836 resultados para online commodity trading
Stock splits are known to have a negative effect on market quality—while stock prices adjust consistently with the split's scale, the bid/ask spread and market depth do not. Two possible explanations for the relative increase in spread are that (i) splits cause an increase in market maker costs that are passed along to investors or (ii) splits provide a mechanism for market makers to increase excess profits. Using a robust econometric methodology, we find evidence of the latter, which raises questions about the motivation of the splitting practice. We also document that while NASDAQ spreads appear to adjust more fully than those of NYSE/AMEX stocks, NASDAQ spreads are higher in general.
A proportion of melanoma,prone individuals in both familial and non,familial contexts has been shown to carry inactivating mutations in either CDKN2A or, rarely, CDK4. CDKN2A is a complex locus that encodes two unrelated proteins from alternately spliced transcripts that are read in different frames. The alpha transcript (exons 1a, 2, and 3) produces the p16INK4A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, while the beta transcript (exons 1beta and 2) is translated as p14ARF, a stabilizing factor of p53 levels through binding to MDM2. Mutations in exon 2 can impair both polypeptides and insertions and deletions in exons 1alpha, 1beta, and 2, which can theoretically generate p16INK4A,p14ARF fusion proteins. No online database currently takes into account all the consequences of these genotypes, a situation compounded by some problematic previous annotations of CDKN2A related sequences and descriptions of their mutations. As an initiative of the international Melanoma Genetics Consortium, we have therefore established a database of germline variants observed in all loci implicated in familial melanoma susceptibility. Such a comprehensive, publicly accessible database is an essential foundation for research on melanoma susceptibility and its clinical application. Our database serves two types of data as defined by HUGO. The core dataset includes the nucleotide variants on the genomic and transcript levels, amino acid variants, and citation. The ancillary dataset includes keyword description of events at the transcription and translation levels and epidemiological data. The application that handles users' queries was designed in the model,view. controller architecture and was implemented in Java. The object-relational database schema was deduced using functional dependency analysis. We hereby present our first functional prototype of eMelanoBase. The service is accessible via the URL www.wmi.usyd.e, du.au:8080/melanoma.html.
The two steps of nitrification, namely the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite and nitrite to nitrate, often need to be considered separately in process studies. For a detailed examination, it is desirable to monitor the two-step sequence using online measurements. In this paper, the use of online titrimetric and off-gas analysis (TOGA) methods for the examination of the process is presented. Using the known reaction stoichiometry, combination of the measured signals (rates of hydrogen ion production, oxygen uptake and carbon dioxide transfer) allows the determination of the three key process rates, namely the ammonia consumption rate, the nitrite accumulation rate and the nitrate production rate. Individual reaction rates determined with the TOGA sensor under a number of operation conditions are presented. The rates calculated directly from the measured signals are compared with those obtained from offline liquid sample analysis. Statistical analysis confirms that the results from the two approaches match well. This result could not have been guaranteed using alternative online methods. As a case study, the influences of pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) on nitrite accumulation are tested using the proposed method. It is shown that nitrite accumulation decreased with increasing DO and pH. Possible reasons for these observations are discussed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Regional commodity forecasts are being used increasingly in agricultural industries to enhance their risk management and decision-making processes. These commodity forecasts are probabilistic in nature and are often integrated with a seasonal climate forecast system. The climate forecast system is based on a subset of analogue years drawn from the full climatological distribution. In this study we sought to measure forecast quality for such an integrated system. We investigated the quality of a commodity (i.e. wheat and sugar) forecast based on a subset of analogue years in relation to a standard reference forecast based on the full climatological set. We derived three key dimensions of forecast quality for such probabilistic forecasts: reliability, distribution shift, and change in dispersion. A measure of reliability was required to ensure no bias in the forecast distribution. This was assessed via the slope of the reliability plot, which was derived from examination of probability levels of forecasts and associated frequencies of realizations. The other two dimensions related to changes in features of the forecast distribution relative to the reference distribution. The relationship of 13 published accuracy/skill measures to these dimensions of forecast quality was assessed using principal component analysis in case studies of commodity forecasting using seasonal climate forecasting for the wheat and sugar industries in Australia. There were two orthogonal dimensions of forecast quality: one associated with distribution shift relative to the reference distribution and the other associated with relative distribution dispersion. Although the conventional quality measures aligned with these dimensions, none measured both adequately. We conclude that a multi-dimensional approach to assessment of forecast quality is required and that simple measures of reliability, distribution shift, and change in dispersion provide a means for such assessment. The analysis presented was also relevant to measuring quality of probabilistic seasonal climate forecasting systems. The importance of retaining a focus on the probabilistic nature of the forecast and avoiding simplifying, but erroneous, distortions was discussed in relation to applying this new forecast quality assessment paradigm to seasonal climate forecasts. Copyright (K) 2003 Royal Meteorological Society.
