940 resultados para one-day rain disaggregation


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Background: Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) inhibitors reduce dentine erosion. This in vitro study evaluated the effect of the supplementation of soft drinks with green tea extract, a natural inhibitor of MMPs, on their erosive potential against dentine. Methods: For each drink tested (Coca-Cola (TM), Kuat (TM) guarana, Sprite (TM) and light Coca-Cola (TM)), 40 dentine specimens were divided into two subgroups differing with respect to supplementation with green tea extract at 1.2% (OM24 (R), 100% Camellia sinensis leaf extract, containing 30 +/- 3% of catechin; Omnimedica, Switzerland) or not (control). Specimens were subjected to four pH cycles, alternating de-and remineralization in one day. For each cycle, samples were immersed in pure or supplemented drink (10 minutes, 30 mL per block) and in artificial saliva (60 minutes, 30 mL per block) at 37 degrees C, under agitation. Dentine alterations were determined by profilometry (mu m). Data were analysed by two-way ANOVA and Bonferroni`s test (p < 0.05). Results: A significant difference was observed among the drinks tested with Sprite (TM) leading to the highest surface loss and light Coca-Cola (TM) to the lowest. Supplementation with green tea extract reduced the surface loss by 15% to 40% but the difference was significant for Coca-Cola (TM) only. Conclusions: Supplementation of soft drinks with green tea extract might be a viable alternative to reduce their erosive potential against dentine.


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Objectives: To evaluate the bonding interface in experimentally weakened roots reinforced with adhesive restorative materials and quartz fibre posts, varying the light-exposure time of the composite resin used for root reinforcement. Methods: Twelve extracted human maxillary incisors teeth were used. The crowns were removed and the roots were endodontically treated. After post space preparation, the roots were assigned to four groups. The thickness of the root dentine was reduced and adhesively restored with composite resin light-activated through a translucent fibre post for either 40 s (group 1), 80 s (group 2) or 120 s (group 3). In the case of control (group 4), the roots were not weakened. One day after post cementation, the specimens were sectioned transversally in three slices and processed for scanning electron microscopic analysis to observe bonding interface formation, quality of the hybrid layer and density of resin tags using a four-step scale method. Results: Formation of a hybrid layer and resin tags were evident in all groups. There was no statistically (p > 0.05) significant difference between the regions analysed in each group (Friedman test) and between groups in each section depth (Kruskal-Wallis test). Furthermore, comparison of the flared/reinforced groups showed that the different time;; used for composite resin cure did not affect the results significantly (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = 0.2139). Conclusions: Different light-exposure times used for composite resin polymerisation during root canal reinforcement did not affect significantly the formation and quality of the dentine/adhesive/composite resin bonding interface. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study, was to develop a newborn piglet model of hypoxia/ischaemia which would better emulate the clinical situation in the asphyxiated human neonate and produce a consistent degree of histopathological injury following the insult. One-day-old piglets (n = 18) were anaesthetised with a mixture of propofol (10 mg/kg/h) and alfentinal (5,5.5 mug/kg/h) i.v. The piglets were intubated and ventilated. Physiological variables were monitored continuously. Hypoxia was induced by decreasing the inspired oxygen (FiO(2)) to 3-4% and adjusting FiO(2) to maintain the cerebral function monitor peak amplitude at less than or equal to5 muV. The duration of the mild insult was 20, min while the severe insult was 30 min which included 10 min where the blood pressure was allowed to fall below 70% of baseline. Control piglets (n=4 of 18) were subjected to the same protocol except for the hypoxic/ischaemic insult. The piglets were allowed to recover from anaesthesia then euthanased 72 It after the insult. The brains were perfusion-fixed, removed and embedded in paraffin. Coronal sections were stained by haematoxylin/eosin. A blinded observer examined the frontal and parietal cortex, hippocampus, basal ganglia, thalamus and cerebellum for the degree of damage. The total mean histology score for the five areas of the brain for the severe insult was 15.6 +/-4.4 (mean +/-S.D., n=7), whereas no damage was seen in either the mild insult (n=4) or control groups. This 'severe damage' model produces a consistent level of damage and will prove useful for examining potential neuroprotective therapies in the neonatal brain. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science BY. All rights reserved.


