962 resultados para optical system


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The ambiguity function was employed as a merit function to design an optical system with a high depth of focus. The ambiguity function with the desired enlarged-depth-of-focus characteristics was obtained by using a properly designed joint filter to modify the ambiguity function of the original pupil in the phase-space domain. From the viewpoint of the filter theory, we roughly propose that the constraints of the spatial filters that are used to enlarge the focal depth must be satisfied. These constraints coincide with those that appeared in the previous literature on this topic. Following our design procedure, several sets of apodizers were synthesized, and their performances in the defocused imagery were compared with each other and with other previous designs. (c) 2005 Optical Society of America.


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We explore the use of the Radon-Wigner transform, which is associated with the fractional Fourier transform of the pupil function, for determining the point spread function (PSF) of an incoherant defocused optical system. Then we introduce these phase-space tools to analyse the wavefront coding imaging system. It is shown that the shape of the PSF for such a system is highly invarient to the defocous-related aberrations except for a lateral shift. The optical transfer function of this system is also investigated briefly from a new understanding of ambiguity function.


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在“神光-Ⅱ”装置上进行先进高能多功能激光束系统(简称第九路)研制工程中,由于在原ICF靶室上又增加了输入“汤姆逊探针光”和“X光背光照明探针光”的锥形真空套筒及其终端光学元件,导致原有靶室结构的变化,可能会引入新的不稳定因素.通过有限元分析方法,建立有限元分析模型,进行优化设计.通过位移传感器测量结果可知,第九路终端光学元件径向窜动所引起的打靶误差最大值为2.110 μm,小于“神光-Ⅱ”靶场终端光学系统的最大允许误差值7.785 μm.


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We propose a new method to increase the resolution of an optical system by modifying part of the spatial-frequency spectrum, viz., displacing the lower-frequency light to a high-frequency band, which makes the central maximum in the diffraction pattern narrower and increases the depth of focus. Simulation results show that this kind of apodizer (the term apodization was originally used to describe ways to reduce the sidelobes of the PSF, but in this paper, we use it in a wider sense) is superior to the phase-shifting ones. (C) 2001 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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The next generation digital versatile disk (DVD) using blue lasers will have a capacity of 13 to 15 Gbytes. Compared with current DVD, the wavelength will be shorter and the numerical aperture (NA) will be higher. But with the increase of NA and decrease of wave length, the depth of focus (DOF) decrease rapidly, which makes it hard for the servo-system to track. We propose an optimized three-portion phase-shifting apodizer to increase the depth of focus and at the same time minimize the spot size, which makes the DOF of next generation DVD comparable to current DVD. The simulation result shows that an optical system with this apodizer also has a good defocus characteristic. (C) 2001 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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外腔反馈的激光二极管阵列(LDA)可获得窄线宽、可调谐的光谱输出。外腔由快轴准直镜、准直光学系统和闪耀光栅组成。由于阵列中各发光单元的排列弯曲导致不同波长的光原路返回,引起谱线展宽,在输出光路中加入光谱滤波器,使激光二极管阵列的线宽进一步窄化。这样,激光二极管阵列的输出光谱由自由运转时的2 nm压缩到0.12 nm,在恒定温度23 ℃时,实现了激光在806~818 nm的调谐,调谐范围达12 nm。


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The propagation of flat-topped beams passing through paraxial ABCD optical system is investigated based on the propagation formulas of Gaussian beam. The focal shift of focused coherent flat-topped beam is also studied in detail. Analytical expressions of the M-2 factor and the far-field intensity distribution for flat-topped beams are derived on the basis of second-order moments. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glass spherical microcavities containing CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of a few microns in diameter are fabricated using a physical method. When a single glass microspherical cavity is excited by a laser beam at room temperature, very strong and sharp whispering gallery modes are shown on the background of PL spectra of CdSSe QDs, which confirms that coupling between the optical emission of embedded QDs and spherical cavity modes is realized. For a glass microsphere only 4.6 mum in diameter, it was found that the energy separation is nearly up to 26 nm both for TE and TM modes. With the increasing excitation intensity, the excitation intensity dependence of the emission intensity is not linear in the double-logarithmic scale. Above the threshold value, the linewidths of resonance modes become narrower. The lasing behavior is achieved at relatively low excitation intensity at room temperature. High optical stability and low threshold value make this optical system promising in visible microlaser applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We report on the first study of N+ -implanted silicon on insulator by energy-filtered imaging using an Opton electron microscope CEM 902 equipped Castaing-Henry electron optical system as a spectrometer. The inelastic images, energy window set at DELTA-E = 16 eV and DELTA-E = 25 eV according to plasmon energy loss of crystal Si and of silicon nitride respectively, give much structure information. The interface between the top silicon layer and the upper silicon nitride layer can be separated into two sublayers.


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Glass spherical microcavities containing CdSSe semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) of a few microns in diameter are fabricated using a physical method. When a single glass microspherical cavity is excited by a laser beam at room temperature, very strong and sharp whispering gallery modes are shown on the background of PL spectra of CdSSe QDs, which confirms that coupling between the optical emission of embedded QDs and spherical cavity modes is realized. For a glass microsphere only 4.6 mum in diameter, it was found that the energy separation is nearly up to 26 nm both for TE and TM modes. With the increasing excitation intensity, the excitation intensity dependence of the emission intensity is not linear in the double-logarithmic scale. Above the threshold value, the linewidths of resonance modes become narrower. The lasing behavior is achieved at relatively low excitation intensity at room temperature. High optical stability and low threshold value make this optical system promising in visible microlaser applications. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A new SSC (Separated Sector Cyclotron)-Linac is being designed to serve as an injector for the SSC at the HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility Lanzhou). The beam intensity at the LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transport) for the heavy ions after the selection is typically low and the space charge effects are inconspicuous. The space charge effects become obvious when the beam current increases to a few hundred microamperes. The emittance growth deriving from the space charge effects may be particularly troublesome for the following linac and cyclotron. An optical system containing three solenoids has been designed for the LEBT to limit the beam emittance and to avoid the unnecessary beam loss in the cyclotron, as well as for the purpose of immunizing the LEBT emittance growth due to the space charge effects. The results of the PIG (Particle-In-Cell) mode simulation illustrate that this channel could limit the beam emittance growth and increase the beam brightness.