991 resultados para nutritional importance
The objective of this study was to evaluate the nutritional traits and in vitro digestibility of silages from different corn cultivars harvested at two cutting heights. It was evaluated 11 cultivars (Dina 766, Dina 657, Dina 1000, P 3021, P 3041, C 805, C 333, AG 5011, FO 01, Dina co 9621 and BR 205) harvest 5 cm above ground (low) and 5 cm below the intersection of the first ear (high). It was used a random block design (three blocks), arranged in a 11 × 2 factorial scheme. Silages from plants harvested at high cutting height presented average content of dry matter significantly superior to silages from plants harvested at low height. Cultivars FO 01, AG 5011, Dina co 9621 and Dina 766 presented greater content of crude protein than cultivars C 805, P 3041 and P 3021, which presented the lowest contents of this nutrient. The raise in the cut height increased in vitro dry matter true digestibility coefficients and in vitro dry matter digestibility of silage evaluated. The increase in cut height improved nutritive value of silages by decreasing concentrations of fibrous fractions and increasing in vitro dry matter digestibility.
Nutritional substances associated to some hormones enhance liver regeneration when injected intraperitoneally, being denominated hepatotrophic factors (HF). Here we verified if a solution of HF (glucose, vitamins, salts, amino acids, glucagon, insulin, and triiodothyronine) can revert liver cirrhosis and how some extracellular matrices are affected. Cirrhosis was induced for 14 weeks in 45 female Wistar rats (200 mg) by intraperitoneal injections of thioacetamide (200 mg/kg). Twenty-five rats received intraperitoneal HF twice a day for 10 days (40 mL·kg-1·day-1) and 20 rats received physiological saline. Fifteen rats were used as control. The HF applied to cirrhotic rats significantly: a) reduced the relative mRNA expression of the genes: Col-α1 (-53%), TIMP-1 (-31.7%), TGF-β1 (-57.7%), and MMP-2 (-41.6%), whereas Plau mRNA remained unchanged; b) reduced GGT (-43.1%), ALT (-17.6%), and AST (-12.2%) serum levels; c) increased liver weight (11.3%), and reduced liver collagen (-37.1%), regenerative nodules size (-22.1%), and fibrous septum thickness. Progranulin protein (immunohistochemistry) and mRNA (in situ hybridization) were found in fibrous septa and areas of bile duct proliferation in cirrhotic livers. Concluding, HF improved the histology and serum biochemistry of liver cirrhosis, with an important reduction of interstitial collagen and increased extracelullar matrix degradation by reducing profibrotic gene expression.
RESUMO. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a prevalência de deficiência de vitamina A (DVA) em pré-escolares da cidade do Recife, Nordeste Brasileiro. A amostra foi composta por 344 crianças, de 24 a 60 meses, de ambos os sexos, em 18 creches públicas da cidade do Recife, em 2007. O estado nutricional de vitamina A foi avaliado pelos indicadores bioquímico (retinol sérico) e dietético (inquérito de consumo alimentar) e o status pondo-estatural através dos índices antropométricos peso/idade (P/I), altura/idade (A/I) e peso/altura (P/A). A prevalência de níveis de retinol sérico baixos (<0,70μmol/L) foi de 7,7 por cento (IC 95 por cento 4,88 – 11,81), caracterizando a DVA como problema de saúde pública do tipo leve, segundo critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde. Por outro lado, 29,6 por cento (IC 95 por cento 24,22 – 35,63) das crianças apresentaram níveis aceitáveis ou marginais (0,70 a 1,04μmol/L) de retinol. Em relação ao consumo de vitamina A, os valores abaixo da EAR (Estimated Average Requirement), de 210μg/dia para crianças de 24 a 47 meses e de 275μg/dia para crianças de 48 a 96 meses de idade foi de 8,1 por cento e 21,3 por cento, respectivamente. As prevalências de déficits antropométricos (<-2 escores –Z) nos pré-escolares foram de 2,5 por cento para o indicador P/I, de 8,6 por cento quanto ao A/I e de 1,5 por cento em relação ao P/A. Os dados acima evidenciam a importância da institucionalização para o adequado estado nutricional das crianças e manutenção dos estoques adequados de vitamina A. Todavia, são necessários mais estudos enfocando pré-escolares não institucionalizados, ou seja, crianças que vivem fora do ambiente privilegiado das creches