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The association of sustained cerebral edema with poor neurological outcome following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate suggests that measurement of cerebral edema may allow early prediction of outcome in these infants. Direct measurements of cerebral impedance have been widely used in animal studies to monitor cerebral edema, but such invasive measurements are not possible in the human neonate. This study investigated the ability of noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia. One-day-old piglets were anaesthetized, intubated and ventilated. Hypoxia was induced by reducing the inspired oxygen concentration to 4-6% O-2. Noninvasive cerebral bioimpedance was measured using gel electrodes attached to the scalp. Cerebral bioimpedance was also measured directly by insertion of two silver-silver chloride electrodes subdurally. Noninvasive and invasive measurements were made before, during and after hypoxia. Whole body impedance was measured to assess overall fluid movements. Intracranial pressure was measured continuously via a catheter inserted subdurally, as an index of cerebral edema. There was good agreement between noninvasive and invasive measurements of cerebral impedance although externally obtained responses were attenuated. Noninvasive measurements were also well correlated with intracranial pressure. Whole body impedance changes did not account for increases in noninvasively measured cerebral impedance. Results suggest that noninvasive cerebral impedance measurements do reflect intracranial events, and are able to detect cerebral edema following hypoxia-ischaemia in the neonate. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective. Outcome assessment in clinical trials using the Western Ontario and McMaster University (WOMAC 3.0) Osteoarthritis Index is traditionally achieved through self-administration of the Index. However, in other areas of clinical measurement, telephone administration has been shown to be a reliable method of acquiring data that are both accurate and complete. To address this issue in knee osteoarthritis (OA), we conducted a comparative study of telephone administration by interviewer of WOMAC LK3.0 versus onsite self-completion at the hospital. Methods. Fifty consenting patients with knee OA were randomized to complete the WOMAC LK3.0 Index by telephone interview one day, followed by onsite completion the following day, or vice versa. Neither patients nor interviewers had access to any prior scores. Results. The mean age of the 50 patients was 66.3 years (range 44-82); 34 (68%) were female and 16 (32%) male. There was excellent agreement between the mean office and telephone scores, with mean differences for the WOMAC LK3.0 pain, stiffness, and function subscale scores and total score of 0.09, 0.12, 0.78, and 0.98, respectively. These differences were well within the respective protocol defined equivalence criteria of +/- 1.7, +/- 0.9, +/- 6.4, and +/- 9.1, and represented differences from office scores of 0.9, 2.6, 2.4, and 2.2%, respectively. Conclusion. The use of telephone interviews for the WOMAC LK3.0 Index is a valid method of obtaining OA outcome measurements. These observations have important implications for designing data acquisition strategies for future OA clinical trials and for longterm observational studies.


