953 resultados para olive oil


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This paper evaluates the water footprint of Spanish olives and olive oil over the period 1997-2008. In particular, it analyses the three colour components of the water footprint: green (rainwater stored in the soil), blue (surface and groundwater) and grey (freshwater required to assimilate load of pollutants). Apparent water productivity and virtual water embedded in olive oil exports have also been studied. Results show more than 99.5% of the water footprint of one liter of bottled olive oil is related to the olive production, whereas less than 0.5% is due to the other components such as bottle, cap and label. Over the studied period, the green water footprint in absolute terms of Spanish olive oil production represents about 72% in rainfed systems and just 12% in irrigated olive orchards. Blue and grey water footprints represent 6% and 10% of the national water footprint, respectively. It is shown that olive production is concentrated in regions with the smallest water footprint per unit of product. However, the increase of groundwater consumption in the main olive producing region (Andalusia), from 98 to 378 Mm3 between 1997 and 2008, has added significant pressure in the upstream Guadalquivir basin. This raises questions about the sustainability of irrigated olive orchards for export from the region. Finally, the virtual water related to olive oil exports illustrate the importance of green water footprint of rainfed olives amounting to about 77% of the total virtual water exports.


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The effect of location of fruit in canopies of hedgerow olive trees (Olea europaea L., cv. ‘Arbequina’) on quality of virgin oil was tested by analyzing oils extracted from different height layers and faces of 9 olive hedgerows (6 North-South oriented and 3 East-West). Although sensory attributes were not different other oil quality parameters may be significantly modified by fruit position. In some hedgerows, oils extracted from fruits harvested from higher layers exhibited significantly higher stability against oxidation, along with higher palmitic acid, linoleic acid and phenol contents, but lower oleic acid content. Oils extracted from fruits harvested from East and North facing hedgerows oriented North-South and East-West, respectively, exhibited higher oleic contents and lower saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. The mean phenol content of oils extracted from fruits from a North-South oriented hedgerow was significantly greater from one of the East-West oriented hedgerows. These findings may be relevant for the design of future olive hedgerows destined for olive oil production.


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En este trabajo se recogieron muestras de aceituna procedente de distintas alturas de setos cultivados en diferentes condiciones para evaluar el efecto en la calidad del aceite.


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The effect of location of fruit in canopies of hedgerow olive trees (Olea europaea L., cv. ‘Arbequina’) on quality of virgin oil was tested by analyzing oils extracted from different height layers and faces of nine olive hedgerows (6 North–South oriented and 3 East– West). Although sensory attributes were not different, other oil quality parameters may be significantly modified by fruit position. Oils extracted from fruits harvested from higher layers exhibited significantly higher stability against oxidation, along with higher palmitic acid, linoleic acid and phenol contents, but lower oleic acid content. Oils extracted from fruits harvested from East and North facing hedgerows oriented North–South and East–West, respectively, exhibited higher oleic contents and lower saturated and polyunsaturated fatty acid contents. The mean phenol content of oils extracted from fruits from a North–South oriented hedgerow was significantly greater from one of the East–West oriented hedgerows. These findings may be relevant for the design of future olive hedgerows destined for olive oil production.


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Developing products having a high nutritional value and good storage stability during freezing is a challenge. Inulin (I) and extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) have interesting functional properties. The e?ect of the addition of I and EVOO blends at di?erent I:EVOO ratios (0:0, 0:60, 15:45, 30:30, 45:15, 60:0, 30:45 and 45:30) on the rheological, physical, sensory and structural properties of fresh and frozen ? thawed mashed potatoes formulated without and with added cryoprotectants was analysed and compared. Addition of I and EVOO (either alone or blended) reduced apparent viscosity and pseudoplasticity producing softer systems, indicating that both ingredients behave as soft ?llers. Samples with added I at the higher concentrations )1 (?45 g kg ) showed lower ?ow index and consistency, which is related to formation of smaller I particles; microphotographs indicated that gelling properties of I depended mostly upon processing. Frozen ? thawed samples were judged more acceptable and creamier than their fresh counterparts.


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The effect of adding different ratios of inulin and extra virgin olive oil blends, formulated without (MPA) and with cryoprotectants (MPB), on texture properties of fresh mashed potatoes and frozen/thawed mashed potatoes was studied. Inulin and extra virgin olive oil behaved like soft ?llers, but inulin was associated with increased?brousness and extra virgin olive oil with increased creaminess. In the total dataset and frozen mashed potatoes, frozen/thawed mashed potatoes, and MPA subgroups, component 1 was a contrast between mechanical and surface textural attributes, whereas in MPB samples component 1 was determined by geometrical attributes. Addition of inulin at 30 g/kg and extra virgin olive oil at 45 g/kg is recommended.