The increasing availability of mobility data and the awareness of its importance and value have been motivating many researchers to the development of models and tools for analyzing movement data. This paper presents a brief survey of significant research works about modeling, processing and visualization of data about moving objects. We identified some key research fields that will provide better features for online analysis of movement data. As result of the literature review, we suggest a generic multi-layer architecture for the development of an online analysis processing software tool, which will be used for the definition of the future work of our team.
The goal of the present study is mapping the nature of possible contributions of participatory online platforms in citizen actions that may contribute in the fight against cancer and its associated consequences. The research is based on the analysis of online solidarity networks, namely the ones residing on Facebook and the blogosphere, that citizens have been gradually resorting to. The research is also based on the development of newer and more efficient solutions that provide the individual (directly or indirectly affected by issues of oncology) with the means to overcome feelings of impotence and fatality. In this chapter, the authors summarize the processes of usage of these decentralized, freer participatory platforms by citizens and institutions, while attempting to unravel existing hype and stigma; the authors also provide a first survey of the importance and the role of institutions in this kind of endeavor; lastly, they present a prototype, developed in the context of the present study that is specifically dedicated to addressing oncology through social media.
Desde 2003 que é publicado o Anuário Financeiros dos Municípios Portugueses que apresenta, de uma forma independente, a situação económica, financeira e patrimonial de todos os municípios portugueses (308) e também do setor empresarial local. Ao longo deste anos tem-se assistido ao aumento da disponibilização da informação financeira nos websites dos municípios e de uma forma menos presente nas entidades do sector empresarial local. Efetivamente, a preocupação com a accountability e a transparência das contas públicas tem crescido de forma significativa nos últimos 20 anos. Com o processo de descentralização de poderes e delegação de competências do governo central para o governo local, nomeadamente para as os municípios e por sua vez destes para as freguesias, aumentou a preocupação com a accountability e transparência ao nível das freguesias. Decorrente da reforma administrativa de 2011, Portugal conta com a existência, a nível nacional de 3091 freguesias distribuídas pelo território nacional, onde se identificam freguesias de diferentes dimensões, com diferentes modelos de organização. A freguesia representa a entidade pública com maior aproximação das comunidades locais, desempenhando por isso um papel fulcral na divulgação de informação relevante e no uso das novas tecnologias e dos meios digitais para melhor comunicar com a população. Assim, e considerando a sua representatividade ao nível da administração local, e o impacto que têm no seu conjunto, entendeu-se oportuno iniciar-se o projeto do Anuário Financeiro das Freguesias Portuguesas que, numa primeira fase e de forma preliminar, analisa a divulgação online da informação por parte das freguesias e, num segundo momento, analisa a informação financeira divulgada de forma agregada. É intenção do autores dar continuidade ao Anuário, apresentando resultados de uma forma sistemática, pelo menos de dois em dois anos, evidenciando as evoluções a nível da divulgação da informação. Para a realização deste projeto contamos com habitual apoio do Tribunal de Contas que se associou a este projeto através da disponibilização da informação aí depositada por parte das freguesias.
Si bien se ha considerado que la usabilidad del sitio presente estudio se lleva a cabo en el caso particular web es una de las variables clave en la formación de de los sitios de subastas por Internet, que representan la confianza de los usuarios, esta relación no ha sido un mercado creciente y en auge entre los servicios a profundamente analizada respecto a su efecto directo través de Internet en Latinoamérica. Luego de probar la o mediado. Dentro de este contexto, se propone que la unidimensionalidad, fiabilidad y validez de las escalas usabilidad influye sobre la confianza, pero no de ma-de medida, se contrastan las hipótesis a través de un nera directa, sino más bien a través de la satisfacción, modelo de ecuaciones estructurales y una estrategia de con esta última actuando como variable mediadora. El modelos rivales.
This paper examines the nature of the construct of consumers' trust toward the electronic channel of their financial institution. Through a study of a total of 372 individual users of Internet banking in Spain, we have managed to develop a third-order measuring instrument that integrates a total of seven dimensions. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used to test the validation and reliability of the proposed scale. Findings provide useful information to professionals who seek to identify how customer's trust is formed in the online channel and in the financial sector.
Many organisations make extensive use of electronic linkages to facilitate their trading exchanges with partners such as suppliers, distributors and customers. This research explores how the use of inter-organisational systems (IOS) both affects, and is affected by, the relationships between trading partners. In doing this, it brings together two existing but distinct perspectives and literatures; the rational view informed by IOS research, and the behavioural or relationship perspective embodied in inter-organisational relationships (IOR) literature. The research was undertaken in the European paper industry by means of six dyadic case studies. The dyads studied covered both traditional electronic data interchange systems and newer e-marketplace environments. A framework was derived from existing literature that integrates the two perspectives of interest. The framework was used to analyse the case studies undertaken and enabled the inter-relationship between IOS use and IOR to be explained.
With this article we intend to contribute to the understanding of what can make Online Collaborative Teams (OCT) effective. This is done by identifying what can be considered best practices for individual team members, for leaders of OCT, and for the organizations that the teams are a part of. Best practices in these categories were identified from the existing literature related to online teams and collaborative work literature.