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The fate of N-15-nitrogen-enriched formulated feed fed to shrimp was traced through the food web in shallow, outdoor tank systems (1000 1) stocked with shrimp. Triplicate tanks containing shrimp water with and without sediment were used to identify the role of the natural biota in the water column and sediment in processing dietary nitrogen (N). A preliminary experiment demonstrated that N-15-nitrogen-enriched feed products could be detected in the food web. Based on this, a 15-day experiment was conducted. The ammonium (NH4+) pool in the water column became rapidly enriched (within one day) with N-15-nitrogen after shrimp were fed N-15-enriched feed. By day 15, 6% of the added N-15-nitrogen was in this fraction in the 'sediment' tanks compared with 0.4% in the 'no sediment' tanks. The particulate fraction in the water column, principally autotrophic nanoflagellates, accounted for 4-5% of the N-15-nitrogen fed to shrimp after one day. This increased to 16% in the 'no sediment' treatment, and decreased to 2% in the 'sediment' treatment by day 15. It appears that dietary N was more accessible to the phytoplankton community in the absence of sediment. The difference is possibly because a proportion of the dietary N was buried in the sediment in the 'sediment' treatment, making it unavailable to the phytoplankton. Alternatively, the dietary N was retained in the NH4+ pool in the water column since phytoplankton growth, and hence, N utilization was lower in the 'sediment' treatment. The lower growth of phytoplankton in the 'sediment' treatment appeared to be related to higher turbidity, and hence, lower light availability for growth. The percentage N-15-nitrogen detected in the sediment was only 6% despite the high capacity for sedimentation of the large biomass of plankton detritus and shrimp waste. This suggests rapid remineralization of organic waste by the microbial community in the sediment resulting in diffusion of inorganic N sources into the water column. It is likely that most of the dietary N will ultimately be removed from the tank system by water discharges. Our study showed that N-15-nitrogen derived from aquaculture feed can be processed by the microbial community in outdoor aquaculture systems and provides a method for determining the effect of dietary N on ecosystems. However, a significant amount of the dietary N was not retained by the natural biota and is likely to be present in the soluble organic fraction. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Multi-frequency bio-impedance has the potential to identify infants at risk of poor neurodevelopmental outcome following hypoxia by detecting cerebral edema. This study investigated the relationship between the severity of an hypoxic/ischemic episode, neurological outcome following the hypoxia and non-invasively measured cerebral bioelectrical impedance in piglets. One-day-old piglets were anaesthetised and ventilated. Hypoxia was induced by reducing the inspired oxygen concentration to 3-5%. Severe hypoxia was defined as hypoxia resulting in at least 30 min of low amplitude EEG (


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A transitory increase in blood pressure (BP) is observed following upper airway surgery for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome but the mechanisms implicated are not yet well understood. The objective of the present study was to evaluate changes in BP and heart rate (HR) and putative factors after uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and septoplasty in normotensive snorers. Patients (N = 10) were instrumented for 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring, nocturnal respiratory monitoring and urinary catecholamine level evaluation one day before surgery and on the day of surgery. The influence of postsurgery pain was prevented by analgesic therapy as confirmed using a visual analog scale of pain. Compared with preoperative values, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in nighttime but not daytime systolic BP (119 ± 5 vs 107 ± 3 mmHg), diastolic BP (72 ± 4 vs 67 ± 2 mmHg), HR (67 ± 4 vs 57 ± 2 bpm), respiratory disturbance index (RDI) characterized by apnea-hypopnea (30 ± 10 vs 13 ± 4 events/h of sleep) and norepinephrine levels (22.0 ± 4.7 vs 11.0 ± 1.3 µg l-1 12 h-1) after surgery. A positive correlation was found between individual variations of BP and individual variations of RDI (r = 0.81, P < 0.01) but not between BP or RDI and catecholamines. The visual analog scale of pain showed similar stress levels on the day before and after surgery (6.0 ± 0.8 vs 5.0 ± 0.9 cm, respectively). These data strongly suggest that the cardiovascular changes observed in patients who underwent uvulopalatopharyngoplasty and septoplasty were due to the increased postoperative RDI.