A anemia por deficiência de ferro caracteriza-se como o mais prevalente problema nutricional em todo o mundo. Nesta revisão reuniu-se informações a respeito do metabolismo da hepcidina, avaliando-se seu valor como parâmetro bioquímico na anemia por deficiência de ferro. Realizou-se um levantamento bibliográfico nas bases de dados PUBMED e LILACS, período 2006-2010, referentes à hepcidina como um biomarcador para a regulação do metabolismo do ferro. Foram localizados 35 estudos publicados em revistas internacionais e um estudo sobre o assunto em revista nacional. A produção de hepcidina é regulada homeostaticamente pela anemia e hipóxia. Quando a oferta de oxigênio está inadequada ocorre diminuição do nível de hepcidina. Consequentemente, maior quantidade de ferro proveniente da dieta e dos estoques dos macrófagos e hepatócitos se tornam disponíveis. A hepcidina possui a função de se ligar à ferroportina, regulando a liberação do ferro para o plasma. Quando as concentrações de hepcidina estão baixas, as moléculas de ferroportina são expostas na membrana plasmática e liberam o ferro. Quando os níveis de hepcidina aumentam, a hepcidina liga-se às moléculas de ferroportina induzindo sua internalização e degradação, e o ferro liberado diminui progressivamente. Aparentemente o desenvolvimento do diagnóstico e terapia da anemia baseados no bioindicador hepcidina pode oferecer uma abordagem mais efetiva. Estudos epidemiológicos são necessários para comprovar o valor da hepcidina no diagnóstico diferencial das anemias, incluindo protocolos de amostragem para análise, com padronização similar às utilizadas em outras avaliações bioquímicas, e estabelecimento de pontos de corte para a expressão urinária e plasmática desse peptídeo
OBJETIVO: Estabelecer a evolução da prevalência de desnutrição na população brasileira de crianças menores de cinco anos de idade entre 1996 e 2007 e identificar os principais fatores responsáveis por essa evolução.MÉTODOS: Os dados analisados procedem de inquéritos "Demographic Health Surveys" realizados no Brasil em 1996 e 2006/7 em amostras probabilísticas de cerca de 4 mil crianças menores de cinco anos. A identificação dos fatores responsáveis pela variação temporal da prevalência da desnutrição (altura-para-idade inferior a -2 escores z; padrão OMS 2006) considerou mudanças na distribuição de quatro determinantes potenciais do estado nutricional. Modelagem estatística da associação independente entre determinante e risco de desnutrição em cada inquérito e cálculo de frações atribuíveis parciais foram utilizados para avaliar a importância relativa de cada fator na evolução da desnutrição infantil. RESULTADOS: A prevalência da desnutrição foi reduzida em cerca de 50%: de 13,5% (IC 95%: 12,1%;14,8%) em 1996 para 6,8% (5,4%;8,3%) em 2006/7. Dois terços dessa redução poderiam ser atribuídos à evolução favorável dos quatro fatores estudados: 25,7% ao aumento da escolaridade materna; 21,7% ao crescimento do poder aquisitivo das famílias; 11,6% à expansão da assistência à saúde e 4,3% à melhoria nas condições de saneamento.CONCLUSÕES: A taxa anual de declínio de 6,3% na proporção de crianças com déficits de altura-para-idade indica que em cerca de mais dez anos a desnutrição infantil poderia deixar de ser um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. A conquista desse resultado dependerá da manutenção das políticas econômicas e sociais que têm favorecido o aumento do poder aquisitivo dos mais pobres e de investimentos públicos que permitam completar a universalização do acesso da população brasileira aos serviços essenciais de educação, saúde e saneamento
This study aimed to investigate the effects of physical training, and different levels of protein intake in the diet, on the growth and nutritional status of growing rats. Newly-weaned Wistar rats (n=48) were distributed into six experimental groups: three of them were subjected to physical swim training (1 h per day. 5 d per week, for 4 wk, after 2 wk of familiarization) and the other three were considered as controls (non-trained). Each pair of groups, trained and non-trained, received diets with a different level of protein in their composition: 14%. 21% or 28%. The animals were euthanized at the end of the training period and the following analyses were performed: proteoglycan synthesis as a biomarker of bone and cartilage growth, IGF-I (insulin-like growth factor-I) assay as a biomarker of growth and nutritional status. total RNA and protein concentration and protein synthesis measured in vivo using a large-dose phenylalanine method. As a main finding, increased dietary protein, combined with physical training, was able to improve neither tissue protein synthesis nor muscle growth. In addition, cartilage and bone growth seem to be deteriorated by the lower and the higher levels of protein intake. Our data allow us to conclude that protein enhancement in the diet, combined with physical exercise, does not stimulate tissue protein synthesis or muscle mass growth. Furthermore, physical training, combined with low protein intake, was not favorable to bone development in growing animals
FAPESP n. 07/55777-9 e n. 07/50009-3
