limb (p=0, 0375). The electromyographic activity was showed decreased in the injured limb (p< 0.0001). After the TENS there was a Hmáx/Mmáx ratio decrease (0.60±0.16 versus 0.49.±0.18; P = 0.0006). Nonetheless, Just after the cryotherapy application there was an increase of Hmáx/Mmáx ratio (0.58 ± 0,15 to 0.77 ± 0.13, P=0,0007) and increase of signal latency (30.41 ± 1.87 versus 33.24 ± 2.19; P=0.0001). The electromyographic activity wasn t altered significantly by any resource. It was met statistic significant differences when the Hmáx/Mmáx P<0.0001) ratio and H reflex latency (P<0.0001) were compared between the post TENS, cryotherapy and control. One can conclude that the TENS can be used to spasticity immediate reduction, and that the cryotherapy can increase the hyperreflexia state in spastic patients. Nonetheless, the spasticity decrease or increase didn t provoke lectromyographic activity change in the muscle that is opponent to the spastic one


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Background: Down syndrome (DS) is a genetic alteration characterized by being a nonprogressive congenital encephalopathy. Children with DS have hypotonia and developmental delays that interfere in the movement`s acquisition for these children. Objective: Analyze the effects of treadmill inclination on angle and spatiotemporal gait characteristics of these individuals. Methodology: We studied 23 subjects of both sexes, with ages ranged between 05 and 11 years, they presented ability to walk on level 5 classified according to the Functional Ambulation Category (FAC). Initially held a subjective evaluation of balance through a questionnaire (Berg Balance Scale-BBS) then the kinematic gait analysis was realized on a treadmill first, without inclination and then, with inclination of 10%, using the motion system analysis Qualisys System. Data analysis was done using BioStat 5.0 attributing significance level of 5%. Normality of data was verified using D'Agostino test and later was applied paired t-test to compare data in two experimental conditions. Results: There was a statistically significant difference in the spatiotemporal variables: reduction in the cadence (from 108.92 ± 39.07 to 99.11 ± 27.51, p <0.04), increase in cycle time (from 1.24 ± 0.27 to 1.36 ± 0.34, p = 0.03 ) and increase in time to take stock (from 0.77 ± 0.15 to 0.82 ± 0.18, p <0.001). Angular variables that showed statistically significant increasing were: the hip in the initial contact (12.23 ± 4.63 to 18.49 ± 5.17, p <0.0001) and max. flexion in balance (12.96±4:32 to 19.50 ± 4.51, p <0.0001 ), knee in the initial contact (15.59 to ± 6.71 to 21.63 ± 6.48, p <0.0001), the ankle in the initial contact (-2.79 ± 9.8 to 2.25 ± 8.79, p <0.0001), max dorsiflexion in stance (4.41 ± 10.07 to 7.13 ± 11.58, p <0.0009), maximum plantar flexion in the pre-assessment of the ankle joint (increase of -6.33 ± 8.77 to -2.69 ± 8.62, p <0.0004).Conclusions: The inclination acts in a positive way for angular and spatiotemporal features gait of children with Down syndrome, demonstrating possible benefit of using this surface in the gait rehabilitation of children with Down Syndrome


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The clinical importance of evaluating the respiratory muscles with a variety of tests has been proposed by several studies, once that the combination of several tests would allow a better diagnosis and therefore, a better clinical follow of disorders of the respiratory muscles. This study aimed to evaluate the feasibility of adapting a national electronic manovacuometer to measure the nasal inspiratory pressure (study 1) and analyze the level of load intensity of maximum voluntary ventilation, as well as the variables that may influence this maneuver in healthy subjects (study 2). We studied 20 healthy subjects by a random evaluation of two measures of SNIP in different equipments: a national and an imported. In study 2 it was analyzed the intensity of the load of MVV test, change in pressure developed during the maneuver, the possible differences between genders, and the correlations between the flow developed in the test and the result of MVV. In study 1 it was found the average for both measures of nasal inspiratory pressures: 125 ± 42.4 cmH2O for the imported equipment and 131.7 ± 28.7 cmH2O for the national one. Pearson analysis showed a significant correlation between the average, with a coefficient r = 0.63. The average values showed no significant differences evaluated by paired t test (p> 0.05). In the Bland-Altman analysis it was found a BIAS = 7 cmH2O, SD 32.9 and a confidence interval of - 57.5 cmH2O up to 71.5 cmH2O. In the second study it was found significant differences between the genders in the air volume moved, being higher in males 150.9 ± 13.1 l / min vs 118.5 ± 15.7 L / min for (p = 0.0002, 95% CI 44.85 to 20:05). Regarding the inspiratory and expiratory loading, they were significantly higher in men than in women, peak inspiratory pressure (34.7 ± 5.3 cmH2O vs 19.5 ± 4.2 cmH2O, 95% CI - 18.0 to -12.3, p <0.0001), peak expiratory (33.8 vs. 23.1 ± 5.9 cmH2O ± 5.4 cmH2O, 95% CI -17.1 to - 4.6, p <0.0001), and the delta pressure (59.7 ± 10 cmH2O vs 36.8 ± 8.3 cmH2O, 95% CI 14.5 to 31.2, p <0.0002). The Pearson correlation showed that the flow generated by the maneuver is strongly correlated with the delta-expiratory pressure / inspiratory (r2= 0.83,R = 0.91, 95%IC 0.72 a 0.97 e p< 0.0001).Through these results we suggest that the national electronic manovacuometer is feasible and safe to perform the sniff test in healthy subjects. For the MVV, there are differences between the genders in the intensity of pressure developed during the maneuver. We found a load intensity considered low during the MVV, and found a strong correlation between the flow generated in the test and the delta pressure expiratory / inspiratory