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A irradiação de alimentos é um método de conservação não térmico utilizado em diferentes alimentos e em diferentes doses. Sabe-se que, dependendo da dose aplicada, esse método pode ocasionar alterações nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais, que afetam a qualidade do produto. Portanto, um dos objetivos deste estudo foi analisar o efeito da irradiação nas características físico-químicas e sensoriais de morangos irradiados. A irradiação das amostras de morango ocorreu um dia após a colheita e foi realizada no Laboratório de Radiação Gama do Centro de Desenvolvimento da Tecnologia Nuclear (CDTN), em Belo Horizonte-MG. As doses utilizadas foram 1 kGy, 2 kGy, 3 kGy e 4 kGy e a amostra controle (0 kGy). Foram avaliados pH, acidez total titulável, sólidos solúveis, ratio (relação entre teor de sólidos solúveis e acidez total titulável), açúcares redutores, totais e não redutores, pectina, ácido ascórbico, firmeza, cor, antocianinas, compostos fenólicos e capacidade antioxidante. Para a caracterização sensorial das amostras, foi utilizado o método Perfil Descritivo Otimizado (PDO), sendo avaliados os atributos sensoriais cor, sabor adocicado, gosto ácido, firmeza e suculência, por 15 julgadores previamente selecionados. Além da caracterização sensorial, foi realizada a análise de aceitação sensorial por 60 consumidores de morango em duas sessões. A irradiação não alterou significativamente a maioria das características físico-químicas analisadas, ao comparar todas as doses empregadas, incluindo o morango controle (não irradiado); apenas a firmeza apresentou valores diferentes estatisticamente: com o aumento da dose, houve diminuição da firmeza do fruto. No PDO, as amostras diferiram quanto à cor, sabor adocicado, firmeza e suculência, sendo que a amostra controle e a amostra irradiada com 1 kGy tiveram maiores valores de firmeza e menores de suculência e sabor adocicado. Em relação à aceitação, a amostra controle e a amostra irradiada com 1 kGy não diferiram estatisticamente pelo teste Tukey a 5%, mas diferiram das amostras irradiadas com doses de 3 kGy e de 4 kGy; no entanto, a amostra irradiada a 2 kGy não diferiu de nenhuma outra dose. Foram realizados estudos de correlações entre os dados físico-químicos de pH, acidez total titulável (ATT), sólidos solúveis (SS), açúcares totais e açúcares não redutores, antocianina (método pH diferencial), pectina, firmeza instrumental, relação entre SS/ATT (ratio) e alguns parâmetros de cor (a*, b*, c* e L), e os dados do teste sensorial descritivo, ou seja, os atributos de firmeza, suculência, sabor adocicado e gosto ácido. Os resultados obtidos foram correlações significativamente positivas entre pH e ratio, sólidos solúveis e pectina, antocianinas e parâmetros de cor (a* e c*), açúcares e parâmetros de cor (b* e c*), firmeza sensorial e firmeza instrumental, suculência e sabor xvi adocicado e firmeza sensorial e gosto ácido. Já as correlações negativas foram entre acidez e ratio, sólidos solúveis e firmeza, antocianina e L*, firmeza sensorial e sabor adocicado e suculência com: firmeza instrumental, firmeza sensorial e gosto ácido. Neste trabalho, também foi realizada a caracterização físico-química e sensorial de morangos irradiados nas doses determinadas por Lima Filho et al. (2014) como sendo correspondentes ao limiar de detecção (LD) sensorial (0,405 kGy) e ao limiar de rejeição (LR) sensorial (3,6 kGy) para morangos irradiados. Além disso, foi verificada a influência da embalagem na aceitação sensorial de morangos irradiados na dose 3,6 kGy. Todas as medidas físico-químicas apresentaram pequena variação entre as amostras controle (0 kGy) e o LD e o LR. Não houve diferença significativa em relação à aceitação da amostra irradiada na ausência e na presença da embalagem, provavelmente devido ao grau de conhecimento do painel de consumidores em relação ao processo de irradiação de alimentos. Conclui-se que a irradiação é um método de conservação que pode ser utilizado em morangos, uma vez que exerce pouca influência, no período de tempo estudado, nas suas características físico-químicas e sensoriais.


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This paper addresses the problem of energy resources management using modern metaheuristics approaches, namely Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), New Particle Swarm Optimization (NPSO) and Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization (EPSO). The addressed problem in this research paper is intended for aggregators’ use operating in a smart grid context, dealing with Distributed Generation (DG), and gridable vehicles intelligently managed on a multi-period basis according to its users’ profiles and requirements. The aggregator can also purchase additional energy from external suppliers. The paper includes a case study considering a 30 kV distribution network with one substation, 180 buses and 90 load points. The distribution network in the case study considers intense penetration of DG, including 116 units from several technologies, and one external supplier. A scenario of 6000 EVs for the given network is simulated during 24 periods, corresponding to one day. The results of the application of the PSO approaches to this case study are discussed deep in the paper.