OBJETIVO: Avaliar se o conteúdo de auto-anticorpos anti-LDL oxidada (anti-LDLox) no plasma de adolescentes correlaciona-se com suas medidas antropométricas e com o perfil lipídico. MÉTODOS: O estudo incluiu 150 adolescentes com idade entre 10 e 15 anos, recrutados do ambulatório de obesidade da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (SP) e de escolas públicas de Piracicaba (SP). Foram avaliadas medidas antropométricas, como índice de massa corporal, circunferência de cintura e do braço, classificando os adolescentes em eutrófico, sobrepeso e obeso. Para as análises bioquímicas, foi realizado o perfil lipídico através de métodos enzimáticos colorimétricos, e para detecção do conteúdo de auto-anticorpos anti-LDLox, utilizou-se o método de ELISA. RESULTADOS: Segundo análises das variáveis antropométricas, o grupo obeso apresentou perfil alterado em relação aos grupos eutrófico e sobrepeso (p < 0,01), indicando risco cardiovascular. Quando o perfil lipídico foi avaliado, observaram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas para as concentrações de colesterol total (p = 0,011), HDL-colesterol (p = 0,001) e LDL-colesterol (p < 0,042) nos grupos eutrófico e obeso. Para as análises de auto-anticorpos anti-LDLox plasmática, os grupos sobrepeso (p = 0,012) e obeso (p < 0,001) apresentaram valores superiores ao grupo eutrófico. Também houve correlações entre os auto-anticorpos anti-LDLox e variáveis antropométricas. CONCLUSÃO: A presença de auto-anticorpos anti-LDLox em adolescentes e as alterações metabólicas no perfil lipídico variaram de modo proporcional com parâmetros antropométricos, o que torna o conteúdo de anti-LDLox um potencial indicador bioquímico de risco para síndrome metabólica
Shot peening is a cold-working mechanical process in which a shot stream is propelled against a component surface. Its purpose is to introduce compressive residual stresses on component surfaces for increasing the fatigue resistance. This process is widely applied in springs due to the cyclical loads requirements. This paper presents a numerical modelling of shot peening process using the finite element method. The results are compared with experimental measurements of the residual stresses, obtained by the X-rays diffraction technique, in leaf springs submitted to this process. Furthermore, the results are compared with empirical and numerical correlations developed by other authors.
Background: It is recognized that the growing epidemic of metabolic syndrome is related to dietary and lifestyle changes. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate short-term application of nutritional counseling in women with metabolic syndrome. Methods: This follow-up study was conducted from September to November 2008 with thirty three women >= 35 years old screened clinically for nutritional counseling. Dietary intake was reported, and biochemical and body composition measures were taken at baseline and after three months of follow-up. Results: Of the 33 women evaluated, 29 patients completed the study. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity was high at 38%, 72.4%, 55.2%, and 75.8%, respectively. At the end of three-months of follow-up, a significant decline in body mass index, waist circumference, triceps skinfold, and triglycerides was observed, as was an increase in calcium and vitamin D intake. The multiple regression analysis showed that changes in body mass index, triceps skinfold, waist circumference and triglyceride levels after nutritional intervention were positively associated with changes in anthropometric (loss of body weight) and biochemical (decrease of TG/HDL-c ratio) parameters. Moreover, waist circumference changes were negatively associated with changes in calcium and vitamin D intake. Conclusion: Short-term nutritional counseling improved some factors of metabolic syndrome. Moreover, the increases in calcium and vitamin D consumption can be associated with the improvement in markers of metabolic syndrome.
A survey on clinical presentation and nutritional status of infants with suspected cow' milk allergy
Background: Cow's milk is the most common food allergen in infants and the diagnosis of cow's milk allergy is difficult, even with the use of several diagnostic tests. Therefore, elimination diets and challenge tests are essential for the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder. The aim of this study is to report the clinical presentation and nutritional status of children evaluated by pediatric gastroenterologists for the assessment of symptoms suggestive of cow's milk allergy. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was performed among 9,478 patients evaluated by 30 pediatric gastroenterologists for 40 days in 5 different geographical regions in Brazil. Clinical data were collected from patients with symptoms suggestive of cow's milk allergy. The nutritional status of infants (age <= 24 months) seen for the first time was evaluated according to z-scores for weight-for-age, weight-for-height, and height-for-age. Epi-Info (CDC-NCHS, 2000) software was used to calculate z-scores. Results: The prevalence of suspected cow's milk allergy in the study population was 5.4% (513/9,478), and the incidence was 2.2% (211/9,478). Among 159 infants seen at first evaluation, 15.1% presented with a low weight-for-age z score (< -2.0 standard deviation - SD), 8.7% with a low weight-for-height z score (< -2.0 SD), and 23.9% with a low height-for-age z score (< -2.0 SD). Conclusion: The high prevalence of nutritional deficits among infants with symptoms suggestive of cow's milk allergy indicates that effective elimination diets should be prescribed to control allergy symptoms and to prevent or treat malnutrition.