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of warm-up on agility (AG) and on vertical jump (VJ) tests in youth soccer players. Sixteen players performed the AG and VJ tests without warm-up (NW) and with warm-up (WW) randomly, within two weeks, at least 48 h interval, during season. The warm-up was performed only a light running during 10 min. The paired t-test identified significant difference (p <0,05) between the NW and WW conditions in the tests of SR and CJ (9,14 +/- 0,28 vs 8,94 +/- 0,30 s e 51,4 +/- 4,2 vs 54,5 +/- 6,4 cm, respectively). The warm-up performed on light intensity running was effective to improve the AG and VJ tests performance in youth soccer players.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da retração anterior sobre o ponto A sagital e verticalmente, bem como a correlação e a previsibilidade do comportamento dessas estruturas. METODOLOGIA: sessenta telerradiografias em norma lateral foram usadas, tomadas no início e no final do tratamento ortodôntico corretivo, a partir de 30 pacientes (22 feminino e 8 masculino) com idade entre 10 e 17 anos antes do tratamento, com má oclusão de Classe II, divisão 1 ou Classe I, que foram submetidos às extrações dos quatro primeiros pré-molares ou somente dois primeiros pré-molares superiores. Além das variáveis .1NA,1-NA, 1.PP e 1-A, mensurações lineares horizontais e verticais foram feitas em relação a uma linha de referência construída a partir da linha SN menos 7º e uma linha perpendicular a ela. Todos os dados foram mensurados duas vezes, e as médias foram submetidas ao teste t emparelhado, de correlação linear e de regressão. RESULTADOS: em média, o ponto A retraiu 0,71mm e movimentou para baixo 2,38mm, seguindo 1,03mm e 4,13mm de retração, respectivamente, do ápice radicular e da borda incisal, e 2,35mm de extrusão dentária. A retração do ponto A apresentou correlação positiva em relação ao ápice radicular (r = 0,75; alfa < 0,0001) e em relação à retração da borda incisal (r = 0,70; alfa < 0,0001), mostrando um comportamento ântero-posterior previsível. CONCLUSÕES: concluiu-se que o ponto A retraiu-se e movimentou-se para baixo seguindo o dente, e a retração do ponto A em relação aos incisivos foi previsível.


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Purpose: the purpose of this in vivo study was to compare the accuracy of primary incisor length determined by direct digital radiography (straight-line measurement and grid superimposition) and measurement of the actual tooth length. Methods. Twenty-two primary maxillary incisors that required extractions were selected from 3- to 5-year-old children. The teeth were radiographed with an intraoral sensor using the long cone technique and a sensor holder (30-cm focus-to-sensor distance). The exposure time was 03 seconds. Tooth length was estimated by using straight-line and grid measurements provided by the distance measurement feature of the Computed Dental Radiography digital dental imaging system. The actual tooth length was obtained by measuring the extracted tooth with G digital caliper. Data were analyzed statistically by Pearson's correlation coefficient and a paired t test. Results: There were statistically significant differences (P=.007) between the 2 measurement techniques and between the actual tooth lengths and grid measurements. There was no statistically significant difference (P=38) between straight-line measurements and actual tooth lengths, showing that the straight-line measurements were more accurate. Underestimation of the actual tooth length, however, occurred in 45% of the straight-line measurements and in 73% of the grid measurements. Conclusion: It is possible to determine primary tooth length in digital radiographs using onscreen measurements with 0 reasonable degree of accuracy.