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We present new Rayleigh-wave dispersion maps of the western Iberian Peninsula for periods between 8 and 30 s, obtained from correlations of seismic ambient noise, following the recent increase in seismic broadband network density in Portugal and Spain. Group velocities have been computed for each station pair using the empirical Green's functions generated by cross-correlating one-day-length seismic ambient-noise records. The resulting high-path density allows us to obtain lateral variations of the group velocities as a function of period in cells of 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees with an unprecedented resolution. As a result we were able to address some of the unknowns regarding the lithospheric structure beneath SW Iberia. The dispersion maps allow the imaging of the major structural units, namely the Iberian Massif, and the Lusitanian and Algarve Meso-Cenozoic basins. The Cadiz Gulf/Gibraltar Strait area corresponds to a strong low-velocity anomaly, which can be followed to the largest period inverted, although slightly shifted to the east at longer periods. Within the Iberian Massif, second-order perturbations in the group velocities are consistent with the transitions between tectonic units composing the massif. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Introdução – A tomografia de emissão de fotão simples sincronizada com o sinal eletrocardiográfico (Gated-SPECT) é essencial para a avaliação conjunta da perfusão e da função ventricular esquerda (VE) do miocárdio. Objetivo – Investigar a relação entre a função VE e o índice de captação (IC) miocárdio/pulmão direito (M/PD) e M/P esquerdo (M/PE) nos estudos Gated-SPECT com 99mTc-Tetrofosmina. Metodologia – Amostra de 32 pacientes que realizaram estudos Gated-SPECT por indicação clínica, sendo subdividida em dois grupos: Grupo I (GI) – pacientes com a informação clínica de enfarte agudo do miocárdio (EAM); Grupo II (GII) – pacientes com a informação clínica de isquemia. Por cada paciente adquiriram-se imagens estáticas torácico-abdominais e dois estudos Gated-SPECT do miocárdio (protocolo de um dia esforço/repouso). Nas imagens estáticas definiram-se regiões de interesse (Regions of interest – ROI) para calcular os IC. Nos estudos Gated-SPECT utilizou-se o software Quantitative Gated SPECT/Quantitative Perfusion SPECT para calcular a Fração de Ejeção do Ventrículo Esquerdo (FEVE). Efetuou-se análise estatística descritiva para caracterização da amostra. Aplicou-se o teste de Spearman para avaliar a correlação entre a FEVE e os IC por grupo de pacientes. O Teste de Willcoxon foi usado para comparar FEVE em repouso e em esforço. Resultados – Nos estudos Gated-SPECT em esforço não se verificou correlação estatisticamente significativa entre a FEVE e os IC, para GI e GII; em repouso existe correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre a FEVE e os IC, para GI; para GII não se verificou correlação. Na comparação dos valores de FEVE em esforço e repouso nos dois grupos constatou-se a existência de diferenças estatisticamente significativas, sendo a FEVE em Esforço


