981 resultados para opportunistic mating


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Kin selection models of intracolonial conflict over the maternity of males predict that social hymenopteran workers should favour the production of sons and nephews over brothers when the effective mating frequency (me) of the queen is low (me2. Stingless bees have been used to support these models in that me within the group is considered low and workers are thought often to monopolise the parentage of males. We genetically analysed 20 worker and 20 male pupae from each of 10 colonies of the stingless bee Scaptotrigona postica (= Scaptotrigona aff. depilis) using six microsatellite loci and demonstrate queen monandry in eight nests and apparent low me in the other two. However, four colonies contained an additional matriline, possibly due to queen supersedure (serial polygyny), which complicated their genetic structure. Across colonies, workers were responsible for the maternity of 13% of all males. These data are broadly in agreement with predictions from kin selection theory, though the question remains open as to why workers do not secure a greater share of male maternity in this and other stingless bee species in which workers are more closely related to nephews than brothers.


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Social context, such as mate availability and perceived competition, can influence a male’s mating tactics. In Drosophila melanogaster most research has investigated how physical interactions and the perceived levels of sperm competition alter mating behaviour. I wanted to know if males would respond to the perceived social environments without the presence of physical interaction. Using a unique apparatus, I altered focal males’ social context by separating them physically from a social environment using a screen. Focal males were either in: (i) the presence of rival males and mates, (ii) the presence of potential mates only, (iii) isolation, or (iv) the presence of rival males only. I also manipulated the period the focal male was conditioned to a social environment to assess if the timing of cues is important. My findings suggest that the duration of acclimation alters male mating tactics. Regardless of social environment, the duration a male was conditioned influenced copulation latency. Males that were conditioned to their social environment for the duration of the experiment had differing copulation latencies between environments. Males held in isolation took longer to successfully court females, and transferred less sperm during mating then experimental males in the presence of rival males. Additionally, copulation duration correlated with the number of sperm transferred. Overall, my results suggest that the social environment and the perceived competition level affect mating strategies even without physical interactions. Since this apparatus may trick flies into believing they are a part of a social group, while controlling the male mating status, future work could examine behavioural, genetic and physiological phenotype effects of the social environment for both sexes.


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Considerable interspecific diversity exists among bees in the rendezvous sites where males search for females and in the behaviours employed by males in their efforts to secure matings. I present an evolutionary framework in which to interpret this variation, and highlight the importance for the framework of (i) the distribution of receptive ( typically immediate post-emergence) females, which ordinarily translates into the distribution of nests, and (ii) the density of competing males. Other than the highly polyandrous honey bees ( Apis), most female bees are thought to be monandrous, though genetic data with which to support this view are generally lacking. Given the opportunity, male bees are typically polygamous. I highlight intraspecific diversity in rendezvous site, male behaviour and mating system, which is in part predicted from the conceptual framework. Finally, I suggest that inbreeding may be far more widespread among bees than has hitherto been considered the case.


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Insects of the order Hymenoptera are biologically and economically important members of natural and agro ecosystems and exhibit diverse biologies, mating systems, and sex pheromones. We review what is known of their sex pheromone chemistry and function, paying particular emphasis to the Hymenoptera Aculeata (primarily ants, bees, and sphecid and vespid wasps), and provide a framework for the functional classification of their sex pheromones. Sex pheromones often comprise multicomponent blends derived from numerous exocrine tissues, including the cuticle. However, very few sex pheromones have been definitively characterized using bioassays, in part because of the behavioral sophistication of many Aculeata. The relative importance of species isolation versus sexual selection in shaping sex pheromone evolution is still unclear. Many species appear to discriminate among mates at the level of individual or kin/colony, and they use antiaphrodisiacs. Some orchids use hymenopteran sex pheromones to dupe males into performing pseudocopulation, with extreme species specificity.


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The obligate anaerobe Bacteroides fragilis is a normal resident of the human gastrointestinal tract. The clinically derived B. fragilis strain NCTC 9343 produces an extensive array of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), including antigenically distinct large, small and micro- capsules. The genome of NCTC 9343 encodes multiple gene clusters potentially involved in the biosynthesis of EPS, eight of which are implicated in production of the antigenically variable micro-capsule. We have developed a rapid and robust method for generating marked and markerless deletions, together with efficient electroporation using unmodified plasmid DNA to enable complementation of mutations. We show that deletion of a putative wzz homologue prevents production of high-molecular-mass polysaccharides (HMMPS), which form the micro-capsule. This observation suggests that micro-capsule HMMPS constitute the distal component of LPS in B. fragilis. The long chain length of this polysaccharide is strikingly different from classical enteric O-antigen, which consists of short-chain polysaccharides. We also demonstrate that deletion of a putative wbaP homologue prevents expression of the phase-variable large capsule and that expression can be restored by complementation. This suggests that synthesis of the large capsule is mechanistically equivalent to production of Escherichia coli group 1 and 4 capsules.


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We examined the trade-off between the behaviours associated with predator avoidance and mate acquisition in the mate-guarding amphipod crustacean Gammarus duebeni. We used laboratory experiments to investigate the impact of olfactory predator cues on activity, mate choice and mate-guarding behaviour of males and females. Pair formation declined under perceived risk of predation, reflecting reduced activity of both males and females and hence a reduced likelihood of encountering a mate. We also observed a reduction in the choosiness of both males and females. Under increased perceived predation risk, assessment of the female by the male was more likely to be followed by pair formation, and males showed a nonsignificant trend towards reduced discrimination in favour of large females and were less tenacious in their pair bond when they paired during exposure to predator cues. Females also showed less resistance behaviour, suggesting that both males and females trade off the costs of maximizing current reproductive success against the benefits of predator avoidance for survival and reproduction in the future. We discuss the implications of such context-dependent mating behaviours for ecological interactions between species and suggest that predators, via the effects of perceived predation risk on mate choice and mate guarding in the prey species, induce trait-mediated indirect effects with the potential to influence population dynamics and community structure. (C) 2008 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.