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OBJETIVO: comparar medidas de tamanhos dentários, suas reprodutibilidades e a aplicação da equação de regressão de Tanaka e Johnston na predição do tamanho dos caninos e pré-molares em modelos de gesso e digital. MÉTODOS: trinta modelos de gesso foram escaneados para obtenção dos modelos digitais. As medidas do comprimento mesiodistal dos dentes foram obtidas com paquímetro digital nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais utilizando o software O3d (Widialabs). A somatória do tamanho dos incisivos inferiores foi utilizada para obter os valores de predição do tamanho dos pré-molares e caninos utilizando equação de regressão, e esses valores foram comparados ao tamanho real dos dentes. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente, aplicando-se aos resultados o teste de correlação de Pearson, a fórmula de Dahlberg, o teste t pareado e a análise de variância (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: excelente concordância intraexaminador foi observada nas medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos. O erro aleatório não esteve presente nas medidas obtidas com paquímetro, e o erro sistemático foi mais frequente no modelo digital. A previsão de espaço obtida pela aplicação da equação de regressão foi maior que a somatória dos pré-molares e caninos presentes nos modelos de gesso e nos modelos digitais. CONCLUSÃO: apesar da boa reprodutibilidade das medidas realizadas em ambos os modelos, a maioria das medidas dos modelos digitais foram superiores às do modelos de gesso. O espaço previsto foi superestimado em ambos os modelos e significativamente maior nos modelos digitais.


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Furcation involvement in periodontal disease has been a challenge for the dentist. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate root dimensions in the furcation area of 233 mandibular first molars. Material and Methods: Digital photomicrographs were used to obtain the following measurements on the buccal and lingual surfaces of each tooth: root trunk height (RT), horizontal interadicular distance obtained 1 mm (D1) and 2 mm (D2) below the fornix and interadicular angle (IA). Results: Mean standard deviation of buccal and lingual furcation measurements were, respectively, 1.37 +/- 0.78 mm and 2.04 +/- 0.89 mm for RT; 0.86 +/- 0.39 mm and 0.71 +/- 0.42 mm for D1; 1.50 +/- 0.48 mm and 1.38 +/- 0.48 mm for D2; 41.68 +/- 13.20 degrees and 37.78 +/- 13.18 degrees for IA. Statistically significant differences were found between all measured parameters for buccal and lingual sides (p<0.05, paired t test). Conclusions: In conclusion, the lingual furcation of mandibular first molars presented narrower entrance and longer root trunk than the buccal furcation, suggesting more limitation for instrumentation and worse prognosis to lingual furcation involvements in comparison to buccal lesions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Statement of the Problem: The effectiveness of low-intensity red laser for activating a bleaching gel and its effect in pulp temperature was not investigated in dental literature. Purpose: The objective of this study was to assess the effectiveness of low-intensity red laser for activating a bleaching gel, as well as its effect in temperature of the bleaching gel and the dental pulp. Materials and Methods: Forty extracted bovine teeth were immersed in a solution of coffee 14 days for darkening. The initial colors were recorded by spectrophotometric analysis. The specimens were randomly distributed into two groups (N = 20): the control, which did not receive light and the experimental group that received light from an appliance fitted with three red light-emitting laser diodes (? = 660 nm). A green-colored, 35% H2O2based bleaching gel was applied for 30 minutes, and changed three times. After bleaching, the colors were again measured to obtain the L*a*b* values. Color variation was calculated (?E) and the data submitted to the non-paired t-test (5%). To assess temperature, 10 human incisors were prepared, in which one thermocouple was placed on the bleaching gel applied on the surface of the teeth and another inside the pulp chamber. Results: There was a significant difference between the groups (p = 0.016), and the experimental group presented a significantly higher mean variation (7.21 +/- 2.76) in comparison with the control group (5.37 +/- 1.76). There was an increase in pulp temperature, but it was not sufficient to cause damage to the pulp. Conclusion: Bleaching gel activation with low-intensity red laser was capable of increasing the effectiveness of bleaching treatment and did not increase pulp temperature to levels deleterious to the pulp. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The application of a low-intensity red laser was effective for activating a bleaching gel with green dye, without any deleterious increases in pulpal temperature. (J Esthet Restor Dent 24:126134, 2012)