Phototherapy is noninvasive, painless and has no known side effect. However, for its incorporation into clinical practice, more well-designed studies are necessary to define optimal parameters for its application. The viability of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional stress irradiated with either a red laser, an infrared laser, or a red light-emitting diode (LED) was analyzed. Irradiation parameters were: red laser (660 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)), infrared laser (780 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)), and red LED (637 +/- 15 nm, 40 mW, 1 W/cm(2)). All applications were punctual and performed with a spot with 0.4 mm(2) of diameter for 4 or 8 s. The Kruskal-Wallis test and analysis of variance of the general linear model (p <= 0.05) were used for statistical analysis. After 72 h, phototherapy with low-intensity laser and LED showed no toxicity at the cellular level. It even stimulated methylthiazol tetrazolium assay (MTT) conversion and neutral red uptake of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional stress, especially in the group irradiated with infrared laser (p = 0.004 for MTT conversion and p < 0.001 for neutral red uptake). Considering the parameters and protocol of phototherapy used, it can be concluded that phototherapy stimulated the viability of fibroblasts cultured under nutritional deficit resembling those found in traumatized tissue in which cell viability is reduced. (C) 2011 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). [DOI: 10.1117/1.3602850]
Background: We evaluated growth and nutritional status of preschool children between 2 and 6 years old from low income families from 14 daycare centers. Methods: Cross-sectional study with 1544 children from daycare centers of Santo Andre, Brazil. Body weight (W), height (H) and body mass index (BMI) were classified according to the 2000 National Center for Health Statistics (CDC/NCHS). Cutoff points for nutritional disorders: -2 z scores and 2.5 and 10 percentiles for malnutrition risk, 85 to 95 percentile for overweight and above BMI 95 percentile for obesity. Stepwise Forward Regression method was used including age, gender, birth weight, breastfeeding duration, age of mother at birth and period of time they attended the daycare center. Results: Children presented mean z scores of H, W and BMI above the median of the CDC/NCHS reference. Girls were taller and heavier than boys, while we observed similar BMI between both genders. The z scores tended to rise with age. A Pearson Coefficient of Correlation of 0.89 for W, 0.93 for H and 0.95 for BMI was documented indicating positive association of age with weight, height and BMI. The frequency of children below -2 z scores was lower than expected: 1.5% for W, 1.75% for H and 0% for BMI, which suggests that there were no malnourished children. The other extremity of the distribution evidenced prevalence of overweight and obesity of 16.8% and 10.8%, respectively. Conclusion: Low income preschool children are in an advanced stage of nutritional transition with a high prevalence of overweight.
The combined effects of concentration and pH on the conformational states of bovine serum albumin (BSA) are investigated by small-angle x-ray scattering. Serum albumins, at physiological conditions, are found at concentrations of similar to 35-45 mg/mL (42 mg/mL in the case of humans). In this work, BSA at three different concentrations (10, 25, and 50 mg/mL) and pH values (2.0-9.0) have been studied. Data were analyzed by means of the Global Fitting procedure, with the protein form factor calculated from human serum albumin (HSA) crystallographic structure and the interference function described, considering repulsive and attractive interaction potentials within a random phase approximation. Small-angle x-ray scattering data show that BSA maintains its native state from pH 4.0 up to 9.0 at all investigated concentrations. A pH-dependence of the absolute net protein charge is shown and the charge number per BSA is quantified to 10(2), 8(l), 13(2), 20(2), and 26(2) for pH values 4.0, 5.4, 7.0, 8.0, and 9.0, respectively. The attractive potential diminishes as BSA concentration increases. The coexistence of monomers and dimers is observed at 50 mg/mL and pH 5.4, near the BSA isoelectric point. Samples at pH 2.0 show a different behavior, because BSA overall shape changes as a function of concentration. At 10 mg/mL, BSA is partially unfolded and a strong repulsive protein-protein interaction occurs due to the high amount of exposed charge. At 25 and 50 mg/mL, BSA undergoes some refolding, which likely results in a molten-globule state. This work concludes by confirming that the protein concentration plays an important role on the pH-unfolded BSA state, due to a delicate compromise between interaction forces and crowding effects.
We show the effects of the granular structure of the initial conditions of a hydrodynamic description of high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions on some observables, especially on the elliptic-flow parameter upsilon(2). Such a structure enhances production of isotropically distributed high-p(T) particles, making upsilon(2) smaller there. Also, it reduces upsilon(2) in the forward and backward regions where the global matter density is smaller and, therefore, where such effects become more efficacious.