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The present work is a preliminary study to settle the optimum experimental conditions and data processing for accomplishing the strategies established by the Action Plan for the EU olive oil sector. The objectives of the work were: a) to monitor the evolution of extra virgin olive oil exposed to indirect solar light in transparent glass bottles during four months; b) to identify spectral differences between edible and lampant virgin olive oil by applying high resolution Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (HR-NMR) Spectroscopy. Pr esent study could contribute to determine the date of minimum storage, their optimum conditions, and to properly characterize olive oil.


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BACKGROUND: The effect of regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) on the phytoprostane (PhytoP) content in extra virgin olive (Olea europaea L., cv. Cornicabra) oil (EVOO) was studied. During the 2012 and 2013 seasons, T0 plants were irrigated at 100% ETc, while T1 and T2 plants were irrigated avoiding water deficit during phases I and III of fruit growth and saving water during the non-critical phenological period of pit hardening (phase II), developing amore severewater deficit in T2 plants. In 2013, a fourth treatment (T3) was also performed, which was similar to T2 except that water saving was from the beginning of phase II to 15 days after the end of phase II. RESULTS: 9-F1t-PhytoP, 9-epi-9-F1t-PhytoP, 9-epi-9-D1t-PhytoP, 9-D1t-PhytoP, 16-B1-PhytoP and 9-L1-PhytoP were present in Cornicabra EVOO, and their contents increased in the EVOO fromRDI plants. CONCLUSION: Deficit irrigation during pit hardening or for a further period of 2 weeks thereafter to increase irrigation water saving is clearly critical for EVOO composition because of the enhancement of free PhytoPs, which have potential beneficial effects on human health. The response of individual free PhytoPs to changes in plant water status was not as perceptible as expected, preventing their use as biomarkers of water stress.


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For the energy valorization of alperujo, residue of the olive oil two phases extraction process, it is necessary to perform a drying process to reduce moisture content from over 60% to less than 10%. In order to reduce primary energy consumption and get an economic return, usually in this kind of drying facilities Gas Turbine CHP is used as a heat source. There have been recently in Spain some fires in this kind of GT-CHP facilities, which have caused high material losses. In some of these fires it has been suggested that the fire was caused by the output of incandescent alperujo in the flue gasesof the drying system. Therefore, the aim of this study is to determine experimentally and analytically under which operational conditions a process of alperujo self-ignition in the drying process can begin, and determine the actual fire hazard in this type of TG-CHP system. For analytical study, the temperature and initial composition of the combustion gases of the Gas Turbine at the entrance of the drying process was calculated and the gas equilibrium conditions reached in contact with the biomass were calculated and, therefore, the temperature of the biomass during the drying process. Moreover, the layer and dust ignition temperature of alperujo has been experimentally determined, according to EN 50281-2-1: 2000. With these results, the operating conditions of the drying process, in which there are real risk of auto-ignition of alperujo have been established.Para la valorización energética del alperujo, residuo del proceso de extracción en dos fases del aceite de oliva, es necesario realizar un proceso de secado para reducir su contenido de humedad de más del 60% al 10% m/m en b.h. Con el fin de reducir el consumo de energía primaria y obtener una rentabilidad económica, normalmente en este tipo de instalaciones de secado se usa la cogeneración con turbina de gas (TG) como fuente de calor. En España en los últimos años han ocurrido algunos casos de incendio en este tipo de instalaciones de cogeneración, que han supuesto pérdidas materiales muy elevadas. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este trabajo es determinar analítica y experimentalmente las condiciones operativas del secadero bajo las cuales podría comenzar un proceso de autoinflamación del alperujo y determinar el riesgo real de incendio en este tipo de instalaciones. Para el estudio analítico, se ha planteado y validado el modelo matemático que permite calcular la temperatura y la composición de los gases de combustión a la entrada y a la salida del secadero, en función de las curvas características de la TG, de las condiciones atmosféricas, del caudal y del grado de humedad de la biomasa tratada. El modelo permite además calcular la temperatura de bulbo húmedo, que es la máxima temperatura que podría alcanzar la biomasa durante el proceso de secado y determinar la cantidad de biomasa que se puede secar completamente en función del caudal y de las condiciones de entrada de los gases de combustión. Con estos resultados y la temperatura mínima de autoinflamación del alperujo determinada experimentalmente siguiendo la norma EN 50281- 2-1:2000, se demuestra que en un proceso de secado de alperujo en condiciones normales de operación no existe riesgo de autoencendido que pueda dar origen a un incendio.


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Support for this work was provided by PROMETEO/2009/043/FEDER of Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) and CTQ2008-05520 (Spanish MCI/research).