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O rio Febros é um pequeno curso de água, situado no concelho de Vila Nova de Gaia, com cerca de 15 km de extensão, cuja bacia hidrográfica ocupa uma área de aproximadamente 35,4 km2. Nasce em Seixezelo e desagua na margem esquerda do Rio Douro no Cais do Esteiro, em Avintes. Em Maio de 2008, um acidente de viação teve como consequência o derrame de cerca de quatro toneladas de ácido clorídrico que rapidamente convergiu às águas do rio. Apenas um dia depois, o pH desceu para três e muitos foram os peixes que morreram. A solução adoptada para evitar o desaire foi introduzir milhares de litros de água de modo a diluir o ácido presente, ao longo de todo o curso de água. Tal facto não evitou a destruição de parte de um ecossistema, que ainda nos dias de hoje se encontra em recuperação. De forma a avaliar-se o impacto destas possíveis perturbações sejam estas de origem antropogénica ou natural é necessário possuir conhecimentos dos processos químicos tais como a advecção, a mistura devida à dispersão e a transferência de massa ar/água. Estes processos irão determinar o movimento e destino das substâncias que poderão ser descarregadas no rio. Para tal, recorrer-se-á ao estudo hidrogeométrico do curso de água assim como ao estudo do comportamento de um marcador, simulando uma possível descarga. A rodamina WT será o marcador a ser utilizado devido à panóplia de características ambientalmente favoráveis. Os estudos de campo com este corante, realizados em sequência de descarga previamente estudada, fornecem uma das melhores fontes de informação para verificação e validação de modelos hidráulicos utilizados em estudos de qualidade de águas e protecção ambiental. Escolheram-se dois pontos de descarga no Febros, um em Casal Drijo e outro no Parque Biológico de Gaia, possuindo cada um deles, a jusante, duas estações de monitorização. Pelo modelo ADE os valores obtidos para o coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal para as estações Pontão d’ Alheira, Pinheiral, Menesas e Giestas foram, respectivamente, 0,3622; 0,5468; 1,6832 e 1,7504 m2/s. Para a mesma sequência de estações, os valores da velocidade de escoamento obtidos neste trabalho experimental foram de 0,0633; 0,0684; 0,1548 e 0,1645 m/s. Quanto ao modelo TS, os valores obtidos para o coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal para as estações Pontão d’ Alheira, Pinheiral, Menesas e Giestas foram, respectivamente, 0,2339; 0,1618; 0,5057e 1,1320 m2/s. Para a mesma sequência de estações, os valores da velocidade de escoamento obtidos neste trabalho experimental foram de 0,0652; 0,0775; 0,1891 e 0,1676 m/s. Os resultados foram ajustados por um método directo, o método dos momentos, e por dois métodos indirectos, os modelos ADE e TS. O melhor ajuste corresponde ao modelo TS onde os valores do coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal e da velocidade de escoamento são aqueles que melhor se aproximam da realidade. Quanto ao método dos momentos, o valor estimado para a velocidade é de 0,162 m/s e para o coeficiente de dispersão longitudinal de 9,769 m2/s. Não obstante, a compreensão da hidrodinâmica do rio e das suas características, bem como a adequação de modelos matemáticos no tratamento de resultados formam uma estratégia de protecção ambiental inerente a futuros impactos que possam suceder.


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Mestrado em Fisioterapia


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ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the prevalences of tobacco use, tobacco experimentation, and frequent smoking among Brazilian adolescents. METHODS We evaluated participants of the cross-sectional, nation-wide, school-based Study of Cardiovascular Risks in Adolescents (ERICA), which included 12- to 17-year-old adolescents from municipalities of over 100 thousand inhabitants. The study sample had a clustered, stratified design and was representative of the whole country, its geographical regions, and all 27 state capitals. The information was obtained with self-administered questionnaires. Tobacco experimentation was defined as having tried cigarettes at least once in life. Adolescents who had smoked on at least one day over the previous 30 days were considered current cigarette smokers. Having smoked cigarettes for at least seven consecutive days was an indicator for regular consumption of tobacco. Considering the complex sampling design, prevalences and 95% confidence intervals were estimated according to sociodemographic and socio-environmental characteristics. RESULTS We evaluated 74,589 adolescents. Among these, 18.5% (95%CI 17.7-19.4) had smoked at least once in life, 5.7% (95%CI 5.3-6.2) smoked at the time of the research, and 2.5% (95%CI 2.2-2.8) smoked often. Adolescents aged 15 to 17 years had higher prevalences for all indicators than those aged 12 to 14 years. The prevalences did not differ significantly between sexes. The highest prevalences were found in the South region and the lowest ones, in the Northeast region. Regardless of sex, the prevalences were found to be higher for adolescents who had had paid jobs, who lived with only one parent, and who reported having been in contact with smokers either inside or outside their homes. Female public school adolescents were found to smoke more than the ones from private schools. CONCLUSIONS Tobacco use among adolescents is still a challenge. Intending to reduce the prevalence of tobacco use among young people, especially the ones under socioeconomic vulnerability conditions, Brazil must consolidate and increase effective public health care measures.